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ID Datedown Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  420   Fri Aug 1 13:18:42 2003 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug fixLinux2.3.9.problem with boolean attributes
Boolean attributes were not displayed correctly in version 2.3.9.
Patch is attached.
  419   Thu Jul 31 16:02:41 2003 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug reportLinux2.3.9not proper HTML
I just upgraded from 2.3.5 to 2.3.9.

There are some errors in the generated HTML.  Most of the time
the browser renders everything correctly but sometimes not.  Please
check especially (

    There are too many <table> tags before the attribute list:
    'Type', 'Operating system',...  This should be just one table and
    not each row a separate table.  Also the first <table> tag lies
    outside a <td> tag of the enclosing table.

  418   Thu Jul 31 06:39:40 2003 Question Kishore Masandkishorem@hotmail.comQuestionWindows2.3.9How to get a list of registered users assigned to an attribute?

I am trying to create an issues logbook where I have defined an attribute 
so I can track who this issue is assigned to. In order to get a drop-down 
list of users of the system to show up for that attribute (when creating a 
new issue), I have to type in the whole list of users in the config file. 
The problem is that whenever a user self-registers, I have to go into the 
config file and add that user to the list. Is there a way to write 
something like this:

Options Assigned To = $user_list

I am a new user, and am thoroughly enjoying working with ELog. Thanks for 
such a neat product. I have not been able to go through all the logs yet 
to figure out if this question has been asked/answered before.
  417   Wed Jul 30 08:13:56 2003 Entry eric wootenwootene@verizon.netRequestWindows2.3.9Account expiration
I know there's an item on the wishlist for password expiration, so how 
about account expiration..?? (after so many days of inactivity).

One complaint that comes from management is that when a user leaves the 
agency, the elog account seems to never get deleted.  There way of asking 
me, why I never keep up with the user account deletions.  Ha Ha, like I 
have time to constantly compare the user list from elog to the user list of 
other systems.

Another plea on my part, for Elog to allow for authentication via external 
database - such as LDAP, so we wouldn't have to maintain another user 

  416   Sun Jul 27 16:09:09 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.3.9Re: using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??
> Is this possible?  If so, could you provide an example:
> I'm trying to find a way that when you do a search, that you can filter 
> entries using ( = , <>, AND) on one or more attributes.
> ex:  Find all workstations for this subnet, but exclude a particular one.
> Thats the basic idea.
> Can it be done? If so, how?

No, it cannot be done right now, but it's on the wishlist since some time. 
So I added your vote there.
  415   Sat Jul 26 20:11:01 2003 Question eric wootenwootene@verizon.netQuestionWindows2.3.9using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??
Is this possible?  If so, could you provide an example:

I'm trying to find a way that when you do a search, that you can filter 
entries using ( = , <>, AND) on one or more attributes.
ex:  Find all workstations for this subnet, but exclude a particular one.
Thats the basic idea.

Can it be done? If so, how?

  414   Sat Jul 26 10:29:33 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion 2.3.9Re: Need fault-tolerance recommendations for using ELOG for Server Logs
I was thinking since some time already about mirroring between elog servers, 
and actually started already some implementation.

The problem with mirroring on the file level does not work. Assume two 
servers "serv1" and "serv2". Then assume that one message gets submitted on 
serv1 and at the same day another message gets submitted on serv2. Now you 
have on both servers a file 030726a.log, but you cannot copy this file 
simply from one server to the other, since you would overwrite the message 
submitted on the other server. Furthermore, you need file level access, 
which is maybe easy between your laptop and your desktop computer, but not 
if the two mirror servers are in different countries. Like in our 
collaboration we have three servers located in Switzerland, Italy and Japan 
(,,, where we cannot 
have direct disk access.

So what I propose is the following mirror scheme:

o Each elog server may contain a list of mirror servers in the configuration 

o Each elog server calculates an MD5 checksum from all local messages

o Synchronization between servers can be triggered manually (by clicking 
on "Synchronize") or automatically at a given time and interval

o On Synchronization, the elogd server fetches the MD5 list from the mirror 
server and compares it with the local list

o If a message has been edited remotely but not locally, it's fetched and 
stored locally, same in the other direction

o If a message got edited on both sides since the last synchronization, the 
user is asked to resolve the conflict (keep local or keep remote message)

o If there is a new message locally, its submitted at the remote server, but 
with the same submission date/time as locally, same in the other direction

o If new messages are present on both sides, their message ID is changed so 
that it is unique, then they are copied over. If there are already replies 
to this message, their link (using the message ID) is changed accordingly

So I plan to implement this scheme in the next time. The MD5 checksum is 
already there. If anybody has comments or additional wishes concerning 
mirroring, telling them right now would be great, since I then can 
accomodate them easier during the implementation.

- Stefan
  413   Fri Jul 25 23:56:12 2003 Question Shawn Larsonshawn@larson.netQuestion 2.3.9Need fault-tolerance recommendations for using ELOG for Server Logs
   I would like to implement ELOG as a logbook for our Windows 2000 
servers.  After making the recommendation, my supervisor replied: 

"The problem and perhaps the only problem is what happens when the server 
is down. Electronic log books should be able to replicate from more than 
one source so you can document let’s say from your laptop – and upload to 
the server later."

   Can anyone help me out here with some scenarios to improve fault-

   Perhaps installing it on multiple servers and synchronizing the data 
and config folders with the NT File Replication Service?  

   Or installing it on one server and each administrator's laptop and 
using Offline Files to synchronize the data?

Any feedback would be appreciated,

Shawn Larson
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886