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  68133   Tue Sep 29 08:50:30 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAll3.1.1Re: Creating ELog Links not working properly in HTML Editor
Hi Stefan,
yes, I know that a plain text "elog:1" works in the HTML editor, too.
But if you put "elog:1" in the URL field of the link dialog, then ELOG screws up: you get the text
and the link points to link type "URL", protocol "<other>", URL "1".
Or more precisely, the HTML source looks like the following:
   <a href="1">elog.1</a>&quot;&gt;<a href="1">elog.1</a>
(I've replaced ":" by "." here in the source, to avoid another iteration of links by ELOG).
That is not what I would have expected:
either it should have been remained unchanged, or it should point to the right URL of the entry elog:1 (the latter case preferred :-).
Cheers, Andreas
Stefan Ritt wrote:

Right, spaces won't work. But others work. Andreas, if you just put elog:1 without any link etc. just as plain text, it will be converted automatically into a link.

A workaround is to explicitly specify a link to an elog entry. Press the link button from the editor toolbar, enter a name and copy the full URL from the browser address bar, like here: If you switch to "Source" (Top left editor toolbar, you can changed the link name manually, like here.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I can confirm this bug.

But I don't think this has to work as you've described it, when using the HTML editor: if you use HTML, you can use the link feature of the editor.
But that link feature does currently not work at all with internal elog references, not even a simple elog:1">elog:1 (as you can see here). I suppose there is some more work to do for Stefan on that ;-)
Cheers, Andreas
Edmund Hertle wrote:


the syntax for creating links to other elog entries has a small issue in the HTML editor. The link will not be created properly if there are whitespaces in the name of the logbook. Using ELCode (or in a simple attribute field) the whitespaces can be replaced by "+", but this does not work in the HTML editor. The work-around would be to use ELCode mark-up instead of HTML.

Example 1 (this should work): elog:Contributions/47

Example 2 (this will not work): elog:Config+Examples/11

Example 3 (will also not work): elog:Config%20Examples/11




  68132   Mon Sep 28 12:05:04 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportAll3.1.1Re: Creating ELog Links not working properly in HTML Editor

Right, spaces won't work. But others work. Andreas, if you just put elog:1 without any link etc. just as plain text, it will be converted automatically into a link.

A workaround is to explicitly specify a link to an elog entry. Press the link button from the editor toolbar, enter a name and copy the full URL from the browser address bar, like here: If you switch to "Source" (Top left editor toolbar, you can changed the link name manually, like here.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

I can confirm this bug.

But I don't think this has to work as you've described it, when using the HTML editor: if you use HTML, you can use the link feature of the editor.
But that link feature does currently not work at all with internal elog references, not even a simple elog:1">elog:1 (as you can see here). I suppose there is some more work to do for Stefan on that ;-)
Cheers, Andreas
Edmund Hertle wrote:


the syntax for creating links to other elog entries has a small issue in the HTML editor. The link will not be created properly if there are whitespaces in the name of the logbook. Using ELCode (or in a simple attribute field) the whitespaces can be replaced by "+", but this does not work in the HTML editor. The work-around would be to use ELCode mark-up instead of HTML.

Example 1 (this should work): elog:Contributions/47

Example 2 (this will not work): elog:Config+Examples/11

Example 3 (will also not work): elog:Config%20Examples/11



  68131   Mon Sep 28 11:58:11 2015 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestAll2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log

You are right. "Edit" should be more like "Replace". I changed that in the documentation.

I acknowledge the request to replace or append only a specific attribute or attachment, and put it on my to-do list.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

The "elog" command has no "append" feature. You can either create a new entry, or you can overwrite an old entry. Therefore this is not a bug but the intended bahaviour.

I admit that the documentation is misleading, since overwriting an existing entry is called "editing":

[-e <id>]                Edit existing message

I interprete your posts that you would like to have two new features for the "elog" command:

  • to append text to the body of an existing entry
  • to add additional attachments to an existing entry

Without a specific application in mind I would like to add a request (for consistency):

  • to modify a specific attribute of an existing entry.

Cheers, Andreas

Edmund Hertle wrote:


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line.

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!






  68130   Mon Sep 28 06:45:03 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chRequestAll2.9.0(elogd)Re: elog client overwriting attached files when editing existing log

The "elog" command has no "append" feature. You can either create a new entry, or you can overwrite an old entry. Therefore this is not a bug but the intended bahaviour.

I admit that the documentation is misleading, since overwriting an existing entry is called "editing":

[-e <id>]                Edit existing message

I interprete your posts that you would like to have two new features for the "elog" command:

  • to append text to the body of an existing entry
  • to add additional attachments to an existing entry

Without a specific application in mind I would like to add a request (for consistency):

  • to modify a specific attribute of an existing entry.

Cheers, Andreas

Edmund Hertle wrote:


I think this is a "problem" of the elog client, since it simply replaces the data. In most cases this is what you want, but since I wanted to have the option to append to the acutal message I built a function to first read-back the entry and add to the message instead of replacing it.

I just played around a bit and found that the attachments will be even disconnected, if you do not specify the -f parameter but just edit a different part of this entry.

A work-around for this is tricky. I tried to write to the "Attachment" attribute directly (-a "Attachment=Filename'), since then you coud read back the data first and manually add the filenames again. But this does not work.

Since the attachments are not actually removed, the only option I see is to modify the logbook file entry on the server by manually re-adding the filenames to the "Attachment: " line.

Joseph McKenna wrote:

Using the elog client to upload atachments, I can successfully send attachments to an existing elog, however the existing attachments are lost.

I have tested using the elog client version 3.1.1 and elog client version 2.9.2 sending to elogd 2.9.0

elog -h localhost -p 8080 -l test -f  file1.png -f file2.png -e 249 -v -x

This works great, the text contained in the elog post is retained, however all attachments are lost and replaced with those sent by this command.

Can anyone provide some tips? I am not sure if its a problem with the client or server.

Thank you in advance!





  68129   Mon Sep 28 06:29:57 2015 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportAll3.1.1Re: Creating ELog Links not working properly in HTML Editor

I can confirm this bug.

But I don't think this has to work as you've described it, when using the HTML editor: if you use HTML, you can use the link feature of the editor.
But that link feature does currently not work at all with internal elog references, not even a simple elog:1">elog:1 (as you can see here). I suppose there is some more work to do for Stefan on that ;-)
Cheers, Andreas
Edmund Hertle wrote:


the syntax for creating links to other elog entries has a small issue in the HTML editor. The link will not be created properly if there are whitespaces in the name of the logbook. Using ELCode (or in a simple attribute field) the whitespaces can be replaced by "+", but this does not work in the HTML editor. The work-around would be to use ELCode mark-up instead of HTML.

Example 1 (this should work): elog:Contributions/47

Example 2 (this will not work): elog:Config+Examples/11

Example 3 (will also not work): elog:Config%20Examples/11


  68128   Sat Sep 26 03:34:44 2015 Reply Stefanostefano.colafranceschi@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0Re: Elog command not working properly
Yes it was a path issue PHP was not loading correctly environmental path

> > <p>Hi,</p>
> > 
> > <p>I have a problem running elog command from php script. Basically in the php I call system(&quot;elog -h etc etc.. And from the php command line works but not in the browser apparently without errors (php apache 
> logfile no problem), any suggestions?</p>
> Hey,
> this sounds more like a PHP issue.
> Which PHP version are you using? 
> Which webserver? 
> Which php function are you using: shell_exec() or exec()? Try looking at the return of exec()
> Is the elog file set to the correct file permissions to be executed by the webserver?
> Is the elog file in the PHP path or do you take care of defining the correct path?
> eddy
  68127   Fri Sep 25 22:37:08 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduQuestionLinux3.1.0Re: Elog command not working properly
> <p>Hi,</p>
> <p>I have a problem running elog command from php script. Basically in the php I call system(&quot;elog -h etc etc.. And from the php command line works but not in the browser apparently without errors (php apache 
logfile no problem), any suggestions?</p>

this sounds more like a PHP issue.
Which PHP version are you using? 
Which webserver? 
Which php function are you using: shell_exec() or exec()? Try looking at the return of exec()
Is the elog file set to the correct file permissions to be executed by the webserver?
Is the elog file in the PHP path or do you take care of defining the correct path?

  68126   Fri Sep 25 22:24:18 2015 Reply Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduQuestionWindowsCurrentRe: Submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously


You can use the elog command line tool and submit the same attributes to the 5 different logbooks by iterating over the logbook names executing something like this:

elog -l logbook1 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook2 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook3 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook4 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

elog -l logbook5 -a "attr1=value1" -a "attr2=value2"

Another option would be having an additional common logbook, removing the commonly shared attributes from the other logbooks and add an attribute which links to this entry (using the "elog:logbook/ID" syntax as a value).

Cheers, eddy

Francois Cloutier wrote:

Good day,

My question is : Is it possible to submit to multiple logbooks simultaniously ?

I have 5 logbooks that could share common attributes, is there a way to acheive that without recreate a new entry in each of them ?

Thanks for your help.


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886