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icon5.gif   Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Mon Dec 6 20:05:58 2004 
Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
then you finally get into the elog book.

Anything I can check on this behavior?
    icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 5 16:04:53 2005 
> Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
> and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
> then you finally get into the elog book.
> Anything I can check on this behavior?

Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?

- Stefan
       icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jan 12 23:48:18 2005 elogd.cfg
> > Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> > Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> > You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you 
> > and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again 
> > then you finally get into the elog book.
> > 
> > Anything I can check on this behavior?
> Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
> elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?
> - Stefan

OK elogd.cfg is attached.
          icon2.gif   Re: Login/Password request appears twice, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 21:29:32 2005 
> OK elogd.cfg is attached.

I tried to reproduce your problem, but without success. I only have to login once. 

So can you please check how your cookies are set? Under Mozilla Firefox, enable
prompting for cookies (Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Keep kookies=ask me every
time, IE must have similar switch). Each cookie contains a path, for which it
will be sent to the elogd in the future. Since you have your password files in
the [global] sections, they are valid for the whole set of logbooks and the path
is therefre "/". This means of course that the browser also tries to send the
cookies to the logbooks in the other top groups, since in the URL path they are
all next to each other (like "/Work+Requests", "/Completed+Work+Requests").

With the cookie prompting enabled, you can check which cookie gets set for which
directory. You should see a cookie "unm" for username, "upwd" for the encrypted
password and "urem" for the "Remember me" button. If the cookie contents is
empty, the cookie will be removed.

So carefully check the sequence of setting and resetting of cookies, trying to
figure out what goes wrong. It is a good idea for a starting point to delete all
your cookies.

- Stefan
icon4.gif   MOptions and Extendable, posted by Neil Swartz on Sat Jan 8 17:31:07 2005 
If an attribute uses MOptions and is also extendable, clicking "Add 
<attribute name>" and entering a value adds the value to the MOptions, but 
does not put the value into the log entry. The log record has that 
attribute blank.
You have to go back into the record and edit it to put the new value in.
    icon2.gif   Re: MOptions and Extendable, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 16:44:28 2005 
> If an attribute uses MOptions and is also extendable, clicking "Add 
> <attribute name>" and entering a value adds the value to the MOptions, but 
> does not put the value into the log entry. The log record has that 
> attribute blank.
> You have to go back into the record and edit it to put the new value in.

I fixed that bug just now, thanks for reporting it. It's available in revision
1.535 under CVS.
icon5.gif   Menu command = doesn't list, posted by PJ Meyer on Wed Jan 12 23:53:27 2005 
Have tried to use "Menu commands =" to list menu commands available as per:
"Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, HELP, Logout"

but it does not seem to work; with command above I get default menu 

"Find Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Find, Delete, Config, Logout, 

I get the menu I want.
Q what's the difference?????
    icon5.gif   Re: Menu command = doesn't list, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 15:22:30 2005 
> Have tried to use "Menu commands =" to list menu commands available as per:
> "Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, HELP, Logout"
> but it does not seem to work; with command above I get default menu 
> structure.
> Using:
> "Find Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Find, Delete, Config, Logout, 
> I get the menu I want.
> Q what's the difference?????

"Find menu commands" apply to the LIST of entries, while "Menu commands" apply
to the page where a SINGLE entry is shown. I know that "Find menu commands" is
a misleading name, but it's historical, I should change it to "Menu commands"
and change the other to "Entry menu commands", does that make more sense?
icon5.gif   How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields., posted by Rashid Ali on Mon Jan 17 01:13:27 2005 
I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

    icon2.gif   Re: How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields., posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 09:29:42 2005 
> I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
> export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

The XML export contains both the Entry Date and Text fields. In CSV format,
it's hard to export the Text field since it can span several lines, which would
break the CSV format (one line per entry). Or do you know how multi-line
entries can be encoded in CSV?
    icon2.gif   Re: How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields., posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 17 15:02:20 2005 
> I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
> export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

I added at least the date and message ID to the CSV export. New version under CVS.
icon5.gif   Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Mon Dec 13 19:46:46 2004 

right now I'm testing Elog to use it as a task/todo-log for our small 
workgroup. What I saw so far looks very nice and I like it very much. 
Thanks for the good work.

Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
the "Conditional attributes".

-- snip

Options Area = Area_1{1}, Area_2{2}, Area_51{3}
{1} Options Ressort = Res01, Res whatever, end so on
{2} Options Ressort = somthing else, fill in
{3} Options Ressort = Alien observation, Budget planning
Extendable options = Ressort

-- snip

The "Conditinal Attributes" do have the "Add Ressort" button and the elog-
entry is written with this new attribute. But the new attribute is not 
inserted into the config file.

Long time ago I last read C syntax but mabye the function 
add_attribute_option should take care of the prefix {n} in extendable 

Or do I miss something in the configuration syntax? 


    icon2.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 6 10:08:54 2005 
> Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> the "Conditional attributes".

That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
       icon3.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Fri Jan 7 17:15:14 2005 
> > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > the "Conditional attributes".
> That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> problems.

Thanks a lot for fixing this issue, especially as it was never planed. I will
test it on Monday afternoon and will give you a reply.
          icon14.gif   Re: Extendable options for conditional attributes, posted by David Kappel on Mon Jan 10 20:42:31 2005 
> > > Playing with all the configuration possibilities I have one issue:
> > > I like to use the "Extendable options" but I can't combine them with 
> > > the "Conditional attributes".
> > 
> > That was never ment to work. But I found some time to implement it. If you
> > download elog255-4.exe from today it whould work. Let me know if you have
> > problems.
Hello Stefan,

the changes I asked for, are working as requested. The extandable options are 
inserted into the correct line of the conditional attributes. 


PS: While testing on a new demo logbook, I first made the mistake to declare 
both options, the first one and the related one as extendable. But I can imagine 
that this was really never ment to be implemented.
icon2.gif   Implementation of RSS feeds, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 25 23:16:39 2004 rss.gif
I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.

For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see

To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:


From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
    icon5.gif   Re: Announcement of RSS feeds, posted by Marc Neiger on Thu Nov 11 01:04:01 2004 
Great, but what's the corresponding URL for the RSS feed itself

> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
    Reply   , posted by on Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004 
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
    icon4.gif   Re: Announcement of RSS feeds, posted by Marc Neiger on Mon Nov 15 09:54:45 2004 
IE 6 chokes on the XML, below is what I get for
(sorry this is in french).
So I assume all rss reader parsing the file with the MS XML parser shall also 
have a problem, this is the case with Avant Browser integrated RSS reader.



La page XML ne peut pas être affichée 
Impossible d'afficher l'entrée XML en utilisant la feuille de style XSL. 
Corrigez l'erreur, puis cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou réessayez 


Un caractère incorrect a été trouvé dans un contenu de texte. Erreur de 
traitement de la ressource

<title>Re: $message id  gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back, posted 
by Ulrich Tr
    icon5.gif   Re: Implementation of RSS feeds, posted by Matthew on Tue Jan 4 00:55:26 2005 
The <pubDate> item doesn't appear to be a valid RFC-822 date.  Causes some
aggregators to fail when parsing.

The error is shown by Feedvalidator:

> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
       icon2.gif   Re: Implementation of RSS feeds, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 4 11:38:43 2005 
> The <pubDate> item doesn't appear to be a valid RFC-822 date.  Causes some
> aggregators to fail when parsing.

I fixed that, now it passes the Feedvalidator. New version is under CVS.
icon1.gif   Complete Bulgarian translation, posted by Ognyan Kulev on Wed Dec 22 12:28:22 2004 eloglang.bulgarian.gz
Thanks to Recai Oktas, who encourage me to complete the Bulgarian
translation for the Debian elog package, the Bulgarian translation is
completed and attached.
    icon2.gif   Re: Complete Bulgarian translation, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Dec 22 12:56:44 2004 
Thanks, the file will be contained in the next release.
icon5.gif   admin menu, posted by Heiko Scheit on Sun Dec 19 17:11:07 2004 
Could you implemet and option 'admin menu' which gets displayed
when an 'admin' is logged in.  This menu could e.g. also include 'Delete'
while the normal menu would not.
    icon5.gif   Re: admin menu, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Dec 20 17:22:28 2004 
> Could you implemet and option 'admin menu' which gets displayed
> when an 'admin' is logged in.  This menu could e.g. also include 'Delete'
> while the normal menu would not.

You can achieve the same via

Allow delete = <admin name>
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886