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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  1428   Wed Oct 5 13:24:52 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6.0Re: elog fails to connect with "cannot get host name: Success" message

ScottK wrote:
I can't seem to connect using elog:

elog -h <myhost>:8080 -v -l Servers -a "Type=Routine" -a "Author=ScottK" -m ~/test.txt

Maybe a

elog -h <myhost> -p 8080 -v -l .... ???
  1430   Fri Oct 7 17:18:32 2005 Idea Stefan   ELOG repository moved from CVS to Subversion
The elog repository has been moved from CVS to Subversion for various reasons. Those people who accessed the CVS repository in the past now have to do it in one of two different ways:
  • Use the new ViewCVS gateway. This gateway now can also directly produce tarballs for the current repository snapshot
  • Use anonymous Subversion access:

    svn checkout svn+ssh:// elog's password: svn
    (you might have to enter the password several times...)
    svn checkout svn+ssh:// mxml's password: svn
    (you might have to enter the password several times...)
If there is any problem accessing the new repository, please let me know.
  1449   Wed Oct 12 23:59:13 2005 Question Matt Windows2.5.4Trying to remove "mailto:" from the email address
We are using ver 2.5.4. As users enter new requests into the system, they would like email notifications. I have added the $user_email into a "notifications" section that we created. The email address that gets entered is "". Is there a way to remove the "mailto:"? Attached is my config file.

Attachment 1: elogconfig.txt
#### Open Problems

Theme = default
Comment = HIV Client Services Requests
Subdir = hivclien
Time format = %B %d, %Y 
Use Lock = 0
Reverse sort = 1
Entries per page = 999
Page Title = Work Requests

### Menu Commands

## Use this line normally 
Menu Commands = Back, List, New, Edit, Find, Last Day, Last 10, Logout, Help, Move to, Config
Find Menu Commands = Back, List, New, Find, Select, Logout, Help, Move to, Config

Allow Delete = rpeterso, pmeyer, mattkimball
Allow Config = rpeterso, pmeyer, mattkimball

Move to = Completed Work Requests
Menu text = work_requests_menu.txt
Use Email Subject = $Title
Use Email Heading = The OIS Tracking system has just received a work request. 
Use Email Heading Edit = A work request in the OIS Tracking system has just been changed. 
Email All = $Notifications, "$Also Notify (email address)",
Message comment = Please describe what you need here.
Attachment comment = Please attach screenshots or auxiliary documents here.
Display mode = summary

# Can add an edit column by putting Edit in the list, but it works a little cheesy, also, need to put edit.gif in the gif directory
List display = ID, Date, System, Title, Priority, Date Needed, Status, Work Order, Percent Complete, Expected Delivery, Estimated Hrs
Summary lines = 7
ID display = $message id

## Filter options
Quick filter = System, Priority, Status, Date, Work Order, Assigned To

##### The Good Stuff #########

### Attributes we are tracking
Attributes = Requestor, System, Subsystem, Title, Priority, Date Needed, Type, Also Notify (email address), Status, Assigned To, Percent Complete, Estimated Hrs, Actual Hrs, Date Added, Expected Delivery, Date Completed, Notifications, Requestor_Email, Completed 

### System Picking
Options System = CAREAssist{sy03}, CAREWare{sy04}, 

Options Requestor = Sharon Arnett, Annick Benson, Ryan Deibert, Vic Fox{rac}, Lisa McAuliffe, John McDaniel, Jill Snyder, Denise Skrykar, Carolyn Underwood, Other...{rzz}

### Priority -- changed from radio to regular to permit use in e-mail rules
Options Priority = A-Emergency{p1}, B-Critical{p2}, C-Other {p3}
Preset Priority = C-Other

### When it is needed (if there is a defined date)
Type Date Needed = date

### Type 
ROptions Type = Ad-hoc Query, Bug (Brk/Fix), Enhancement, Inquiry, Support, Other

### Also Notify - Just a blank field holds e-mail addresses of 
Comment Also Notify (email address) = <BR><b>Below for OIS staff only.</b>

### Status -- changed from radio to regular to permit use in e-mail, prefill, reply and lock rules 
Options Status = 1-Requested{s1}, 2-Need More Detail{s2}, 3-Estimated{s3}, 4-Assigned{s4}, 5-Delivered {s5}, 6-Closed (No Info/Dup/Not Approved){s6}
Preset Status = 1-Requested

### Work Order
ROptions Work Order = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+

### Actual Effort
Type Actual Effort = numeric
Comment Actual Effort = (in man-hours)

### Specify the day this was added
Type Date Added = date
Preset Date Added = $date

### Specify the expected delivery date
Type Expected Delivery = date

### When was the work request completed?
Type Date Completed = date

### Percent Complete
ROptions Percent Complete = 0%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100%
## Preset Percent Complete = 0%

Options Completed = Yes, No
Preset Completed = No

### Don't even know if this stuff works...
Format Assigned To = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 30, 30
Format Estimated = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 3, 3
Format Actual = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 3, 3

preset Requestor_Email = $user_email
###locked attributes = Requestor_Email

## The Status Specific Stuff
{s1} Subst Completed = No
{s1 s3 s3 s3a s4 s5 s6 s7a s7b} Subst Completed = No
{s8a s8b s8c} Subst Completed = Yes

### The System Specific Stuff

## CareAssist aka ADAP
{sy03} Options Subsystem = SpendDown, Reporting, ED!, Other
{sy03} Options Assigned To = Reginald Liggins, James Soult, 
{sy03 & s1} Preset Assigned To = James Soult
{sy03 & s1} Preset Notifications =,,,, $user_email
{sy03 & s2} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s3} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s3a} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s4} Preset Notifications =,,
{sy03 & s5} Preset Notifications =,, 
{sy03 & s6} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s7a} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s7b} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s8a} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s8b} Preset Notifications =,,,
{sy03 & s8c} Preset Notifications =,,,

## CAREWare
{sy04} Options Subsystem = Old, New, Other
{sy04} Options Assigned = Robin Peterson
{sy04} Preset Assigned To = Robin Peterson
Email System CareWare =,, $user_email

## Cashfile
{sy05} Options Subsystem = Old, New, Other, Other
{sy05} Options Assigned To = Bob Winfield, Tony Sukonik, Robin Peterson
{sy05} Preset Assigned To = Robin Peterson
{sy05} Email System Cashfile =,,

  1450   Thu Oct 13 08:32:20 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.5.4Re: Trying to remove "mailto:" from the email address

Matt Kimball wrote:
We are using ver 2.5.4. As users enter new requests into the system, they would like email notifications. I have added the $user_email into a "notifications" section that we created. The email address that gets entered is "". Is there a way to remove the "mailto:"? Attached is my config file.

The "mailto:" is there for good reason. After you submit the entry, elogd converts the "mailto:" into
<a href=""></a>

so the browser shows the email address as a link. If you click it, the browser automatically opens your email client with the email address already in the "To:" field. The same works in the main text body. So if I put "", it gets converted automatially to "", a feature many people rely on.

Now from your request it looks to me like you want email notifications, so you put
Email System CareWare = ..., $user_email

In that case the "mailto:" gets automatically stripped during the email notification, so the user_email gets entered and will be used correctly for the notification.
  1459   Thu Oct 13 19:15:48 2005 Question Carl Linux2.6New Accounts
I hope you can help me Stefan.
The problem that I am having is when someone request a account on elog I received e-mail message to activate there account. I click on the link from my e-mail to activate the account it takes me to the logon page. I log on and then I get a massage that the web does not exist.
What I found out was the elog Damon stops, and I have to restart it and everything work fine.
Here is a copy of me Elog config.

Also can you tell me how you set up the Subtext and the Show new entry buttons on the main page of the elog.

Thank for your help
  1460   Thu Oct 13 21:26:31 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6Re: New Accounts

Carl Shirey wrote:
I hope you can help me Stefan.
The problem that I am having is when someone request a account on elog I received e-mail message to activate there account. I click on the link from my e-mail to activate the account it takes me to the logon page. I log on and then I get a massage that the web does not exist.
What I found out was the elog Damon stops, and I have to restart it and everything work fine.
Here is a copy of me Elog config.

Also can you tell me how you set up the Subtext and the Show new entry buttons on the main page of the elog.

Thank for your help

I tried with the current version and could not reproduce your problem. Can you try to increase the login expiration like Login expiration = 240 for ten days. If you then click to activate an account and you have been logged in less than ten days ago, you will not be asked to logon. Does the problem then still occur?
  1464   Fri Oct 14 19:20:40 2005 Reply Carl Linux2.6Re: New Accounts

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Carl Shirey wrote:
I hope you can help me Stefan.
The problem that I am having is when someone request a account on elog I received e-mail message to activate there account. I click on the link from my e-mail to activate the account it takes me to the logon page. I log on and then I get a massage that the web does not exist.
What I found out was the elog Damon stops, and I have to restart it and everything work fine.
Here is a copy of me Elog config.

Also can you tell me how you set up the Subtext and the Show new entry buttons on the main page of the elog.

Thank for your help

I tried with the current version and could not reproduce your problem. Can you try to increase the login expiration like Login expiration = 240 for ten days. If you then click to activate an account and you have been logged in less than ten days ago, you will not be asked to logon. Does the problem then still occur?

No the problem does not occur when I am still log on.
  1474   Thu Oct 20 14:15:14 2005 Question Johan Linux2.6.0beta4Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?

Today I noticed that a user had registered without supplying an email address. I am using Self Register = 3, which means I recieve an email from elogd when a new user wants to register. Apparently, I forgot to check that the users email field was empty. This empty email field led to a situation in which no email notifications were sent to the users. The elogd log file looks like this for a user with a registered email address:

20-Oct-2005 12:20:21 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} RCPT TO: <>
20-Oct-2005 12:20:21 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} 250 Ok

while it looks like this for a user with an epmty email address:

20-Oct-2005 12:20:22 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} RCPT TO: <>
20-Oct-2005 12:20:22 [<snip>] {AGATA SDA} 501 Bad address syntax

When elogd hits this error it stops the process of sending emails, which means that no emails
at all are sent to any of the users. After manually adding the email address of the user with an empty address,
automatic email notification work again.

Is there a way to force the users to supply an email address when they register?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6