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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67123   Tue Sep 13 13:38:19 2011 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixLinux2.9.0-2414Re: Elog crashes with URL find npp=0
> [...] It appears that npp=0 crashes elogd [...]

Here's a patch: search for "npp" in src/elogd.c and add the following line:
  if (n_page<=0) n_page = 20;

Here's the diff output for version 2.9.0-2414
*** 20092,20096 ****
     if (isparam("npp"))
        n_page = atoi(getparam("npp"));
+    if (n_page<=0) n_page = 20;

     if (page_mid) {
  67177   Fri Jan 27 14:05:09 2012 Idea Christian Herzogherzog@phys.ethz.chQuestionLinux2.9.0el cheapo LDAP binding

Hi all,


we would like to hook elog to our LDAP server. Instead of writing a full-featured LDAP auth module for elog, I have the following idea: use Apache's LDAP module to require LDAP auth for a single logbook:


 <Location /elog/admin>

        Use PhysLDAP

        Use RequirePhysLDAPGroup isg

        RewriteEngine On

        RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)

        RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]

        RequestHeader add X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e

the two Use statements are Apache macros that define our LDAP settings. The last 4 lines are necessary for Apache to pass on the logged in user to the proxied elog (ends up in ENV X-Forwarded-User).
In elogd.c, I added 
   /* extract REMOTE_USER */

   if ((p = strstr(request, "X-Forwarded-User:")) != NULL) {

      p += 17;

      while (*p && *p == ' ')


      strlcpy(remote_user, p, sizeof(remote_user));

      if (strchr(remote_user, '\r'))

         *strchr(remote_user, '\r') = 0;

         char sid[32];

         /* get a new session ID */

         sid_new(NULL, remote_user, (char *) inet_ntoa(rem_addr), sid);

         /* set SID cookie */

         set_sid_cookie(NULL, sid);

         // TODO: set lbs!


to process_http_request in order to extract the LDAP login. I have managed to populate the author field with remote_user, but what I'd really like is to write a cookie containing this login name so that session handling kicks in. You can see that I attempt to write a cookie, but elogd segfaults at set_sid_cookie() (gdb backtrace: 
set_cookie (lbs=0x0, name=0x483b22 "sid", value=0x7ffffffd7590 "4831386B7B333A99", global=0, expiration=0x7ffffffd7300 "")
Would anyone be willing to help me with this? I'm not at all familiar with the program flow in elogd and my C is a bit rusty...
Dr. Christian Herzog <>  support: +41 44 633 26 68
IT Services Group, HPT H 8                    voice: +41 44 633 39 50
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
8093 Zurich, Switzerland           
  67218   Thu Mar 29 13:01:17 2012 Idea leen smitleen.smit@gmail.comInfoLinux | AllELOG V2.9.RSS Feed
Hi All, Just a quick message in the hope of helping other find an answer to the question: How to reach the RSS Feed??? I spend hours trying to find out what the correct URL is to reach the feed. The documentation on this is non-existent - at least we could't find this anywhere in the docs. Answer: Just add elog.rdf at the end of the URL of the logbook!! eg. Leen
  67219   Thu Mar 29 13:01:26 2012 Idea leen smitleen.smit@gmail.comInfoLinux | AllELOG V2.9.RSS Feed
Hi All,

Just a quick message in the hope of helping other find an answer to the question: How to reach the RSS Feed???
I spend hours trying to find out what the correct URL is to reach the feed. The documentation on this is non-existent - at least we could't find this anywhere in the docs.

Answer: Just add elog.rdf at the end of the URL of the logbook!!

  67456   Mon Feb 25 19:10:07 2013 Idea Francois CukierMonsieurdindon@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Edit from summary view

 Good day,


I was wondering (and I searched for :) ) a way to directly edit an entry while in summary view instead of having to first click on the entry then click on Edit...

I mean, in summary view, every row entry is clickable to access the entry itself (except email witch open email client), so instead to open it, can it be edited directly ?

Is it possible ?

  67457   Mon Feb 25 19:12:47 2013 Idea Francois CukierMonsieurdindon@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Search result background color

 Is it possible to change the "yellow" background color when running a search ? (I looked in the css, there is nothing...) 

Couldn't find any syntax for elogd.cfg

Thanks for your help :)

  67460   Wed Feb 27 13:43:00 2013 Idea Francois CukierMonsieurdindon@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Custom "move to"

 Good day,

I have 2 logbooks. The main one and the one for the archived entries.

I can make a "move to" command in the main one witch will bring the drop down for the archive. (working perfect).

I was wondering if it is possible to make a "custom" move to in witch I can directly specify the destination logbook, hide the drop down and rename the button.

The main objective is to make a button called "Archive" witch the users only have to press to move the selected entries.<

I know I can make some custom command in list view ie :<a href="?xxx=xxx1|xxx2">zzz</a> so I was wondering if the same is possible and if so, can you guide me on the syntax ?


Thanks for your help :)

  67480   Fri Apr 26 19:00:07 2013 Idea Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9.2Google Places API AutoComplete

 G'day everyone.

Looking for some input on this idea.

I work for an organization which uses elog extensively for day to day operations.

In several of our logbooks we use a "location" attribute where we would enter an address or intersection.

I am working with the google places api and am able to create the auto complete form in a separate html page, but am interested if anyone has a good direction how i could change the input box into the google map autocomplete search box.


I have the code already for the api search box. but when i add it to the config it doesn't really do anything different.

Attached is the html file i setup with the api code.

the autocomplete works great, now i just want it to work in elog.

Any help is much appreciated!

And perhaps the Elog Powers that be might be interested in making it a function down the road? :)

Attachment 1: Test_Search.html
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6