Hi Stefan.
I managed to add the averaging possibility to the oscilloscope program, but it runs too slow, so now I'm tring to add this option to the example file you attached to the program (drs_exam.cpp).
My problem is that when I run the file is not passing the stage of getting the trigger. (it just wait after writing the line "Waiting for trigger...")
When testing the software, I work with a signal of up to 10 MHz, limited in voltage to the DRS Eval 4 ability, and I connect the signal to channel 1,from it by default is supposed to get the trigger. I also tried to change the channel settings to other channels or external trigger, and use them, but it still not working.
I found out that the problem is related to the line "while (b->IsBusy());" in the code, but I have a problem understanding what the function "IsBusy" do and how it's work.
Can you please explain me a bit what this function does?
have a nice day,