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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  623   Wed Jul 28 16:13:04 2004 Agree Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.3 snapRe: List Dispaly produces wrong output in 2.5.3 built 23.7.04 (snapshot)
Thank you very much Stefan!!!

Also the horizontal alignement with "Format = 1" looks much better   as before
with standard css files! Really great work!

> > Using "List Display = <attributes>" produces an ususal output with the text
> > field content in the first row and a row title of the first 3 letters.
> I fixed that problem. Please get the snapshot from July 28th 14:16.
  764   Fri Nov 5 16:59:30 2004 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5$message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back

I do not know if this is a problen of the 2.5.5 (11/03/04) version or of
other versions as well:

I'm using the $message id parameter in a substitution:
Subst KlientIn/KundIn = $Vorname $Name; P: $Telefon Privat; G: $Telefon
Geschäft; N: $Telefon Mobil; $Landeskennung-$PLZ $Ortschaft [<a
href="http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id">$logbook:$mesage id</a>]

the "$message id" will not be replaced by the msg id, the string "$message
id"  will be dispalyed and used. Other substitutions as $logbook etc. are

Is this a bug or did i missunderstood the manual?


Since Version 2.5.5: If ELOG is running under German, the "Zurück" Bottom is
named "Back". Any Idee where I can change this back?  ;-)

2.5.4-6 was corretly translated.
  766   Fri Nov 5 21:37:56 2004 Reply Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
1. thats now clear with the £message id and the work-around is ok for my 

2. the "bacl" link is clear and tranlated to "Liste". But I mean the back 
in the entry and the edit mode (see picture)...  ;-)

> > the "$message id" will not be replaced by the msg id, the 
string "$message
> > id"  will be dispalyed and used. Other substitutions as $logbook etc. 
> > working.
> > 
> > Is this a bug or did i missunderstood the manual?
> Well, the manual does not state that "$message id" should work for "Subst
> <attribute>" option (;-)
> The reason is that the message ID is available only *after* a new entry 
has been
> written to the database, and the "Subst" command is evaluated *before* 
an entry
> is submitted. "$message id" only works for "Thread display", "RSS 
Title", "Subst
> on reply", "Subst on edit" and "Display". You should use
> Display KlientIn/KundIn = $Vorname $Name; P: $Telefon Privat; G: $Telefon
> Geschaft; N: $Telefon Mobil; $Landeskennung-$PLZ $Ortschaft [<a
> href="http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id">$logbook:$message 
> Please note that you wrote "mesage id", correct is however "message id" 
> "s"), so there is also a typo.
> > Since Version 2.5.5: If ELOG is running under German, the "Zurück" 
Bottom is
> > named "Back". Any Idee where I can change this back?  ;-)
> The link "Back" has been replaced upon request by "List" which is more
> appropriate. So if you changed your menu with "Menu commands = ...", 
> replace "Back" by "List" there.
Attachment 1: Screen 255 Back.jpg
Screen 255 Back.jpg
  768   Sun Nov 7 09:49:13 2004 Smile Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
installed elog 2.5.5 agin, same effekt with "back" / "zurück". checked the 
language file eloglang.german witch seem ok for me and the translations are 
well done. removed then in eloglang.germen the traslation for back and checked 
this: still back was viewed. reinserted the translation "Zurück" (just this 
word!)and checked again: everithing looks fine, no longer back, correctly 
Zurück on the button.
absolutly no idea why and whats the difference was! bus it works...
thank's stefan!  :-)

> > 2. the "back" link is clear and tranlated to "Liste". But I mean the back 
> > button 
> > in the entry and the edit mode (see picture)...  ;-)
> Well, if you try with the demo logbook, the "Back" button is translated
> correctly, so I don't know whats wong in your case. Can you check that your
> eloglang.german file is intact?
  821   Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004 Angy Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5-1ELOG-Server crashes after date entry
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):

Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)

I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3. 

Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.

Clould you this fix please Stefan???  THANK'X!!!
  856   Sun Dec 19 19:00:06 2004 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5-2Re: Redirect to wrong hostname
know that illness...  :-(  but was the last of the family of 4 people

i'd like to ask for an other usefull change togehter with this and how url's are 
handled by elog:

since there may be spaces in the name of a logbook (ex. "1stWordOfLogbook 
2ndWordOfLogbook") it is very userfriendly to name logbooks. also it's easy th 
make a reference for a other entry by copy and paste:

Display ThisURL = http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id

however, using spaces in the logbook name may give a wrong result, because the 
url would be http://localhost:8080/1stWordOfLogbook

and the space as well as the 2ndWordOfLogbook//$message id is only normal text.

may it be possible stefan, to replace the space in an url (starting 
with "http://") with a "+" or "%20"? this would allow to automate some things. 
actual the logbook name has to be hardcoded.

> > I think you should be using tcp_hostname instead of gethostname if it is 
> > specified.
> Sorry my late reply, I was ill for some time. I implemented your suggestion in
> revision 1.522 which is available from CVS.
> Note that there is also the "URL = xxx" option in the configuration file which
> lets you specify the whole URL including the host name.
  1136   Mon May 9 17:59:09 2005 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chQuestionWindows2.5.9-2link loss and crash of elogd.exe
Just upgraded from stable running 2.5.2-2 to 2.5.9-2 in case of the usable
Duplicate function. After the problem discribed below i made a new, clean
installation again and played araound with the demo logbook, copying my
testlogbook (part of a real used and under 2.5.2-2 working logbook) into the
demo cfg file. 

ia figured out two serious problems:

1. If I copy the following section to the global into the demo lgbook,
elogd.exe crashes emediatly ewhile starting as a prozess:

Language = German
Theme = default
logbook tabs = 1
main tab = INHALT
welcome title = <b><big>Ulrich Rolf Trüssel</big></b>
Adressverwaltung (Geschäft & Privat)
Mensch-Tier Coaching&trade;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;Mensch-Hund Coaching&trade;
Interessengemeinschaft Familienhund&reg; - Regionalgruppe Zentralschweiz
Lorenz Tierschule port = 8080 Theme = default Message Width = 100 Message Height = 25 Filtered browsing = 1 Suppress default = 2 Suppress Email on Edit = 0 Email Format = 0 Filtered browsing = 1 HTML default = 3 Reverse sort = 1 2. problem (the ting) that made me playing with teh demo cfg: There are totally 8 logbooks running, but just one has this strange problem of not giving a link to to the datasets in full and summary mode. I cutted down all the stuff back to this only lines: [Adresse2] Attributes = Kundensegment, Duzis, Hauptadresse, Selektion, Sperre, Adresse, Unterlagenversand, Empf. gegeben, Gruppe, Mitglied, URT, IGFH, Letzte Anmeldung, IGFH Gruppe, IGFH JB, Anrede, Titel, Briefanrede, Vorname, Name, Firma, Abteilung, Adresse Zusatz, Strasse, Landeskennung, PLZ, Ortschaft, Postfach, Postfach PLZ, Postfach Ort, Telefon Geschäft, Telefon Privat, Telefax, Telefon Mobil, EMail, HomePage, Funktion, Beruf, Geburtstag, Name Hund, Rasse, Sex, Wurfdatum, Anmeldung, Impfbüchlein, Welpenkurs, Erziehungskurs, Hundesport, Bestätigung, OCCH LN, Andere Kurse, Weitere Hunde/Tiere, Referenzen, KlientIn/KundIn List Display = Name, Vorname and got still the same problem. if i create a new logbook it will works, also ut works under 2.5.2-2 but not longer under 2.5.3 up (even not 2.5.9-2). any idea? mening this may be a VERY basic logbook... trued with list display etc. around, nothinh happen. Need to go back to 2.5.2-2 where this wasn't a problem? thanjs for any idea of this to problems...
  1429   Fri Oct 7 08:53:00 2005 Question Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chQuestionWindows2.60-beta5Display Attribute no longer works in Beta 5?
Just changed from Beta 2 to Beta 5:

I'm using Display Attribut = [elog:$logbook/$message id] as a reference link for other entries (ex.: Display Referenz = [elog:$logbook/$message id]). also see the attached elogd.cfg file.

With Beta 2 (not testet with Beta 3 or 4!) this worked very well -> see attached Display Attribute with 260-b2.jpg file.

With Beta 5 is seems no longer to work -> see attached Display Attribute with 260-b5.jpg file.

ANy ideee what's wrong in my elogd.cfg??? Thanks!
Attachment 1: Display_Attribute_with_260-b2.jpg
Attachment 2: Display_Attribute_with_260-b5.jpg
Attachment 3: elogd.cfg
Language = German
Theme = default
logbook tabs = 1
main tab = INHALT
welcome title = <b><big>Ulrich Rolf Trüssel</big></b>
Adressverwaltung (Geschäft & Privat)
Mensch-Tier Coaching&trade;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;Mensch-Hund Coaching&trade;
Interessengemeinschaft Familienhund&reg; - Regionalgruppe Zentralschweiz
Lorenz Tierschule port = 8080 Theme = default Message Width = 100 Message Height = 25 Filtered browsing = 1 Suppress default = 2 Suppress Email on Edit = 0 Email Format = 0 Filtered browsing = 1 HTML default = 3 Reverse sort = 1 Quote on replay = 0 [Kurse] Title image = <img border=0 src="ELOG_URT.gif" alt="Mensch-Hund Coaching(TM) ELOG"> comment = Ulrich Rolf Trüssel - Mensch-Hund Coaching&trade; - <a href="" target="_blank">Hundeschule</a> Start Page = ?rsort=StartDatum&Status=WARTELISTE|LAUFEND Attributes = StartDatum, EndDatum, Wochentag, Zeit, Kurs, Status, Lektionen, Preis, Max., Min., TeilnehmerInnen, WiederholerInnen, KlientIn 1, Definitv 1, WiederholerIn 1, Bezahlt 1, Lektionen 1, KlientIn 2, Definitv 2, WiederholerIn 2, Bezahlt 2, Lektionen 2, KlientIn 3, Definitv 3, WiederholerIn 3, Bezahlt 3, Lektionen 3, KlientIn 4, Definitv 4, WiederholerIn 4, Bezahlt 4, Lektionen 4, KlientIn 5, Definitv 5, WiederholerIn 5, Bezahlt 5, Lektionen 5, KlientIn 6, Definitv 6, WiederholerIn 6, Bezahlt 6, Lektionen 6, Bewertung URT, Referenz List Display = Ändern, Kurs, Status, StartDatum, EndDatum, Wochentag, Zeit Format EndDatum = 1 Format Zeit = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 10, 10 Format Preis = 1 Format Status = 1 Format Max. = 0, attribname, attribvalue1, 5, 5 Format Min. = 1, attribname, attribvalue1, 5, 5 Format TeilnehmerInnen = 1, attribname, attribvalue1, 5, 5 Format WiederholerInnen = 1, attribname, attribvalue1, 5, 5 Format KlientIn 1 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 1 = 1 Format Lektionen 1 = 1 Format Definitv 1 = 1 Format KlientIn 2 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 2 = 1 Format Lektionen 2 = 1 Format Definitv 2 = 1 Format KlientIn 3 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 3 = 1 Format Lektionen 3 = 1 Format Definitv 3 = 1 Format KlientIn 4 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 4 = 1 Format Lektionen 4 = 1 Format Definitv 4 = 1 Format KlientIn 5 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 5 = 1 Format Lektionen 5 = 1 Format Definitv 5 = 1 Format KlientIn 6 = 0, attribname, attribvalue2 Format Bezahlt 6 = 1 Format Lektionen 6 = 1 Format Definitv 6 = 1 Format Referenz = 0, attribvalue2, attribvalue2 Icon comment icon13.gif = schlecht Icon comment icon5.gif = unterdurchschnittlich Icon comment icon2.gif = gut / durchschnittlich Icon comment icon14.gif = überdurchschnittlich IOptions Bewertung URT = icon13.gif, icon5.gif, icon2.gif, icon14.gif Options Status = WARTELISTE, LAUFEND, Abgeschlossen, Abgebrochen Preset Status = WARTELISTE Options Kurs = Basis-Kurs 1{1}, Basis-Kurs 2{2}, Click for Live©{3}, Click for Work©{4}, Click&Trick©{5}, Click on Trail©{6}, Milieu-Training{11}, Click for Success©{7}, Doggie-Walk{8}, Spezialkurs{10} {1, 2} Preset Preis = 270 {3, 7} Preset Preis = 200 {4, 5} Preset Preis = 300 {6, 11} Preset Preis = 400 {8} Preset Preis = 30 {1, 2, 4, 5} Preset Lektionen = 6 {3} Preset Lektionen = 4 {6, 11} Preset Lektionen = 8 {7} Preset Lektionen = 1 {1, 2, 3, 4} Preset Max. = 4 {1, 2, 3, 4} Preset Min. = 2 {1, 2, 3, 4} Preset TeilnehmerInnen = 4 {1, 2, 3, 4} Preset WiederholerInnen = 0 {5} Preset Max. = 3 {5} Preset Min. = 2 {5} Preset TeilnehmerInnen = 3 {5} Preset WiederholerInnen = 0 {6, 11} Preset Max. = 4 {6, 11} Preset Min. = 2 {6, 11} Preset TeilnehmerInnen = 3 {6, 11} Preset WiederholerInnen = 2 {7} Preset Max. = 12 {7} Preset Min. = 8 {7} Preset TeilnehmerInnen = 12 {7} Preset WiederholerInnen = 0 {8} Preset Max. = 6 {8} Preset Min. = 2 {8} Preset TeilnehmerInnen = 6 {8} Preset WiederholerInnen = 0 MOptions Wochentag = MO, DI, MI, DO, FR, SA, SO ROptions Bezahlt 1 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BAR {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 1 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 1 = OFFEN ROptions Bezahlt 2 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BAR {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 2 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 2 = OFFEN ROptions Bezahlt 3 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BAR {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 3 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 3 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 31 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 3 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 3 = OFFEN ROptions Bezahlt 4 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BAR {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 4 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 4 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 4 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 4 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 4 = OFFEN ROptions Bezahlt 5 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BARr {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 5 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 5 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 5 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 5 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 5 = OFFEN ROptions Bezahlt 6 = OFFEN, Nein in Kulanz, Nein Probelektion, RECHNUNG, BAR {1, 2, 4, 5} MOptions Lektionen 6 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, weitere {3} MOptions Lektionen 6 = 1, 2, 3, 4, weitere {6, 11} MOptions Lektionen 6 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, weitere {7} MOptions Lektionen 6 = 1 Preset Bezahlt 6 = OFFEN Type StartDatum = date Type EndDatum = date Type Zeit = numeric Type Preis = numeric Type Lektionen = numeric Type Definitv 1 = date Type Definitv 2 = date Type Definitv 3 = date Type Definitv 4 = date Type Definitv 5 = date Type Definitv 6 = date Options WiederholerIn 1 = boolean Options WiederholerIn 2 = boolean Options WiederholerIn 3 = boolean Options WiederholerIn 4 = boolean Options WiederholerIn 5 = boolean Options WiederholerIn 6 = boolean Date Format = %A, %d. %b. %Y Extendable Options = Kurs Display Referenz = [elog:$logbook/$message id] Required Attributes = Kurs, Lektionen, Preis, Status, Max., Min., TeilnehmerInnen, WiederholerInnen, Bezahlt 1, Bezahlt 2, Bezahlt 3, Bezahlt 4, Bezahlt 5, Bezahlt 6 Page Title = ELOG - $Kurs : $Status : $StartDatum : $EndDatum Quick filter = Wochentag, Kurs, Status, Bewertung URT Enable attachments = 0 Show attachments = 1 Resubmit default = 2 Summary lines = 0
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886