Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Hi satefan,
I did some debug on the DRSOsc program and saw that everywhere you used the function "IsBusy()", you used it with "SoftTrigger()", which (to my understanding) create a software trigger. did you used another function, other than "ISBusy", that check the hardware trigger?
have a nice day,
No. IsBusy() is the only way the hardware trigger is checked. If there is no hardware trigger, you can issue a "fake" trigger (called software trigger) to stop the acquisition. This happens for example if you switch DRSOsc to "Auto" trigger instead of "Normal" trigger, very similar than a normal oscilloscope does.
hallo stefan,
I managed to fixed the problem. The problem was with the number I inserted to the function "b->SetTriggerSource" th get external trigger (it suppose to be "16" and not "4" or "12" as I understood from the function's comments).
Right now I'm trying to speed up the number of wavefrom per second. I'm using your drs_exam.cpp program you wrote as my basic program. When you wrote it you used the function "b->StartDomino()" inside the loop, which means that before every trigger you gave him a command to start the domino-wave.
From the "DRS4 datasheet" (page 8) I understand that I can bypass the need to restart the domino-wave by using "b->SetDominoActive(1)" and "b->SetDominoMode(1)", but when I tried it didn't work (the waveform I got every readout remain the same which means the dominowave froze after the first readout).
Am I understanding wrong or do I need to add somthing more\else so the domino-wave will not stop after each readout? is there any hazard by doing that, as mentiond in page 8 of the the datasheet?
thanks again,
Tmiron. |