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  1849   Wed Jun 21 18:36:06 2006 Question Jeremy Perkinsperkins@egret.sao.arizona.eduQuestionLinux Hosts Allow and Password File
I'm trying to set up an elog that uses a password file using the "Password file = /blah" directive as well as the "Hosts allow = myhost.mydomain" directive. I used the -v command and watched the messages and elogd is recognizing that I am connecting from an allowed host but the login page is still appearing. Is there a way to use both of these?
  1852   Thu Jun 22 08:09:11 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux Re: Hosts Allow and Password File

Jeremy Perkins wrote:
I'm trying to set up an elog that uses a password file using the "Password file = /blah" directive as well as the "Hosts allow = myhost.mydomain" directive. I used the -v command and watched the messages and elogd is recognizing that I am connecting from an allowed host but the login page is still appearing. Is there a way to use both of these?

You misunderstand something. The "Password file = ..." statement turns on user level access, that means each user has to log in and identify himself this way in a unique way (so that you know who wore a certain logbook entry etc.). This has nothing to do with the "Hosts allow/deny" statements, which works separately. So if you combine "hosts allow" with "password file", this means that only users from the password file can log in from certain hists, but they still have to identify themselves with their username and password. If you want to log into a logbook without supplying a password from certain hosts, then you remove the "password file" statement. But then anyone from that host can write logbook entries, so you loose the user identification.
  1884   Wed Jul 19 12:20:34 2006 Question Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestionLinux Use Email From = <string>
Hi all,

My users have complained about the multiple "I'm away from xxx until xxx" automated replies that they get when they post an entry and notifications are sent with their email in the "From" field. I would therefore like to always use the address specified in the Use Email From line of the configuration file and never the user's address. Reading from the documentation:

The option Use Email From = <string> is used for the "From:" field in the email. Since more and more email servers do not accept invalid "From:" addresses in order to reduce spam mail, it might be important that a "real" email address is used in the "From:" field. By default, the email address of the currently logged in user is used for the "From:" field. If no user is logged in, or the current user has not specified a email address in the password database, the setting of the option Use Email From is used for the "From:" field.

Is there a way to override that default and always use the setting of the option Use Email From?

  1885   Wed Jul 19 12:35:16 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionLinux Re: Use Email From = <string>

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
My users have complained about the multiple "I'm away from xxx until xxx" automated replies that they get when they post an entry and notifications are sent with their email in the "From" field.

Yes, I had the same problem with this forum.

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
Is there a way to override that default and always use the setting of the option Use Email From?

Sure. You override the default by setting the Use Email From. In the forum I set it now to Use Email From = which is a nonexisting address. While now this is ok, our former email server did not accept this because the user noreply does not exist at our institute. So you have to figure out if this works at CERN.
  1886   Wed Jul 19 12:47:58 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestionLinux Re: Use Email From = <string>

Stefan Ritt wrote:
Sure. You override the default by setting the Use Email From. In the forum I set it now to Use Email From = which is a nonexisting address. While now this is ok, our former email server did not accept this because the user noreply does not exist at our institute. So you have to figure out if this works at CERN.

Thanks, Stefan! I misunderstood the documentation, thinking that the Use Email From option value was only used if the user submitting the entry had not registered an e-mail address when creating his/her elog account. This works fine. Smile
  1890   Fri Aug 11 21:48:01 2006 Cool Grant Jeffcotegrant@jeffcote.orgQuestionWindows Conditional E-Mail Attributes
Stefen, is it possible to change an email option using conditional attributes?
I have a need under certain conditions to send an email in plain text (Encoding type 1) but as type 2 under other conditions, it seems when I do the conditional string is ignored and the global entry is used.
Can all email options be actioned using a conditional string, it only seems to work on some?

Shown here are some of the options that would be nice to set under 'conditions'.
Some appear to already work that way.

{2}Email attributes = xxx, xxy,
{2}Email All =,,
{2}Preset text = This is a test
{2}Email Encoding = 1
{2}Use Email Subject = ELOG-ID $message id - Test Company
{2}Use Email Heading = Test Company Operations Report
{2}Use Email From =
{2}Suppress Email to users = 1
{2}Email Format = 27
{2}Suppress Email on edit = 1
{2}Suppress default = 2
{2}Display Email recipients = 1
{2}Omit Email To = 1

Any help would be appreciated.
  1895   Mon Aug 14 11:45:32 2006 Entry Silvia Borghisilvia.borghi@cern.chQuestion  Author in duplicate message
When I ask to duplicate a message, the author of the duplicated message is the one of the original message.
How can I put as author the name of the person that is login?
I tried to use the command Preset on Duplicate Author or Subst on Duplicate Author, but it does not work.

Here is my config:

Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on Duplicate Author = $long_name
Preset on Reply Author = $long_name
Subst on Duplicate Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
  1900   Tue Aug 15 13:10:30 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Author in duplicate message

Silvia Borghi wrote:
Preset on Duplicate Author = $long_name

This was not implemented so far, but is a good idea. So I put it into SVN revision 1713. You either get the SVN update or wait for the next release of ELOG.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886