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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  190   Tue Jan 7 17:49:40 2003 Idea Stefan   "User" and "Group" statements changed from Version 2.2.5
From Version 2.2.5 on, the configuration file entries

User = ...
Group = ...

have been changed to

Usr = ...
Grp = ...

in order not to conflict with the new "Group = ..." option which is used by 
hierarchical logbooks.
  69503   Tue Apr 12 08:55:55 2022 Question Gys Wuytsgys.wuyts@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.4 (latest)"User stamp" icon like Time Stamp in Body


Is there a possibility to use like the time stamp a user stamp: by clicking the button in the main text entry it adds the username, just like the time stamp button does: Tue Apr 12 08:58:46 2022 ?

I searched but I'm not sure how this would be correctly named.




  520   Thu Apr 1 20:21:26 2004 Question PJ Meyerpjm@pjmeyer.orgQuestionWindows1.35 to 2.51"Upgrading" from 1.35 to 2.52 fails
Have a working copy of 1.35 running on NT4 server.
Went to upgrade to latest version.
Stopped service, installed the 2.52 version, restarted service and when 
trying to connect get nothing but server not found, dns errors, etc.
Copy back the 1.35 elogd.exe and everything is fine - I can connect and add 
entries to log.
Copy 2.52 elogd.exe and nothing.

So being the bright boy, I unistalled E-log, went through the registry and 
yanked everything out that referenced ELOGD, rebooted, installed 2.52, made 
the necessary registry changes, started service and nothing. 

Stopped service and copied 1.35 Elogd.exe back into folder, started service, 
and everything works.

Any ideas on why 1.35 works like a charm but 2.52 won't? I've tried stepping 
back to 2.10 version before giving up.

This is a server that is patched to latest and runs quite well with 1.35.
  1569   Thu Dec 22 21:15:19 2005 Reply Edmundo T Rodriguezedrodrig@chpnet.orgRequest 2.6.0"Syntax of elogd.cfg" - Document
The document "ELOG - Syntax of elogd.cfg" is outdated!

Are we going to have an updated documented?

How much difference exists between the one posted as a reference
and new one covering all new options in ELOG?
  1937   Mon Sep 18 18:36:07 2006 Question Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comQuestionAll2.6.2-1714"Supress Email Notification" checkbox
Is there a way to allow email notification but have the "Suppress Email Notification" checked by default? We had complaints about the enormous amount of email so I turned off email notification for edits/replys, but there are times that I would like to allow email to be sent out -- this would imply allowing email by unchecking the "Suppress" box.
  66002   Tue Oct 14 10:29:34 2008 Question T. Ribbrockemgaron+elog@ribbrock.orgQuestionLinux2.7.5-2130"Style" based on two MOptions - possible?

We have a logbook in which we use two "Status" attributes, both of which are MOptions. What we want to do is have the corresponding line of the list change its colour depending on the combination of those attributes. I have done so successfully using "Style" for a single Options or MOptions or even two Options (using conditionals and a third attribute), but up until now I have no luck with two MOptions. Conditionals do not seem to work with MOptions (the manual only mentions Options and when I tried anyway, it did not work... ) and multiple "Style" statements also do not seem to work. I've tried the following:

MOptions StatusA = Status-A-red, Status-A-orange, Status-A
MOptions StatusB = Status-B-red, Status-B-orange, Status-B

Style StatusA Status-A-red = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A-orange = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-red | Status-A-orange | Status-A = background-color:red
Style StatusA Status-A-orange = background-color:orange
Style StatusA Status-A-orange | Status-A = background-color:orange
Style StatusB Status-B-red = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B-orange = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-red | Status-B-orange | Status-B = background-color:red
Style StatusB Status-B-orange = background-color:orange
Style StatusB Status-B-orange | Status-B = background-color:orange

As far as I can see, the "Style" statement for StatusB only gets evaluated if none of the statements for StatusA matches (i.e. StatusA = Status-A). What I would want to achieve is that any "red" condition in either StatusA or StatusB takes precedence over "orange" and "none" and that "orange" takes precedence over "none".

Is there any solution for this problem short of merging both status attributes into one (which would be very unwieldy, especially, as StatusB is not used at all in some cases)? Any suggestions are most welcome!

Thanks in advance,


  68781   Wed Apr 11 18:14:35 2018 Warning Michael Kelseykelsey@slac.stanford.eduBug reportMac OSX3.1.3"Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out

Hello!  The CDMS collaboration is using e-Log as one of it's issue tracking systems.  In the last few months, I have noticed a problem when either creating or editing entries from my usual Safari browser (currently 11.1 on MacOSX 10.13.4):  The [Submit] button triggers a spinning beach ball, with no connection to our e-Log server, and after several minutes, Safari complains the the page had to be reloaded, discarding all of my edits, uploads, whatever.  This used to be occasional, but in the past month it has become routine, such that the only way I can edit or create entries is by launching a different browser entirely (Firefox), just for e-Log editing.

Now, I am also seeing the same problems with Firefox, but at the "occasional" level.  The difference is that Firefox produces some diagnostic information, which is why I'm posting here.  When the browser hangs, after a short while Firefox produces a "Warning: unresponsive script" drop-down box:

Warning: unresponsive script

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.


[] Don't ask me again

[Debug script]                       [Stop script]     [Continue]

If I use the [Debug script] button, the call stack shows "onclick 681:1" -> "chkform 681:30", and the line-by-line traceback shows the chkform function:

16   var in_asend = false;
18   function chkform()
19   {
20     if (last_key == 13) {
21       var ret = confirm('Really submit this entry?');
22       if (!ret) {
23         last_key = 0;
24         return false;
25       }
26     }
28     if (autoSaveTimer != null)
29       clearTimeout(autoSaveTimer);
30     while (in_asend);               <=== This is the stuck line
31     submitted = true;
32     return true;
33   }

I presume that in_asend is supposed to get changed from false to true asynchronously, by some other parallel communication with the server. But that doesn't seem to be happening.

Does this look like an issue with the e-Log distribution? Or is there a configuration issue with our e-Log server which we could improve?

  67596   Fri Nov 1 21:47:12 2013 Question Mark"Show only new entries" stuck for one user

 For one user in our ELog installation the "Show only new entries" button seems to be stuck on one particular date and time " ...


New entries since: Tue Oct 22 10:56:27 2013


this occurs with different browsers and PC's

For other users it works as described in this forum post ...

"When you are active browsing entries, your activity is recorded (only the time) in the password file. Now when you are inactive for more than one hour, you are considered "logged out", and your last activity is taken as a filter for new entries. That means you see new entries since your last activity in the logbook. "




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