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icon5.gif   "Selection page" parameter, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Thu May 8 16:49:05 2003 

I have a question concerning the "Selection page" ELOG.cfg parameter.
I was wondering if it is possible to specify a complete (absolute) URL such 

I need this type of configuration because we actually need to have the 
custom selection page sitting on a different server from the one where ELOG 
is run.

Thus far, the only work-around I could think of is to make a reference to a 
local html file which redirects to the http:// resource outside of the 

When tried the absolute path, i got "The requested 
file /usr/local/elog/ was not found 
on this server" error message. I'm wondering if it's just a bug or if there 
is a reason for it.

    icon2.gif   Re: , posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 8 22:22:24 2003 
> I have a question concerning the "Selection page" ELOG.cfg parameter.
> I was wondering if it is possible to specify a complete (absolute) URL 
> as
> I need this type of configuration because we actually need to have the 
> custom selection page sitting on a different server from the one where 
> is run.

I added this possibility to the source code (->CVS), although it's not clear 
to me how this should work for you. If you don't have access to the server 
where elogd is running, how should elogd then redirect you to somewhere else?
       icon2.gif   Re: , posted by Tomas Rudolf on Mon May 12 18:11:26 2003 
> > I have a question concerning the "Selection page" ELOG.cfg parameter.
> > I was wondering if it is possible to specify a complete (absolute) URL 
> such 
> > as
> > 
> > I need this type of configuration because we actually need to have the 
> > custom selection page sitting on a different server from the one where 
> > is run.
> I added this possibility to the source code (->CVS), although it's not 
> to me how this should work for you. If you don't have access to the server 
> where elogd is running, how should elogd then redirect you to somewhere 

Thank you Stefan,
It's not that we wouldn't have access to the ELOGD server, it's the fact that 
we're trying to create our own dynamic selection page (with a more detailed 
overview of the content of different logbooks - such as the date of last 
logbook entry, number of entries in last week, month etc.) based on the 
information we send from ELOG to our SQL server. 

So in this case the user logs on to ELOGD (currently run on Linux) then will 
be redirected to the selection page on a Windows machine (ASP getting all 
necessary information from a MS SQL DB) and the dynamically created links 
refer back to the ELOGD Linux server. May seem a little too complicated but 
works fine.

icon5.gif   Use Email From = $user_email, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Mon May 12 11:20:17 2003 
if you put 

Use Email From = $user_email

we receive in the adress 'my email adress'

how to avoid  the maito: prefix ?
it gives problems when you vwant to reply from outlook

it's ok in elog to send mail from IExplorer
    icon2.gif   Re: Use Email From = $user_email, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon May 12 16:01:38 2003 
> if you put 
> Use Email From = $user_email
> we receive in the adress 'my email adress'
> how to avoid  the maito: prefix ?
> it gives problems when you vwant to reply from outlook
> it's ok in elog to send mail from IExplorer

I fixed that problem. Please get the updated version from CVS.
icon3.gif   A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Thomas Salein on Wed May 7 15:20:46 2003 
Hello Stefan,

it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
[AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 

I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
(and displayed pictures) as attachments.

    icon2.gif   Re: A NAME=... tags around the attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 21:15:57 2003 
> it would be useful, if the web server automatically produced tags <A NAME=
> [AttachNo3]>Anhang 3</A> around the entry of the attachment. With this one 
> could easily reference in the HTML text an attachement at the end of the 
> page.

I added a name tag <A NAME=attx> where x is 1,2,3,... to the attachments 
(->CVS). So you reference them by "/<logbook>/<id>#attx" where x is the 
attachment number, <id> the message ID (the one displayed in the URL if you 
display a single message) and <logbook> is the logbook name.

> I had a problem, when I just put a HTML text with <IMG> tags into the 
> formular box and I could not reference them although they were available 
> (and displayed pictures) as attachments.

That won't work, since attachments are preceeded by the date/time, to avoid 
name collisions if two identical file names are submitted several times. You 
see that if you click on an attachment to display only that picture. The URL 
in the browser gives you the full URL including the date/time, which you 
have to use to reference that image. This is of course not possible if you 
are just submitting an entry, since you don't know which exact time the URL 
will get. So you first have to submit the message with the attachment, the 
lookup the attachment URL, then edit the message again and enter the full 
URL. Not very handy, I know, but right now the only way.
icon4.gif   missing '.' in emails, posted by Heiko Scheit on Wed May 7 16:04:45 2003 
missing '.' in emails

A dot '.' at the beginning of a line is not transmitted via email.
It is stored in the entry properly though.

./There is a dot just before '/There...'

Greetings, Heiko

Well it seems here it is working fine...

    icon2.gif   Re: missing '.' in emails, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 16:12:37 2003 
> missing '.' in emails
> -----------------------
> A dot '.' at the beginning of a line is not transmitted via email.
> It is stored in the entry properly though.
> Test:
> ./There is a dot just before '/There...'
> Greetings, Heiko

Here is what I got as email:

./There is a dot just before '/There...'

So I guess you mean ONLY a dot at the beginning of the line. In the email 
SMTP protocol, at lonely dot at the beginning of the line means "end of 
message" and the mail server stops by that. I checked my mail program and 
found out that it converts a single dot into two dots at the beginning of the 
line. I have to implement this in elgod.c. Thanks for pointing out this 
       icon3.gif   Re: missing '.' in emails, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 21:09:32 2003 
> I checked my mail program and 
> found out that it converts a single dot into two dots at the beginning 
> of the line. I have to implement this in elgod.c.

I implemented that (->CVS): a <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> is replaced by 
<CR><LF>..<CR><LF> in email notifications. Now I don't know if all browsers 
under all OS's send a <CR><LF> on line break. If some don't, please let me 
icon7.gif   "Number Attachments =" not being read after upgrade, posted by Kevin Ellwood on Wed May 7 16:54:26 2003 

I have upgraded elog from version 2.2.4 to 2.3.6 and then entry "Number
Attachments =" is not being read.  Looking at the changelog, I found that
"Number Attachments" has been removed in favor of "enable attachments".  I
tried looking in the documentation but I can't find a discription of the way
 in which multiple attachments are handled.  Can someone give me a pointer?

    icon2.gif   Re: , posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 7 16:58:34 2003 
> I have upgraded elog from version 2.2.4 to 2.3.6 and then entry "Number
> Attachments =" is not being read.  Looking at the changelog, I found that
> "Number Attachments" has been removed in favor of "enable attachments".  I
> tried looking in the documentation but I can't find a discription of the way
>  in which multiple attachments are handled.  Can someone give me a pointer?

Just upload one attachment at a time by hitting the "Upload" button, your 
message text stays there. Once you are finished, hit "Submit". Sorry, I 
thought this would be obvious, since most providers use this for their mail 
web interface.
       icon2.gif   Re: , posted by Kevin Ellwood on Wed May 7 17:27:51 2003 
> > I have upgraded elog from version 2.2.4 to 2.3.6 and then entry "Number
> > Attachments =" is not being read.  Looking at the changelog, I found that
> > "Number Attachments" has been removed in favor of "enable attachments".  I
> > tried looking in the documentation but I can't find a discription of the way
> >  in which multiple attachments are handled.  Can someone give me a pointer?
> Just upload one attachment at a time by hitting the "Upload" button, your 
> message text stays there. Once you are finished, hit "Submit". Sorry, I 
> thought this would be obvious, since most providers use this for their mail 
> web interface.

No need to say sorry.  It is probably obvious to pretty much everyone.  -- It
the story of my life.

icon1.gif   CVS URL, posted by nickc1 on Tue May 6 10:53:33 2003 
Can anyone tell me the URL for the CVS download section

the link has gone from one of the main screens

    icon2.gif   Re: CVS URL, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 6 11:34:22 2003 
> Can anyone tell me the URL for the CVS download section
> the link has gone from one of the main screens
> Cheers

The message stating the URL is still in this forum: elog:233
icon6.gif   ELOG Skins Showcase, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Sat May 3 11:08:11 2003 
Hello everybody.

I am sure that some of you (just like me) experimented already with themes 
and especially now with .CSS in order to give ELOG a different "look" 
and "feel". 

I was wondering if we could maybe share examples of such adapted 
ELOG's .CSS files (or themes). Maybe you can take a screen shot of your 
favorite ELOG "face" (no sensitive data, of course) and post it here as an 
attachement. Or is everybody using only the original look that Stefan 
delivers as default?

Let's share some inspiration. I'll post mine as soon as finished the re-

    icon14.gif   Re: ELOG Skins Showcase, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat May 3 15:06:16 2003 
> Let's share some inspiration. I'll post mine as soon as finished the re-
> look.

Excellent idea. I added a category "CSS File" in the logbook "Config 
Examples" next to this forum. You can login with the same user name and 
password as for this forum. As an example, I posted the new CSS file. Please 
note that one need small changes in elogd.c to accomodate for the new 3D 
look (basically don't display lines between cells), so it won't work very 
nice with pre-2.3.7.

So everybody is invited to post his favourite CSS files an icons there. 
Maybe we can even make a competition about the nicest ELOG icon...
icon5.gif   User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 00:34:26 2003 

I was wondering if anyone had a solution for my problem.
We are trying to run several books on one server. The books are grouped 
such as follows :

Group Users1 = Book1, Book2, Book3
Group Users2 = Book4, Book5, Book6
Group Users3 = Book7, Book8, Book9

We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So that 
for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per logbook 
Group implemented?

What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for each 
Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for authentication. 
This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook tabs 
in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 

    icon2.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 08:45:38 2003 
> We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So that 
> for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
> wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per logbook 
> Group implemented?

No, groups of users are not yet implemented, but it's on the wishlist and I 
added your vote for this item.

> What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for each 
> Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for authentication. 
> This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
> logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook tabs 
> in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 
> them)?

A (poor man's) work-around right now is to run three instances of elogd on 
three different ports, then use Apache as a proxy. I do this in this server 
for example. Under you see the public logbooks, 
while under you see some logbooks from an 
experiment here at our institute. The access control is completely separated, 
and you don't see the logbook tabs from the other group as well.
    icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Robert Keeney on Fri May 2 15:58:23 2003 
I have managed to get this to work (so far).

What I do is use a separate password file and directory for each log.

I haven't tested it with with the current version but it worked fine before
that. My testing consisted of creating a user in the main password file and
see if he could get to anything I didn't want him to. This may not be enough
for something that requires a high level of security. 

When I create a new user I move that line to the appropriate password file if
it isn't already there.

You will get an invalid user message and a prompt if you try access a log that
doesn't have your user name in the password file. 

I only have six people using it so this isn't much trouble.

I would like to see groups implemented to make this more manageable.

> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone had a solution for my problem.
> We are trying to run several books on one server. The books are grouped 
> such as follows :
> Group Users1 = Book1, Book2, Book3
> Group Users2 = Book4, Book5, Book6
> Group Users3 = Book7, Book8, Book9
> We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So that 
> for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
> wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per logbook 
> Group implemented?
> What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for each 
> Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for authentication. 
> This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
> logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook tabs 
> in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 
> them)?
> Tomas
       icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 18:10:36 2003 
Robert, this is exactly what we managed to do as well. And it works fine. 
The only issue is that the users from one group can "SEE" the book names 
available to other groups. 

The solution Stephane suggested seems like the only possible right now.

Anyways, thank you for your answers, Robert & Stephane !


> I have managed to get this to work (so far).
> What I do is use a separate password file and directory for each log.
> I haven't tested it with with the current version but it worked fine before
> that. My testing consisted of creating a user in the main password file and
> see if he could get to anything I didn't want him to. This may not be 
> for something that requires a high level of security. 
> When I create a new user I move that line to the appropriate password file 
> it isn't already there.
> You will get an invalid user message and a prompt if you try access a log 
> doesn't have your user name in the password file. 
> I only have six people using it so this isn't much trouble.
> I would like to see groups implemented to make this more manageable.
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if anyone had a solution for my problem.
> > We are trying to run several books on one server. The books are grouped 
> > such as follows :
> > 
> > Group Users1 = Book1, Book2, Book3
> > Group Users2 = Book4, Book5, Book6
> > Group Users3 = Book7, Book8, Book9
> > 
> > We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So 
> > for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
> > wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per 
> > Group implemented?
> > 
> > What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for 
> > Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for 
> > This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
> > logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook 
> > in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 
> > them)?
> > 
> > Tomas
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6