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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  503   Mon Mar 8 17:24:14 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion 2.5.1Re: Elog as a service
> Is there any possibility to start elogd as a service under NT/2000/XP 
> having local service as its user? Yes, I've read the documentation. Maybe 
> things have changed.

What do you mean by "local service as its user"? If you install elogd as a 
service with FireDaemon or via SRVANY.EXE, you use the "Services" section 
under Computer Management ("Verwalten") to configure the elogd service. 
Although the documentation says that one should use the "This account" with 
the appropriate password, it is possible to use the "Local System account" 
as well. But I'm not 100% sure what implications this has for the ownership 
of the logbook database files, but it should be ok in most cases.
  504   Wed Mar 10 06:56:19 2004 Reply Rajrajelio@yahoo.comBug report 2.5.1Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server
Run into the same error on a windows XP & 2000 machine. Totally shuts down the elogd.exe 
when THREADED is selected. Have not tried your modified version after reading the posted 
results. Will run with summary view until fixed. Wish I could help but I'm not a 
programmer. Let me know if you want to test any new elogd.exe's.
  505   Tue Mar 16 09:50:58 2004 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.5.1Re: System Error / Hangs with ELOG and threaded Msg's under Win 2k3 Server
> Run into the same error on a windows XP & 2000 machine. Totally shuts down the elogd.exe 
> when THREADED is selected. Have not tried your modified version after reading the posted 
> results. Will run with summary view until fixed. Wish I could help but I'm not a 
> programmer. Let me know if you want to test any new elogd.exe's.

This problem has been fixed now, it was a programming bug. New version under
  508   Wed Mar 24 20:23:47 2004 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo allSuggestions for developing new CSS files
The elog daemon uses cascading style sheets (CSS) to format its output, such
as font family, size and color. Some people started to develop new themes
(skins) and posted them at the contributions logbook (such as

From my onw experience, I know that this can be a difficult job, since it
means to change the "default.css" file and reloading a page over and over
again. I recently discovered a way to do this much easier: The Mozilla based
browsers (such as firefox, have an
extension called EditCSS (
which shows the CSS file on the left side of the browser and the web page on
the right side. Changes in the CSS editor are immediately reflected in the
browser window. This way one can change certain entries in the CSS file and
immediately see its consequences. Development of new skins should therefore
become much more easier.
Attachment 1: editcss.gif
  509   Wed Mar 24 21:25:34 2004 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo allQuick search mode with Mozilla based browsers, extremely useful!!!
It is not usual for me to pester people with tips around elog, but this
one was so helpful for me that I would like to share it.

The Mozilla based browsers, such as Netscape or Firefox
( offer the possibility of
so-called "keymarks" or "bookmark keywords". This are bookmarks to which a
keywork can be added, making them a very powerful search tool for elog. This
can be explained most easily in an example:

Add following bookmark to your Browser:

Name: ELOG search
Keyword: el

I attached a screendump of how this looks under Firefox. Now you can type

el <keyword>

in your URL address bar, and the elog forum is automatically searched for
that keyword (see second attachment), since the "%s" in the URL is
automatically replaced with your keyword. This works of course also with
your personal logbooks. The switch "sall=1" causes elog to search for the
string in the main text body and in all attributes.

The URL bar can be activated with CTRL-L, so the key sequence

CTRL-L el <keyword>

is all you need to search a ELOG logbook, even without touching the mouse.
Attachment 1: keymark.gif
Attachment 2: result.gif
  557   Fri Jun 4 22:40:44 2004 Angy Robin  2.52Using select menu option to move multiple logbook entries to another logbook
I'm trying to configure this thing to be able to filter on a set of 
criteria, choose select, choose toggle all, and then choose "Move to 
Complete Work Requests".

I've been able to select a specific logbook entry and move it, and I've 
been able to filter and select and toggle, but I can't figure out how to 
get the Move To option to show up on the main logbook menu....

what am I missing?

  558   Mon Jun 7 15:58:10 2004 Reply Stefan  2.52Re: Using select menu option to move multiple logbook entries to another logbook
> I've been able to select a specific logbook entry and move it, and I've 
> been able to filter and select and toggle, but I can't figure out how to 
> get the Move To option to show up on the main logbook menu....

To be able to move entries between logbooks, you have to enable the "move to"
command with the option "Menu commands" like:

Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Config, Move to, Help

Having done this, the menu "Move to xxx" should show up when you select an
individual entry, where xxx is the name of the other logbook(s). If you so a
"Select" on several entries, a new button should show up which lets you move
all selected entries to the other logbook(s). See elog:/1 for an example. If
you do not observer this behaviour, please let me know.
Attachment 1: move_to.gif
  590   Wed Jul 14 11:45:46 2004 Warning Bartjan Wattelwatt0006@mail.hzeeland.nlBug report 2.5.3'Full' mode gives incorrect results when searching

I was just searching your online discussion forum for entries with the 
word 'password' in the subject. I noticed that the 'Full' option in 
the 'full/summary/threaded' line displays the results of all entries in the 
logbook, and not only the entries with the word 'password' in the subject.

I think there is an error in the URL, because when looking for the word 
password in the subject, the URL for the 'Full' option is:

If I change the word 'reve' in this URL to 'reversed=1', the results are 

Bartjan Wattel
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6