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    icon2.gif   Re: Including the text in the CSV export, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Mar 1 13:39:09 2005 
> Is there any way to include the text of a log message in the CSV export? 
> Anyway to include a pointer to the attachment?

The text of a log message is usually several lines long. To my knowledge, CSV
only allows single line values, that's why I excluded the text field from the
CSV export. This is different in the XML export, which supports multi-line
values. If you teach me however how multi-line values can be represented in
CSV format, I could easily add that.

As for the attachment, do you just need a name, or a URL back to the logbook?
Should the pointer be in the form "http://elog.server/logbook/attachment.jpg"
or in HTML form like <a href="http:/...">attachment</a> ?
    icon2.gif   Re: Including the text in the CSV export, posted by Gary Mercier on Tue Mar 1 17:29:47 2005 
> > Is there any way to include the text of a log message in the CSV export? 
> > Anyway to include a pointer to the attachment?
> The text of a log message is usually several lines long. To my knowledge, CSV
> only allows single line values, that's why I excluded the text field from the
> CSV export. This is different in the XML export, which supports multi-line
> values. If you teach me however how multi-line values can be represented in
> CSV format, I could easily add that.
> As for the attachment, do you just need a name, or a URL back to the logbook?
> Should the pointer be in the form "http://elog.server/logbook/attachment.jpg"
> or in HTML form like <a href="http:/...">attachment</a> ?

I will attempt to use an active x script in a DTS package on SQL Server to parse
the xml and load it into the database. I can see where CSV has it's limitations.
icon5.gif   Non clickable column, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 4 10:16:04 2005 

Is there any solution to obtain an non-clickable column ?
For example here : what should 
I do to obtain the data of the Category column non clickable?
I don't have find a solution in the Syntax of elogd.cfg  

Thanks a lot
    icon2.gif   Re: Non clickable column, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 4 10:50:57 2005 
> Is there any solution to obtain an non-clickable column ?
> For example here : what should 
> I do to obtain the data of the Category column non clickable?
> I don't have find a solution in the Syntax of elogd.cfg  
> (

What do you mean by "non-clickable column"? The column header for sorting, or
the column contents which brings you to the single entry page? For both of
them, there is no way right now to obtain that. Why do you want it?
    icon2.gif   Re: Non clickable column, posted by Alex H on Fri Mar 4 10:59:51 2005 
> > Is there any solution to obtain an non-clickable column ?
> > For example here : what should 
> > I do to obtain the data of the Category column non clickable?
> > I don't have find a solution in the Syntax of elogd.cfg  
> > (
> What do you mean by "non-clickable column"? The column header for sorting, or
> the column contents which brings you to the single entry page? For both of
> them, there is no way right now to obtain that. Why do you want it?

I talk about the column contents. In fact on ELOG, we store password so its 
more easyer to click twice on it to select them and after to copy them instead 
of select from right to left the password and to try to copy them. The HMTL 
link gave problem, its more hard to copy data from HTML link than an normal TXT.
A little hard to explain sorry for my mistakes and explication I'm French :o).
    icon2.gif   Re: Non clickable column, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 14 21:56:15 2005 
> I talk about the column contents. In fact on ELOG, we store password so its 
> more easyer to click twice on it to select them and after to copy them instead 
> of select from right to left the password and to try to copy them. The HMTL 
> link gave problem, its more hard to copy data from HTML link than an normal TXT.
> A little hard to explain sorry for my mistakes and explication I'm French :o).

I added a new option "Link display = ...", with which you can restrict the number of
attribues which gets a HTML link. If you put

Link display = ID, Author

then only the ID column and the colum with the Author are shown as HTML links, all
other are shown as simple text.

The new version is under CVS. This option will be included in the next release.
    icon2.gif   Re: Non clickable column, posted by Alex H on Tue Mar 15 14:11:48 2005 
> > I talk about the column contents. In fact on ELOG, we store password so its 
> > more easyer to click twice on it to select them and after to copy them instead 
> > of select from right to left the password and to try to copy them. The HMTL 
> > link gave problem, its more hard to copy data from HTML link than an normal TXT.
> > A little hard to explain sorry for my mistakes and explication I'm French :o).
> I added a new option "Link display = ...", with which you can restrict the number of
> attribues which gets a HTML link. If you put
> Link display = ID, Author
> then only the ID column and the colum with the Author are shown as HTML links, all
> other are shown as simple text.
> The new version is under CVS. This option will be included in the next release.

Great news :) !
thanks a lot !
icon5.gif   Expand all at elog home, posted by Alex H on Wed Mar 16 16:13:15 2005 

Is there a command line in the configuration files to show all of sub logs 
on the main page of elog instead of clicking on "Expand All" on the top of 

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6