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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categoryup OS ELOG Version Subject
  579   Fri Jul 9 19:17:03 2004 Idea Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributes
Thank you Stefan! Just was out of the office for some days.

There ar 2 questions in addition:

1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
the left, if the value is very long, they move to the right side. This make it
sometime not easy to read the informations, specially if the user browses trough some
entries, the picture the eyes are scanning is changing.

2. Did I understand you right, that tis will not work while editing? I would like to
put this to the wish list for a uppcoming version (not very importand, but VERY nice
to have), that it may be possible to use Format in the new and edit mode too, because
it is somtimes more comfortable to have some attributes grouped locically in one line
or to have a overview over all attributes on one screen without scrolling while editing.

ELOG has e very big flexibility and I'm amazed how fast and stable it's running under
Linu xas well as under Windows! - I love it!  :-)


> > I have some problems of understanding how the "Format <attribute>" parameter
> > is working. It may be, that there was a similar question in the forum, but I
> > didn't find it. I'm sorry if I come back with an old question.
> > 
> > I would like to have 2two attributes in the same line. As ex. PersonName,
> > PersonCity.
> > 
> > If I understand the handbook correctly, it should be posslible with "Format
> > <attribute> = 1". However, I'm not able to use the "Format <attribute>"
> > correctly because I do not understand how to use it correctly in the cfg file.
> > 
> > Is there a possibilty of an example by Stafan or does anybody else already
> > use this feature successfuly and is able to post a example here?
> This forum uses that feature. As you can see, if you display a single entry, the
> author, subject etc. are on a single line. This is achieved with
> Format Author = 1
> Format Author email = 1
> Format Category = 1
> Format OS = 1
> Format ELOG Version = 1
> Note that in the entry form, each attribute is on a separate line no matter what
> the format specifiers are. The single line option only works for the display page.
  582   Mon Jul 12 10:36:22 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributes
> 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
> the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
> be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
> the left, if the value is very long, they move to the right side. This make it
> sometime not easy to read the informations, specially if the user browses trough some
> entries, the picture the eyes are scanning is changing.

Yes there is a possibility. In the format option, you can specify two CSS names, one for the
attribute and one for it's value. The default ones are "attribname" and "attribvalue". Just
make new ones by copying these two, renaming it to something like xxxname and xxxvalue where
"xxxx" is the name of the attribute. You find that in the file themes/default/default.css.
They contain a field called "width:" which can be changed:

.typename {
  width:150px;             <-- must be changed
  border:1px solid #0000FF;
  border-top:1px solid white;
  border-left:1px solid white;

By having separate classes for all attributed, you can change their width separately,
accomplishing hopefully what you need.

> 2. Did I understand you right, that tis will not work while editing? I would like to
> put this to the wish list for a uppcoming version (not very importand, but VERY nice
> to have), that it may be possible to use Format in the new and edit mode too, because
> it is somtimes more comfortable to have some attributes grouped locically in one line
> or to have a overview over all attributes on one screen without scrolling while editing.

I will put this on the wishlist.

  583   Mon Jul 12 11:03:10 2004 Agree Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributes
Thank you Stefan!

1. Will help in the real hard cases!

2. Great! Specially editing adresses or some stutus overviews will be easier with a compleate

> > 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
> > the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
> > be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
> > the left, if the value is very long, they move to the right side. This make it
> > sometime not easy to read the informations, specially if the user browses trough some
> > entries, the picture the eyes are scanning is changing.
> Yes there is a possibility. In the format option, you can specify two CSS names, one for the
> attribute and one for it's value. The default ones are "attribname" and "attribvalue". Just
> make new ones by copying these two, renaming it to something like xxxname and xxxvalue where
> "xxxx" is the name of the attribute. You find that in the file themes/default/default.css.
> They contain a field called "width:" which can be changed:
> .typename {
>   width:150px;             <-- must be changed
>   background-color:#CCCCFF;
>   border:1px solid #0000FF;
>   border-top:1px solid white;
>   border-left:1px solid white;
>   padding:3px;
> }
> By having separate classes for all attributed, you can change their width separately,
> accomplishing hopefully what you need.
> > 2. Did I understand you right, that tis will not work while editing? I would like to
> > put this to the wish list for a uppcoming version (not very importand, but VERY nice
> > to have), that it may be possible to use Format in the new and edit mode too, because
> > it is somtimes more comfortable to have some attributes grouped locically in one line
> > or to have a overview over all attributes on one screen without scrolling while editing.
> I will put this on the wishlist.
> Stefan
  596   Wed Jul 14 13:58:26 2004 Idea Bartjan Wattelwatt0006@mail.hzeeland.nlRequestLinux | Windows2.5.3.Request: limit size of attachments
hi again,

we have been doing a bit of stress testing for Elog. The most important 
thing we found is that Elog stops responding when a user uploads a large 
attachment (we used a 240 Mb attachment). 

Is it possible to add a flag in the configuration file, to specify the 
maximum size of an attachment?

Bartjan Wattel
  600   Wed Jul 14 21:47:47 2004 Idea Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.5.3Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES
Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 
For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
single window and this, I think, would help.

  602   Wed Jul 14 22:21:55 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES
> Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
> is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 

Where should the tooltip appear? In the entry form or when an entry is
displayed, or even in the tabular listing? I can put a title arround the
attribut names such as

<div title="Please enter some subject here">Subject:</div>

which gets interpreted by most browsers as a tooltip. However it's not
apparent to the user that leaving the cursor on top of "Subject" opens a
tooltip, especially since the cursor is displayed as the text cursor (vertical
bar), not as an arrow over the attribute. Do you have a link to a public web
page which uses tooltips?

> For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
> single window and this, I think, would help.

Aiming for running elog on you PDA? Let me know if you succeed...
  604   Wed Jul 14 22:54:43 2004 Reply Steve Jonessteve.jones@freescale.comRequestAll2.5.3Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES
> > Using the COMMENT feature to add guidance to an ATTRIBUTE works great, but
> > is it possible to add a TOOLTIP <ATTRIBUTE> = so as to save screen space? 
> Where should the tooltip appear? In the entry form or when an entry is
> displayed, or even in the tabular listing? I can put a title arround the
> attribut names such as
> <div title="Please enter some subject here">Subject:</div>
> which gets interpreted by most browsers as a tooltip. However it's not
> apparent to the user that leaving the cursor on top of "Subject" opens a
> tooltip, especially since the cursor is displayed as the text cursor (vertical
> bar), not as an arrow over the attribute. Do you have a link to a public web
> page which uses tooltips?
> > For a complex entry form it is desireable to try and have everything in a
> > single window and this, I think, would help.
> Aiming for running elog on you PDA? Let me know if you succeed...

In the Entry form I am thinking, as this is when most people need some help. 
Perhaps the user could be clued in with a "Mouse-over each attribute for Help"
COMMENT at the top.

As for the PDA, no, it's just that some people around here get confused if they
have to scroll down.  Not a big thing . . . ;-> Hmmm, PDA . . . 
  607   Thu Jul 15 10:01:03 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.5.3Re: Wishlist: TOOLTIP for ATTRIBUTES
Ok, I added the option

Tooltip <attribute> = ...

I apply the HTML "title" tag to the whole table row, so the tooltip appears on the
whole line, not only the attribute name. I guess this is much more intuitive. Give
it a try. New version under CVS and available as a snapshot.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886