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  List of MEG publications, Page 6 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Typedown Title Conference Journal
2003ConferenceMIDAS short course13th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference 
2008ConferenceStatus of MEG: an experiment to search for the mu to e gamma decaySymposium on Muon Physics during the Workshop "Low Energy Precision Electroweak Physics in the LHC Era" 
2012ConferenceStatus and perspectives of the MEG experimentXXIV Rencontres de Blois 
2002ArticleBoiling heat transfer characteristics of liquid xenon Adv. Cryog. Eng.
2003ArticleDevelopment of a Liquid Xenon Photon Detector -Toward the Search for a Muon Rare Decay Mode at Paul Scherrer Institut- Cryogenics Engineering(in Japanese)
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2003ArticleCapacitive level meter for liquid rare gases Cryogenics
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2004ArticleDevelopment of a liquid-xenon photon detector towards the search for a muon rare decay mode at Paul Scherrer Institute Cryogenics
2004ArticleMEG goes in search of the forbidden CERN Courier
2004ArticleAbsorption of Scintillation Light in a 100L Liquid Xenon Gamma Ray Detector and Expected Detector Performance physics/0407033
2004ArticleLiquid Xe scintillation calorimetry and Xe optical properties physics/0401072
2005ArticleAbsorption of scintillation light in a 100 L liquid xenon gamma-ray detector and expected detector performance NIMA
2005ArticleDevelopment of a Method for Liquid Xenon Purification Using a Cryogenic Centrifugal Pump TEION KOGAKU (J. Cryo. Soc. Jpn.) , in Japanese
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2006ArticleDevelopment of a Method for Liquid Xenon Purification Using a Cryogenic Centrifugal Pump Cryogenics
2006ArticleLiquid xenon scintillation calorimetry and Xe optical properties  Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on
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2006ArticleA radioactive point-source lattice for calibrating and monitoring the liquid xenon calorimeter of the MEG experiment NIMA
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2006ArticleA cryogenic facility for testing the PMTs of the MEG liquid xenon calorimeter. Nucl.Instrum.Meth.

We built and operated a cryogenic facility for testing in liquid xenon the photomultipliers (PMTs) to be used in the electromagnetic calorimeter of the MEG experiment. In this paper we describe the working principle of the facility and we report on the characteristics measured for some PMTs.

Keywords: Photomultipliers; Calibration; Liquid xenon; Calorimeters; Scintillation light, detectors, cryogenic detectors

PACS classification codes: 85.60.Ha; 06.20.Fn; 07.20.Mc; 07.20.Fw; 29.40.Mc
2006Article Performance of the Domino Ring Sampler in the MAGIC experiment Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
2009ArticleDevelopment of a large volume zero boil-off liquid xenon storage system for muon rare decay experiment (MEG) Cryogenics
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2010ArticleA limit for the mu -> e gamma decay from the MEG experiment Nuclear Physics B
A search for the decay mu -> e gamma, performed at PSI and
based on data from the initial three months of operation of the MEG
experiment, yields an upper limit
BR(mu -> e gamma) < 2.8 x 10**-11 (90% C.L.).
Positrons and photons from ~ 10**14 stopped mu-decays
were measured by a superconducting positron spectrometer and a
900 litre liquid xenon photon detector.


2010ArticleApplication of the DRS Chip for Fast Waveform Digitizing  NIMA
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