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Entry  Sun May 26 13:08:52 2013, tmiron alon,  
    Reply  Fri Jun 7 10:22:48 2013, Stefan Ritt,  
       Reply  Fri Jun 7 11:44:17 2013, tmiron alon, thank you 
       Reply  Mon Jun 10 14:09:13 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
          Reply  Mon Jun 10 16:24:21 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
             Reply  Thu Jul 4 08:32:11 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                Reply  Thu Jul 4 08:54:25 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
                   Reply  Thu Jul 4 09:07:24 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                      Reply  Thu Jul 4 09:17:31 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
                         Reply  Thu Jul 4 10:01:06 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                            Reply  Thu Jul 4 10:14:32 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
                               Reply  Tue Jul 16 10:02:28 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                                  Reply  Tue Jul 16 16:25:43 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
                                     Reply  Sun Jul 28 09:52:25 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                                        Reply  Mon Jul 29 06:04:45 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
                                           Reply  Mon Aug 12 15:08:17 2013, tmiron alon, add an average ability to the Scope 
                                              Reply  Mon Aug 12 22:18:39 2013, Stefan Ritt, add an average ability to the Scope 
Message ID: 280     Entry time: Sun Jul 28 09:52:25 2013     In reply to: 275     Reply to this: 281
Author: tmiron alon 
Subject: add an average ability to the Scope 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

tmiron alon wrote:

Hi Stefan.

I managed to add the averaging possibility to the oscilloscope program, but it runs too slow, so now I'm tring to add this option to the example file you attached to the program (drs_exam.cpp).
My problem is that when I run the file is not passing  the stage of getting the trigger. (it just wait after writing the line "Waiting for trigger...")
When testing the software, I work with a signal of up to 10 MHz, limited in voltage to the DRS Eval 4 ability, and I connect the signal to channel 1,from it by default is supposed to get the trigger. I also tried to change the channel settings to other channels or external trigger, and use them,  but it still not working.

I found out that the problem is related to the line "while (b->IsBusy());" in the code, but I have a problem understanding what the function "IsBusy" do and how it's work.

Can you please explain me a bit what this function does?

have a nice day,


The function b->IsBusy() returns true if there has been no trigger. So "while (b->IsBusy());" is simply an endless loop until the board triggered. Please check your signals and trigger configuration. Maybe you have to adjust the trigger level or polarity via b->SetTriggerLevel(). Try signals with lower event rates. Verify that the board triggers with the DRSOsc program, you can then read off the optimal trigger level from there. 


Hi satefan,

I did some debug on the DRSOsc program and saw that everywhere you used the function "IsBusy()", you used it with "SoftTrigger()", which (to my understanding) create a software trigger. did you used another function, other than "ISBusy", that check the hardware trigger?

have a nice day,


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