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Entry  Wed Oct 21 15:03:13 2020, Seiya Nozaki, Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register drs4_srin_srout_srclk.pdf
    Reply  Tue Oct 27 13:37:23 2020, Stefan Ritt, Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register Screenshot_2020-10-27_at_13.45.39_.png
       Reply  Tue Oct 27 15:02:09 2020, Seiya Nozaki, Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register 
          Reply  Tue Oct 27 15:24:38 2020, Stefan Ritt, Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register 
             Reply  Wed Oct 28 04:32:19 2020, Seiya Nozaki, Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register 
Message ID: 800     Entry time: Wed Oct 21 15:03:13 2020     Reply to this: 801
Author: Seiya Nozaki 
Subject: Timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register 

Dear Stefan,

I have questions about the timing diagram of SROUT/SRIN signal to write/read a write shift register.
1) Value of SRIN signal is saved at the falling edge of SRCLK, correct? (It is written in datasheet, page12, "Bits are latched into the shift register on the falling edge of SRCLK")
2) When are 8-bits of write shift register shown through SROUT? At ridging edges of SRCLK? and with additional delay(~10ns)? or falling edges?
3) In my understanding, when SRCLK is sent to DRS4, we can read and write the values in parallel, right? If so, is it possible just to read the registers without updating the registers?

We have two modes to set the write shift register, the first one is to always reconnect to the first line and another one is to reconnect to the same line as when DWRITE goes to Low.
We can read/write the write shift register with the first mode (channel reset, page1). But we rarely face the problem of write shift register, unexpected values are written, with the second mode. With this mode, SROUT signal is sent back to DRS from FPGA as SRIN to write the same value on the write shift register. So there is a small delay(~10ns) due to the routing (DRS->FPGA->DRS, page2). It seems SRIN signal is not stable around the falling edges of SRCLK, thus it could cause that unexpected values are written in write shifter register.
To understand the situation clearly, I'd like to know the answer to the above questions.

Thank you.

Best regards,

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