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  68018   Sun Jun 14 21:30:14 2015 Question Daniel Sajdykdaniel.sajdyk@gmail.comQuestionWindowsELOG V3.1.0-3c6"Preset on reply" not work?

Hi all :)

I try to setup my first lobgook, and have some problem. 

I want that Author was preset by $long_name, and it can't change its name. That works correct. I also want, when other user click Reply, that he will be author of reply, but Author windows goes emtpy... No Author, or Reply User in that field. Is it correct?

Do you have any suggestions? 

Here is part of config I use:

; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email

; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author

; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Preset on reply Author = $long_name




  324   Wed May 7 16:54:26 2003 Smile Kevin Ellwoodkevin_ellwood@yahoo.comQuestion  "Number Attachments =" not being read after upgrade

I have upgraded elog from version 2.2.4 to 2.3.6 and then entry "Number
Attachments =" is not being read.  Looking at the changelog, I found that
"Number Attachments" has been removed in favor of "enable attachments".  I
tried looking in the documentation but I can't find a discription of the way
 in which multiple attachments are handled.  Can someone give me a pointer?

  66784   Wed Apr 14 12:55:38 2010 Question Pedro Gil de Araújo Gordopedro.gordo@me.comQuestionMac OSX2.7.8"No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file" error


When I upload a message with a attachment (and also without an attachment) I get this message:

"No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file"

However the file and the text have been uploaded. So why does it gives me this message, and how do I work this out?

Best Regards


  68550   Wed Jan 18 05:25:44 2017 Question Lucarimbalzina@gmail.comQuestionLinuxELOG V3.1.1-"No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file"


I started re-using after a month an elog on my linux machine and, without any apparent reason since I did not used the machine at all in the last month, every time I try to submit a post I get the following error

"No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file".

The weird thing is that today I created a new logbook using the previous one as a template and, on the new one, I can post without problem (although the configuration is identical).

Do you know what could be causing this?



  69153   Fri May 29 09:27:32 2020 Entry Jan Just Keijserjanjust@nikhef.nlBug reportLinux3.1.4-2"New User" option does not work when Authentication=Webserver

Our setup uses "Authentication=Webserver" + no automatic user registration. Thus, logbook admins should add a user by clicking "Config"  and then "New user". However, no matter what they fill in in the "new user " dialog, as soon as they hit "Save" an error pops up saying that their username (the admin one, not the new one) already exists. I found the following code:

int save_user_config(LOGBOOK * lbs, char *user, BOOL new_user)
   char file_name[256], str[256], *pl, user_enc[256], new_pwd[80], new_pwd2[80], smtp_host[256],
       email_addr[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], subject[256], mail_text[2000], str2[256],
       admin_user[80], url[256], error[2000], sid[32];
   int i, self_register, code, first_user;
   PMXML_NODE node, subnode, npwd; 

   /* if we outsourced the authentication, use external username */
   getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str));
   if (stristr(str, "Webserver")) {
      /* do not allow HTML in user name */
      strencode2(user_enc, http_user, sizeof(user_enc));
   } else {
      strencode2(user_enc, user, sizeof(user_enc));


which seems to be the culprit:  the admin user is logged using his/her Webserver (http_user) credentials and this overrides anything that he/she might fill in.  If I remove the "Authentication" check then I can create a new user without problems.  So, how to fix this? should the "Authentication=Webserver" check be extended with a self/auto registration check?


  1535   Thu Nov 24 20:08:00 2005 Warning Yoshio ImaiBug reportLinux2.6.0beta5"Logkook dir" in top group [global] section ineffective
Hi, it's me again!

I have found one possible bug. We have declared top groups for our logbooks; one for administration and one for the shift logbooks. In the [global]-section there is a "Logbook dir"-statement of the form
Top group Admin = <...>
Top group Shiftlogs = beamtime1,beamtime2,...

Logbook dir = /data/logbooks
Now, in the [global Shiftlogs] section there is another "Logbook dir"-statement to have all associated logbooks in one tree:
[global Shiftlogs]
Logbook dir = /data/logbooks/shift-logbooks

Subdir = beamtime1
The problem is, that the manually created subdirectories /data/logbooks/shift-logbooks/beamtimeN are ignored, and the elogd creates new "Subdir"-directories /data/logbooks/beamtimeN (as if the "Logbook dir" statement in the top group [global] section were ineffective). Is this a bug or configuration error from our side?

There are also one question/request (you see that we use the elog extensively now Wink):
When searching for a particular event in our shift log using the "Find" function, it would often be useful not to go to the single entry, but to the page where that entry resides. This way we can see the whole context of the event. When clicking onto an entry in the "Find" result page, this takes us of course to the single entry, but could you add a function to go to the page instead. Alternatively, is it possible to include a button "Go to page" in the single entry view (it need not even be exactly +/-N entries around, the usual page partition would do)?

Thanks in advance.

  67896   Tue May 12 03:25:45 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.0-dev"Leave Page" pop-up when "Submit" entry
I have a little problem with elogd 3.1.0. The problem persists up to the latest ELOG version, even in the
development branch (V3.1.0-8196b81):

When I want to "Submit" a new entry, I get a javascript pop-up that asks me:

_This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved._

with the options:
"Stay on page" or "Leave page".

The entry is properly submitted if I agree to "Leave page".
But it is very confusing for my users: they are afraid to loose their entry text.

This problem only shows for some specific logbook configurations.
Below is a minimal logbook configuration that shows this problem:
if you select "entry = short", the pop-up is shown;
if you select "entry = long", the pop-up is not shown, the entry is created immediately.

Attributes = entry, when
Options entry = short{1}, long
Type when = datetime
{1} Show Attributes Edit = entry

(PS: it took me several hours to boil down my 120 line configuration into four lines :-) )
Attachment 1: elogd.png
  2178   Wed Mar 28 21:00:17 2007 Warning Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comBug reportAll | Other2.6.2-1739"Guest menu commands" not changing the menu line
I tried adding the lines below to my Global section, and while Guest access is turned on the menu line does not change. I tried searching SVN change logs for a comment regarding any 'guest' bugs but found nothing. Was this a problem at some point and fixed? I noticed that the Midas site is running 2.6.4-1814 and the guest menus work! Am I doing something wrong or was this a problem in the past?


Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Guest List Menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6