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icon3.gif   Just wanted to say great job..., posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 10:28:31 2002 

Just wanted to say, great job on this logbook.  I've been with you from the 
beginnning, and I must say it's evolved into an awesome tool.  Our IT dept 
lives by this logbook for change control mgmt, as well as a great way to 
keep everyone informed.   Not to mention what a great audit / reference 
tool it has become.   

icon3.gif   self register enhancmenets, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 09:06:17 2002 
Couple Wish List Items for the Self Register:

-allow the user to pick which type of log entries (which categories, etc) 
they would like to subscribe to and receive notifications on.   

-Option to use an existing LDAP database to authenticate users instead of 
maintaining a password file.
    icon2.gif   Re: self register enhancmenets, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 10:26:14 2002 
Also having the ability to subscribe to notifications for one or more 
logbooks (if access is given - along with the ability to choose which 
categories, etc notifications are sent.

> Couple Wish List Items for the Self Register:
> -allow the user to pick which type of log entries (which categories, etc) 
> they would like to subscribe to and receive notifications on.   
> -Option to use an existing LDAP database to authenticate users instead of 
> maintaining a password file.
icon5.gif   password file and self register, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 09:03:24 2002 
I too am having problems getting the self register to work.   Can you 
attach a sample password file??   When I click the New user, nothing 
happens.  I do not get the screen that shows on this demo site.
    icon2.gif   Re: password file and self register, posted by eric wooten on Fri Aug 16 09:32:07 2002 
Ok I got the password file to finally work.  Once I created a blank 
passwd.txt I get the self register page to appear and create the account.  

Next problem.  Once I'm logged in, and I click logoout, I get an error 
the logout command now allowed ???  Same holds true for the config option 
while logged in.  

> I too am having problems getting the self register to work.   Can you 
> attach a sample password file??   When I click the New user, nothing 
> happens.  I do not get the screen that shows on this demo site.
icon3.gif   logging, posted by tony summerfelt on Thu Aug 15 20:21:17 2002 
is it possible to add ip information into the logging? that's something i was working on already but never that there's logging already added :)
icon3.gif   elogd.cfg for this demo site, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 14 00:04:44 2002 
Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 

========= cut here ===================

logbook tabs = 1
SMTP host =
user = midas
group = midas

Theme = default
Comment = General linux Tips & Tricks
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/Linux
Attributes = Author, Type, Icon, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, 
Configuration, Tips & Tricks, Info, Other
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, 
icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Applications, 
Shell, Account, Packages, Daemons, Other
Required Attributes = Author
Subst Author = $author
Summary on default = 1
Summary lines = 0
Email all =
Email message body = 1

Theme = default
Comment = Demo of database-like elog
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/database
Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status, Comment
Required Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status
Options Type = PC, Router, Bridge
Options Operating system = Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, 
Windows ME, Embedded
Options Location = Building1, Building2, Building3
Options Status = working, defect, in repair
Show text = 0
Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=summary
Display search = #, Type, Location, Status
Summary lines = 0
Find menu commands = New, Find, Last
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, Help
Number Attachments = 0
Suppress default = 2
Entries per page = 10

; general options
Password file = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum/passwd
Admin user = stefan
Self register = 2
Theme = default
Comment = Discussion forum about ELOG
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum
Display mode = threaded
Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Reply, Find, Last day, Last 10, Admin, 
Config, Logout, Help
Find menu commands = New, Find, Last x, Admin, Config, Logout, Help
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Number Attachments = 1
Message comment = <img src=icons/icon6.gif> Please enter only serious 
messages here, for testing use the <b>Linux</b> Logbook:
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit = 1

; Attributes
Attributes = Icon, Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, 
Options Category = Info, Bug report, Bug fix, Question, Request, Comment, 
icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Subject, Icon
Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry date
Thread icon = Icon
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Author

; Email notification
Email message body = 1
Display Email recipients = 0
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd.cfg for this demo site, posted by sam smith on Wed Aug 14 00:22:57 2002 
Thank you very much!

> Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 
> logbooks:
> ========= cut here ===================
> [global]
> logbook tabs = 1
> tab cellpadding = 2
> SMTP host =
> URL =
> user = midas
> group = midas
> [Linux]
> Theme = default
> Comment = General linux Tips & Tricks
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/Linux
> Attributes = Author, Type, Icon, Category, Subject
> Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, 
> Configuration, Tips & Tricks, Info, Other
> IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, 
> icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
> Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Applications, 
> Shell, Account, Packages, Daemons, Other
> Required Attributes = Author
> Subst Author = $author
> Summary on default = 1
> Summary lines = 0
> Email all =
> Email message body = 1
> [Database]
> Theme = default
> Comment = Demo of database-like elog
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/database
> Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status, Comment
> Required Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status
> Options Type = PC, Router, Bridge
> Options Operating system = Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, 
> Windows ME, Embedded
> Options Location = Building1, Building2, Building3
> Options Status = working, defect, in repair
> Show text = 0
> Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=summary
> Display search = #, Type, Location, Status
> Summary lines = 0
> Find menu commands = New, Find, Last
> Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, Help
> Number Attachments = 0
> Suppress default = 2
> Entries per page = 10
> [Forum]
> ; general options
> Password file = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum/passwd
> Admin user = stefan
> Self register = 2
> Theme = default
> Comment = Discussion forum about ELOG
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum
> Display mode = threaded
> Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded
> Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Reply, Find, Last day, Last 10, Admin, 
> Config, Logout, Help
> Find menu commands = New, Find, Last x, Admin, Config, Logout, Help
> Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
> Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
> Number Attachments = 1
> Message comment = <img src=icons/icon6.gif> Please enter only serious 
> messages here, for testing use the <b>Linux</b> Logbook:
> Filtered browsing = 0
> Entries per page = 8
> Reverse sort = 1
> Restrict edit = 1
> ; Attributes
> Attributes = Icon, Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
> IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, 
> Options Category = Info, Bug report, Bug fix, Question, Request, Comment, 
> Other
> icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
> Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Subject, Icon
> Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
> Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry date
> Thread icon = Icon
> Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
> Date format = %B %d, %Y
> Preset Author = $long_name
> Preset Author Email = $user_email
> Locked Attributes = Author
> ; Email notification
> Email message body = 1
> Display Email recipients = 0
    icon3.gif   Re: elogd.cfg for this demo site, posted by tony summerfelt on Wed Aug 14 19:45:56 2002 
> Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 

quite a few things i wanted to do were in that config :)

the only feature i can think of now is a link on the subject in threaded display mode. 

i really crank up the resolution on my monitor, so i tend to miss clicking on the icon (or message number...
icon4.gif   Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0), posted by Stefan Siegel on Mon Aug 12 11:01:51 2002 
When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
change password one gets the following message:

Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 

(up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)


    icon2.gif   Re: Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0), posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 12 17:04:30 2002 
> When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
> change password one gets the following message:
> Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
> elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 
> (up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)

That's strange. This error should only occur if someone uses a user name or 
password with more than 256 characters, which I hope is not the case. Have 
you tried changing your password etc. in this forum? It also runs 2.1.0 on 

I made a version under 


which has improved error output for this problem, maybe this helps.
       icon2.gif   Re: Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0), posted by Stefan Siegel on Wed Aug 14 13:44:12 2002 
> > When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
> > change password one gets the following message:
> > 
> > Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
> > elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 
> > 
> > (up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)
> That's strange. This error should only occur if someone uses a user name or 
> password with more than 256 characters, which I hope is not the case. Have 
> you tried changing your password etc. in this forum? It also runs 2.1.0 on 
> Linux.
> I made a version under 
> http://midas/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/elog/elogd.c?rev=2.67&content-
> type=text/plain
> which has improved error output for this problem, maybe this helps.


changed the VALUE_SIZE from 256 to 512. That seems to fix the problem.


icon5.gif   self-registration, posted by tony summerfelt on Fri Aug 9 21:10:20 2002 
i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-registration in the docs.

just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it were in the changelog and the faq.

it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the various places in the docs to get it going :/
    icon2.gif   Re: self-registration, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Aug 10 13:00:26 2002 elogd.cfg
> i seem to be unable to find a clear explanation of how to enable self-
registration in the docs.
> just to be sure i grepped the doc directory, but the two references to it 
were in the changelog and the faq.
> it could be just me but i'm not reading between the lines or connecting the 
various places in the docs to get it going :/

Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.
       icon2.gif   Re: self-registration, posted by tony summerfelt on Sun Aug 11 18:45:08 2002 
> Sorry, I haven't fully documented it yet, will do on Monday next week. For 
> now, see the configuration file for this forum which is attached.

that's ok. i just wanted to make sure that i hadn't missed something. i'm eventually switching over my entire dial up bbs, to my web page, with elog being the message system. self-registration was the last piece of the puzzle for me :)
icon5.gif   Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values, posted by Stefan Siegel on Fri Aug 9 12:40:23 2002 

Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
options for that attribute. 
But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the old 

Thank you for your help. Regards,

    icon2.gif   Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 9 12:50:58 2002 
> Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
> editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
> options for that attribute. 
> But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the old 
> message.

The option "Fixed attributes = ..." will do the job.
       icon2.gif   Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values, posted by Stefan Siegel on Fri Aug 9 13:04:58 2002 
> > Is there a possibility to prevent elog to overwrite attribute values when 
> > editing an old message? The old values are overwriten with the preset 
> > options for that attribute. 
> > But sometimes you will preserve attribute text and /or options from the 
> > message.
> The option "Fixed attributes = ..." will do the job.

Ok, but is there a possibility to preserve the fields of the old message, but 
still be able to edit it. This would be a nice feature in the case of an entry 
with lots of attributes (set to something different then the preset values). 
After submiting the message you realize : one option was wrong and now you 
want to edit it without changing the other options again.
Is this possible?

Thank you and best regards,

          icon5.gif   Re: Edit an existing message overwrites attributes with preset values, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 9 14:59:17 2002 
> Ok, but is there a possibility to preserve the fields of the old message, 
> still be able to edit it. This would be a nice feature in the case of an 
> with lots of attributes (set to something different then the preset 
> After submiting the message you realize : one option was wrong and now you 
> want to edit it without changing the other options again.
> Is this possible?

Actually this is a good idea. After thinking a while, I wonder if anybody at 
all would like not to preserve the preset values. So if nobody complains, I 
will set the behaviour such that elog always preserves the entries if one 
edits an existing message.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6