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    icon2.gif   Re: Changes in Comment and Elog Index page?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 6 09:37:20 2005 

ralphb wrote:
HTML code inculed in elog.cfg "Comment" lines were previously rendered, now they are not. e.g. "Comment = Some comment
<A href="" target="_top">&nbsp; Some link text</A>" Is this change deliberate, or is the functionality likely to return?

I had to render the comment, because some people had comments like "PCs > W2k", where the ">" screwed up the HTML code of the page. I added some code now which checks if the comment is real HTML, and reverts back to the old behaviour if it is. The update is in CVS.

ralphb wrote:
The "Several logbooks are defined on this host" elog index page was previously collapsable, now it is not. Same questions as previous.

People complained about the collapsing (it's really hard to make everybody happy!!!). So the page is expanded by default. If you want the old behaviour, add an
Expand selection page = 0

into your config file
    icon2.gif   Re: Comment tooltip shows comment from other logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 6 09:41:04 2005 

Oleg Solovyanov wrote:
I have several logbooks with Comment lines,
but the tooltip shows sometimes the correct comment,
sometimes the comment from other logbook...

I see the same behaviour also on this very page...

I use Mozilla 1.7.10.
Tried with Konqueror -> same problem.

Should be fixed in the current CVS version (see this page)
    icon2.gif   Re: Omitting some fields in e-mail, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 6 14:41:10 2005 
> Is there a way to remove Logbook field (and perhaps Logbook URL if I want?)

There is the option "Email format", which lets you specify what to show. Try 

Email format = 27
    icon2.gif   Re: Long lines in printout, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 13 13:33:59 2005 
Your problem is related with the fact that I changed the formatting from fixed font to proportional font ("ELCode"). This gives you three options:

  • Enter your elog entries in "plain" text, which brings you back to the old mode
  • Change the page setup of your browser. Mozilla Firefox has File/Page Setup/Shrink to fit page and left and right margin
  • Reduce the entry window via the config setting "Message width"
    icon2.gif   Re: Email Notification and Icons, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 19 20:39:17 2005 

Mario Apodaca wrote:
1) When sending out email notifications, is there a way to surpress the entries that have been left on the logbook? I want to be notified that someone has posted, but not receive the posting in the email.

You specify what is sent by email notification with the Email format = <n> option. Adding the right numbers there, you can send only the notification, but not the contents or attachments. An alternative is to use the RSS functionality in Elog. With an RSS reader, you only see the subject, and can download the whole body upon request.

Mario Apodaca wrote:
2) Is there a way to set icons to users, so that each user has a defined icon? I set up a new attribute called: Author Icon and then tried using conditional attributes to have an icon set to a specific user. When I tested by posting, in the Author Icon section I didn't have an icon, instead a text box appeared with the name of the icon.

No, this is not possible without modification of elog. In principle you can tell elog that a certain attribute is an icon by using the "Ioptions author icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif"), but then you get a list if possible icons each time from which you have to select. Not very convenient. The concept of an Avatar is not preent in elog, you bette choose a bulletin board system for that.
    icon2.gif   Re: Can I turn off emoticons?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 21 09:06:03 2005 

Dan Chitwood wrote:
Is there a way to not use the emoticons, but at the same time use the ELCode?

An example would be to add a slash before the emoticon code like this: /:)


There are two ways:

a) put a "\" in front of the emoticon like this: \:) -> :)

b) put a [code] tag around your text. Any text inside the [code] tag is not interpretet like:

Hello ;) [I]italics[/i] 
note that the trick with the "\" only works in the current CVS version of elog.
    icon2.gif   Re: error when searching for POST, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 5 13:07:51 2005 

Guenter Nowak wrote:
(ELOG V2.6.0-beta4)
and typing
in uppercase-letters
I get the error

Proxy Error

This bug has been fixed in the current CVS version.
    icon2.gif   Re: Post appearing twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 5 13:22:08 2005 

Dan Chitwood wrote:
We are having trouble on our logbook with posts appearing twice. Both posts contain the same ID number, time, etc. This most often occurs when the e-log entry is being written for an extended period of time (ie. more than 30 minutes), but I don't know if that is the root cause of the problem. It may also be related to posts that are edited after an initial posting. Could this be due to an improper setting in our config file?

Besides the trivial case that people hit the submit button twice I can only imagine one possible cause: If you edit an existing entry, there is a button Resubmit as new entry at the bottom. If that button is checked, the old entry gets deleted and a new one gets submitted. If the delete of the old entry fails for some reason, you could maybe get two entries.

May I suggest following: Use a very simple config file (like the demo one from the distribution) and see if you can reproduce the problem. If not, add you config options one by one to the config file, and see at which option the problem starts. This way you might find the cause of it.

Your problem has not been reported by anybody else so far, so chances are high that it's related to a config setting.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6