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icon5.gif   Directories in top groups, posted by Stephen A. Wood on Mon Apr 18 17:02:20 2005 
I am trying to unify several existing logbook collections that run on
seperate servers under a single server using groups.  For a top group, under
"[global topgroupname]", I would like to redefine the resource directory or
the logbook directory so that everything except for the .cfg is at it
original location.  However, it seems like "Resource dir" and "Logbook dir"
can not be redefined in the global section for specific groups.  Is it
possible to redefine these directories for each top group, or is it feature
that could be added?

I could probably do what I want with soft-links, but redefining the resource
dir just seems to be right way to do this.  (For one thing, I would like
different favicons for each group.)
    icon2.gif   Re: Directories in top groups, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 18 21:57:19 2005 
> I am trying to unify several existing logbook collections that run on
> seperate servers under a single server using groups.  For a top group, under
> "[global topgroupname]", I would like to redefine the resource directory or
> the logbook directory so that everything except for the .cfg is at it
> original location.  However, it seems like "Resource dir" and "Logbook dir"
> can not be redefined in the global section for specific groups.  Is it
> possible to redefine these directories for each top group, or is it feature
> that could be added?

Not easily. There is only a single logbook and resource directory inside elogd.
The reason is that these are constants which can be fixed during compile time.
The Debian package uses this extensively. So having multiple directories would
break that scheme.

> I could probably do what I want with soft-links, but redefining the resource
> dir just seems to be right way to do this.  (For one thing, I would like
> different favicons for each group.)

I'm afraid you have to use soft links. The favicons you can define however via
the theme, which is a per-logbook option, so it would work in the [global
topgroupname] section as well.
icon3.gif   Link To command..., posted by Tim Iskander on Mon Apr 18 17:57:38 2005 
Is it possible to create a Link To command (ala Copy To, Move To) that
would allow you to reference an entry in another log book without copying it?
This would be handy as the info would be kept current in both log books.
My thought is that it would create a psuedo entry in the other log
book that pointed back at the originating log book entry (similar to a 
UNIX soft link)
    icon2.gif   Re: Link To command..., posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 18 19:27:09 2005 
> Is it possible to create a Link To command (ala Copy To, Move To) that
> would allow you to reference an entry in another log book without copying it?
> This would be handy as the info would be kept current in both log books.
> My thought is that it would create a psuedo entry in the other log
> book that pointed back at the originating log book entry (similar to a 
> UNIX soft link)

What you ask for is not possible due to internal reasons. The underlying database
does not support links. But what you can do is to reference a logbook entry with

elog :<loglook>/<id>

So I can reference your question with elog:Forum/1099. Some people make even
complete "summary" pages where they reference a whole set of other logbook entries like

Your question is at elog:Forum/1099
A script for thumbnail generation is at elog:Contributions/12
Demo entries: elog:Linux+Demo/14, elog:Linux+demo/1
icon5.gif   Mail not sent but message says it has been sent, posted by Mikael Salonvaara on Sun Apr 17 09:35:30 2005 
If my email host refuses to send the email (476 connections denied), we
still get the message that the email has been sent - and no error message.

How do I or can I send authentication information to the email server?
    icon2.gif   Re: Mail not sent but message says it has been sent, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 18 09:04:21 2005 
> If my email host refuses to send the email (476 connections denied), we
> still get the message that the email has been sent - and no error message.
> How do I or can I send authentication information to the email server?

This is not implemented right now, since the SMTP server at our institute does
not use authentication, so I could not test it. If you give me access to a
SMTP server with authentication, I could implement it.
icon5.gif   logbook clone, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Thu Apr 14 12:38:04 2005 
When I create a new logbook (I used an existing one as a template) elog  
does not works anymore...  
- The problem is on elog user's file.. It seems elogd can't read it  
Cannot open file arco.users: Success  
Please use your browser's back button to go back  
- Here are some informations:  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# ps U elog  
 5165 ?        Ss     0:08 /usr/sbin/elogd -f /var/run/  
-c /etc/elog.conf -d /var/lib/elog -s /usr/share/elog -p 8080 -n  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# id elog  
uid=106(elog) gid=106(elog) gruppi=106(elog)  
sparcserv:/usr/share/elog# ls -lha*  
-rw-------  1 elog elog 1,8K 2005-03-24 12:21 arco.users  
-rw-r--r--  1 elog elog  473 2005-03-23 10:41 arco.users_bak  
giving the arco.users file chmod a+wr does *not* make it work ...  
re-chmod-ing to -rw-------  AND restarting the daemon solves the problem 
and everything works nice ...  
any idea?  
    icon2.gif   Re: logbook clone, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 22:26:06 2005 
> When I create a new logbook (I used an existing one as a template) elog  
> does not works anymore...  

Fixed in CVS.
icon1.gif   MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Michael Husbyn on Thu Feb 10 09:03:02 2005 

This software is very good :) I like it, but I have some trouble with some
emails that I send from the system.

It seems that Outlook 2000 does not handle norwegian characters in the
Subject field when sending mails. We have Exchange and I don't know what
SMTP server that fetches mail from. We are sending mail out via sendmail on
RedHat ES V3 server.

Example (what it should be)

Subject: Testing ורז

Subject: IKT sak =?UNKNOWN?B?KDYwKTo=?= Testing =?UNKNOWN?B?5fjm?=

Use Email Subject = IKT sak ($message id): $Tittel

Ofcource this is only happens in Outlook. Sending to gmail reports it OK.
I've also seen that mutt sometimes replaces the  ורז with ? at my Linux
system at home.

Ofcource all this could be due to misconfigured clients. Outlook receives
mails with ורז fine when send from allmost all other systems.

I've suspect that this could be some old 7 bit / 8 bit problem or that the
mail is not properly encoded in MIME format?

If i send mail without any ורז characters in subject the subject is
displayed the way it should be.

Not a big problem though, not sure that it has been reportet before.
Searched for mime and found nothing useful.

Have a nice day!

Best regards
    icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Feb 12 18:00:48 2005 
What you can try is to debug the communication between elogd and the SMTP
server. Just turn on logging via

Logfile = log.txt
Logging level = 3

After sending email, you see the conversation in log.txt. Maybe this gives you
some hints.
       icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Michael Husbyn on Thu Apr 14 15:07:18 2005 
> What you can try is to debug the communication between elogd and the SMTP
> server. Just turn on logging via
> Logfile = log.txt
> Logging level = 3
> After sending email, you see the conversation in log.txt. Maybe this gives you
> some hints.

I run with loggin level = 6:
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} Email from elog@..... to
Michael.Husbyn@.....,, SMTP host smtp......:
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 220 backup...... ESMTP Sendmail
8.12.11/8.12.11; Thu, 14 Apr 2005 14:59:18 +0200
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt}
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} HELO njord......
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 250 backup...... Hello njord......
[], pleased to meet you
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} MAIL FROM: elog@.....
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 250 2.1.0 elog@........ Sender ok
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} RCPT TO: <Michael.Husbyn@.....>
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 250 2.1.5 <Michael.Husbyn@.....>... Recipient ok
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} DATA
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} To: Michael.Husbyn@.....,
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} From: elog@.....
Subject: IKT sak (110): Testing רזו
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} X-Mailer: Elog, Version 2.5.8-3
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} X-Elog-URL: http://njord......:8090/ikt/110
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 14:50:16 +0200
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} .
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 250 2.0.0 j3ECxI8e003851 Message accepted for
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} QUIT
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} 221 2.0.0 backup...... closing connection
14-Apr-2005 14:50:16 [pc-0460] {ikt} READ entry #110


Sorry for the late reply btw, I've removed some information in the log (server names)

What I can see is that it sends with charset=US-ASCII, even if the characters are

Only outlooks have problem with understanding if the subject is not mime encoded.


Best regards
Michael Husbyn
          icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 14 15:42:44 2005 
> What I can see is that it sends with charset=US-ASCII, even if the characters are
> non-US.

That's the key point. I changed it such that elog uses now the charset defined in the
configuration file, now it should work fine. Can you give it a try? The new version is
under CVS.
             icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Michael Husbyn on Fri Apr 15 15:12:55 2005 
> > What I can see is that it sends with charset=US-ASCII, even if the characters are
> > non-US.
> That's the key point. I changed it such that elog uses now the charset defined in the
> configuration file, now it should work fine. Can you give it a try? The new version is
> under CVS.

Tried it now, using the same charset I get when sending email from Mutt: (this is right)
Subject: Testing =?iso-8859-1?B?+Obl?=
To: michael.husbyn@.........
Message-id: <20050415125415.GA30539@njord........>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Content-disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

When sending from Elog with the same subject (from the same server):
Subject: IKT sak =?UNKNOWN?B?KDExMCk6?= Testing =?UNKNOWN?B?+Obl?=
To: Michael.Husbyn@............
Message-id: <200504151304.j3FD4aKP006491@njord..................>
MIME-version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Elog, Version 2.5.8-3
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
X-Elog-URL: http://njord................:8090/ikt/110
X-Elog-submit-type: web|elog


So the subject needs some change. In my example I left out what Elog inserts before
the subject I put in Elog.

Just for the fun, changed my old subject (in elog) to the one Mutt formatted it to:
Testing =?iso-8859-1?B?+Obl?=

And then I get what I want... ;)

Best regards
Michael Husbyn
                icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 15:25:30 2005 
So you tell me that the message body is ok with Norwegian characters, it's only the subject?
That would mean that outlook interpretes the charset only for the message body, but not for
the subject. So if you have characters with an ASCII value greater than 127, your mail
program requires to enclose it into


Do you know that the "B" is for? I would not like to "blindly" do whatever Mutt does, I
would like to understand it. If someone can point me to a document which describes this
properly, I could implement it.
                   icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 15:57:53 2005 
Ok, I found it. It's in RFC2047 at

I will try to implement it.
                      icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 21:10:27 2005 
I implemented this, but found some problems. If I encode the subject like

Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ורז?=

it displays well unde MS Outlook, but not under Mozilla Thunderbird or pine,
which both display the full text (including the ISO...). So it looks like
there is no single solution which satisfies all mail programs. It should at
least work for Outlook and Thunderbird, so if anyone has an idea please let me
                         icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Michael Husbyn on Fri Apr 15 21:31:26 2005 
> I implemented this, but found some problems. If I encode the subject like
> Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ורז?=
> it displays well unde MS Outlook, but not under Mozilla Thunderbird or pine,
> which both display the full text (including the ISO...). So it looks like
> there is no single solution which satisfies all mail programs. It should at
> least work for Outlook and Thunderbird, so if anyone has an idea please let me
> know.

If I read the RFC correctly when you use B encoding you are using BASE64 encoding.
Maybe that could be a solution?

Best regards
                            icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 21:49:00 2005 
> If I read the RFC correctly when you use B encoding you are using BASE64 encoding.
> Maybe that could be a solution?

Indeed it is. Works for all email programs I know. So I added that to elog, new
version is committed to CVS. Let me know if it works for you.
                               icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Michael Husbyn on Fri Apr 15 22:24:49 2005 
> > If I read the RFC correctly when you use B encoding you are using BASE64 encoding.
> > Maybe that could be a solution?
> Indeed it is. Works for all email programs I know. So I added that to elog, new
> version is committed to CVS. Let me know if it works for you.

Stefan! You are *THE MAN* :)

It works :)

You are indeed "speedy gonzales" ;)

Thank you very much!

Best regards
Michael 'very impressed' Husbyn
    icon2.gif   Re: MIME encoding of mail?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 15 21:14:05 2005 
> Subject: Testing ורז
> Becomes
> Subject: IKT sak =?UNKNOWN?B?KDYwKTo=?= Testing =?UNKNOWN?B?5fjm?=
> config:
> Use Email Subject = IKT sak ($message id): $Tittel

You could put the encoding there manually:

Use Email Subject = =?ISO-8859-1?Q?IKT sak ($message id): $Tittel?=

would this work?
icon5.gif   Conditional conditions?, posted by Steve Woughter on Tue Apr 12 16:07:12 2005 
Can conditional attributes be assigned as conditions?

Arbitraty Example:

Attributes = Operating system, Version, Name
Options Opperating system = Linux {1}, Windows {2}
{1} Options Version = 2.2 {a}, 2.4 {b}, 2.6 {c}
{2} Options Version = ME {d}, 2k {e}, NT {f}, XP {g}
{1&a} Options Name = This computer
{1&b} Options Name = That Computer
{2&f} Options Name = Workstation

and so on..?
    icon2.gif   Re: Conditional conditions?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 13 10:06:56 2005 
> Can conditional attributes be assigned as conditions?

Well, I guess the question was: "Can you implement this?" I'm sure that you
tried before.. (;-)

Yes, it is working now, I had to add some new code and fix a bug with AND'ed
conditions (via '&'). The new version is under CVS. Since you use Windows, you
have to wait for the next release.
icon5.gif   XML password files, replication & FreeBSD, posted by G on Tue Apr 12 01:05:20 2005 compiling_ELOG_Errors_2.5.7-1.txtcompiling_ELOG_Errors_2.5.8.txt
Ok this really is 2 questions.

I have been running ELOG on FreeBSD no problem for a year now,
but this new version 2.5.8-x doesn't seem to wanna work, it compiles fine 
with a few warnings (see attached logs).
But has issues with password files, now it shows message "Can't open 
passwords.pwd" for all my logbooks. It did convert the password files to 
xml format. I had a good hard look at file permissions and config file with 
no luck. So I went back a version and compiled 2.5.7-1 which works just 
fine with old password files. So something with XML & FreeBSD?...

Version 2.5.7-1 (maybe this has been fixed in 2.5.8?)
When I run a ./elogd -C it clones the config file 
just fine, also seems to copy over all logbook entries.
But once I look through them there's a fault with one of the fields it 
copies over, so entries never show up.

It should be:
Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
In reply to: 24
Work done by: someuser
Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm):  1/03/05 3:30pm
Downtime duration: 0 min
Planned: Yes
Reason: Normal work
Encoding: plain

But once cloned it looks like this:
Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
In reply to: 24
Work done by: someuser
Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh: m):  1/03/05 3:30pm
Downtime duration: 0 min
Planned: Yes
Reason: Normal work
Encoding: plain

For some reason it looses the "m" so line 4 instead of having
"hh:mm" has "hh: m"

    icon2.gif   Re: XML password files, replication & FreeBSD, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 12 09:30:51 2005 
> I have been running ELOG on FreeBSD no problem for a year now,
> but this new version 2.5.8-x doesn't seem to wanna work, it compiles fine 
> with a few warnings (see attached logs).
> But has issues with password files, now it shows message "Can't open 
> passwords.pwd" for all my logbooks. It did convert the password files to 
> xml format. I had a good hard look at file permissions and config file with 
> no luck. So I went back a version and compiled 2.5.7-1 which works just 
> fine with old password files. So something with XML & FreeBSD?...

Hard to say. The simplest would be if I could debug this.

> Version 2.5.7-1 (maybe this has been fixed in 2.5.8?)
> When I run a ./elogd -C it clones the config file 
> just fine, also seems to copy over all logbook entries.
> But once I look through them there's a fault with one of the fields it 
> copies over, so entries never show up.
> It should be:
> ========================================
> Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
> In reply to: 24
> Work done by: someuser
> Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm):  1/03/05 3:30pm
> Downtime duration: 0 min
> Planned: Yes
> Reason: Normal work
> Attachment:
> Encoding: plain
> But once cloned it looks like this:
> ========================================
> Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
> In reply to: 24
> Work done by: someuser
> Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh: m):  1/03/05 3:30pm
> Downtime duration: 0 min
> Planned: Yes
> Reason: Normal work
> Attachment:
> Encoding: plain
> For some reason it looses the "m" so line 4 instead of having
> "hh:mm" has "hh: m"

Your problem is that the attribute "Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm)" which
contains a ":". This character is not allowed in attributes. Unfortunately I did
not document this (and even didn't know this until now... (;-) ). So you should
use the new option

Type Work done at = datetime

this gives you at the entry mask fields for day/month/year/hour/minute to fill
out, so you don't have to write it directly into the attribute. Another option
would be to use 

Comment Work done at = Please enter as (dd/mm/yy hh:mm)

which just displays a comment below the attribute in the entry mask.

- Stefan
       icon2.gif   Re: XML password files, replication & FreeBSD, posted by G on Wed Apr 13 00:40:55 2005 
> > I have been running ELOG on FreeBSD no problem for a year now,
> > but this new version 2.5.8-x doesn't seem to wanna work, it compiles fine 
> > with a few warnings (see attached logs).
> > But has issues with password files, now it shows message "Can't open 
> > passwords.pwd" for all my logbooks. It did convert the password files to 
> > xml format. I had a good hard look at file permissions and config file with 
> > no luck. So I went back a version and compiled 2.5.7-1 which works just 
> > fine with old password files. So something with XML & FreeBSD?...
> Hard to say. The simplest would be if I could debug this.

Anything I could send you to help debug this?

> > Version 2.5.7-1 (maybe this has been fixed in 2.5.8?)
> > When I run a ./elogd -C it clones the config file 
> > just fine, also seems to copy over all logbook entries.
> > But once I look through them there's a fault with one of the fields it 
> > copies over, so entries never show up.
> > 
> > It should be:
> > ========================================
> > Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
> > In reply to: 24
> > Work done by: someuser
> > Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm):  1/03/05 3:30pm
> > Downtime duration: 0 min
> > Planned: Yes
> > Reason: Normal work
> > Attachment:
> > Encoding: plain
> > 
> > But once cloned it looks like this:
> > ========================================
> > Date: Tue Mar 01 19:41:29 2005
> > In reply to: 24
> > Work done by: someuser
> > Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh: m):  1/03/05 3:30pm
> > Downtime duration: 0 min
> > Planned: Yes
> > Reason: Normal work
> > Attachment:
> > Encoding: plain
> > 
> > 
> > For some reason it looses the "m" so line 4 instead of having
> > "hh:mm" has "hh: m"
> Your problem is that the attribute "Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm)" which
> contains a ":". This character is not allowed in attributes. Unfortunately I did
> not document this (and even didn't know this until now... (;-) ). So you should
> use the new option
> Type Work done at = datetime
> this gives you at the entry mask fields for day/month/year/hour/minute to fill
> out, so you don't have to write it directly into the attribute. Another option
> would be to use 
> Comment Work done at = Please enter as (dd/mm/yy hh:mm)
> which just displays a comment below the attribute in the entry mask.
> - Stefan

Ok, i see, the problem for me now is that this attribute name has been in use for 
half a year or so by me. So now I have 100's of logbook entries with the old name 
in them, if I change it's name then all old logbook entries will show up with that 
field blank. I'm not sure if there's an easy way to change that attribute's name in 
100's of entries in 10's of logbooks, because I wouldn't want to try doing that by 
hand.. Any ideas? (i'm no good at scripting something like that 4 sure)

          icon2.gif   Re: XML password files, replication & FreeBSD, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 13 09:06:46 2005 
> Ok, i see, the problem for me now is that this attribute name has been in use for 
> half a year or so by me. So now I have 100's of logbook entries with the old name 
> in them, if I change it's name then all old logbook entries will show up with that 
> field blank. I'm not sure if there's an easy way to change that attribute's name in 
> 100's of entries in 10's of logbooks, because I wouldn't want to try doing that by 
> hand.. Any ideas? (i'm no good at scripting something like that 4 sure)

find . -name "*a.log" -exec perl -pi -e 's|Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm):|Work done at:|g' {} \;

Looks a bit cryptic, but searches for all *a.log files, and starts perl to replace
all occurences of "Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm)" with "Word done at:". Better try
this first with a copy of your logbook. After you successfully changed that, you
have to modify the attribute list in elogd.cfg accordingly, like

Attirbutes = ..., Work done at, ...

Please note that after each manual modification of the logbook files, you have to
restart elogd.
icon5.gif   Default Date Format, posted by David Egolf on Mon Apr 11 23:01:37 2005 

I downloaded the latest file and installed but the version number stayed at 
2.5.8-2 and did not change to -3. I stopped and restarted the service and 
reinstalled a couple of times as this is just a demo experimental base I 
had it overwrite everything, but it stilled stayed the same.

Also is there a way to change the display of the default date. It uses 
allot of space in the date column.


David Egolf
    icon2.gif   Re: Default Date Format, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 12 09:13:27 2005 
> I downloaded the latest file and installed but the version number stayed at 
> 2.5.8-2 and did not change to -3.

Sorry I forgot to increase the version number in the source code. So don't worry.

> Also is there a way to change the display of the default date. It uses 
> allot of space in the date column.

Date format = %A, %B %d

see manual!
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886