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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  65669   Fri Nov 30 08:57:54 2007 Question Adam Blandfordadamhblandford@hotmail.comQuestionWindows2.7.0-1964Display Picture in ELOG Welcome Page



I want to display an image on the title page and have put the following code into the elogd.cfg:

Welcome Title = <img src="pictures/ln2.jpg"><p><font size = 5 color=white>Welcome to My Project Log</font>

I have put the picture "ln2.jpg" in a pictures folder I have created in the root ELOG directory however the image does not show up. Any assistance would be great :)

Thanks in advance


  65674   Wed Dec 5 13:10:52 2007 Idea Adam Blandfordadamhblandford@hotmail.comRequestWindows2.7.0-1964Print Function

While it is possible to print a logbook using the standard web browser print command in the Full or Summary view, a dedicated print function allowing the user to print out a hardcopy of a particular logbook would be very helpful.



P.S. Thankyou for the response in elog:65671

  66232   Tue Mar 3 11:30:01 2009 Question Adam Blandfordahb@etw.deQuestionWindows2.7.5Hiding Comments on the Logbook Selection Page


I was just wondering if there was a way that the comments for a logbook could be set to be invisible on the Selection page but then displayed once a user has logged in to a particular logbook?

This is required for security purposes. I want a common login page which shows all logbooks, where the logbook names only have meaning for people who know them but then once logged in the comment provides additional information about that logbook.



  66444   Sat Jul 18 10:38:00 2009 Question Adam Blandfordahb@etw.deQuestionWindows2.7.5Using conditional attributes


I have a logbook including the attributes: Author, Topic Date, Phase, Reference, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration

The Phase attribute has a number of MOptions including: Design, Manufacture, Testing, Results, Transport

I only want the attributes Start Time, End Time, and Duration to be shown if the Transport Phase is selected. I have tried using the conditional attributes

MOptions Phase = Design{1}, Manufacture{1}, Testing{1}, Results{1}, Transport{2}


{1} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration
{2} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject

This works to show the attributes when the relevant Phase is selected but the Edit page shows the Phase options including the {1}/{2}. Is there are way that these conditionals are not displayed?

Also, I would like the "Duration" Atrribute to be a calculated value showing the time difference between Start Time and End Time. Is this possible?



  66445   Sat Jul 18 10:38:22 2009 Question Adam Blandfordahb@etw.deQuestionWindows2.7.5Using conditional attributes


I have a logbook including the attributes: Author, Topic Date, Phase, Reference, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration

The Phase attribute has a number of MOptions including: Design, Manufacture, Testing, Results, Transport

I only want the attributes Start Time, End Time, and Duration to be shown if the Transport Phase is selected. I have tried using the conditional attributes

MOptions Phase = Design{1}, Manufacture{1}, Testing{1}, Results{1}, Transport{2}


{1} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration
{2} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject

This works to show the attributes when the relevant Phase is selected but the Edit page shows the Phase options including the {1}/{2}. Is there are way that these conditionals are not displayed?

Also, I would like the "Duration" Atrribute to be a calculated value showing the time difference between Start Time and End Time. Is this possible?



  66446   Sat Jul 18 10:38:24 2009 Question Adam Blandfordahb@etw.deQuestionWindows2.7.5Using conditional attributes


I have a logbook including the attributes: Author, Topic Date, Phase, Reference, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration

The Phase attribute has a number of MOptions including: Design, Manufacture, Testing, Results, Transport

I only want the attributes Start Time, End Time, and Duration to be shown if the Transport Phase is selected. I have tried using the conditional attributes

MOptions Phase = Design{1}, Manufacture{1}, Testing{1}, Results{1}, Transport{2}


{1} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration
{2} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject

This works to show the attributes when the relevant Phase is selected but the Edit page shows the Phase options including the {1}/{2}. Is there are way that these conditionals are not displayed?

Also, I would like the "Duration" Atrribute to be a calculated value showing the time difference between Start Time and End Time. Is this possible?



  66447   Sat Jul 18 10:41:28 2009 Reply Adam Using conditional attributes

Sorry about the multiple entries!!! -> browser problems

  66944   Wed Nov 24 07:47:25 2010 Question Adam to overide the Date attribute?
Hi I have a logbook where I want to override the default Date attribute. I would like to set it by default to the entry date but enable the user to modify to a different date if desired. This is for entries that pertain to an activity performed on a date different to the entry date. To acheive this I have created an attribute called "Subject Date" and used preset = $date. In general this works but I would be happy to take any other suggestions on how to acheive it? Also, how do I remove the fixed "Date" attribute from the logbook summary page? I have tried: List = ID, Subject Date, Type, Subject in the config file but this doesn't appear to work? Thanks in advance! Adam
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