Re: Simple math within an elog form, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Apr 5 18:56:48 2006
[quote="Steve Jones"][quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Steve Jones"]
Subst TotalRisk = $shell(echo $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 > /tmp/elog_out)
User review..use case: implementing GTD, posted by Marco Calf on Sat Apr 15 00:37:48 2006
Playing with elog for a day made me very happy. I was looking for a webbased thingy to support list building for 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen (
[URL=]David Allen's Getting Things Done[/URL] ).
Elog is simple, intuitative and very powerfull!
Re: Any way to move Replies from one logentry to another?, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Apr 19 04:48:43 2006
[quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Steve Jones"]Is there anyway to reattach a reply within a logbook from one logentry to another? I guess it would be "re-associate"?[/quote]
No, this is not possible directly. You would have to make a new reply, and manually fill in the contents from the original reply. It is however possible |
Re: Display legal banner, posted by Ed To on Thu May 25 02:28:27 2006
Thanks again. I got it to display my legal banner. |
Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jun 23 19:24:12 2006
[quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Steve Jones"]It appears to only be applicable when one defines conditional Options - when javascript updates the conditional
lists the input focus appears to shift to the HTML edit area. I am still running ELOG V2.6.1-1681 and this is under Windows (my test system).[/quote]
Re: Inserting images via Internet Explorer, posted by Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjos on Fri Jul 14 20:29:21 2006
[quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Elaine Cristina Franchini dos Anjos"]I observed that there is a difference between IE and others browsers.
When I use "insert image" button in Netscape, for instance,
it creates automatically a tag like [CODE][IMG]elog:1/1[/IMG][/CODE] and
Re: "Supress Email Notification" checkbox, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Oct 10 23:27:41 2006
[quote="Stefan Ritt"][b]Suppress email on edit[/b] has been implemented in the current SVN revision just similar to the [b]Suppress default[/b] flag having
possible values of 0, 1, 2 and 3.[/quote]
Re: can attrinute fields contain more that one line, posted by Grant Jeffcote on Thu Oct 19 07:00:57 2006
> > Is there any way to configure elog so that attribute fields can be edited
> > on more than line like the 'text' field?
> >