> > >
> > > it looks like 64bit vs 32bit problem, you have to compile all libraries for the same architecture. Maybe, make clean to
> > > remove all precompiled object files .o and recompile it again. Try to compile first that simple example without wxWidgets.
> > >
> > > Martin
> >
> >
> > Good point, but all libraries are already compiled to 32 bits, since the laptop is running at 32 bits. Unless you mean that I
> > have to convert to 64 bits, but this means to change all content of the PC, and I don't want to do this. Can the applications
> > run with 32 bits or do they need 64 ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Enrico
> There is no specific reason to run it on 64 bits, so just all libraries have to match, that's all. But the original Makefile has been written for 64 bits, so it might need some
> adjustments.
> /Stefan
Hi Stefan,
I made some progress. Understood what was wrong in the make phase. You have only to add the option -arch i386 in the CFLAGS line of the makefile.
Then the make is ok, it produces the 3 executables. drs_exam and drscl seem to work correctly.
DRSOsc.app does not work as app, in the sense that if you click it, an error message comes saying "You can't use this version of the application DRSOsc.app with
this version of Mac OS X. You have Mac OSX 10.6.8. The application requires Mac OS X 10.7 or later. "
If you execute drsosc from the terminal, the graphical window pops up, the waveform is displayed, but you don't have access to the graphical interface, no button works, you can't do
anything. To quit the app, you have to kill it from the terminal with the kill command.
But anyway is a progress with respect to yestarday.
Any idea/suggestion to overcome the above problems ? I thought it is a problem with the graphical library (xwWidgets) but I have checked it, it's ok, I have also reinstalled it
(release 2.8.12_3) but nothing changed.
PS. the chip test output (done with the drscl ) is the following (see below). Is it normal or what ? THANKS.
B0> ct
Press 'q' to quit, any other key to repeat test.
Max. frequency is 5.1 GHz
Cell error on channel 1, cell 5: -137.6 mV instead 0 mV
Chip Error!
Max. frequency is 5.1 GHz
Cell error on channel 1, cell 5: -129.4 mV instead 0 mV
Chip Error! |