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    icon2.gif   Re: How can change the justification of a column?, posted by fabio vitale on Mon Jan 30 18:30:30 2017 
I need to set text-align:left but only for an attribute in the List mode, For example, say that FirstName column must be left justified in list view.
What is the name of the cell content in the default elog.css?

    icon2.gif   Re: How can change the justification of a column?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Jan 31 08:42:54 2017 
You might tell your browser to show you the source code of an ELOG page in list mode. There you'll find the class name you're looking for.

Cheers, Andreas

    icon2.gif   Re: How can change the justification of a column?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 31 09:20:07 2017 
The CSS class for the list display table "listframe". If you want the second column to be left-aligned, you put following into elog.css:

.listframe td:nth-child(2) {
    icon2.gif   Re: How can change the justification of a column?, posted by fabio vitale on Tue Jan 31 18:10:29 2017 
Thank you Stefan: it worked!

Now I am wondering if there is some syntax to force this behaviour at the attribute level in elog.cfg, without the need to modify the css, I
mean simply based on the attribute name (not its content). The syntax Style <attribute> <value> = <style>
    icon2.gif   Re: How can change the justification of a column?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 31 21:38:44 2017 
This is currently not possible.


    icon4.gif   Re: calculate diff of 2 date(s), posted by sohail bhatti on Mon Feb 6 15:59:04 2017 

Alex Kühnel wrote:


icon5.gif   Duplicate entries, posted by Alan Grant on Thu Mar 16 15:15:34 2017 
Periodically (rarely) on manually adding a record into Elog it generates a duplicate record with its own incremented ID and I don't know
why. I just delete the duplicate in the meantime but would like to know if anyone else has seen this and whether their is a answer/fix for it. Thanks.
    icon2.gif   Re: pre defined Find as Home page, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Thu Apr 6 11:01:30 2017 
It's very simple, no need for the find command. E.g.: Start page = ?Author=luedeke&Category=Question&mode=summary

in this forum would do

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