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  2084   Mon Nov 20 16:23:37 2006 Question Fergus Lynchflynch@alternativenetworks.comQuestionWindows2.6.2-1734$long_name in Moptions

Is there a way of having $long_name in 'Moptions'?

We use ELOG (amongst other things!) to allocate work out to Developers (who are all configured as ELOG users) I would like to use 'checkbox' functionality to allocate out a task to more than one developer. Currently only a single developer is chosen from a drop down list.

  65873   Wed May 7 17:10:07 2008 Question Dennis Seitzdseitz@berkeley.eduQuestionAlllatest$entry time not readable by Subst, else not datetime type?
I posted this on the end of an earlier thread but I thought it might be better to repost as a separate thread:

Thank you for pointing out the method to identify an attribute as a datetime type so that it will sort properly. I now have created my "Last Edit" attribute in several
preexisting logbooks.

I want to use
Start page = ?rsort=Last Edit
to set the default sorting of each logbook to be by Last Edit.

However, all of the entries made before I added Last Edit have no value for that field, so they are all grouped together at the end of the sort. So I
decided to go through the older entries and set Last Edit equal to the original entry date, as a starting value.

I tried to use the command
Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time
but it gives a "-" for the Last Edit value when I edit an entry.

I think this is because $entry time is not a variable supported by Subst. Can you add that support, or else tell me if you know a better way to go about
doing what I'm attempting? Is there perhaps a way to globally process a group of entries in a logbook and set one attribute's value to be equal to
another's? To reiterate, I want to initialize Last Edit = $entrytime for all entries that have not been re-edited.

  1831   Fri May 19 12:10:54 2006 Angy Fergus Lynchflynch@alternativenetworks.comRequestWindowsELOG V2.6.$datetime display
Apologies for being so dense but try as I might I cannot get the $datetime display to show only Day, Month , Year,hour and minutes, NOT seconds.

I dont nee the seconds display!

Could you please clarify the systax for me.

Many Thanks
  69424   Sat Nov 27 21:48:41 2021 Warning Chris Körnerchris.koerner@physik.uni-halle.deBug reportLinux3.14$attribute replacement fails occasionally


In our setup we have multiple logbooks. I want a convenient way to search all logbooks for an attribute (in our case with the name Sample-ID) by just clicking it in the list display of any logbook.Therefore, in the [global] section I put "List Change Sample-ID = <a href="$logbook/?all=1&Sample-ID=$Sample-ID"</a>. This transforms the attribute in list display into a hyperlink to the search results page. So far this works fine. In the results page, of course the option also applies, meaning the attribute is replaced by the link as well. But here something odd happens and the replacement does not work. The intended behavior is to replace $logbook in the link with the name of the logbook. Sometimes, however, the replacement yields something like "logbook" (missing $ and thus not replacing anything) or even weirder something like "60logbook". I have no idea what causes this.

  65761   Thu Feb 28 19:07:19 2008 Idea Yoshio ImaiRequestLinux | All2.6.5#include statements and attachment visibility

First of all, thank you again for the great software and all the support.

Recently, one collaborator here noted that it would be helpful if the preview of attached files could be disabled on a file-by-file basis (via a checkbutton next to the "Upload" button maybe?). This applies e.g. to cases where someone performs a measurement outside of routine operations and attaches the ASCII data file (preview not wanted, in particular if it contains many lines) and the graph representing the evaluation (preview wanted). The disabling should apply to both single-entry view and list view with "Show attachments" option.

Another "fancy" idea of ours would be to allow #include-like statements in the ELOG config file. E.g. if the number of logbooks gets large, people might choose to put old logbooks to an archive disk which is then stored on some shelf. If a user then wants to access these, the disk could be mounted again (say, under /elog-archive). But since we don't know which archive disk has been mounted, and in order to keep the main config file small, the best would be to have the configurations for the logbooks of each disk on the disk itself (say, in a file called additional.config). We could then have a line like
#include /elog-archive/additional.config
in the main config file. When the elogd is (re)started, it would try to include that file. If it finds none (because no archive disk is mounted) it would silently ignore this. But if it finds such a file, it would include the logbook definitions found therein.

Do you think it is possible (and preferable) to implement this?


  65890   Fri May 23 20:56:43 2008 Question Bruno Serfassserfass@berkeley.eduQuestion  "preview attachement" flag not working on thumbnails ?

I would like to turn off the display of attachements when editing an entry in some of our logbooks that contains big file. 
So I did set the flag "preview attachements"  to 0. It seems to work fine on text file attachment but 
the  thumbnails for PDF and images (very nice feature by the way!...) are still there...

How can I avoid displaying the thumbnails in the edit mode? This  is very important when the attached file is big  because
it almost makes it impossible to edit..

Thanks for your feedback!
  Draft   Thu Oct 1 15:09:17 2015 Question Jean Pierre VandecandelaereJeanPierre.Vandecandelaere@vdab.beQuestionWindows3.x.x"not a valid Win32 application" error on versions 3.x.x


we have been using elog 2.7.1 as a logbook to signal problems and so on in our Engine Room Simulator for a couple of months now. Since this is exactly what we're looking for, I've installed the latest release in our sailing simulator as well. On this occasion I thought about updating the logbook in our engine room simulator as well. Unfortunately I cannot do that, because I get the error "elogd.exe is not a valid Win32 application" with every version of elog higher than 2.9.2 (so every version 3.x.x). The difference between our two simulators is that the elog package for the sailing simulator is installed on a Windows Vista machine, while the version for the engine room simulator is installed on a Windows 2003 Server.

Question: can I get/find/compile the latest version as a Win32 application and if yes: how or where?


Jean Pierre

  1362   Mon Aug 1 11:58:43 2005 Question Kees Bolkees.bol@wur.nlInfoLinux2.6.0"full" only changes color
I have the strange problem that when changing to "full"-diplaymode the output looks the same as with "summary", only the color is different. The texts don't appear.
Any idea what can cause this behaviour?

Kees Bol
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6