Public Collaboration Sub-groups Archive
News Publication List
  List of MEG publications, Page 8 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
2005, Article, Development of a Method for Liquid Xenon Purification Using a Cryogenic Centrifugal Pump, , TEION KOGAKU (J. Cryo. Soc. Jpn.) , in Japanese 572-578.pdf
2004, Conference with proceedings, Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector for the MEG Experiment, IEEE/NSS Conference, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE 
2005, Conference with proceedings, Transparency of a 100 liter liquid xenon scintillation calorimeter prototype and measurement of its energy resolution for 55 MeV photons , International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL2005, Dielectric Liquids, 2005. ICDL 2005. 2005 IEEE International Conference on coimbra-corrected.pdf
2004, Conference with proceedings, THE MEG DETECTOR TO SEARCH FOR μ → eγ DECAYS, HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, ICHEP 2004, Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference 
2005, Article, Absorption of scintillation light in a 100 L liquid xenon gamma-ray detector and expected detector performance, , Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 1-s2.0-S0168900205008259-main.pdf
2001, Conference with proceedings, Liquid Xe detector for mu+ -> e+ gamma search, International Workshop on Technique and Application of Xenon Detectors (Xenon01),  xenon01_ozone.pdfozone_xenon01.pdf
2004, Article, Liquid Xe scintillation calorimetry and Xe optical properties, , physics/0401072 
2004, Article, MEG goes in search of the forbidden, , CERN Courier 
2004, Conference with proceedings, Search for Lepton Flavor Violation with Muons, SUSY2004,  mori.pdf
2004, Conference with proceedings, THE LIQUID XENON SCINTILLATION CALORIMETER OF THE MEG EXPERIMENT: OPERATION OF A LARGE PROTOTYPE , CALOR2004, Calorimetry in Particle Physics, Proceedings of the international conference CALOR2004.pdf
2004, Conference with proceedings, The DRS2 Chip: A 4.5 GHz Waveform Digitizing Chip for the MEG Experiment, IEEE/NSS Conference,  proceedings.pdf
2004, Article, Development of a liquid-xenon photon detector towards the search for a muon rare decay mode at Paul Scherrer Institute, , Cryogenics 
2003, Conference with proceedings, The MEG experiment at PSI: a sensitive search for mu -> e gamma decay., 15th Conference on High Energy Physics (IFAE 2003), Italian Phys. Soc. Proc. ifae2003.pdffc_lecce03.ppt
2003, Conference with proceedings, Development of a Thin-wall Superconducting Magnet for the Positron Spectrometer in the MEG Experiment, 18th International Conference on Magnet Technology, IEEE in Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 4A-P07.pdf
2003, Article, Capacitive level meter for liquid rare gases, , Cryogenics levelmeter.pdf
2003, Conference with proceedings, R&D work on a Liquid Xenon Detector for the m->eg Experiment at PSI, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors , NIMA 
2003, Conference, MIDAS short course, 13th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference,  
2003, Conference with proceedings, The DRS chip: cheap waveform digitizing in the GHz range, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, NIMA 
2003, Conference, MEG experiment: A new experiment to search for mu->e gamma at PSI, XXII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, poster session,  
2000, Conference with proceedings, Search for Lepton Flavour Violation, 1st workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin,  
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