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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  65659   Wed Nov 28 19:53:05 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindowsV2.7.0-196Summary view - UmlautsHello,
when using the summary view, the
text field displays umlauts as HTML-charachters,
  65668   Thu Nov 29 21:40:29 2007 Entry Uweuweho@web.deQuestion 2.7Icon commentHello,
one idea for improvement. When using
the option 'Icon comment' this comment is
  65690   Thu Jan 10 15:24:53 2008 Entry Kristján Jónssonkj@raunvis.hi.isBug reportLinux2.7.0-1954"Default encoding" default is not as documented Hi,

"Default encoding" appears to have the default
  65712   Sat Jan 26 08:59:35 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux | Windows2.7.1.2007Several attachement at the same timeHello,
I would like to make several attachement
at the same time. I would be great cause
  65732   Mon Feb 11 22:16:33 2008 Entry Richard Ecclestonerichard.ecclestone@cern.chBug reportLinux | WindowsV2.7.2Data Export:: Date ProblemHi
Im currently experimenting with Elog
to see if we can use it to track maintenance
  65751   Thu Feb 21 12:50:53 2008 Entry stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frOtherLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand on destination mirror serverHello,
When I start elogd on the mirror
destination server, until cron job started,
  65910   Tue Jun 17 11:42:20 2008 Entry Franck Cfranck.c95@free.frQuestionWindows2.7.3Icon and Quick filterHi,
I have defined a quick filter based
on an icon attribute and it does not work:
  65937   Wed Jul 30 19:54:28 2008 Entry Alan Stonealstone@fnal.govBug reportLinux2.7.4-2113Exploit Browser Tabs to Make Anonymous EntriesOne of my shifters just managed to make
an anonymous logbook entry even though the
Author attribute is required.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886