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  2061   Thu Nov 9 22:53:27 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1-1622Re: Email notification (bug tracking system)

Bertram Metz wrote:

I'd like to use ELOG like a bug tracking system. I've created an attribute with the name AssignedTo. The attribute type is set to userlist. The value of AssignedTo is set to the full name of the selected user. There is no simple relationship between the full name and the email address on our system. Is it possible to get the email address of a user from the full name?

Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Options Category = Bug Report{1}, Observation{2}, Other{3}
Type AssignedTo = userlist
Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords
{1} Show Attributes = Author, Category, Hardware, Software, Subject, Keywords, Status, AssignedTo
Required Attributes = Author, Hardware, Software, Category
Options Status = new, open, confirmed, closed
;the following line does not work, since $AssinedTo contains the full name of the user
Email Category Bug Report = $

Kind regards,

I implemented the attribute type useremail for you. This can be used like:
Attributes = Author, Catorory, AssignedTo
Type AssignedTo = useremail
Email Category Bug Report = $AssignedTo

You will see only the email address of the people in the list, but since the email address usually contains the name this might be enough. A different system would have been too difficult to implement. The new feature is contained in SVN revision 1754.
  2062   Thu Nov 9 22:57:38 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestOther2.6.2-1739Re: Option to require new user registration to subscribe to ALL logbooks

Steve Jones wrote:
Stefan, any chance of having an option that eliminates the ability of new users to pick the logbooks they can register with? I would like to limit this to the "admin" user to pick per individual.

The logbook list new users can register with is exactly the list the users have access to. So if you omit a logbook there, they can later just go to that logbook, hit config, and add themselves. If you want to prevent a user from getting notifications from a logbook, prevent user access to that logbook, like a new top group.

Steve Jones wrote:
Also, any thoughts to adding a management panel that will the admin user to make global changes to the password file? I do this by bringing it into a text editor and making changes, but it would be nice to do it from the application.

Not at the moment. It would take days of work which I don't have right now. Much more than what it takes you editing the password file in an editor Wink
  2063   Thu Nov 9 23:04:32 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1Re: Is it possible to require certain attributes for specific users (guests)?
> First of all, thanks for writing and maintaining eLog.
> I've been using it for a few years, but I'm now introducing it in an environment that may have a lot of "Guest"
> accounts.
> I'd like to have two "Required Attributes" when a guest enters a new entry; their name and e-mail address. These
> fields don't need to be required for registered accounts, since that information is available already.
> Is there any way to have conditional statements act on the value of $short_name?
> Thanks,
> Mark

Actually there is one possibility:

Preset Author = $long_name
Required Attributes = Author

This will force the author to be supplied. If one is logged in, the login name will be put into the author field. If
there is guest access, the field will contain "anonymous", so hopefully each guest will change that to the real name...
  2064   Thu Nov 9 23:10:08 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux2.6.1-1684Re: How can I configure to prevent empty entries?

Alan Stone wrote:
I have accidentally created a couple of entries recently. It is pretty easy. I
fill in the header, type in a Subject, and then hit Enter, instead of TAB.
I have turned off the edit option intentionally.

I want to avoid this in the future. Is there a configuration option which would
confirm that the user before submitting an entry without a Body? I know I can require
attributes like Author and Subject. I am not sure I want to require a Body, in case
someone submits an entry with just an attachment (and a Subject).

Thanks, Alan

Actually the submit/edit behavior is controlled by your browser, not by elog. I do not know any mean of how the HTML code could control this independently of the browser. So you have to get used to it Wink
  2068   Fri Nov 10 07:46:27 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoWindowsV2.6.2-175Re: Outlook, Outlook Express and Free Webmail have problem with <br />

An Thai wrote:
If users reply an entry, the notification email cannot be displayed correctly in Outlook, Outlook Express and Webmail.
I look at the source code and see <br />. It could be the reason.

<br /> is XHTML standard and valid code. I do not have this problem in Mozilla Thunderbird.
  2069   Fri Nov 10 07:51:59 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.2.1723Re: Conditional Email Notification by a text file

An Thai wrote:
I tested many times and find out the problem.
The first opening CMD and running "elogd -v -x". It works perfektly.
Close the CMD: It stops to work.
From this time point it never works again even I try to re-open CMD and run "elogd -v -x"
The computer must be rebooted to get it works. (The CMD for running elogd -x must be always opened !!!)

You probably run two servers in parallel. If you install the standard windows package, an elogd service is created and started. If you open a command window and run elogd manually, you have it running twice, and you never know to which instance your browser connects to. So first start the server with net stop elogd and then open the command window and start elogd manually.
  2072   Sat Nov 11 18:36:44 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.2.1723Re: Conditional Email Notification by a text file

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
I can't seem to get this working when Elogd is started as a service though?
Starting elogd (-x) manually works fine and with the -v switch I can see it is operating correctly but obviously the service option is preferred.
The service ("D:\ELOG\elogd.exe" -x -D -c "D:\ELOG\elogd.cfg") is starting correctly using the -x switch (as I use the shell command for other elog options) but it doesn't seem to send the mail.
Is this a 'feature' ;o)

Sure Big grin

But seriously, elogd cannot be started as a service under windows by opening a command window and executing above command line. Under windows, it has to be installed and run as a service, which is usually done by the installer. To change it, you do that by selecting My Computer, then right mouse click and Manage, then you select Serviced and Applications, then Services, then you will see the elogd service. A double click on it opens the corresponding properties, where you will find the command line, usually

"C:\Program Files\ELOG\elogd.exe" -D -c "C:\Program Files\ELOG\elogd.cfg"

Here you have to change the command line parameters to add the -x flag. Then you stop and restart the service.
  2074   Sat Nov 11 18:54:59 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.6.2.1723Re: Conditional Email Notification by a text file

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
The problem I have is that when Elog is started as a service using the -x switch then the shell command using An's mail list suggestion does not work? Starting the elogd daemon manually (ie using the command prompt) does work.

When elogd runs as a service, it needs all paths to be absolute, like having the full c:\dir\subdrir\.... Do you have this? What about file access permission? You can try to do a Preset text = <file> with your email list, to see if elogd can actually access this file at all.
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