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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 735 of 796  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  65659   Wed Nov 28 19:53:05 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindowsV2.7.0-196Summary view - UmlautsHello,
when using the summary view, the
text field displays umlauts as HTML-charachters,
  65668   Thu Nov 29 21:40:29 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestion 2.7Icon commentHello,
one idea for improvement. When using
the option 'Icon comment' this comment is
  65690   Thu Jan 10 15:24:53 2008 Entry Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isBug reportLinux2.7.0-1954"Default encoding" default is not as documented Hi,

"Default encoding" appears to have the default
  65712   Sat Jan 26 08:59:35 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux | Windows2.7.1.2007Several attachement at the same timeHello,
I would like to make several attachement
at the same time. I would be great cause
  65732   Mon Feb 11 22:16:33 2008 Entry Richard Ecclestonerichard.ecclestone@cern.chBug reportLinux | WindowsV2.7.2Data Export:: Date ProblemHi
Im currently experimenting with Elog
to see if we can use it to track maintenance
  65751   Thu Feb 21 12:50:53 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frOtherLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand on destination mirror serverHello,
When I start elogd on the mirror
destination server, until cron job started,
  65910   Tue Jun 17 11:42:20 2008 Entry Franck Cfranck.c95@free.frQuestionWindows2.7.3Icon and Quick filterHi,
I have defined a quick filter based
on an icon attribute and it does not work:
  65937   Wed Jul 30 19:54:28 2008 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.7.4-2113Exploit Browser Tabs to Make Anonymous EntriesOne of my shifters just managed to make
an anonymous logbook entry even though the
Author attribute is required.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886