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icon4.gif   Response is very slow with beta3, posted by PJ Meyer on Thu Jul 28 04:27:30 2005 
I finally got 2.60 Beta3 running on my server (explicit statements in cfg for most of the defaults)

Now I'm seeing a veerrry slooooow response time - over 3 minutes to open a logbook vs 10 sec in 2.54
Utilization of CPU runs to 60% on elogd.

Tried slimning down elog.cfg, 'emptying' userlog file (actually renamed so Elog created a new one).

Still 2.60b3 is very slow to respond.

When I rolled back to 2.54 speed was fast again.

Any ideas?

this is on a dual processor Win2000 server with 2 gb memory.

attached is the elog.cfg if that helps.

i'm stumped

7/28 Follow-up testing and trials

When I stopped using a password file - speed was quick and responsive (on test book with no password file speed was good which got me thinking about the password file)
When I added back in the 'old' xml password file - slow response
I created new password file with only one user - slow response (took almost 3 minutes to save new account)

I've attached the password file so you can try it out if yo want....

This has me very stumped.
    icon2.gif   Re: Response is very slow with beta3, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Wed Aug 3 13:01:17 2005 

PJ Meyer wrote:
I finally got 2.60 Beta3 running on my server (explicit statements in cfg for most of the defaults)

Now I'm seeing a veerrry slooooow response time - over 3 minutes to open a logbook vs 10 sec in 2.54
Utilization of CPU runs to 60% on elogd.

Tried slimning down elog.cfg, 'emptying' userlog file (actually renamed so Elog created a new one).

Still 2.60b3 is very slow to respond.

When I rolled back to 2.54 speed was fast again.

Any ideas?

this is on a dual processor Win2000 server with 2 gb memory.

attached is the elog.cfg if that helps.

i'm stumped

7/28 Follow-up testing and trials

When I stopped using a password file - speed was quick and responsive (on test book with no password file speed was good which got me thinking about the password file)
When I added back in the 'old' xml password file - slow response
I created new password file with only one user - slow response (took almost 3 minutes to save new account)

I've attached the password file so you can try it out if yo want....

This has me very stumped.

I can confirm .. it's very very slow for me too:

munmap(0xb7db4000, 4096)                = 0
select(1024, [5], NULL, NULL, {6, 0})   = 1 (in [5], left {5, 996000})
recv(5, "GET /calendar_filter/imgs/window"..., 100000, 0) = 485
open("/usr/share/elog/scripts/calendar_filter/imgs/window_close.gif", O_RDONLY) = 6
close(6)                                = 0
open("/usr/share/elog/scripts/calendar_filter/imgs/window_close.gif", O_RDONLY) = 6
lseek(6, 0, SEEK_END)                   = 648
lseek(6, 0, SEEK_CUR)                   = 648
lseek(6, 0, SEEK_SET)                   = 0
time([1123066183])                      = 1123066183
read(6, "GIF89a\20\0\20\0\306`\0\16\26 \r\27!\16\30!\24 .\25 .I"..., 648) = 648
close(6)                                = 0
send(5, "HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows\r\nS"..., 879, 0) = 879
close(5)                                = 0
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 0 (Timeout)
select(1024, [3], NULL, NULL, {1, 0})   = 1 (in [3], left {0, 81000})
accept(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(57723), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 5
time(NULL)                              = 1123066193
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0)         = 6
connect(6, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/.nscd_socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
= 0

for every image elog has to serve one can see something similar to the above ... lot of time lost in selects.. then a lot of data (serving an image I suppose), then a lot of time in select again and again ... untill everything is sent, in a couple of minutes or more Crying

Maybe an issue related to the dns search you introduced in order to guess the correct host name ?? ..
       icon2.gif   Re: Response is very slow with beta3, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 3 22:44:43 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
for every image elog has to serve one can see something similar to the above ... lot of time lost in selects.. then a lot of data (serving an image I suppose), then a lot of time in select again and again ... untill everything is sent, in a couple of minutes or more Crying

Maybe an issue related to the dns search you introduced in order to guess the correct host name ?? ..

This is strange to me, since I did not change anything which could slow down the server this much. The dns search your mentioned is only evaluated once on startup of elogd, so it cannot be the cause. The select() statements with Timeouts are normal. If there is no HTTP request (elogd is idling), the select should time out after one second, to be able to check a changed config file for example. If a HTTP request arrives, the select() call is immediately terminated and the request served.

There is however some problem with DNS server which I saw on If the DNS host name resolution is slow due to a slow DNS server, this could slow down elogd considerably significantly, but only occasionally. I saw elogd hanging on like once or twice a day for ~30 seconds.

I order to address this problem, I imlemented a global flag "resolve host names = 0|1". The default is "0", which means that elogd does not contact the DNS server, and rather save the raw IP address in log files etc.

Can you check the CVS version and see if it makes any difference?
          icon2.gif   Re: Response is very slow with beta3, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Thu Aug 4 11:19:53 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
for every image elog has to serve one can see something similar to the above ... lot of time lost in selects.. then a lot of data (serving an image I suppose), then a lot of time in select again and again ... untill everything is sent, in a couple of minutes or more Crying

Maybe an issue related to the dns search you introduced in order to guess the correct host name ?? ..

This is strange to me, since I did not change anything which could slow down the server this much. The dns search your mentioned is only evaluated once on startup of elogd, so it cannot be the cause. The select() statements with Timeouts are normal. If there is no HTTP request (elogd is idling), the select should time out after one second, to be able to check a changed config file for example. If a HTTP request arrives, the select() call is immediately terminated and the request served.

There is however some problem with DNS server which I saw on If the DNS host name resolution is slow due to a slow DNS server, this could slow down elogd considerably significantly, but only occasionally. I saw elogd hanging on like once or twice a day for ~30 seconds.

I order to address this problem, I imlemented a global flag "resolve host names = 0|1". The default is "0", which means that elogd does not contact the DNS server, and rather save the raw IP address in log files etc.

Can you check the CVS version and see if it makes any difference?

No, ok it appears to be a very strange problem related to my JS calendar filter ... I'll change it's state to beta in contributions, but the very strange thing is that it works fine when no stunnel is used ...
icon1.gif   Summary page, posted by Dinesh Bapat on Mon Jul 25 10:14:27 2005 

This might be a stupid question.

But I was unable to fix it. Hence asking for help. I have set config as

List Display = ID, Author, Type, When, Subject

But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column. Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Thank you


    icon2.gif   Re: Summary page, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 25 10:24:23 2005 

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column.

Summary lines = 0

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Yes, via the Cascading Style Sheets, but only for the single display page. First put a

Format Author = 0, author_name, author_value

then put into your default.css following sections:
.author_name {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.author_value {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

Here you can then play with the width, font-size etc. I use this for example for the large subject dispaly in this forum.

On the list display however, the column width is determined by the browser, which tries to optimally arrange the colums for best readability.
       icon14.gif   Re: Summary page, posted by Dinesh Bapat on Mon Aug 1 06:14:41 2005 

Thank you very much.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
But "Summary" page of my e-log continues to display additional column "Text". Kindly advise how to hide this last column.

Summary lines = 0

Dinesh Bapat wrote:
Also, is it possible to assign % width for each of these columns (ID, Author, Type, When, Subject)

Yes, via the Cascading Style Sheets, but only for the single display page. First put a

Format Author = 0, author_name, author_value

then put into your default.css following sections:
.author_name {
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

.author_value {
  border:1px solid #308000;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

Here you can then play with the width, font-size etc. I use this for example for the large subject dispaly in this forum.

On the list display however, the column width is determined by the browser, which tries to optimally arrange the colums for best readability.
icon5.gif   attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Kees Bol on Wed Jul 27 16:46:44 2005 scrap.PNG
In order to enter different logdates we created the attribute 'Logdate' as follows:

Attributes = Logdate, Author, Type, Subject
Type Logdate = datetime
Preset Logdate = $date
List Display = ID, Logdate, Author, Type, Subject
Start page = ?rsort=Logdate

Time format = "%d-%b-%y %H:%M"
Date format = %d-%b-%y

However some unexpected things happen:
1) when sorting on Logdate the sorting is incorrect
2) I expected some kind of fieldchecking when filling this field, however you can enter any text.

What goes wrong here?

    icon2.gif   Re: attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 27 21:22:47 2005 datesort.jpg

Kees Bol wrote:
What goes wrong here?

The wrong sorting is a mystery to me. I redid what you have, and entered exactly the same entries, and got following:

As you can see, the sorting is quite different. What happens if you reload the page, what if you restart elogd?

As for the missing validity check for the date field, all what was missing was the year check. I added that.
       icon2.gif   Re: attribute of type "datetime" sorted incorrectly, posted by Kees Bol on Thu Jul 28 09:46:40 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Kees Bol wrote:
What goes wrong here?

The wrong sorting is a mystery to me. I redid what you have, and entered exactly the same entries, and got following:

As you can see, the sorting is quite different. What happens if you reload the page, what if you restart elogd?

As for the missing validity check for the date field, all what was missing was the year check. I added that.

Stefan, I think it has something to do with version 2.57-1. Yesterday evening I installed V2.60 and there was a big difference. All entries of Logdate were changed in 1-jan-70 and when entering/editing an entry I now get the calendar and clock. So everything, including sorting, looks good now.

icon1.gif   hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Wed Jul 20 19:49:21 2005 
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the great work. We have been using elog for a year as inventory management.

Now we have a long list of attributes in our logbook, some of those we want to keep in database for record, but we don't want to see them because they are not used very often. I tried the "Show Attributes". my conf is like this:

Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, Main Function, Location, Memory, CPU Speed, Num CPU, Owner, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Bought From, Bought Date, Maintenance, Network Drop, Console Drop
Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

but it seems only effective when adding the new entry. All the attributes will show in logbook. Is there a way to hide some of the attributes? It would be good to let each user to choose what to see what not to see, create their own view. Can you put it on your to-do list or wishlist?

    icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 20 23:24:59 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
but it seems only effective when adding the new entry. All the attributes will show in logbook. Is there a way to hide some of the attributes? It would be good to let each user to choose what to see what not to see, create their own view. Can you put it on your to-do list or wishlist?

I implemented your request and committed to CVS. Please test if it does what you want, since I did not have much time to test it.
       icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Fri Jul 22 17:21:15 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Juliana Peng wrote:
but it seems only effective when adding the new entry. All the attributes will show in logbook. Is there a way to hide some of the attributes? It would be good to let each user to choose what to see what not to see, create their own view. Can you put it on your to-do list or wishlist?

I implemented your request and committed to CVS. Please test if it does what you want, since I did not have much time to test it.

Thanks so much. But the new feature seems not working. If my conf is:

Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

When I choose linux OS, is it supposed to get only the attributes in "Show Attributes"? All the attributes show up. Or you implemented it in other way?
          icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Fri Jul 22 17:54:41 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Juliana Peng wrote:
but it seems only effective when adding the new entry. All the attributes will show in logbook. Is there a way to hide some of the attributes? It would be good to let each user to choose what to see what not to see, create their own view. Can you put it on your to-do list or wishlist?

I implemented your request and committed to CVS. Please test if it does what you want, since I did not have much time to test it.

Thanks so much. But the new feature seems not working. If my conf is:

Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

When I choose linux OS, is it supposed to get only the attributes in "Show Attributes"? All the attributes show up. Or you implemented it in other way?

Sorry, I mean choose SunOs
             icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 22 22:45:37 2005 d1.gifd2.gif

Juliana Peng wrote:
Thanks so much. But the new feature seems not working.

Are you sure you got the latest CVS version and recompiled correctly?

I tried with following config:
port = 8080

Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, Main Function, Location, Memory, CPU Speed, Num CPU, Owner, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Bought From, Bought Date, Maintenance, Network Drop, Console Drop
Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

Then I added two entries, where OS = SunOS and Aix. As soon as I select SunOS, the attributes except those listed in {1} disappear. The same is true then for the single entry display. Here is the one with the Aix:

and here with SunOS:

So can you reproduce this?
                icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Mon Jul 25 22:32:10 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Juliana Peng wrote:
Thanks so much. But the new feature seems not working.

Are you sure you got the latest CVS version and recompiled correctly?

I tried with following config:
port = 8080

Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, Main Function, Location, Memory, CPU Speed, Num CPU, Owner, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Bought From, Bought Date, Maintenance, Network Drop, Console Drop
Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

Then I added two entries, where OS = SunOS and Aix. As soon as I select SunOS, the attributes except those listed in {1} disappear. The same is true then for the single entry display. Here is the one with the Aix:

and here with SunOS:

So can you reproduce this?

I downloaded Revision 1.717, replaced the source code with the new elogd.c, then run " dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b"
(debian linux) to build the package. Now after i add a new entry, once I select it I got "
Attachment #1 of entry #0 not found" error
                   icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 09:38:07 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
I downloaded Revision 1.717, replaced the source code with the new elogd.c, then run " dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b"
(debian linux) to build the package. Now after i add a new entry, once I select it I got
"Attachment #1 of entry #0 not found" error

I fixed that bug in Revision 1.722
                icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Tue Jul 26 16:44:41 2005 Screenshot.jpg

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Juliana Peng wrote:
Thanks so much. But the new feature seems not working.

Are you sure you got the latest CVS version and recompiled correctly?

I tried with following config:
port = 8080

Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, Main Function, Location, Memory, CPU Speed, Num CPU, Owner, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Bought From, Bought Date, Maintenance, Network Drop, Console Drop
Options OS = SunOs{1}, Linux{2}, Aix
{1} Show Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, OS, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description

Then I added two entries, where OS = SunOS and Aix. As soon as I select SunOS, the attributes except those listed in {1} disappear. The same is true then for the single entry display. Here is the one with the Aix:

and here with SunOS:

So can you reproduce this?

Thanks. But what I want is to hide the unwanted attributes at summary view, not just hide them when I click on entry.

Here is the example, can i hide the attributes at this page when I select SunOS:

                   icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 16:50:59 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
Thanks. But what I want is to hide the unwanted attributes at summary view, not just hide them when I click on entry.

No you can't do that.

Assume that you have different types of entries, ones where your unwanted attributes are missing and ones where they are present. If you would hide them, they would be missing even for the entries where you want them. Or you would change the table layout for every line, meaning that attributes which are common in all entries do not line up nicely below each other.

An other approach would be to make elog hide those columns which do not contain any value in the whole page, but that is not (yet) implemented.
                      icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Tue Jul 26 17:28:31 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Juliana Peng wrote:
Thanks. But what I want is to hide the unwanted attributes at summary view, not just hide them when I click on entry.

No you can't do that.

Assume that you have different types of entries, ones where your unwanted attributes are missing and ones where they are present. If you would hide them, they would be missing even for the entries where you want them. Or you would change the table layout for every line, meaning that attributes which are common in all entries do not line up nicely below each other.

An other approach would be to make elog hide those columns which do not contain any value in the whole page, but that is not (yet) implemented.

I may have all the attributes in logbook to keep a full record of all the machine. But for daily use, some of the attibutes we are not using so often. Too many attributes will make the window so big that can not be hold in one screen which is the reason why I want to hide some of them. Of course the hidden attributes have data, but those data are rarely used so we'd rather hide them.

Since "show attributes" prevent from inputing attributes, may not be suitable in this case. We appreciate if you can impletement a new feature like "view attibutes" which do not affect adding new entry, just hide attributes at summary view.
                         icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 20:35:45 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
I may have all the attributes in logbook to keep a full record of all the machine. But for daily use, some of the attibutes we are not using so often. Too many attributes will make the window so big that can not be hold in one screen which is the reason why I want to hide some of them. Of course the hidden attributes have data, but those data are rarely used so we'd rather hide them.

Since "show attributes" prevent from inputing attributes, may not be suitable in this case. We appreciate if you can impletement a new feature like "view attibutes" which do not affect adding new entry, just hide attributes at summary view.

Use "list display = <attribute list>" to specify which attributes to show in the listing page. RTFM.
                            icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Tue Jul 26 22:05:24 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Use "list display = <attribute list>" to specify which attributes to show in the listing page. RTFM.

Thanks. "List display" is what we need.

But is there a way to control to hide or view the attributes? so that we don't need to change the elog.conf file each time.

For example, add a menu "expend" in "Find menu commands", we can click to view all the attributes or just view the attributes defined in "List Display"

Or use "{1} List Display = ....", we can view all the attributes at list page, but if selecting SunOS, only show attributes in List Display
                               icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 27 09:07:17 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
But is there a way to control to hide or view the attributes? so that we don't need to change the elog.conf file each time.

For example, add a menu "expend" in "Find menu commands", we can click to view all the attributes or just view the attributes defined in "List Display"

Or use "{1} List Display = ....", we can view all the attributes at list page, but if selecting SunOS, only show attributes in List Display

In that case I would suggest two separate logbooks, for for SunOS and one for others. This way you can manage two separate sets of attributes.
                                  icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Wed Jul 27 15:49:16 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

In that case I would suggest two separate logbooks, for for SunOS and one for others. This way you can manage two separate sets of attributes.

We don't want separate logbooks, sorry for the misleading. I was trying to put two request together.

1. We have several user using the logbook. Is there a way each one has his own "List Display". In our case the user also is an attribute(SysAdmin) in logbook:

Attributes = Name, SysAdmin, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, ENV, Main Function, Location, Memory, CPU Speed, Num CPU, Owner, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Bought From, Bought Date, Maintenance, Network Drop,Console Drop
Options SysAdmin = user1{1}, user2{2}, user3{3}

so one way we can think of is using "{1} List Display = ...."
"{2} List Display = ...."
"{3} List Display = ...."
because most of the time the user is interested in his own machine. Maybe you have better suggestion.

2. We need to change elog.conf file to use or not use "List Display". Is there a way to control it through web? If this is not applicable. It's fine, we won't change the view frequently.
                                     icon2.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 27 15:56:53 2005 

Juliana Peng wrote:
We don't want separate logbooks, sorry for the misleading. I was trying to put two request together.

I understood you correctly. What I was trying to say is that what you currently request possible with the current version and will not be implemented soon. But you can partly obtain what you want by having two logbooks. Make one logbook which has fewer attributes, and which will receive all SunOS entries. Make another one with all the attributes. Although this will become separate logooks, you can "think" of them as one logbook with two different sections. There is even the trick of forcing the data directory to be the same (via the "data dir") option, so both logbooks will "look" at the same database. Make one logbook the "master" having all the attributes. That's where you enter your information. Them make one or more logbooks looking at the same data, but make them read-only. Each logbook can have a separate set of attributes, access rights etc, but all of them show the same data.

I know this is not the perfect solution, but at least something which can be done already now.
                                        icon7.gif   Re: hide attributes when view the logbook, posted by Juliana Peng on Wed Jul 27 16:31:33 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I understood you correctly. What I was trying to say is that what you currently request possible with the current version and will not be implemented soon. But you can partly obtain what you want by having two logbooks. Make one logbook which has fewer attributes, and which will receive all SunOS entries. Make another one with all the attributes. Although this will become separate logooks, you can "think" of them as one logbook with two different sections. There is even the trick of forcing the data directory to be the same (via the "data dir") option, so both logbooks will "look" at the same database. Make one logbook the "master" having all the attributes. That's where you enter your information. Them make one or more logbooks looking at the same data, but make them read-only. Each logbook can have a separate set of attributes, access rights etc, but all of them show the same data.

I know this is not the perfect solution, but at least something which can be done already now.

Thank you so much. We'll try it. Waiting for your next version.
icon5.gif   Restrict Top Groups to logged-in users?, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 17:57:36 2005 

I'd like to be able to prevent non-logged-in users from seeing what logbooks exist in a top group. Currently it seems that one is only required to log in once one has chosen a logbook. Is this possible?

    icon2.gif   Re: Restrict Top Groups to logged-in users?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 20:32:02 2005 

Chris Green wrote:
I'd like to be able to prevent non-logged-in users from seeing what logbooks exist in a top group. Currently it seems that one is only required to log in once one has chosen a logbook. Is this possible?

To protect the logbook selection page, you put the "password file = <file>" into the [global] section or the [global <top group>] section. So "hide" the top group selection page, you put a "show top groups = 0" into the [global] section.
       icon2.gif   Re: Restrict Top Groups to logged-in users?, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 20:51:10 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Chris Green wrote:
I'd like to be able to prevent non-logged-in users from seeing what logbooks exist in a top group. Currently it seems that one is only required to log in once one has chosen a logbook. Is this possible?

To protect the logbook selection page, you put the "password file = <file>" into the [global] section or the [global <top group>] section. So "hide" the top group selection page, you put a "show top groups = 0" into the [global] section.

I already had the "password file = <file>" in the [global <top group>] section but I was still able to see the logbooks in that section. Neither moving the password line to [global] nor setting Show Top Groups = 0 helped. Am I doing something wrong?

          icon2.gif   Re: Restrict Top Groups to logged-in users?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 21:11:31 2005 

Chris Green wrote:
I already had the "password file = <file>" in the [global <top group>] section but I was still able to see the logbooks in that section. Moving the password line to [global] and / or setting Show Top Groups = 0 helped. Am I doing something wrong?

If you move the "password file = <file>" entry around, you can get fooled by stored cookies. So after each modification, make sure to delete all cookies in your browser.
             icon2.gif   Re: Restrict Top Groups to logged-in users?, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 21:54:39 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

If you move the "password file = <file>" entry around, you can get fooled by stored cookies. So after each modification, make sure to delete all cookies in your browser.

This didn't work, but after corresponding with Stefan privately, the following did:

Show Top Groups = 1

[global top_group]
Protect selection page = 1
Password file = papers.pwd

Thanks again, Stefan.
icon5.gif   New and reply pages don't use Page Title, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 17:41:10 2005 
Is this intentional, or can it be changed? I'd like every page associated with a particular logbook to use that logbook's page title as at least part of its own.

Also, is it possible to have a reply comment in the same way as one has a message comment?

    icon2.gif   Re: New and reply pages don't use Page Title, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 20:23:33 2005 

Chris Green wrote:
I'd like every page associated with a particular logbook to use that logbook's page title as at least part of its own.

On the list page, you can use "summary page title = <title>". Since this option is misleading, I renamed it to "List page title = <title>". Then I added "edit page title = <title>". Modifications are in CVS.

Chris Green wrote:
Also, is it possible to have a reply comment in the same way as one has a message comment?

I added "reply comment = <comment>"

So, that gave another two options. With all that many options it's hard to read through the configuration documentation. So if you have time and fun doing it, you could restructure the documentation page into some separate pages, to give people a better overview. Please send the modified pages back to me and I will include them on the web site.
       icon2.gif   Re: New and reply pages don't use Page Title, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 21:05:26 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:
So if you have time and fun doing it, you could restructure the documentation page into some separate pages, to give people a better overview. Please send the modified pages back to me and I will include them on the web site.

I'll try to put this together in the next week or two. Thanks for all your help,
icon1.gif   Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Chris Green on Mon Jul 25 23:39:16 2005 

I have two problems:

1) With the configuration below, I can't set the Author attribute to be the author of the reply. As written, it gives the Author field as blank. If the Remove on Reply line is removed, it is set to the parent's author. What am I doing wrong?

2) With the Page Title line set as shown, $logbook gets expanded as "Charged+Current+Pi+Plus". If the line is left blank, the correct "Charged Current Pi Plus" gets put in the title line.

Thanks for any help,

Top Group MiniBooNE Papers = Charged Current Pi Plus, Neutral Current Coherent Pions

[global MiniBooNE Papers]
Password file = papers.pwd
Self register = 3
Menu commands = List, New, Last day, Download, Reply, Duplicate, Find, Config, Delete, Help
Admin user = admin1, admin2
Allow Delete = admin1, admin2
Restrict edit time = 0
Attributes = Author, Subject, Keywords
MOptions Keywords = Structure, Physics, "Spelling, grammar and typos.", Plots
Required Attributes = Subject, Keywords
Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry
Remove on reply = Author
Preset Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Omit Email To = 1
Reverse sort = 1
Page Title = MiniBooNE papers comments page: $logbook

[Charged Current Pi Plus]
Comment = Charged current pi plus paper.
Theme = default

[Neutral Current Coherent Pions]
    icon1.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jul 26 10:00:34 2005 

Chris Green wrote:

I have two problems:

1) With the configuration below, I can't set the Author attribute to be the author of the reply. As written, it gives the Author field as blank. If the Remove on Reply line is removed, it is set to the parent's author. What am I doing wrong?

Subst on reply Author = $long_name
    icon1.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 10:02:58 2005 

Chris Green wrote:
1) With the configuration below, I can't set the Author attribute to be the author of the reply. As written, it gives the Author field as blank. If the Remove on Reply line is removed, it is set to the parent's author. What am I doing wrong?

Hey, elog made it to MiniBooNE! I'm working on MEG...

What you need is the following:
Preset on reply subject = Re: $subject
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

The Subst statements work after the entry gets submitted, while the preset statements work before. So Preset on Reply <attribute> is what you need.

Chris Green wrote:
2) With the Page Title line set as shown, $logbook gets expanded as "Charged+Current+Pi+Plus". If the line is left blank, the correct "Charged Current Pi Plus" gets put in the title line.

The substitution $logbook originally produces a valid URL to the logbook, and thus replaces blanks by "+". I changed that so that $logbook produces the original name containing blanks, and $elogbook is the encoded one with the "+"'s. The change is in revision 1.723
       icon1.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jul 26 10:49:12 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Chris Green wrote:
1) With the configuration below, I can't set the Author attribute to be the author of the reply. As written, it gives the Author field as blank. If the Remove on Reply line is removed, it is set to the parent's author. What am I doing wrong?

Hey, elog made it to MiniBooNE! I'm working on MEG...

What you need is the following:
Preset on reply subject = Re: $subject
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

The Subst statements work after the entry gets submitted, while the preset statements work before. So Preset on Reply <attribute> is what you need.

Depending of what your paranoia level is Smile
Substitute is the only way I have to be assure it is as I want ... yes, in real life nobody of my users will never try to change the generated HTML ad replace by hand the Author, but ... Tongue
          icon2.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 10:51:12 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Substitute is the only way I have to be assure it is as I want ...

No, that's not true. A
Locked attributes = Author

will do the job as well.
             icon2.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jul 26 10:55:03 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Substitute is the only way I have to be assure it is as I want ...

No, that's not true. A
Locked attributes = Author

will do the job as well.

I can't argue how it works ...
The following code will assure that, if the HTML generated by elog would be modified by hand by a malicious user the server can still preset the author field with the right $long_name?
Locked attributes = Author
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name

how works in details the "Locked Attribute" parameter then ?? ...
                icon2.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 26 10:59:45 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
The following code will assure that, if the HTML generated by elog would be modified by hand by a malicious user the server can still preset the author field with the right $long_name?

Ok, you're right. But that requires quite some knowledge to change the generated HTML by hand. So for paranoiac people the "Subst" might be better. Actually you could have both the "Preset on Reply" and the "Subst on Reply", so on the reply entry form one sees already the correct author.
                   icon2.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jul 26 12:02:35 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
The following code will assure that, if the HTML generated by elog would be modified by hand by a malicious user the server can still preset the author field with the right $long_name?

Ok, you're right. But that requires quite some knowledge to change the generated HTML by hand. So for paranoiac people the "Subst" might be better. Actually you could have both the "Preset on Reply" and the "Subst on Reply", so on the reply entry form one sees already the correct author.

It's my actual configuration infact Wink
    icon7.gif   Re: Can't set Author attribute properly in reply?, posted by Chris Green on Tue Jul 26 17:32:59 2005 
Thanks for this, gents.

icon5.gif   <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Fri Jul 8 19:08:30 2005 
My goal is to be able to do the following :

Display Category = $category <img src="icons/$category.png" border="0">

This way one can add a self explaining icon to the attribute or just replaceing it (only in visualization)

Is there another method to accomplish this ? otherwise I's in my wish list Smile
    icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 8 22:18:01 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
My goal is to be able to do the following :

Display Category              = $category <img src="icons/$category.png" border="0">

This way one can add a self explaining icon to the attribute or just replaceing it (only in visualization)

Is there another method to accomplish this ? otherwise I's in my wish list Smile

Ok, it's implemented in CVS.
       icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Sat Jul 9 16:06:58 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
My goal is to be able to do the following :

Display Category              = $category <img src="icons/$category.png" border="0">

This way one can add a self explaining icon to the attribute or just replaceing it (only in visualization)

Is there another method to accomplish this ? otherwise I's in my wish list Smile

Ok, it's implemented in CVS.

Still a problem .. sorry:
Options Category              = Info,Report,Problem{1},Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Level              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$level

when I try to use this featur on a conditional attr it is ignored .. If I remove the {1} it is obviously showed .. but also when no $level is defined (taht is infact not what should be)...

BTW, is it possible to not show conditional attributes in mail and in "single entry" view? .. it's quite strange to ave a "Level" of a "Misure", not a "Problem" Tongue

thank you in advance Smile
          icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 11 13:13:27 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Still a problem .. sorry:
Options Category              = Info,Report,Problem{1},Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Level              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$level

when I try to use this featur on a conditional attr it is ignored .. If I remove the {1} it is obviously showed .. but also when no $level is defined (taht is infact not what should be)...

BTW, is it possible to not show conditional attributes in mail and in "single entry" view? .. it's quite strange to ave a "Level" of a "Misure", not a "Problem" Tongue

thank you in advance Smile

Well, that's not the way condition attributes are supposed to work. They were designed to modify the new entry input mask, to have diefferent option lists depending on the value of an attribute. But conditional attributes do not have any meaning for normal display and for email notification. This would have to be implemented and is quite some work. So I would put following in your config:
Options Category              = Info{1},Report{1},Problem{2},Other{1}
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Level              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$level
{2}Preset Level               = N/A

is not as nice as having this attribute not shown at all, but that's the only choice one has right now Crying .

Another thing: you maybe realized that putting <img> in the subject of your orignal entry results in a missing image. That's a nasty side effect of your wish to have any <img> interpreted as HTML. Of course you could argue that <img> is not a real HTML statement because the source is missing, but then another one will come and put there a subject like: "I want an <img src="bla.gif"> in my config" and bang, we are back to the same problem. So if anyone has a clever idea of how to solve this, please let me know. Maybe one should be able to put a "\" in front of any code (also the ELCode tags) to not interprete them by the system. But while this is maybe obvious for a C programmer or shell programmer, the normal user might not find this so obvious.
             icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jul 11 14:30:11 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
Still a problem .. sorry:
Options Category              = Info,Report,Problem{1},Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Level              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$level

when I try to use this featur on a conditional attr it is ignored .. If I remove the {1} it is obviously showed .. but also when no $level is defined (taht is infact not what should be)...

BTW, is it possible to not show conditional attributes in mail and in "single entry" view? .. it's quite strange to ave a "Level" of a "Misure", not a "Problem" Tongue

thank you in advance Smile

Well, that's not the way condition attributes are supposed to work. They were designed to modify the new entry input mask, to have diefferent option lists depending on the value of an attribute. But conditional attributes do not have any meaning for normal display and for email notification. This would have to be implemented and is quite some work. So I would put following in your config:
Options Category              = Info{1},Report{1},Problem{2},Other{1}
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Level              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$level
{2}Preset Level               = N/A

is not as nice as having this attribute not shown at all, but that's the only choice one has right now Crying .

Another thing: you maybe realized that putting <img> in the subject of your orignal entry results in a missing image. That's a nasty side effect of your wish to have any <img> interpreted as HTML. Of course you could argue that <img> is not a real HTML statement because the source is missing, but then another one will come and put there a subject like: "I want an <img src="bla.gif"> in my config" and bang, we are back to the same problem. So if anyone has a clever idea of how to solve this, please let me know. Maybe one should be able to put a "\" in front of any code (also the ELCode tags) to not interprete them by the system. But while this is maybe obvious for a C programmer or shell programmer, the normal user might not find this so obvious.

IMHO the solution may be in allowing html code only in the cfg, not in the value of the field..
i.e., elog has to first allow html in the cfg attribute and then replace every $attribute with their values... this values as to be translated in html entities in order to solve the problem

in other wordsthe value of the attribute as to httl_encoded when displayed.. and the cfg line not

or I am loosing some point ?
                icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Fri Jul 15 17:28:33 2005 
the very usefull thing my request will enable is the following:
Options Category              = Info,Report,[B]Problem[I]{1}[/I][/B],Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

[B]{1}[/B]ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
[B]{1}Display[/B] Category           = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/[B]$level[/B].png">[B]$category[/B]

note that this way I could use a single field to have the both the category name and the level icon .. this is specially usefull for a "problem" or "bug" category, becouse this way one can see status of the "bug"..

.. I'd really like conditional Display Tongue
                   icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 20 23:30:45 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
the very usefull thing my request will enable is the following:
Options Category              = Info,Report,Problem{1},Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

{1}ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
{1}Display Category           = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$level.png">$category

note that this way I could use a single field to have the both the category name and the level icon .. this is specially usefull for a "problem" or "bug" category, becouse this way one can see status of the "bug"..

.. I'd really like conditional Display Tongue

You asked for ELCode tags not to be interpreted inside any [code] tag, but now the above entry gets screwed since you used it there! So no formatting any more in [code] section Wink
                      icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Thu Jul 21 09:31:35 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
the very usefull thing my request will enable is the following:
Options Category              = Info,Report,[B]Problem[I]{1}[/I][/B],Other
Preset Category               = Info
Display Category              = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/$category.png">$category

[B]{1}[/B]ROptions Level             = Notice,Warning,Alert,Fixed
{1}Preset Level               = Warning
[B]{1}Display[/B] Category           = <img style="border:0; float:left; margin-right:5px" src="icons/[B]$level[/B].png">[B]$category[/B]

note that this way I could use a single field to have the both the category name and the level icon .. this is specially usefull for a "problem" or "bug" category, becouse this way one can see status of the "bug"..

.. I'd really like conditional Display Tongue

You asked for ELCode tags not to be interpreted inside any [code] tag, but now the above entry gets screwed since you used it there! So no formatting any more in [code] section Wink

LOL Smile
                icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jul 16 12:30:33 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
IMHO the solution may be in allowing html code only in the cfg, not in the value of the field..
i.e., elog has to first allow html in the cfg attribute and then replace every $attribute with their values... this values as to be translated in html entities in order to solve the problem

in other wordsthe value of the attribute as to httl_encoded when displayed.. and the cfg line not

or I am loosing some point ?

I don't like that solution. Sometimes I want to write some HTML tag myself into an attribute (like "<b>") and have this interpreted, meaning having the following word in bold, and sometimes I want to talk about HTML tags, like to tell you to use <b> for bold, and have it not interpreted. The same with the ELCode tags.

So I added an escape character. If you write <b> or [b], then it gets interpreted. If you write \<b> or \[b] with the "\" in front of the tag, it does not get interpreted, thus the '\' works like an escape character. I edited your old entry with the <img> in the subject, and as you see it is now not interpreted.

The modification is in CVS and documented in the ELCode help.
                   icon2.gif   Re: < img > in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jul 18 10:09:06 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I added an escape character. If you write <b> or [b], then it gets interpreted. If you write \<b> or \[b] with the "\" in front of the tag, it does not get interpreted, thus the '\' works like an escape character. I edited your old entry with the <img> in the subject, and as you see it is now not interpreted.

The modification is in CVS and documented in the ELCode help.

Ok, it's a good solution for me ... as using a <pre> html tag does not seem to preserve an <img> tag ..
          icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 20 23:32:46 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
when I try to use this featur on a conditional attr it is ignored .. If I remove the {1} it is obviously showed .. but also when no $level is defined (taht is infact not what should be)...

BTW, is it possible to not show conditional attributes in mail and in "single entry" view? .. it's quite strange to ave a "Level" of a "Misure", not a "Problem" Tongue

thank you in advance Smile

I added the conditional attributes for the "single entry" view (not the mail yet), so you might again try it.
             icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Thu Jul 21 12:54:32 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
when I try to use this featur on a conditional attr it is ignored .. If I remove the {1} it is obviously showed .. but also when no $level is defined (taht is infact not what should be)...

BTW, is it possible to not show conditional attributes in mail and in "single entry" view? .. it's quite strange to ave a "Level" of a "Misure", not a "Problem" Tongue

thank you in advance Smile

I added the conditional attributes for the "single entry" view (not the mail yet), so you might again try it.

uhm... it appears a bit strange now..

In the single list:
- only "Author" and "subject" is displayed (text too of course) Crying
- if one edits the entry all fields ar correctly displayed
In full list mode:
- nothing changed, no conditional display is working Crying

revision 1.707 works correctly instead
                icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 22 23:14:23 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
- only "Author" and "subject" is displayed (text too of course) Crying

That was a bug. I fixed it in CVS.

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
In full list mode:
- nothing changed, no conditional display is working Crying

What do you want? In full mode you have a multi-column display of attributes. If you display a different number of attributes for each entry, the table gets screwed up and becomes very hard to read.

BTW: Conditional attributes now also work for email notifications, so you can do for example:
Attributes = Author, Category, Email encoding, Subject
Options Email encoding = plain{1}, HTML{2}
{1} Email encoding = 1
{2} Email encoding = 2
                   icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Sat Jul 23 16:16:10 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
- only "Author" and "subject" is displayed (text too of course) Crying

That was a bug. I fixed it in CVS.

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
In full list mode:
- nothing changed, no conditional display is working Crying

What do you want? In full mode you have a multi-column display of attributes. If you display a different number of attributes for each entry, the table gets screwed up and becomes very hard to read.

BTW: Conditional attributes now also work for email notifications, so you can do for example:
Attributes = Author, Category, Email encoding, Subject
Options Email encoding = plain{1}, HTML{2}
{1} Email encoding = 1
{2} Email encoding = 2

I don't want to change the number of columns along different rows .. of course Smile
I'd like to be able to do what I explained in elog:1289 ...

not to display or not an attribute, but to be able to choose among different display of an attribute basing the choice on the value of an other attribute

look at my previous post .. I'm trieng to display an icon in the "category" attribute showing the "level" of the "problem", beeing "problem" one of the possible values of the attribute "category" itself
                      icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jul 23 18:23:57 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
I'd like to be able to do what I explained in elog:1289 ...

Ok, got it. So I implemented conditional display in the list mode. If that works for you, it was the last wish fulfilled before Christmas! Wink
                         icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jul 25 13:29:23 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
I'd like to be able to do what I explained in elog:1289 ...

Ok, got it. So I implemented conditional display in the list mode. If that works for you, it was the last wish fulfilled before Christmas! Wink

Smile ok now it works .. can I request a simple regression and then shut up untill heaster ?!? Tongue

I think that the conditional view in the Single Entry is not so good (at less in my test case) ..
My scenario should be:
- List View (full,summary,3d):
it's perfect as is now
I have a "Problem" and a "level" attribute, I don't display the level directly but only show an icon in the
field of the category
- Sinlge entry view
In this view It's supposed to go in details .. so I'd like to display both a "Category" (with its icon) *and*
a "Level" (with its own icon too) ...

nowaday in the single view the category can only have the same icon it has in the list view..
donno if a "List Display <Attribute>" could be *the* solution ... having this way the total contol over conditional displaying in every view Smile

the calendar is at good point Tongue

                            icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 25 21:29:52 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
donno if a "List Display <Attribute>" could be *the* solution ...

That's a good idea. Unfortunately, "List Display" is already used to specify which attributes to display in list mode. So I changed "Display <attibute>" to "Change <attribute>" and added "List change <attribute>", just to be different from "List display". In principle "List display =" and "List display <attibute> =" can be distinguished by elog, but it could be confusing to have the same option for two different things. The downside is that everybody using "Display <attribute>=" has to change this to "Change <attribute>=".
                               icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Tue Jul 26 10:45:14 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
donno if a "List Display <Attribute>" could be *the* solution ...

That's a good idea. Unfortunately, "List Display" is already used to specify which attributes to display in list mode. So I changed "Display <attibute>" to "Change <attribute>" and added "List change <attribute>", just to be different from "List display". In principle "List display =" and "List display <attibute> =" can be distinguished by elog, but it could be confusing to have the same option for two different things. The downside is that everybody using "Display <attribute>=" has to change this to "Change <attribute>=".

It works perfectly now Smile thank you Stefan
                   icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Sat Jul 23 16:45:28 2005 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

BTW: Conditional attributes now also work for email notifications, so you can do for example:
Attributes = Author, Category, Email encoding, Subject
Options Email encoding = plain{1}, HTML{2}
{1} Email encoding = 1
{2} Email encoding = 2

if one uses ROptions instead of a simple Options the text displaied is "plain{1}" (with the "{1}" not stripped out!!)
                      icon2.gif   Re: <img> in Display Attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Jul 23 18:30:57 2005 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
if one uses ROptions instead of a simple Options the text displaied is "plain{1}" (with the "{1}" not stripped out!!)

Ok, fixed.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6