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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 717 of 796  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67855   Thu Apr 2 15:44:33 2015 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0ELOG Version 3.1.0 announcement

This is an announcement for the ELOG version 3.1.0 being released just now. Among several bug fixes and an improved Drag & Drop interface for attachments, it contains a long awaited "autosave" feature.

Let's assume that you write an ELOG entry, and keep the window open for a longer time (like to write some shift notes over several hours). If your browser crashes or closes for some reason, you will loose your entered text. To avoid that, ELOG starting from version 3.1.0 has an autosave feature. Whenever you enter some text, it is saved in the background as a draft message to the server. If your browser is closed by accident, you always can go back to the logbook, click "New" and ELOG will tell you that there is a draft message and asks you if you want to edit it. When you edit and regularly submit this message, it becomes a "normal" entry and the draft flas is removed. In addition to the background saving, there is now also a "Save" button so you can manually save your text to the draft entry.

I have tested this to some extent, but I might not have seen all browser/OS combinations, so in case there is a problem, please report it here.

Happy Easter,

  67882   Wed May 6 11:00:14 2015 Idea Christof Hankehanke@rzg.mpg.deRequestAll3.1.0logout to external page

Hi Stefan,

I am happy to see that you include the webserver authentication.
So I can now login at some other page and then access elog.
However, I would also need some means of logging out some where else.

For this I propose a new Configuration option "Logout to page" which redirects to another page if set and "Logout to main" is 0.

See the attached patch (against git HEAD)


Does this make sense to you ?



PS: Many thanks for the autosave mode,  I already used it ;-)

Attachment 1: logout_to_page.patch
diff --git a/src/elogd.c b/src/elogd.c
index 601639c..0f976be 100755
--- a/src/elogd.c
+++ b/src/elogd.c
@@ -27975,6 +27975,11 @@ void interprete(char *lbook, char *path)
       if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) {
          sprintf(str, "../");
          setparam("redir", str);
+      } else {
+         getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to page", str, sizeof(str));
+         if (str[0]) {
+             setparam("redir", str);
+         }
       set_sid_cookie(lbs, "", "");
  67900   Wed May 13 14:58:46 2015 Idea Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caBug reportWindows3.1.0-3Attribute not updated
Good day,

I'm populating 2 fields based on the Option set in a third one.
It works, but for some reason, sometimes when I change the entry from one value to another (from 3/01/2015 to 26/03/2016) , the field "# Volume" stays at the first position 
(149) and doesn't get updated... I tried both with Chrome and IE.

Attributes = #Réception, #Galée, #Volume, #Parution, Partie, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final
List display = Edit, #Réception, #Volume, #Parution, #Galée, Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, Correction, 
Show attributes edit = #Réception, #Volume, Partie, #Galée, Parution, #Parution, Infographiste, Traitement, Réviseur, Révision, Contrôleur, Contrôle, Correcteur, 
Commentaires, Contrôle final

Menu commands = Select, edit, Move to, Delete
List menu commands = Select, New, Find
Move to = Archives

Fixed Attributes Edit = #Réception, #Parution
Locked Attributes = #Réception, #Volume, Partie,  #Parution

Preset #Réception = 1-#####

Preset Partie = 1
Preset Infographiste = -
Preset Réviseur = -
Preset Contrôleur = -
Preset Correcteur = -

Options Parution = 3/01/2015{1}, 10/01/2015{2}, 17/01/2015{3}, 24/01/2015{4}, 31/01/2015{5}, 7/02/2015{6}, 14/02/2015{7}, 21/02/2015{8}, 28/02/2015{9}, 7/03/2015{10}, 
14/03/2015{11}, 21/03/2015{12}, 28/03/2015{13}, 4/04/2015{14}, 11/04/2015{15}, 18/04/2015{16}, 25/04/2015{17}, 2/05/2015{18}, 9/05/2015{19}, 16/05/2015{20}, 23/05/2015{21}, 
30/05/2015{22}, 6/06/2015{23}, 13/06/2015{24}, 20/06/2015{25}, 27/06/2015{26}, 4/07/2015{27}, 11/07/2015{28}, 18/07/2015{29}, 25/07/2015{30}, 1/08/2015{31}, 8/08/2015{32}, 
15/08/2015{33}, 22/08/2015{34}, 29/08/2015{35}, 5/09/2015{36}, 12/09/2015{37}, 19/09/2015{38}, 26/09/2015{39}, 3/10/2015{40}, 10/10/2015{41}, 17/10/2015{42}, 24/10/2015{43}, 
31/10/2015{44}, 7/11/2015{45}, 14/11/2015{46}, 21/11/2015{47}, 28/11/2015{48}, 5/12/2015{49}, 12/12/2015{50}, 19/12/2015{51}, 26/12/2015{52}, 2/01/2016{53}, 9/01/2016{54}, 
16/01/2015{55}, 23/01/2016{56}, 30/01/2016{57}, 6/02/2016{58}, 13/02/2016{59}, 20/02/2016{60}, 27/02/2016{61}, 5/03/2016{62}, 12/03/2016{63}, 19/03/2016{64}, 26/03/2016{65}

Options Infographiste = -, ML, TS, AN, AC
Options Réviseur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Contrôleur = -, MB, JC, SS, AR, LH, CA, NB, CL, TM, NR, MS
Options Correcteur = -, ML, TS, AN, AC

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51}Preset #Volume = 149
{53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65}Preset #Volume = 150

{1} Preset #Parution = 1
{2} Preset #Parution = 2
{3} Preset #Parution = 3
{4} Preset #Parution = 4
{5} Preset #Parution = 5
{6} Preset #Parution = 6
{7} Preset #Parution = 7
{8} Preset #Parution = 8
{9} Preset #Parution = 9
{10} Preset #Parution = 10
{11} Preset #Parution = 11
{12} Preset #Parution = 12
{13} Preset #Parution = 13
{14} Preset #Parution = 14
{15} Preset #Parution = 15
{16} Preset #Parution = 16
{17} Preset #Parution = 17
{18} Preset #Parution = 18
{19} Preset #Parution = 19
{20} Preset #Parution = 20
{21} Preset #Parution = 21
{22} Preset #Parution = 22
{23} Preset #Parution = 23
{24} Preset #Parution = 24
{25} Preset #Parution = 25
{26} Preset #Parution = 26
{27} Preset #Parution = 27
{28} Preset #Parution = 28
{29} Preset #Parution = 29
{30} Preset #Parution = 30
{31} Preset #Parution = 31
{32} Preset #Parution = 32
{33} Preset #Parution = 33
{34} Preset #Parution = 34
{35} Preset #Parution = 35
{36} Preset #Parution = 36
{37} Preset #Parution = 37
{38} Preset #Parution = 38
{39} Preset #Parution = 39
{40} Preset #Parution = 40
{41} Preset #Parution = 41
{42} Preset #Parution = 42
{43} Preset #Parution = 43
{44} Preset #Parution = 44
{45} Preset #Parution = 45
{46} Preset #Parution = 46
{47} Preset #Parution = 47
{48} Preset #Parution = 48
{49} Preset #Parution = 49
{50} Preset #Parution = 50
{51} Preset #Parution = 51
{52} Preset #Parution = 52
{53} Preset #Parution = 1
{54} Preset #Parution = 2
{55} Preset #Parution = 3
{56} Preset #Parution = 4
{57} Preset #Parution = 5
{58} Preset #Parution = 6
{59} Preset #Parution = 7
{60} Preset #Parution = 8
{61} Preset #Parution = 9
{62} Preset #Parution = 10
{63} Preset #Parution = 11
{64} Preset #Parution = 12
{65} Preset #Parution = 13
  67928   Thu May 21 12:13:21 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux | All3.1.0Re: elogd moves elog entries
> > elogd 3.1.0 moves all elog entries into year-named subdirectories. this feature makes it incompatible with older elogs and so should be clearly mentioned in the documentation,
> > in the release announcement and in the release and migration notes. K.O.
> But yes, the release documentation by bitbucket is not really that useful: 
> it is difficult for me too, to find out what changed with new releases. 

I did know that I've read it summarized somewhere!
The changes with the different releases are documented here:

It is actually not so difficult to find: 
it is linked on the "Download" section

"News for each version can be seen in the changelog (->"

And for version 3.0.0 it states:
- Create one logbook subdirectory pear year

I admit that version 3.0 has never been announced and the changelog is not mentioned in the announcement of version 3.1.0
Maybe we'll do better in the future ;-)
  67959   Fri Jun 5 14:24:34 2015 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0+Different way CSS files are handled


I just implemented a different way CSS files are handled in ELOG. Previously, we had the default.css, which could be adjusted for specific needs. Some people did that (like myself). So I changed a few colors etc. When I now implement a new feature in elog, it might need a new CSS class which I put in default.css. But this means that people who have modified this file get it either overwritten, or do not get the new styles.

In order to fix this, the default.css is now called elog.css and is always inluded in any ELOG page. If one specifies a CSS file with "CSS = <file.css>", then this CSS file is loaded in addition to elog.css. So one can put only the modifications into that file and inherits all the rest from elog.css. If new features come in elog.css, the installation with the personalized CSS file will then get the new features from the new elog.css automatically, and just overwrite a few settings in the personalized file. Here is an example:


td {


Personalized file special.css, activated with "CSS = special.css" in the elogd.cfg file:

td {

This personalized file now overwrites the font size from elog.css to 18 pixel, while maintaining all the rest from elogd.css.

The modification is committed to GIT and will be contained in the next release of elog.


  68055   Wed Jul 22 03:09:39 2015 Idea Banata Wachid Ridwanjogjacard@yahoo.comInfoWindows3.1.0Revision for Indonesian Translation

hello, in my spare time, I try to fix some bugs, typo, and update for Indonesian translation

Attachment 1: elcode_indonesia.html
Attachment 2: eloghelp_indonesia.html
Attachment 3: eloglang.indonesia
# Indonesia translation by Banata and SABO Team (
# Revision 1
# A more recent version may be available at:

New = Baru
Edit = Ubah
Delete = Hapus
Reply = Balas
Find = Cari
Last day = Hari terakhir
Last 10 = 10 terakhir
Config = Konfigurasi
Change password = Ubah sandi
Logout = Keluar
Help = Bantuan
Back = Kembali
Submit = Kirim
First = Pertama
Last = Terakhir
Previous = Sebelumnya
Next = Berikutnya
Copy to = Salin ke
Move to = Pindah ke
Save = Simpan
Cancel = Batal
Wrong password = Sandi salah
Please login = Silahkan masuk
Username = Nama pengguna
Password = Sandi
Old password = Sandi lama
New password = Sandi baru
ELOG change password = Ganti kata sandi ELOG
Several logbooks are defined on this host = Beberapa logbook didefinisikan di host ini
Please select the one to connect to = Silahkan pilih salah satu untuk dihubungkan
Change password for user = Merubah sandi untuk pengguna
Logged in as = Masuk sebagai
Entry date = Tanggal catatan
with = dengan
This is the last entry = Ini adalah catatan terakhir
This is the first entry = Ini adalah catatan pertama
Email sent to = Email dikirim ke
Email notification suppressed = Pemberitahuan email dimatikan
please select = silahkan dipilih
Suppress Email notification = Matikan pemberitahuan email
Resubmit as new entry = Kirim ulang sebagai catatan baru
Attachment = Lampiran
Reply to this = Membalas ini
In reply to = Balasan ke
Fields marked with = Kolom ditandai dengan
are required = diperlukan
Please check that it exists and elogd has write access = Silahkan periksa jika ada dan elogd mempunyai akses tulis
Error: Attribute <b>%s</b> not supplied = Kesalahan: Atribut <b>%s</b> tidak diberikan
Please go back and enter the <b>%s</b> field = Silahkan kembali dan isi di bagian <b>%s</b>
Please use your browser's back button to go back = Silahkan gunakan tombol kembali browser anda untuk kembali
ELOG find = Temukan ELOG
Find = Temukan
Search = Cari
Reset Form = Ulangi Isian
Summary only = Hanya ringkasan
Show attachments = Tampilkan ringkasan
Printable output = Keluaran cetak
Sort in reverse order = Urutkan terbalik
Start date = Tanggal mulai
End date = Tanggal akhir
Year = Tahun
Text = Teks
Search all logbooks = Cari semua logbook
Last %d days = %d hari terakhir
Last %d entries = %d catatan terakhir
No entries found = catatan tidak ditemukan
A new entry has been submitted on %s = Catatan baru telah dikirimkan di %s
Logbook = Logbook
Yes = Ya
No = Tidak
Error deleting message: status = Kesalahan menghapus pesan: status
Error: Command "<b>%s</b>" not allowed = Kesalahan: Perintah "<b>%s</b>" tidak diizinkan
Cannot open file <b>%s</b> = Tidak bisa membuka file <b>%s</b>
Cannot write to <b>%s</b> = Tidak bisa menulis ke <b>%s</b>
No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file = Tidak ada host SMTP yang didefinisikan di bagian [global] di file konfigurasi
Display threads = Tampilkan berkas
Logbook is empty = Logbook kosong
Download = Unduh
and all its replies = dan semua balasannya
Message ID = ID Pesan
Not logged in = Tidak masuk
Login = Masuk
Page %d of %d = Halaman %d dari %d
all entries = semua isian
Login name = Nama login
Full name = Nama lengkap
ELOG user config = Konfigurasi pengguna ELOG
ELOG new user = Pengguna baru ELOG
Admin = Admin
Select user = Pilih pengguna
Remove user = Hapus pengguna
New user = Pengguna baru
Retype new password = Ketik ulang sandi baru
New passwords do not match, please retype = Kata sandi tidak cocok, ketik lagi 
Retype password = Ketik ulang sandi
exists already = sudah ada
Register as new user = Daftar sebagai pengguna baru
A new ELOG user has been registered on %s = Pengguna ELOG baru terdaftar pada %s
Email = Email
User "%s" registered on logbook "%s" = Pengguna "%s" terdaftar pada logbook "%s"
User [%s] has been deleted = Pengguna [%s] telah dihapus
Hit following URL to activate that account = Ikuti URL ini untuk mengaktifkan akun tersebut
ELOG registration = Pendaftaran ELOG
Your ELOG account has been activated on host = Akun ELOG anda sudah diaktifkan pada host
You can access it at = Anda dapat mengaksesnya di
Are you sure to delete these messages? = Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus pesan ini?
Select = Pilih
All entries = Semua isian
Day = Hari
Week = Minggu
Month = Bulan
Show last = Tampilkan terakhir
Goto page = Pilih halaman
All = Semua
Display = Tampilan
entries per page = entri tiap halaman
Toggle all = Beralih semua
Selected entries = Isian yang dipilih
Collapse = Sembunyikan
Expand = Bentangkan
Full = Penuh
Summary = Ringkasan
Threaded = Rangkaian
Filters = Filter
Mode = Mode
Options = Pilihan
Error: start date after end date = Kesalahan: tanggal mulai setelah tanggal akhir
and all their replies = dan semua balasannya
Upload = Unggah
Requested = Diminta
A new ELOG user wants to register on "%s" = Pengguna ELOG baru ingin mendaftar pada "%s"
Search text also in attributes = Cari teks dalam atribut
Date = Tanggal
Forgot password? = Lupa sandi?
ELOG password recovery = Pemulihan kata sandi ELOG
No Email address registered with user name <i>"%s"</i> = Tidak ada alamat email yang terdaftar dengan nama pengguna <i>"%s"</i>
Error sending Email via <i>"%s"</i> = Kesalahan mengirim email melalui <i>"%s"</i>
Forgot = Lupa
User "%s" registered on host "%s" = Pengguna "%s" terdaftar pada host "%s"
Enter your user name or email address = Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email
Password recovery for ELOG %s = Pemulihan sandi untuk ELOG %s
Host = Host
Your ELOG account has been activated = Akun ELOG anda telah diaktifkan
Maximum number of attachments reached = Jumlah maksimum lampiran telah tercapai
on = pada
Entry is currently edited by = Entri saat ini diedit oleh
recipients = penerima
Suppress shell execution = Matikan eksekusi shell
Update = Perbarui
by = oleh
Change %s = Ubah %s
Add new option here = Tambahkan opsi baru di sini
Expand all = Buka semua
Add %s = Tambahkan %s
Synchronization = Sinkronisasi
Error: Value <b>%s</b> not allowed for boolean attributes = Kesalahan: Fehler: nilai <b>%s</b> tidak diizinkan untuk atribut boolean
Error: Attribute option <b>%s</b> not existing = Kesalahan: Opsi atribut <b>%s</b> tidak ada
Last submission = Pengajuan terakhir
Synchronize = Sinkronkan
No mirror server defined in configuration file = Tidak ada server mirror terdefinisi di file konfigurasi
user = pengguna
Maximum number of replies (%d) exceeded = Telah melebihi jumlah maksimum balasan (%d)
Entry can only be edited %1.2lg hours after creation = Entri hanya bisa diedit %1.2lg jam setelah dibuat
Display full entries = Tampilkan entri penuh
No entry selected for deletion = Tidak ada entri yang dipilih untuk dihapus
Cannot read entry from local logbook = Tidak dapat membaca entri dari logbook lokal
Cannot connect to host %s, port %d = Tidak dapat terhubung dengan host %s, port %d
Cannot receive "%s" = Tidak dapat menerima "%s"
Received wrong entry id "%d" = Menerima id entri salah "%d"
Entry #%d is locked on remote server = Entri #%d dikunci pada server jauh
Cannot save remote entry locally = Tidak dapat menyimpan entri jauh ke lokal
local = lokal
remote = jauh
Please delete %s or %s entry to resolve conflict = Harap menghapus %s atau %s untuk menyelesaikan konflik
Error sending local entry = Kesalahan mengirim entri lokal
Local entry submitted = Entri lokal dimasukkan
Error deleting remote entry = Kesalahan menghapus entri jauh
New entry cannot be written to directory "%s" = Entri baru tidak bisa ditulis ke direktori "%s"
Entry %s cannot be read from logbook "%s" = Entri %s tidak dapat dibaca di logbook "%s"
This entry has been deleted = Entri ini telah dihapus
Entries = Entri
Cannot connect to remote server "%s" = Tidak bisa terhubung dengan server jauh "%s"
Remote server is not an ELOG server = Server jauh bukan server ELOG
Incorrect remote ELOG server version %s = Salah versi server ELOG %s
Error accessing remote logbook = Kesalahan mengakses logbook jauh
Invalid HTTP header = Header HTTP salah
No user name supplied to access remote logbook = Tidak ada nama pengguna yang diberikan untuk mengakses logbook jauh
Synchronizing logbook %s with server "%s" = Sinkronisasi logbook %s dengan server "%s"
Configuration has been changed locally and remotely = Konfigurasi telah dirubah lokal dan jauh
Please merge manually to resolve conflict = Slahkan digabungkan manual untuk menyelesaikan konflik
Logbook "%s" does not exist on remote server = Logbook "%s" tidak ada pada server remote
Entry has been changed locally and remotely = Entri telah diganti lokal dan jauh
Entry deleted locally = Entri lokal dihapus
Changed local entry ID to %d = ID lokal entri dirubah ke %d
Entry deleted remotely = Entri dihapus dari jauh
All entries identical = Semua entri sama
Invalid mirror_id or entry_date = mirror_id atau entry_date tidak benar
Synchronize all logbooks = Sinkronisasi semua logbook
Calendar = Kalender
Remote entry received = Entri dari jauh diterima
Pick a date = Pilih tanggal
Please select at least one '%s' = Silahkan pilih paling tidak satu '%s'
Please select a '%s' = Silahkan pilih '%s'
Please enter month for attribute '%s' = Silahkan masukkan bulan untuk atribut '%s'
Please enter day for attribute '%s' = Silahkan masukkan hari untuk atribut '%s'
Please enter year for attribute '%s' = Silahkan masukkan tahun untuk atribut '%s'
Please enter attribute '%s' = Silahkan masukkan atribut '%s'
Entry time = Waktu entri
Start = Mulai
End = Selesai
From = Dari
After = Setelah
to = untuk
Before = Sebelum 
Previous Year = Tahun sebelumnya 
Next Year = Tahun berikutnya
Please enter numeric value for '%s' = Silahkan isi nilai numerik untuk '%s'
Error: Attribute <b>%s</b> must be numeric = Kesalahan: Atribut <b>%s</b> harus numerik
3 Months = 3 Bulan
6 Months = 6 Bulan
Error sending local message = Kesalahan mengirim pesan lokal
Error receiving message = Kesalahan menerima pesan
Are you sure to delete this entry? = Apakah anda yakin menghapus entri ini?
ELOG CSV import = Impor CSV ELOG
Import = Impor
CSV filename = Nama file CSV
Field separator = Pemisah kolom
Edit entry = Edit entri
Delete entry = Hapus entri
CSV Import = Impor CSV
Derive attributes from CSV file = Menurunkan atribut dari CSV
Comma = Koma
Semicolon = Titik koma 
Preview import = Pratinjau impor
CSV import preview of %s = Pratinjau impor CSV dari %s
Too many attributes in CSV file = Terlalu banyak atribut di file CSV
%d entries successfully imported = %d Entri sukses diimpor
No 'Attributes' option present in %s = Tidak ada opsi 'Atribut'di %s
CSV ("," separated) = CSV (dipisahkan ",")
CSV (";" separated) = CSV (dipisahkan ";")
Auto detect = Deteksi otomatis
text = Teks
Column header '%s' must be present in CSV file = Tajuk kolom '%s' harus ada di dalam file CSV
Fill text body = Isi tubuh teks
Please re-enter filename = Silahkan masukkan kembali nama file
Last x = x terakhir
Activate = Aktifkan
Entry has been modified = Entri telah dimodifikasi
No attachment file specified = Tidak ada lampiran yang ditentukan
Delete this logbook = Hapus logbook ini
Rename this logbook = Ubah nama logbook ini
Create new logbook = Buat logbook baru
Syntax error in config file = Kesalahan sintaks di file configurasi
Email notification = Pemberitahuan email
Are you sure to delete logbook "%s"? = Apakah anda yakin menghapus logbook "%s"? 
Logbook "%s" exists already, please choose different name = Logbook "%s" sudah ada, silahkan pilih nama lain
Rename logbook = Ubah nama logbook
Enter new logbook name = Masukkan nama logbook baru
Logbook name = Nama logbook
Use existing logbook as template = Gunakan logbook yang ada sebagai contoh
none = tidak ada
URL is redirected to: = URL diarahkan ke:
Remote config should be received = Konfigurasi dari jauh seharusnya sudah diterima
Local entry should be submitted = Entri lokal harus dimasukkan
Remote entry should be received = Entri jauh seharusnya diterima
Local entry = Entri lokal
%s should be deleted = %s harus dihapus
Entry should be deleted locally = Entri harus dihapus secara lokal
Local entry ID should be changed to %d = ID entri lokal harus dirubah menjadi %d
Remote entry = Entri jauh
Entry should be deleted remotely = Entri harus dihapus dari jarak jauh
Click here to delete %d entries = Klik disini untuk menghapus entri %d
Click here to delete this entry = Klik disini untuk menghapus entri ini
Maximum number of attribute options exceeded = Jumlah maksimum pilihan atribut telah terlewati
Please increase MAX_N_LIST in elogd.c and recompile = Silahkan meningkatkan MAX_N_LIST di elogd.c dan kompilasi ulang
You can "steal" the lock by editing this entry = Anda bisa "mencuri" kunci dengan mengedit entri ini
Several logbooks groups are defined on this host = Beberapa grup logbook didefinisikan pada mesin ini
Please select one to list the logbooks in that group = Silahkan pilih salah satu logbook dari daftar  dalam kelompok
No logbook defined on this server = Tidak ada logbook yang didefinisikan dalam server ini
Goto ELOG home page = Menuju ke halaman utama ELOG
Please enter "%s" = Silahkan masukkan "%s"
Change config file = Ubah file konfigurasi
Please check that it exists and elogd has write access and disk is not full = Silahkan dicek jika ada, mempunuyai hak akses dan disk tidak penuh
Show = Tampilkan
Hide = Sembunyikan
Hide all = Sembunyikan semua
Show all = Tampilkan semua
This logbook requires authentication = Logbook ini memerlukan otentifikasi
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  68101   Wed Aug 26 09:18:17 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: Send e-mail based on a hierarchy of attributes?

Yes, this can be done. See below for an example configuration.

Attributes = entrytype, category
Options entrytype = routine{1}, problem{2}
Options category = software, hardware

{1} Email category software =
{1} Email category hardware =
{2} Email category software =
{2} Email category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

Phil Rubin wrote:

Is there a way to distribute e-mail based on the consideration of several attributes and values?  A simple example:  attributes type and category have several different values, say, routine and problem for type and hardware and software for category, but one would only like messages sent when there's a problem to different sets of hardware or software types.  Thus:


type routine   category hardware = no message

                        category software = no message

type problem  category hardware = a@bcd.efg, h@ijk.lmn

                         category software = 1@opq.rst,


  68121   Tue Sep 22 15:04:55 2015 Idea Edmund Hertleedmund.hertle@kit.eduRequestAll3.1.1Suggestion for tooltips and/or comments


if you define a Tooltip at the moment it is only displayed on the attribute. I would like it very much if it would also be displayed on the values (on the right column in the detailed view and on the whole column in the list view), since we are using the tooltips to define the units of the attribute and it would be nice to pop up when you hover a value.

As for the comment it would be nice to have a flag to also show the comment on the detailed view while looking at an entry. At the moment it is only showed when creating a new entry. Again we use this field to define the units.

This is an example of how we use these options:

attributes = Fill Number, Beam Current, Beam Energy, Beam Lifetime, RF Voltage S2, RF Voltage S4, RF Frequency, Synchrotron Frequency

Comment Beam Current = in mA
Comment Beam Energy = in GeV
Comment Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Comment RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Comment RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Comment RF Frequency = in MHz
Comment Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz

Tooltip Beam Current = in mA
Tooltip Beam Energy = in GeV
Tooltip Beam Lifetime = in hh:mm
Tooltip RF Voltage S2 = in kV
Tooltip RF Voltage S4 = in kV
Tooltip RF Frequency = in MHz
Tooltip Synchrotron Frequency = in kHz



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