Originally, all information about our machines was stored in a spreadsheet with one sheet for the hardware of the machines and one for the software. By now, I've sucessfully moved the software part to an elog logbook and am now looking at transferring the hardware part as well.
As both lists are machine-name based, one of the options would be to merge both lists, as this would place all machine-related info into one logbook. The downside of this is that I get so many columns in list view that the result is quite unwieldy. Hence, I would like to hide some columns - ideally creating a "hardware view" and a "software view".
From the documentation, the only option I could find that seemed suitable was "List conditions". Unfortunately, I do not quite understand from the manual how this is supposed to work, so I'm quite possibly doing something wrong. I've tried this:
; General settings
List conditions = 1
; Attributes
Attributes = Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived
; Options & Tooltips
Options Type = Type1{10}, Type2{11}
; Conditionals
{10}List display = Edit, Type, Created, Status
{11}List display = Edit, Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived
but no matter how I set "Type", it does not seem to have any effect on the List display. One thing I don't understand for example is how does elog decide in List view which entry sets the condition? If all entries are set to the same value (in this example e.g. "Type1")? The first entry? Or am I missing something altogether? 
Also, if there are alternative ways how I could accomplish my goal, I'd also be most grateful for suggestions.
Thanks in advance,
Thomas |
I was just searching your online discussion forum for entries with the
word 'password' in the subject. I noticed that the 'Full' option in
the 'full/summary/threaded' line displays the results of all entries in the
logbook, and not only the entries with the word 'password' in the subject.
I think there is an error in the URL, because when looking for the word
password in the subject, the URL for the 'Full' option is:
If I change the word 'reve' in this URL to 'reversed=1', the results are
Bartjan Wattel |
one question regard Options: For e. g. I am using the following command: Options Categories = NT, 2000, XP, Linux
Now I would like to delete the entry NT. But that would cause, that NT is no longer available in the search function. So I wonder if there is a way to deactivate an attribute?
Uwe |
I am running into problems when I try and use the
Use Email From = $user_email
setting in my individual logbook configs. I had to set this field as I set a
Use Email From = real_email_address
in my global config so that the email would be sent out by the
CommunigatePro mail server.
When I made those changes though the mail was not sent and I got the
following errors in the elog log:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} NEW entry #0
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} Email from
john.habermann@wilderness.org.au to john.habermann@wilderness.org.au,
SMTP host localhost:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 220
tanami.wilderness.org.au ESMTP CommuniGate Pro 4.2.8 is glad to see you!
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog}
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} HELO tanami.wilderness.org.au
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 250
tanami.wilderness.org.au your name is not tanami.wilderness.org.au
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} MAIL FROM:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 555 syntax error in MAIL
FROM parameters
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} RCPT TO:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 501 Unknown command
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} DATA
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 501 Unknown command
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} To:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} From:
Subject: [twslog: Elog] will it work on tanami from konqueror
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} X-Mailer: Elog, Version
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} X-Elog-URL:
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005
13:48:34 +1100
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} .
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 501 Unknown command
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} QUIT
06-Feb-2005 13:48:34 [john@] {Elog} 501 Unknown command
It looks like Communigate Pro doesn't like what is being put in the From as
it complains about the syntax.
I tried the same elog.conf file on my laptop which uses a qmail server as
its SMTP and the mail was sent ok but I got mailto appearing in the from
header. I saw that elog:333 reported a similar problem but this was listed
as fixed. This is the headers from a message sent by the qmail server:
X-Gmail-Received: 04395b7bf4189dd6e4c23606ee6adbd5fdcb0e53
Delivered-To: john.haberman@gmail.com
Received: by with SMTP id q19cs16478wrq;
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:44:47 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with SMTP id q11mr64342wrq;
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:44:47 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: <john.habermann@wilderness.org.au>
Received: from mx-1.netregistry.net (mx-1.netregistry.net [])
by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id 33si43805wra.2005.;
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:44:47 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: neutral (gmail.com: is neither permitted nor
denied by best guess record for domain of
Received: from mail.ngogeeks.com ([])
by mx-1.netregistry.net with esmtp (Exim 4.20 #2 (Debian))
id 1CxcPj-0003zY-Io
for <john.habermann@wilderness.org.au>; Sun, 06 Feb 2005 13:44:43 +1100
Received: (qmail 5486 invoked by uid 1021); 6 Feb 2005 00:45:04 +0000
Received: from john.habermann@wilderness.org.au by ngogeeks.com by
uid 1012 with qmail-scanner-1.22-st-qms
(clamdscan: 0.75. spamassassin: 2.20. Clear:RC:1(
Processed in 0.363281 secs); 06 Feb 2005 00:45:04 -0000
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: john.habermann@wilderness.org.au via
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.22-st-qms (Clear:RC:1( Processed in
0.363281 secs Process 5482)
Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) (
by mail.ngogeeks.com with SMTP; 6 Feb 2005 00:45:03 +0000
From: john.habermann@wilderness.org.au
Subject: [twslog: Email] test of new elog version
X-Mailer: Elog, Version 2.5.6-1
X-Elog-URL: http://localhost:8080/Email/79
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005 13:43:31 +1000
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-1.22-st-qms: added fake MIME-Version header
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Message-ID: <11076507048355482@ngogeeks.com>
Message-Id: <E1CxcPj-0003zY-Io@mx-1.netregistry.net>
X-Spam-Score: 0.3 (/)
X-Scanner: exiscan for exim4 (http://duncanthrax.net/exiscan/)
A new entry has been submitted on localhost
Logbook : Email
Author : John Habermann
Subject : test of new elog version
Type : Other
Todo :
Logbook URL : http://localhost:8080/Email/79
Testing |