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Entry  Tue May 21 12:39:00 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
    Reply  Tue May 21 13:25:41 2013, Stefan Ritt, mac osx 10.6 
       Reply  Tue May 21 17:45:05 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
    Reply  Tue May 21 13:32:13 2013, Martin Petriska, mac osx 10.6 
       Reply  Tue May 21 17:48:45 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
          Reply  Tue May 21 17:51:09 2013, Stefan Ritt, mac osx 10.6 
             Reply  Tue May 21 18:30:11 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
             Reply  Fri May 24 17:58:07 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
                Reply  Fri May 24 18:20:14 2013, Stefan Ritt, mac osx 10.6 
                   Reply  Sat May 25 12:45:46 2013, Enrico Conti, mac osx 10.6 
Message ID: 255     Entry time: Sat May 25 12:45:46 2013     In reply to: 254
Author: Enrico Conti 
Subject: mac osx 10.6 
> > I made some progress. Understood what was wrong in the make phase. You have only to add the option -arch i386 in the CFLAGS line of the makefile.
> > Then the make is ok, it produces the 3 executables. drs_exam and drscl seem to work correctly. 
> > DRSOsc.app does not work as app, in the sense that if you click it, an error message comes saying "You can't use this version of the application DRSOsc.app with 
> > this version of Mac OS X. You have Mac OSX 10.6.8. The application requires Mac OS X 10.7 or later. "
> > If you execute drsosc from the terminal, the graphical window pops up, the waveform is displayed, but you don't have access to the graphical interface, no button works, you can't do
> > anything. To quit the app, you have to kill it from the terminal with the kill command.
> To run an executable as an app, you have to put it into a certain directory structure. The Makefile has the target "make app" which exactly does that. It executes following code:
> DRSOsc.app: drsosc
>         -mkdir DRSOsc.app
>         -mkdir DRSOsc.app/Contents
>         -mkdir DRSOsc.app/Contents/MacOS
>         -mkdir DRSOsc.app/Contents/Resources
>         -mkdir DRSOsc.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
>         echo 'APPL????' > DRSOsc.app/Contents/PkgInfo
>         cp drsosc.xcodeproj/Info-processed.plist DRSOsc.app/Contents/Info.plist
>         cp drsosc DRSOsc.app/Contents/MacOS/DRSOsc
>         cp drsosc.xcodeproj/DRSOsc.icns DRSOsc.app/Contents/Resources
> You can also do this manually. You will then see the subdirectly DRSOsc.app actually as an App icon (you don't see it as a subdirectory in the Finder).  That's the way Apple has chosen to do this.
> The chip test facility has been made for a certain test board we use for chip testing. It has a feature that is not present in the evaluation board. I have to disable that command there.
> Best regards,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,
yes, the makefile has already the recipe to create the app. For OSX 10.6 a obvious modification must be done in the info.plist file. Then everything goes right. Now I have the DRSOsc application
running on my mac with 10.6.
Thanks for the help.
Best regards,
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