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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Versiondown Subject
  68871   Wed Dec 5 14:38:51 2018 Reply Yanick Vachonyvachon@materiauxblanchet.caBug reportWindows3.1.2Re: French Language

I've deleted the cookies and it works.


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have you tried to delete all cookies in Chrome?


Yanick Vachon wrote:

I Stefan, i got the problem again with the french version, i realised that if i open it with Chrome or Edge it's not working but with Internet Explorer it works envery times. Is there a way i can use it with Chrome?



Stefan Ritt wrote:

I just tried myself with the current version 3.1.4 and it worked for me flawlessly. Maybe you want to upgrade.


Yanick Vachon wrote:


When i set Language = French in global config it works in french until i logout, after i can't login anymore, even if i enter my user and password i always stay at the login window, the only way to login again is to edit the Elogd.cfg file in Elog directory, remove the Language = french and save then i can login in and work normally in english version.







  68872   Wed Dec 12 10:44:57 2018 Warning Antonio Iulianoantonio.iuliano@cern.chQuestionLinux3.1.2xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page

Dear ELOG experts,

the ELOG server on our lab crashes  continuosly, when we add a new entry or even if we click the arrows to navigate between entries. Following the FAQ on the website, I have used gdb and found the following error:

xmalloc: not enough memory

[Inferior 1 (process 23271) exited with code 01]

It should be then some allocation issue when we try to access to the entries, but I could not figure the nature of the issue. I was, however, able to reproduce it with a fresh ELOG installation and the same configuration file (ELOG cloned from git and installed today)

Could you please give me any suggestion? I attach here the configuration file we use.

Best regards,

Antonio Iuliano

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg

Group SHiP-charm scanning = CHARM1, CHARM2, CHARM3, CHARM4, CHARM5, CHARM6
Group SHiP-charm analysis = SUMMARY
Group Decay Search    = DS_2012,DS_2011,DS_2010,DS_2009,DS_2008
Group Event Location  = 2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,temp
Group Other Task      = Weekly Meetings, reviews, Computing

port = 8080
Entries per page = 120
Thumbnail size = 50
Attachment lines = 30
Search all logbooks = 2
Default encoding = 1

Expand default = 0

#Time format = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z   ISO FORMAT
Time format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
Date format = %Y-%m-%d

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=BrickID

Attributes = BrickID, Emulsion Type, Laboratory, Directory, Scanning, Linking, Alignment, Tracking, Vertexing, Note

ROptions Emulsion Type = Nagoya, Slavich
ROptions Laboratory = Napoli, Zurich

Show Attributes = BrickID, Emulsion Type, Laboratory, Directory, Scanning, Linking, Alignment, Tracking, Vertexing, Note
Show Attributes Edit = BrickID, Emulsion Type, Laboratory, Directory, Scanning, Linking, Alignment, Tracking, Vertexing, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2" style="width:150px" > <a href=$message id><B>$BrickID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2" style="width:60px" > $Emulsion type </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Laboratory </td><td class="thread2" style="width:60px" > $Directory </td><td class="thread2"  style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:60px"> $Alignment </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:60px"> $Tracking </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Vertexing</B></td><td class="thread2R" >$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import  
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    = 
Fixed Attributes Edit  = BrickID
Fixed Attributes Reply = BrickID
Required Attributes  = BrickID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     = 
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, PROC OK, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, OBX DELETED 
ROptions Linking = no, LINK OK
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:100px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:100px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:100px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:100px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
List Menu text       = empty.html
List Menu commands   = New , Find , Select , Import , Config
Menu commands        = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find
Locked Attributes    =
Fixed Attributes Edit  = PlateID
Fixed Attributes Reply = PlateID
Required Attributes  = PlateID
Theme                = eventlocation
Menu text            =
Filter Menu text     =
List Menu text       =
Collapse to last     = 1
Filter last entry = 1
Allow HTML = 1

Start page = ?mode=threaded&expand=0&sort=PlateID
Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Options PlateID = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29
ROptions Microscope = mic2, mic3
ROptions Processing = no, DONE, TO RE-PROCESS
ROptions DeleteObx = no, DONE
ROptions Linking = no, DONE
Show Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note
Edit Attributes = PlateID, Author, Glass, Bottom, Base, Top, Scanning Path, Scanning, Microscope, Processing, DeleteObx, Linking, Note

Thread Display       = </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:50px" > <a href=$message id><B>$PlateID</B></a> </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:150px" > $Author </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:50px" style="width:128px"> $Glass </td><td class="thread2R" style="width:60px" > $Bottom </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Base </td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Top </td><td class="thread2R"  width=250px style="background-color:LightPink;"> $Scanning Path </td><td class="thread2"  style="width:100px"> $Scanning </td><td class="thread2" style="width:55px"> <B>$Microscope</B></td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Processing</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $DeleteObx</td><td class="thread2R"  style="width:60px"> $Linking </td><td class="thread2R">$Note</a>

Filter Menu text     = empty.html
... 1594 more lines ...
  68873   Fri Dec 14 15:46:14 2018 Question Frank Baptistacaffeinejazz@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.2Logbook architecture and availability

I have a setting which makes ELOG a perfect solution, but there's a situation that I'm struggling to get my head around. We have 3 separate laboratories, each one containing a number of temperature chambers, which run almost constantly over a number of shifts. Each temperature chamber has it's own logbook (laptop). So far, pretty simple.
My dilemma is, our network goes down for maintenance/updates (more often than I'd like), but our operation cannot afford to stop during network interruptions.
With that said, I thought about whether I could run a "local" logbook on each laptop/chamber, and somehow mirror the local logbook to the main ELOG server.
Perhaps I'm over-thinking you have any recommendations?

  68874   Fri Dec 14 16:00:45 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Logbook architecture and availability

Sure that's easy. Install elog on each laptop separately, so they run without network. Then, set up a central elog server, and use "mirroring" as explained in the documentation at

So when ever the entwork comes back, you execute a manual mirror operation, and your new entries will be pushed to the central elog server.


Frank Baptista wrote:

I have a setting which makes ELOG a perfect solution, but there's a situation that I'm struggling to get my head around. We have 3 separate laboratories, each one containing a number of temperature chambers, which run almost constantly over a number of shifts. Each temperature chamber has it's own logbook (laptop). So far, pretty simple.
My dilemma is, our network goes down for maintenance/updates (more often than I'd like), but our operation cannot afford to stop during network interruptions.
With that said, I thought about whether I could run a "local" logbook on each laptop/chamber, and somehow mirror the local logbook to the main ELOG server.
Perhaps I'm over-thinking you have any recommendations?


  68875   Fri Dec 14 17:22:31 2018 Reply Frank Baptistacaffeinejazz@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Logbook architecture and availability

Thanks Stephan! I guess I was making it harder than it is.  I'm still a little fuzzy -- in this instance, am I correct in saying that each laptop would be considered a "master", and the remote (network) server considered the "slave"?  Also, I'm not sure quite sure -- which server should be assigned responsibility for performing periodic synchronization between the laptop and the central elog server?

Thanks again for all you do -- Happy Holidays!


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sure that's easy. Install elog on each laptop separately, so they run without network. Then, set up a central elog server, and use "mirroring" as explained in the documentation at

So when ever the entwork comes back, you execute a manual mirror operation, and your new entries will be pushed to the central elog server.


Frank Baptista wrote:

I have a setting which makes ELOG a perfect solution, but there's a situation that I'm struggling to get my head around. We have 3 separate laboratories, each one containing a number of temperature chambers, which run almost constantly over a number of shifts. Each temperature chamber has it's own logbook (laptop). So far, pretty simple.
My dilemma is, our network goes down for maintenance/updates (more often than I'd like), but our operation cannot afford to stop during network interruptions.
With that said, I thought about whether I could run a "local" logbook on each laptop/chamber, and somehow mirror the local logbook to the main ELOG server.
Perhaps I'm over-thinking you have any recommendations?



  68876   Fri Dec 14 20:05:08 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Logbook architecture and availability

I would call the laptops the "master" being responsible for pushing data to the central server which you can call "slave"



Frank Baptista wrote:

Thanks Stephan! I guess I was making it harder than it is.  I'm still a little fuzzy -- in this instance, am I correct in saying that each laptop would be considered a "master", and the remote (network) server considered the "slave"?  Also, I'm not sure quite sure -- which server should be assigned responsibility for performing periodic synchronization between the laptop and the central elog server?

Thanks again for all you do -- Happy Holidays!


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sure that's easy. Install elog on each laptop separately, so they run without network. Then, set up a central elog server, and use "mirroring" as explained in the documentation at

So when ever the entwork comes back, you execute a manual mirror operation, and your new entries will be pushed to the central elog server.


Frank Baptista wrote:

I have a setting which makes ELOG a perfect solution, but there's a situation that I'm struggling to get my head around. We have 3 separate laboratories, each one containing a number of temperature chambers, which run almost constantly over a number of shifts. Each temperature chamber has it's own logbook (laptop). So far, pretty simple.
My dilemma is, our network goes down for maintenance/updates (more often than I'd like), but our operation cannot afford to stop during network interruptions.
With that said, I thought about whether I could run a "local" logbook on each laptop/chamber, and somehow mirror the local logbook to the main ELOG server.
Perhaps I'm over-thinking you have any recommendations?




  68877   Fri Dec 14 20:52:46 2018 Reply Frank Baptistacaffeinejazz@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.2Re: Logbook architecture and availability

Thank you again -- very much appreciated! smiley

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I would call the laptops the "master" being responsible for pushing data to the central server which you can call "slave"



Frank Baptista wrote:

Thanks Stephan! I guess I was making it harder than it is.  I'm still a little fuzzy -- in this instance, am I correct in saying that each laptop would be considered a "master", and the remote (network) server considered the "slave"?  Also, I'm not sure quite sure -- which server should be assigned responsibility for performing periodic synchronization between the laptop and the central elog server?

Thanks again for all you do -- Happy Holidays!


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Sure that's easy. Install elog on each laptop separately, so they run without network. Then, set up a central elog server, and use "mirroring" as explained in the documentation at

So when ever the entwork comes back, you execute a manual mirror operation, and your new entries will be pushed to the central elog server.


Frank Baptista wrote:

I have a setting which makes ELOG a perfect solution, but there's a situation that I'm struggling to get my head around. We have 3 separate laboratories, each one containing a number of temperature chambers, which run almost constantly over a number of shifts. Each temperature chamber has it's own logbook (laptop). So far, pretty simple.
My dilemma is, our network goes down for maintenance/updates (more often than I'd like), but our operation cannot afford to stop during network interruptions.
With that said, I thought about whether I could run a "local" logbook on each laptop/chamber, and somehow mirror the local logbook to the main ELOG server.
Perhaps I'm over-thinking you have any recommendations?





  68878   Fri Dec 21 13:00:50 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux3.1.2Re: xmalloc error when filling entries and chaning page

I tried to reproduce the problem but could not. The config file uses "emtpy.html", "filtermenutext.html" and so on which I don't have. Same with eventlocation.

Rather than sending me all the files, can you strip down your elogd.cfg to a minimal version where you still see the problem. Then give me all information to reproduce it. You also have to tell me when the error occurs, like when you submit a new entry, scan through entries etc.


Antonio Iuliano wrote:

Dear ELOG experts,

the ELOG server on our lab crashes  continuosly, when we add a new entry or even if we click the arrows to navigate between entries. Following the FAQ on the website, I have used gdb and found the following error:

xmalloc: not enough memory

[Inferior 1 (process 23271) exited with code 01]

It should be then some allocation issue when we try to access to the entries, but I could not figure the nature of the issue. I was, however, able to reproduce it with a fresh ELOG installation and the same configuration file (ELOG cloned from git and installed today)

Could you please give me any suggestion? I attach here the configuration file we use.

Best regards,

Antonio Iuliano


ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886