ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Fri Dec 27 22:04:48 2024 |
Matias Henriquez | Problem with C++ script to use DRS4 evaluation board. Not taking data. | Hello, some updates:
4. I was able to capture correct waveforms using c++ code. I needed to use the function SetTriggerDelayNs() to properly capture my waveforms.
5. I noticed that the drsosc program source code uses the functions: CalibrateVolt() and CalibrateTiming() for performing calibration. For these to work, is it necessary to use EnableAcal() and EnableTcal() functions right?
I'd appreciate if you can still give some insights about 1,2 and 3. Thank you!
Matias Henriquez wrote: |
I need to write a script in C++ to take data using the DRS4 evaluation board v4. For that, I used the drs_exam.cpp example as a reference. This is my code (see attachement 2), which is very similar to the provided example, however the difference is that I need to trigger on CH1 OR CH2. In the next version I will need to trigger with an OR in all channels.
The problem is, my code gets stuck in waiting for trigger or only 1 event occurs (event 0). I read that event and it doesn't even go above 30mV, which was the threshold I set. There are some questions I have:
- Why Transparent mode is activated for Hardware Trigger?
- Why EnableTCal is activated? is the drs4_exam example based acquires the 100MHz reference just for the sake of the example? or is just a time calibration routine?
- Can someone explain the function EnableTrigger(flag1,flag2) in boardType 8? it si not clear to me how the trigger is enabled.
- To check that my input signals are correct, I run the drsosc application and I can see the signals with no problem (see attachement 1). However I noticed that I had to configure the trigger delay in the drsosc application, and I don't do that in my c++ code. I will try that later.
- How do I perform voltage calibration and time calibration using the c++ functions?
Thank you so much for your help.
Mon Dec 23 19:31:31 2024 |
Matias Henriquez | Trigger OUT pulse width variable from 100 us up to 100 ms | Given this new scenario, what is the maximum rate of events that can be processed then (a rough estimation would be great, 1/2ms?)? is it mainly limited by the USB data transmission and the PC? How does the logic of the trigger and DRS4 data sampling works inside the FPGA in general terms? e.g: trigger activated -> dwrite ON -> ADC acquisition -> busy until data has been shipped off to the PC -> free to process new events.
Is there a way to obtain some sort of timestamp for the trigger on each event? or is it better to use C++ time functions in the PC since the DRS4 is usually used in experiments with low rate of events so the long time it takes to the USB and PC is not a problem? (eg. particle physics).
Thanks for your help,
Matias H.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
The "Trigger OUT" has changed recently. It goes high on a new trigger, but then STAYS high until the board has been read out by the PC and re-started. This allows better synchronization with some external trigger, which can be re-armed with the falling edge of the trigger out signal. The signal can be quite long, since readout of an event via USB typically takes 2 ms, but can be more if the PC is busy. If you need back your 150 ns pulse, send the trigger out to an external pulse shaper with fixed shaping width.
Gerard Arino-Estrada wrote: |
Hello Stefan,
I am using the DRS4 board connected to a Raspberry PI and through the drsosc application. I am interested on using the "Trigger OUT" signal to do some extra data processing with NIM modules. According to the manual, for each hardware trigger a TTL pulse of 150 ns width should be send through the "trigger OUT". In my case I do see pulses with widths ranging from 100 microseconds up to hundreds of miliseconds. I am connecting the signal directly to an oscilloscope with 50 Ohm termination. I have tried two DRS4 boards in identical conditions and both show the same behavior. Having such wide and variable pulses makes it complicated for me to do the extra post-processing. Have you any idea of what might be going wrong? Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Fri Dec 20 20:35:31 2024 |
Matias Henriquez | Problem with C++ script to use DRS4 evaluation board. Not taking data. | Hello,
I need to write a script in C++ to take data using the DRS4 evaluation board v4. For that, I used the drs_exam.cpp example as a reference. This is my code (see attachement 2), which is very similar to the provided example, however the difference is that I need to trigger on CH1 OR CH2. In the next version I will need to trigger with an OR in all channels.
The problem is, my code gets stuck in waiting for trigger or only 1 event occurs (event 0). I read that event and it doesn't even go above 30mV, which was the threshold I set. There are some questions I have:
- Why Transparent mode is activated for Hardware Trigger?
- Why EnableTCal is activated? is the drs4_exam example based acquires the 100MHz reference just for the sake of the example? or is just a time calibration routine?
- Can someone explain the function EnableTrigger(flag1,flag2) in boardType 8? it si not clear to me how the trigger is enabled.
- To check that my input signals are correct, I run the drsosc application and I can see the signals with no problem (see attachement 1). However I noticed that I had to configure the trigger delay in the drsosc application, and I don't do that in my c++ code. I will try that later.
- How do I perform voltage calibration and time calibration using the c++ functions?
Thank you so much for your help.
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: drs_test.cpp
Name: drs_exam.cpp
Created by: Stefan Ritt
Contents: Simple example application to read out a DRS4
evaluation board
$Id: drs_exam.cpp 21308 2014-04-11 14:50:16Z ritt $
#include <math.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
#define O_BINARY 0
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define DIR_SEPARATOR '/'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "strlcpy.h"
#include "DRS.h"
int main()
int i, j, nBoards;
DRS *drs;
DRSBoard *b;
float time_array[8][1024];
float wave_array[8][1024];
FILE *f;
double domino_freq = 2; //Domino Ring Frequency = 2GHz
double trigger_level_ch1 = 0.03; // Trigger level for channel 1
double trigger_level_ch2 = 0.03; // Trigger level for channel 2
//double trigger_level_ch3 = 0.01; // Trigger level for channel 3
//double trigger_level_ch4 = 0.01; // Trigger level for channel 4
int trigger_source_reg = (1<<0) + (1<<1);
//int trigger_source_reg = (1<<0) + (1<<1) + (1<<2) + (1<<3);
/* do initial scan */
drs = new DRS();
/* show any found board(s) */
for (i=0 ; i<drs->GetNumberOfBoards() ; i++) {
b = drs->GetBoard(i);
printf("Found DRS4 evaluation board, serial #%d, firmware revision %d\n",
b->GetBoardSerialNumber(), b->GetFirmwareVersion());
/* exit if no board found */
nBoards = drs->GetNumberOfBoards();
if (nBoards == 0) {
printf("No DRS4 evaluation board found\n");
return 0;
/* continue working with first board only */
b = drs->GetBoard(0);
/* initialize board */
/* set sampling frequency */
b->SetFrequency(domino_freq, true);
/* enable transparent mode needed for analog trigger */
/* set input range to -0.5V ... +0.5V */
/* use following line to set range to 0..1V */
/* use following line to turn on the internal 100 MHz clock connected to all channels */
/* use following lines to enable hardware trigger on */
if (b->GetBoardType() >= 8) { // Evaluaiton Board V4&5
b->EnableTrigger(1, 0); // enable hardware trigger
} else if (b->GetBoardType() == 7) { // Evaluation Board V3
b->EnableTrigger(0, 1); // lemo off, analog trigger on
//b->SetTriggerLevel(0.05); // 0.05 V
b->SetTriggerPolarity(false); // positive edge
/* use following lines to set individual trigger elvels */
b->SetIndividualTriggerLevel(1, trigger_level_ch1);
b->SetIndividualTriggerLevel(2, trigger_level_ch2);
//b->SetIndividualTriggerLevel(3, trigger_level_ch3);
//b->SetIndividualTriggerLevel(4, trigger_level_ch4);
//Set Trigger Configuration
// OR Bit0 = CH1, Bit1 = CH2, Bit2 = CH3, Bit3 = CH4, Bit4 = EXT
// AND Bit8 = CH1, Bit9 = CH2, Bit10 = CH3, Bit11 = CH4, Bit12 = EXT
// TRANSP Bit15
b->SetTriggerDelayNs(0); // zero ns trigger delay
/* use following lines to enable the external trigger */
//if (b->GetBoardType() == 8) { // Evaluaiton Board V4
// b->EnableTrigger(1, 0); // enable hardware trigger
// b->SetTriggerSource(1<<4); // set external trigger as source
//} else { // Evaluation Board V3
// b->EnableTrigger(1, 0); // lemo on, analog trigger off
// }
/* open file to save waveforms */
f = fopen("data.txt", "w");
if (f == NULL) {
perror("ERROR: Cannot open file \"data.txt\"");
return 1;
/* repeat ten times */
for (j=0 ; j<10 ; j++) {
/* start board (activate domino wave) */
/* wait for trigger */
printf("Waiting for trigger...");
while (b->IsBusy());
/* read all waveforms */
b->TransferWaves(0, 8);
/* read time (X) array of first channel in ns */
b->GetTime(0, 0, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array[0]);
/* decode waveform (Y) array of first channel in mV */
b->GetWave(0, 0, wave_array[0]);
/* read time (X) array of second channel in ns
Note: On the evaluation board input #1 is connected to channel 0 and 1 of
the DRS chip, input #2 is connected to channel 2 and 3 and so on. So to
get the input #2 we have to read DRS channel #2, not #1. */
b->GetTime(0, 2, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array[1]);
/* decode waveform (Y) array of second channel in mV */
b->GetWave(0, 2, wave_array[1]);
/* Save waveform: X=time_array[i], Yn=wave_array[n][i] */
fprintf(f, "Event #%d ----------------------\n t1[ns] u1[mV] t2[ns] u2[mV]\n", j);
for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++)
fprintf(f, "%7.3f %7.1f %7.3f %7.1f\n", time_array[0][i], wave_array[0][i], time_array[1][i], wave_array[1][i]);
/* print some progress indication */
printf("\rEvent #%d read successfully\n", j);
/* delete DRS object -> close USB connection */
delete drs;
Fri Jun 28 23:33:51 2024 |
Patricia Lecomti | Error when running drsosc | Salut !
Je vois que tu rencontres un petit problème avec ton installation. Le message "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module 'canberra-gtk-module'" indique que ton système essaie de charger un module GTK spécifique qui n'est pas installé. Heureusement, ce n'est pas un problème majeur et cela n'empêche pas le fonctionnement de l'application, comme tu as pu le constater.
Pour résoudre ce message d'erreur, tu peux installer le module manquant. Si tu es sur Ubuntu ou une distribution Debian-based, essaie cette commande dans ton terminal :
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
Après l'installation, relance drsosc pour voir si le message disparaît. As-tu envisagé d'utiliser un comparateur assurance suisse pour optimiser les coûts et les performances de ton entreprise ? Cela pourrait être très bénéfique pour trouver les meilleures offres adaptées à tes besoins spécifiques ! Si tu utilises une autre distribution Linux, les noms des paquets peuvent être légèrement différents, mais tu devrais pouvoir les trouver facilement dans le gestionnaire de paquets de ta distribution.
N'hésite pas à revenir si tu as d'autres questions ou problèmes ! Bon courage avec ton projet.
À bientôt !
Rebecca Hicks wrote: |
Hi, I'm a student trying to figure out the DRS4 board. I cloned the github repo, but when I run drsosc, I get an error: Gtk-Message: 10:06:38.376: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module". I'm not sure what that means. The oscilloscope window does open up for me though. Thanks for any help!
Tue May 21 18:13:08 2024 |
Rebecca Hicks | Error when running drsosc | Hi, I'm a student trying to figure out the DRS4 board. I cloned the github repo, but when I run drsosc, I get an error: Gtk-Message: 10:06:38.376: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module". I'm not sure what that means. The oscilloscope window does open up for me though. Thanks for any help! |
Thu Feb 22 10:37:03 2024 |
Stefan Ritt | Simulation of FPGA | The Cypress has its own firmware, contained in the distribution under firmware/CY7C68013A/drs_eval.c. There you can see how the data is fetched. I kind of forgot how exactly it worked, since I wrote that code back in 2011. But most if the Cypress code is just the configuration of the USB, the communication with the FPGA is kind of straight forward in the Cypress implementation. But you have to read the manual of that chip to understand it.
Unfrtunately there is no full testbench for the firmware, since I didn't have a VHDL Model of the Cypress, so I implemente dit the "hard" way ;-)
Rod McInnis wrote: |
A bit of background: I am working on a project that is utilizing the DRS4 Evaluation board as a prototype platform for a dedicated, special use capture. We will only be utilizing one channel of the ADC capture, and the 1024 samples is more than enough.
What I will need to do, however, is do some preprocessing on the incoming ADC data, running some calculation on the fly, possibly some filtering and other transformations before putting the data into the FPGA block memory for transfer to the host via the Cypress USB interface. I will be modifying the "drs4_eval5" VHDL file and doing a new FPGA build.
It will be essential that I be able to simulate this, from the ADC input to the data flow to the Cypress chip. I have "eval board files" which includes the VHDL source files, Xilinxe ISE project files and some very basic simulation testbenches.
Unfortunately, the simulation testbenches call out a "drs4_eval1" module while the Xilinx project uses a "drs4_eval5" module, and the module ports are a little different. I think I can work around that, however. I have run the simulatilon "drs4_eval1_tb", which does a simple write to a Control Register. I need to expand this simulation so that it will initiate a full capture and then transfer the data from the RAM to the Cypress chip.
What I am most confused about is how the Cypress chip sucks out the data from the FPGA block ram. I would expect it to use a burst mode data transfer rather than the cumbersom CSR read/write, but I haven't found any documentation on how this interface works.
Q1: Is there a simulation testbench file available that does the 1024 sample data transfer?
Q2: Is there a waveform diagram that shows the protocol / signal handshake between the FPGA and Cypress chip for this data transfer?
Thank you
Rod McInnis
Thu Feb 22 01:21:11 2024 |
Rod McInnis | Simulation of FPGA | Hello:
A bit of background: I am working on a project that is utilizing the DRS4 Evaluation board as a prototype platform for a dedicated, special use capture. We will only be utilizing one channel of the ADC capture, and the 1024 samples is more than enough.
What I will need to do, however, is do some preprocessing on the incoming ADC data, running some calculation on the fly, possibly some filtering and other transformations before putting the data into the FPGA block memory for transfer to the host via the Cypress USB interface. I will be modifying the "drs4_eval5" VHDL file and doing a new FPGA build.
It will be essential that I be able to simulate this, from the ADC input to the data flow to the Cypress chip. I have "eval board files" which includes the VHDL source files, Xilinxe ISE project files and some very basic simulation testbenches.
Unfortunately, the simulation testbenches call out a "drs4_eval1" module while the Xilinx project uses a "drs4_eval5" module, and the module ports are a little different. I think I can work around that, however. I have run the simulatilon "drs4_eval1_tb", which does a simple write to a Control Register. I need to expand this simulation so that it will initiate a full capture and then transfer the data from the RAM to the Cypress chip.
What I am most confused about is how the Cypress chip sucks out the data from the FPGA block ram. I would expect it to use a burst mode data transfer rather than the cumbersom CSR read/write, but I haven't found any documentation on how this interface works.
Q1: Is there a simulation testbench file available that does the 1024 sample data transfer?
Q2: Is there a waveform diagram that shows the protocol / signal handshake between the FPGA and Cypress chip for this data transfer?
Thank you
Rod McInnis
Wed Oct 25 19:52:33 2023 |
John Westmoreland | WaveDREAM Design | Stefan,
Oh, didn't realize that.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
No. This is a proprietary design.
Wed Oct 25 19:47:23 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | WaveDREAM Design | No. This is a proprietary design.
Stefan |
Wed Oct 25 19:44:25 2023 |
John Westmoreland | WaveDREAM Design | Hello All,
Are there any design resources available for the WaveDREAM PCBA's?
Thanks In Advance,
John W. |
Wed Sep 13 13:18:45 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Input range switch added in Version 2.1.3 | To achieve an input range of -1V to 0V, you need an external buffer which can shift this range into the DRS4 range of -0.5V to +0.5V. This external buffer has then to operate with bipolar power supplies, like -2.5V to +2.5V, which are not present on the evaluation board.
Best regards,
Stefan |
Tue Sep 5 03:28:52 2023 |
Matias Henriquez | Input range switch added in Version 2.1.3 | Hello,
It is not quite clear to me yet how the input range is only determined by the front end and not the DRS4 chip. According to the datasheet, the selection of ROFS determines whether the input differential range is -0.5V to 0.5V (ROFS=1.55V) or 0V to 1V (ROFS=1.05V) or -0.05V to 0.95V (ROFS=1.1V).
As far as I understand, the input differential voltage cannot go further below -0.55V since the maximum ROFS voltage is 1.6V according to the datasheet).
Also in the DRS4 evaluation board 5.1 design, the output of the differential amplifier is AC coupled to the DRS4 chip.
I'd appreciate a lot your help.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
A new software verison for the DRS4 Evaluation Board has been has been released. Version 2.1.3 adds a switch for the input range of the DRS4 board. Once can choose between -0.5V...0.5V and 0V...1V:
A board firmware update is not necessary for this. It was originally planned to have even a negative range -1V...0V, but this is not possible with the current board design. People who want to record negative pulses have to use an inverter to produce positive pulses. In a future version of the board it might be possible to include this functionality since this is determined by the analog front-end and not the DRS4 chip.
Mon Jun 12 14:22:04 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Different sampling rates in multi-board configuration | No, that's unfortunately not possible.
Javier Caravaca wrote: |
Is it possible to have different sampling rates in multi-board configuration? I tried using the scope application but I am unable to change the sampling rate independently.
Fri Jun 9 04:11:40 2023 |
Javier Caravaca | Different sampling rates in multi-board configuration | Hello,
Is it possible to have different sampling rates in multi-board configuration? I tried using the scope application but I am unable to change the sampling rate independently.
Javier. |
Mon Feb 6 13:28:28 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | DRS4 installation via tar in ubuntu not working | I fixed the described error. Can you try the new version from
Sebastian Infante wrote: |
Hello i cant install any the last versions that i downloaded from the dropbox, i can untar the file called drs-5.0.6 and when i type "make" while inside the extracted folder that starts working properly till a point and i get an error, its worth mention that i installed wxWidgets and could make a simple hello world that worked properly in wxWidgets.
The error that i get is the next one:
inlined from ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV4(unsigned int)’ at src/DRS.cpp:7224:35:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:95:34: warning: ‘char* __builtin___strncpy_chk(char*, const char*, long unsigned int, long unsigned int)’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-truncation]
95 | return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len,
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
96 | __glibc_objsize (__dest));
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/DRS.cpp: In member function ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV4(unsigned int)’:
src/DRS.cpp:4767:11: note: length computed here
4767 | strncpy(calibrationDirectoryPath, fCalibDirectory, strlen(fCalibDirectory));
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/string.h:535,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/string.h:30,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/memory.h:15,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/object.h:19,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/wx.h:15,
from src/DRS.cpp:15:
In function ‘char* strncpy(char*, const char*, size_t)’,
inlined from ‘void DRSBoard::GetCalibrationDirectory(char*)’ at src/DRS.cpp:4767:11,
inlined from ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV3(unsigned int)’ at src/DRS.cpp:7066:35:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:95:34: warning: ‘char* __builtin___strncpy_chk(char*, const char*, long unsigned int, long unsigned int)’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-truncation]
95 | return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len,
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
96 | __glibc_objsize (__dest));
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/DRS.cpp: In member function ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV3(unsigned int)’:
src/DRS.cpp:4767:11: note: length computed here
4767 | strncpy(calibrationDirectoryPath, fCalibDirectory, strlen(fCalibDirectory));
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Wuninitialized -fno-strict-aliasing -Iinclude -I/usr/local/include -DOS_LINUX -DHAVE_USB -DHAVE_LIBUSB10 -DUSE_DRS_MUTEX -I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-3.3 -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.3 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DWXUSINGDLL -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -c src/averager.cpp
g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Wuninitialized -fno-strict-aliasing -Iinclude -I/usr/local/include -DOS_LINUX -DHAVE_USB -DHAVE_LIBUSB10 -DUSE_DRS_MUTEX -I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-3.3 -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.3 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DWXUSINGDLL -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -c src/ConfigDialog.cpp
In file included from include/DRSOscInc.h:25,
from src/ConfigDialog.cpp:7:
include/DOFrame.h: In member function ‘bool DOFrame::GetRefclk()’:
include/DOFrame.h:111:46: error: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero (‘bool*’ and ‘int’)
111 | bool GetRefclk() { return m_refClk > 0; }
| ~~~~~~~~~^~~
make: *** [Makefile:81: ConfigDialog.o] Error 1
Mon Oct 24 12:50:24 2022 |
Stefan Ritt | Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin | The board is delivered in one or the other mode and not meant to be changed by the user, since this requires very delicate soldering which is not easy. If you try anyhow, you loose the quarantee. You can send the board back to the manufacturer for the modification, but this costs quite some moeny.
Best regards,
Phan Van Chuan wrote: |
Dear Stefan,
We are using DRS4 evaluation board version 5.1 and firmware version 30000 (as the picture attached). Now, I am in need one channel with length 2048 bin. However, I can't find the resistors R99, ... ,R106 on the hardware of evaluation board; it seems my DRS4 evaluation board doesn't use 2048 bins per channel.
Our question is, can we repair this hardware to read 2048 bins/channel? if that is possible please let me know what to add on hardware/software of DRS4 evaluation.
Best regards.
Phan Van Chuan.
Sat Oct 22 13:24:20 2022 |
Phan Van Chuan | Channel Cascading Option in the 2048-bin | Dear Stefan,
We are using DRS4 evaluation board version 5.1 and firmware version 30000 (as the picture attached). Now, I am in need one channel with length 2048 bin. However, I can't find the resistors R99, ... ,R106 on the hardware of evaluation board; it seems my DRS4 evaluation board doesn't use 2048 bins per channel.
Our question is, can we repair this hardware to read 2048 bins/channel? if that is possible please let me know what to add on hardware/software of DRS4 evaluation.
Best regards.
Phan Van Chuan. |
Attachment 1: DRS4V51.png
Mon Oct 17 16:29:37 2022 |
Sebastian Infante | DRS4 installation via tar in ubuntu not working | Hello i cant install any the last versions that i downloaded from the dropbox, i can untar the file called drs-5.0.6 and when i type "make" while inside the extracted folder that starts working properly till a point and i get an error, its worth mention that i installed wxWidgets and could make a simple hello world that worked properly in wxWidgets.
The error that i get is the next one:
inlined from ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV4(unsigned int)’ at src/DRS.cpp:7224:35:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:95:34: warning: ‘char* __builtin___strncpy_chk(char*, const char*, long unsigned int, long unsigned int)’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-truncation]
95 | return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len,
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
96 | __glibc_objsize (__dest));
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/DRS.cpp: In member function ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV4(unsigned int)’:
src/DRS.cpp:4767:11: note: length computed here
4767 | strncpy(calibrationDirectoryPath, fCalibDirectory, strlen(fCalibDirectory));
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/string.h:535,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/string.h:30,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/memory.h:15,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/object.h:19,
from /usr/local/include/wx-3.3/wx/wx.h:15,
from src/DRS.cpp:15:
In function ‘char* strncpy(char*, const char*, size_t)’,
inlined from ‘void DRSBoard::GetCalibrationDirectory(char*)’ at src/DRS.cpp:4767:11,
inlined from ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV3(unsigned int)’ at src/DRS.cpp:7066:35:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:95:34: warning: ‘char* __builtin___strncpy_chk(char*, const char*, long unsigned int, long unsigned int)’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-truncation]
95 | return __builtin___strncpy_chk (__dest, __src, __len,
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
96 | __glibc_objsize (__dest));
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/DRS.cpp: In member function ‘bool ResponseCalibration::ReadCalibrationV3(unsigned int)’:
src/DRS.cpp:4767:11: note: length computed here
4767 | strncpy(calibrationDirectoryPath, fCalibDirectory, strlen(fCalibDirectory));
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Wuninitialized -fno-strict-aliasing -Iinclude -I/usr/local/include -DOS_LINUX -DHAVE_USB -DHAVE_LIBUSB10 -DUSE_DRS_MUTEX -I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-3.3 -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.3 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DWXUSINGDLL -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -c src/averager.cpp
g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Wuninitialized -fno-strict-aliasing -Iinclude -I/usr/local/include -DOS_LINUX -DHAVE_USB -DHAVE_LIBUSB10 -DUSE_DRS_MUTEX -I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-3.3 -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.3 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DWXUSINGDLL -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -c src/ConfigDialog.cpp
In file included from include/DRSOscInc.h:25,
from src/ConfigDialog.cpp:7:
include/DOFrame.h: In member function ‘bool DOFrame::GetRefclk()’:
include/DOFrame.h:111:46: error: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero (‘bool*’ and ‘int’)
111 | bool GetRefclk() { return m_refClk > 0; }
| ~~~~~~~~~^~~
make: *** [Makefile:81: ConfigDialog.o] Error 1
Tue Sep 27 15:20:55 2022 |
Stefan Ritt | Required Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0 | Sorry, got the wrong link. Here the right one:
If you untar the archive, you will find a "firmware" subdirectory with all VHDL code.
Kunal Shinde wrote: |
I checked the link you provided but it seems that the link doesnt exist please send me valid one.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
You find each software version at the usual download location at
The one you need is probably drs-2.1.3.tar.gz which was the last version for the 2.0 board which is now more than 10 years old.
Kunal Shinde wrote: |
Hi, I am working on an old DRS4 board Version "2.0" with firmware revision "13191", I was unable to find this specific firmware source files ("VHDL source code"), please help me where could I find this or send me the required.
Tue Sep 27 10:52:41 2022 |
Kunal Shinde | Required Firmware for DRS4 Evaluation Board Version 2.0 | I checked the link you provided but it seems that the link doesnt exist please send me valid one.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
You find each software version at the usual download location at
The one you need is probably drs-2.1.3.tar.gz which was the last version for the 2.0 board which is now more than 10 years old.
Kunal Shinde wrote: |
Hi, I am working on an old DRS4 board Version "2.0" with firmware revision "13191", I was unable to find this specific firmware source files ("VHDL source code"), please help me where could I find this or send me the required.