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  875   Wed Jan 12 23:48:18 2005 Reply PJ Meyerpjm@pjmeyer.orgBug reportWindows Re: Login/Password request appears twice
> > Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
> > Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
> > You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you 
> > and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again 
> > then you finally get into the elog book.
> > 
> > Anything I can check on this behavior?
> Sorry my late reply, was very busy these days... (;-) Can you send me your
> elogd.cfg so that I can see how you defined your groups?
> - Stefan

OK elogd.cfg is attached.
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
Welcome title = <center><H1>DHS OIS-Portland Tracking System Pilot</h1><P>ELog v2.5.5-1</p><p>contact Reggie Liggins, Pat Meyer, 
or Robin Peterson with questions</p></center> Page title = DHS OIS-Portland Tracking System Pilot CSS = psob.css logbook tabs = 0 tab cellpadding = 2 SMTP host = Display Email recipients = 0 Logbook dir = c:\E-log\logbooks Logfile = userlog Logging level = 2 Use Lock = 1 Logout to Main = 1 Top text = <center><a href="/">Logbooks</a></center> Bottom text = <center><a href="/">Logbooks</a></center> Suppress Email to users = 1 Login expiration = 10 Search All Logbooks = 0 Show top groups = 1 # Everyone can see top groups for now Top Group OIS = Work Requests, Completed Work Requests, System Status, Status Reports, System Releases, Server Log, Server Checks, Logging Improvements, NDS Requests, Immi-Alert Change Log, Alertwr, SDWIS Issue Tracking, Prehospital Issue Tracking Top Group SWLMC = SWLMC Workflow Top Group CWare = Careware [global OIS] Password file = cleaning.cfg Admin user = pmeyer, rpeterson, jfine, rliggins, ddumont, jdicicco, kgaarder, ssams Self register = 1 [global SWLMC] Password file = swlmc.cfg Admin user = pmeyer, rpeterson Allow Delete = pmeyer, rpeterson Self register = 1 [global cware] password file = care.cfg admin user = pmeyer, rpeterson self register = 1 ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ [Work Requests] #### Open Problems ### Confirm that Also Notify E-mails work ### Fix Status Codes ## HOW do I hide archiving work requests for Non Admins? ## Change Date Needed to Date Preferred ## Fix user menu text Theme = default Comment = ISE Work Requests Subdir = workrq Time format = %B %d, %Y Use Lock = 0 Reverse sort = 1 Page Title = Work Requests ### Menu Commands ## Use this line normally Menu Commands = Back, New, Edit, Find, Last Day, Last 10, Logout, Help, Move to, Config Find Menu Commands = Back, New, Find, Select, Logout, Help, Move to, Config ## Use this line if we need to delete #Menu Commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Last Day, Last 10, Logout, Help, Move to, Config Move to = Completed Work Requests Menu text = work_requests_menu.txt Use Email Subject = $System $Priority Priority: $Title Use Email Heading = The OIS Tracking system has just received a work request. Use Email Heading Edit = A work request in the OIS Tracking system has just been changed. Email All = $Notifications, "$Also Notify", Message comment = Please describe what you need here. Attachment comment = Please attach screenshots or auxiliary documents here. Display mode = summary # Can add an edit column by putting Edit in the list, but it works a little cheesy, also, need to put edit.gif in the gif directory List display = ID, Date, System, Title, Priority, Date Needed, Status, Work Order, Percent Complete, Expected Delivery, Estimated Hrs Summary lines = 7 ID display = $message id ## Filter options Quick filter = System, Priority, Status, Date, Work Order, Assigned To ##### The Good Stuff ######### ### Attributes we are tracking Attributes = System, Requestor, Title, Priority, Date Needed, Type, Also Notify, Subsystem, Status, Work Order, Assigned To, Percent Complete, Estimated Hrs, Actual Hrs, Date Added, Expected Delivery, Date Completed, Notifications, Completed ### Joe DiCicco removed Estimated Hrs from Attributes to save display space. 09-16-2004 ### System Picking Options System = SDWIS{sy01}, OMMP{sy02}, CareAssist{sy03}, CareWare{sy04}, Cashfile{sy05},Vital Stats{sy06}, RPS{sy07}, CTS{sy08}, Prehospital{sy09}, HAN{sy10}, eSentinel{sy11}, NBS{sy12}, eMedX{sy13}, eNBSAuth{sy14}, Other{sy00} ### Requestor ### We might rewrite this to use the login as the standard fillin... ### Naw...don't like that idear either....but adding an e-mail that is prefilled based on requestor works ### Preset Requestor = $long_name Options Requestor = Mary Alvey{raa}, Aaron Cossel{rab}, Jeff Ditty{rjd}, Vic Fox{rac}, Evan Hofeld{rad}, Norma Hunt{rae}, Cheryl Hyer{ref}, Terry Lindsey{rag}, Stephen Ladd-Wilson{rsl}, Mary Leverette{rah}, Pat Meyer{rai}, Robin Peterson{raj}, Bob Rapcinski{rak}, Denise Skrypkar{ral}, Eric Stewart{res}, Tom Strand{rts}, Roger Wirt{ram}, Jennifer Woodward{ran}, Ed Wright{rao}, Mitch Zahn{rap}, June Bancroft{raq}, JA Magnuson{rar}, Michelle Barber{ras}, Eugene Gray{rat}, Other...{rzz} ### I took out extendable for now... ### Extendable options = Requestor ### Priority -- changed from radio to regular to permit use in e-mail rules Options Priority = A-Emergency{p1}, B-Critical{p2}, C-High{p3}, D-Medium{p4}, E-Low{p5} Preset Priority = D-Medium ### When it is needed (if there is a defined date) Type Date Needed = date ### Type ROptions Type = Ad-hoc Query, Bug (Brk/Fix), Enhancement, Inquiry, Support, Other ### Also Notify ### Just a blank field holds e-mail addresses of Comment Also Notify = <BR><b>Below for OIS staff only.</b> ### Subsystem -- would go here but is populated based on system ### Status -- changed from radio to regular to permit use in e-mail, prefill, reply and lock rules Options Status = 1-Requested{s1}, 2-Need More Detail{s2}, 3-Estimated{s3}, 3a-Client Approved{s3a}, 4-Assigned{s4}, 5-In Process{s5}, 6-Delivered{s6}, 7a-Reopened{s7a}, 7b-Stalled{s7b}, 8a-Approved As Completed{s8a}, 8b-Project Needed{s8b}, 8c-Closed (No Info/Dup/Not Approved){s8c} Preset Status = 1-Requested ### Work Order ROptions Work Order = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+ ### Estimated Effort...right now this is an integer only ### Joe DiCicco removed Estimated Hrs from here to save display space. 09-16-2004 ### Actual Effort Type Actual Effort = numeric Comment Actual Effort = (in man-hours) ### Specify the day this was added Type Date Added = date Preset Date Added = $date ### Specify the expected delivery date Type Expected Delivery = date ### When was the work request completed? Type Date Completed = date ### Percent Complete ROptions Percent Complete = 0%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100% ## Preset Percent Complete = 0% Options Completed = Yes, No Preset Completed = No ### Don't even know if this stuff works... Format Assigned To = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 30, 30 Format Estimated = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 3, 3 Format Actual = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 3, 3 ##Format Completed = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 20, 20 ###################### ## The Status Specific Stuff ############################ {s1} Subst Completed = No {s1 s3 s3 s3a s4 s5 s6 s7a s7b} Subst Completed = No {s8a s8b s8c} Subst Completed = Yes ############################ ### The System Specific Stuff ############################# ### Note that these rules can be set based on System (sy01-99), Priority {p1-5}, ### Status {s1-9}, and Requestor {raa - rzz} ### So specifying a condition is like this: ##### {sy01} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson, Jeff Fine ### And multiple options are like this: ##### {sy01 sy02 sy03} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson, Jeff Fine ### And anding options are like this: ##### {sy01 & p1} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson ### So from here you can: ### Add a little text form to the textual help define what the client or staff member needs to record ### Append a little text to the textual area or prepend it ### Specify, based on all of the above options, who gets e-mails, and what the e-mails have to say... ## SDWIS {sy01} Options Subsystem = SWTR/DBPs, ORV80, AccessDBs, Gilomatic, Alexomatic, PHP_Website, Other {sy01} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson{atrhp}, Jeff Fine{atjf}, Joe DiCicco{atjtd} ## Always Notify everyone on the team and notify mary alvey and evan hofeld and robin peterson {sy01} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy01} Preset Assigned To = Joe DiCicco ## RPS {sy07} Options Subsystem = RML, X-Ray, Tanning, Fiscal, Reports, Other {sy07} Options Assigned To = Robert Johnson, Alain MacKinnon, Robin Peterson, Chae Shin {sy07} Preset Assigned To = Chae Shin Email System RPS =, ## OMMP {sy02} Options Subsystem = AppEntry, Telephone Log, LEDS, Cards, Other {sy02} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson {sy02} Preset Assigned To = Robin Peterson {sy02} Email System OMMP = ## CareAssist aka ADAP {sy03} Options Subsystem = SpendDown, Reporting, ED!, Other {sy03} Options Assigned To = Reginald Liggins, James Soult, Leo Kaminski {sy03 & s1} Preset Assigned To = James Soult {sy03 & s1} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s2} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s3} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s3a} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s4} Preset Notifications =,, {sy03 & s5} Preset Notifications =,, {sy03 & s6} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s7a} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s7b} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s8a} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s8b} Preset Notifications =,,, {sy03 & s8c} Preset Notifications =,,, ## HAN {sy10} Options Subsystem = Web Server, HTML/CFM, Java Objects, E-Mail, Database, OS, CVS, Colocation, Other {sy10} Options Assigned To = Jeff Fine, Jeff Ditty, Eric Stewart, Robin Peterson {sy10 & s1} Preset Assigned To = Jeff Fine {sy10} Preset Notifications =,, ## Vital Stats {sy06} Options Subsystem = Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, Abortion, Fetal Death, Matched Infant Death, Other {sy06} Options Assigned To = Reginald Liggins, Jerry Lloyd, Robert Lee, Peggy Smith {sy06} Preset Assigned To = Reginald Liggins Email System Vital Stats =, ## CTS {sy08} Options Subsystem = Export, Import, Reports, Other {sy08} Options Assigned To = Robin Peterson, Tony Sukonik {sy08} Preset Assigned To = Tony Sukonik Email System CTS = ## CareWare {sy04} Options Subsystem = Old, New, Other {sy04} Options Assigned = Robin Peterson {sy04} Preset Assigned To = Robin Peterson Email System CareWare = ## Cashfile {sy05} Options Subsystem = Old, New, Other, Other {sy05} Options Assigned To = Marion Sturdevant, Bob Winfield, Tony Sukonik, Robin Peterson {sy05} Preset Assigned To = Robin Peterson Email System Cashfile = ##eSentinel {sy11} Options Subsystem = Web, Backend, Other {sy11} Options Assigned To = Sandra Sams, Dave O'Neill, Boris Shternberg {sy11 & s1} Preset Assigned To = Boris Shternberg {sy11} Preset Notifications =,,,, ##NBS{sy12} {sy12} Options Subsystem = Web, Backend, Other {sy12} Options Assigned To = Sandra Sams, Dave O'Neill, Boris Shternberg {sy12 & s1} Preset Assigned To = Dave ONeill {sy12} Preset Notifications =,,,, ##eMedX{sy13} {sy13} Options Subsystem = Web, Backend, Other {sy13} Options Assigned To = Sandra Sams, Dave O'Neill, Boris Shternberg {sy13 & s1} Preset Assigned To = Dave ONeill, Sandra Sams {sy13} Preset Notifications =,,,,, ##eNBSAuth{sy14} {sy14} Options Subsystem = Web, Backend, Other {sy14} Options Assigned To = Sandra Sams, Dave O'Neill, Boris Shternberg {sy14 & s1} Preset Assigned To = Dave ONeill, Sandra Sams {sy14} Preset Notifications =,,,, ##################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################### [Completed Work Requests] #### Open Problems ### Confirm that Also Notify E-mails work ### Fix Status Codes ## HOW do I hide archiving work requests for Non Admins? ## Change Date Needed to Date Preferred ## Fix user menu text ##### Generic info ### The colors, etc. Theme = default ### Short description Comment = ISE Completed Work Requests ### Where the data goes Subdir = workrqc ### Time format Time format = %B %d, %Y
... 783 more lines ...
  876   Wed Jan 12 23:53:27 2005 Question PJ Meyerpjm@pjmeyer.orgBug reportWindows2.5.2Menu command = doesn't list
Have tried to use "Menu commands =" to list menu commands available as per:
"Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, HELP, Logout"

but it does not seem to work; with command above I get default menu 

"Find Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Find, Delete, Config, Logout, 

I get the menu I want.
Q what's the difference?????
  877   Mon Jan 17 01:13:27 2005 Question Rashid Alirashid.k.ali@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.5.5-4How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields.
I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

  878   Mon Jan 17 09:29:42 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.5-4Re: How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields.
> I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
> export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

The XML export contains both the Entry Date and Text fields. In CSV format,
it's hard to export the Text field since it can span several lines, which would
break the CSV format (one line per entry). Or do you know how multi-line
entries can be encoded in CSV?
  879   Mon Jan 17 15:02:20 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.5-4Re: How do I Export the 'Date' and 'Text' fields.
> I can export the Attributes I define easily and the Subject. Can't seem to 
> export the Entry Date and the Text fields.

I added at least the date and message ID to the CSV export. New version under CVS.
  880   Mon Jan 17 15:22:30 2005 Question Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Menu command = doesn't list
> Have tried to use "Menu commands =" to list menu commands available as per:
> "Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, HELP, Logout"
> but it does not seem to work; with command above I get default menu 
> structure.
> Using:
> "Find Menu commands = List, Back, New, Edit, Find, Delete, Config, Logout, 
> I get the menu I want.
> Q what's the difference?????

"Find menu commands" apply to the LIST of entries, while "Menu commands" apply
to the page where a SINGLE entry is shown. I know that "Find menu commands" is
a misleading name, but it's historical, I should change it to "Menu commands"
and change the other to "Entry menu commands", does that make more sense?
  883   Mon Jan 17 21:29:32 2005 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows Re: Login/Password request appears twice
> OK elogd.cfg is attached.

I tried to reproduce your problem, but without success. I only have to login once. 

So can you please check how your cookies are set? Under Mozilla Firefox, enable
prompting for cookies (Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Keep kookies=ask me every
time, IE must have similar switch). Each cookie contains a path, for which it
will be sent to the elogd in the future. Since you have your password files in
the [global] sections, they are valid for the whole set of logbooks and the path
is therefre "/". This means of course that the browser also tries to send the
cookies to the logbooks in the other top groups, since in the URL path they are
all next to each other (like "/Work+Requests", "/Completed+Work+Requests").

With the cookie prompting enabled, you can check which cookie gets set for which
directory. You should see a cookie "unm" for username, "upwd" for the encrypted
password and "urem" for the "Remember me" button. If the cookie contents is
empty, the cookie will be removed.

So carefully check the sequence of setting and resetting of cookies, trying to
figure out what goes wrong. It is a good idea for a starting point to delete all
your cookies.

- Stefan
  963   Mon Feb 28 21:35:57 2005 Cool Gary Merciergmercier@newgistics.comQuestionWindowsLatestIncluding the text in the CSV export
Is there any way to include the text of a log message in the CSV export? 
Anyway to include a pointer to the attachment?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6