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ID Date Author Subjectup
  390   Thu Oct 16 16:15:16 2014 Stefan Rittbinary files with more than 4 drs board ver. 5.0.2
> Dear Stefan
> after having some problems with writing binary files with more than 4 drs boards (in multiboard-mode) I might 
> have found the solution.
> In the file src/Osci.cpp at line 838 is: 
> unsigned char buffer[100000];
> If I understand the binary format right, this works only with up to four boards. With the maximum number of 
> boards in your specification (16 boards) and all channels switched on on all boards this array needs to have 
> about 400000 entries (for the first event, where the time information is written too).
> Could you please cross-check that?
> Thank you very much!
> Cheers,
> Roman

This problem has been fixed in software version 5.0.3

  234   Mon Apr 8 18:11:02 2013 Dmitry Hitsbinary to root



Does anyone has a program that converts a binary file from drsosc  output to a ROOT tree format?


Thank you,



  271   Tue Jul 9 11:40:00 2013 Dmitry Hitscannot save in binary format


I would like to save the waveform in a binary format. When I click Save then change format from xml to dat in the menu. I still get xml format but with dat extension.

what I am missing?

Thank you,



  272   Tue Jul 9 12:23:06 2013 Stefan Rittcannot save in binary format

Dmitry Hits wrote:


I would like to save the waveform in a binary format. When I click Save then change format from xml to dat in the menu. I still get xml format but with dat extension.

what I am missing?

Thank you,


Version 4.0.1 has a problem there. Please use 4.0.0. If you can compile the program yourself, just change this line:

--- DOFrame.cpp (revision 20656)
+++ DOFrame.cpp (revision 20655)
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
       if (!filename.empty()) {
          m_btSave->SetToolTip(_T("Stop saving waveforms"));
-         if (filename.Find(_T(".")) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
+         if (filename.Find(_T(".xml")) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
             m_WFfd = 0;
             m_WFFile = mxml_open_file(filename.char_str());
             if (m_WFFile)


  273   Tue Jul 9 14:00:49 2013 Dmitry Hitscannot save in binary format

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dmitry Hits wrote:


I would like to save the waveform in a binary format. When I click Save then change format from xml to dat in the menu. I still get xml format but with dat extension.

what I am missing?

Thank you,


Version 4.0.1 has a problem there. Please use 4.0.0. If you can compile the program yourself, just change this line:

--- DOFrame.cpp (revision 20656)
+++ DOFrame.cpp (revision 20655)
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
       if (!filename.empty()) {
          m_btSave->SetToolTip(_T("Stop saving waveforms"));
-         if (filename.Find(_T(".")) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
+         if (filename.Find(_T(".xml")) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
             m_WFfd = 0;
             m_WFFile = mxml_open_file(filename.char_str());
             if (m_WFFile)


 Thanks that fixed it!


  229   Tue Mar 26 01:17:59 2013 Jill Russekcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp


All I'm trying to do is cascade one input signal, though all available channels, so that I end up with 8*1024 bins per event.

Here is the read out on my board/chip:

Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           8
Serial number:        2249
Firmware revision:    17662
Temperature:          35.2 C
Input range:          -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated range:     -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated frequency: 5.120 GHz
Status reg.:          0000001A
Control reg.:         00000010
  DMODE circular
Trigger bus:          00000000
Frequency:            5.120 GHz


What I've tried thus far:

In Osci.cpp, in the method/function  SelectSource(int board, int firstChannel, int chnSection), I added a line.. (in bold)


 if (b->GetBoardType() == 5 || b->GetBoardType() == 7 || b->GetBoardType() == 8) {
             if (chnSection == 2)
                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 4);
             else if(chnSection == 1)
                 b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2);

                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 8);


I've also tried doing settings such as SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1);   , SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2); , SetChannelConfig(0, 1, 2); , etc..

Which always ends up making the run fail.. and sometimes I get index errors..

As far as I understanding the program now, this is what I know:

fChannelCascading determines getChannelCascading,
this determines the  if (casc == 2) line in configDialogue.cpp, which sets:
 b->SetChannelConfig(config, 8, 4);

fChannelCascading is being set by:
 switch (nConfigChannels) {
      case 1:
         fChannelConfig = 0x01;
         fChannelCascading = 8;
      case 2:
         fChannelConfig = 0x11;
         fChannelCascading = 4;
      case 4:
         fChannelConfig = 0x55;
         fChannelCascading = 2;
      case 8:
         fChannelConfig = 0xFF;
         fChannelCascading = 1;
         printf("Invalid channel configuration\n");
         return 0;

which is being set by nConfigChannels in DRS.cpp, in the method:
SetChannelConfig(int firstChannel, int lastChannel, int nConfigChannels)

SetChannelConfig is being called in the ConfigDialogue.cpp,  but the default Osci program is such that you can't do a configuration for a cascade of one signal using all the channels. At least, not that I am aware of. 

So what buttons do I need to enable, or what do I need to call, or write, so that I can cascade a signal to end up with 8*1024 bins per event?

This has had me going in circles for weeks, so thank you for your help!!!!



  231   Thu Apr 4 11:32:21 2013 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Jill Russek wrote:


All I'm trying to do is cascade one input signal, though all available channels, so that I end up with 8*1024 bins per event.

Here is the read out on my board/chip:

Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           8
Serial number:        2249
Firmware revision:    17662
Temperature:          35.2 C
Input range:          -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated range:     -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated frequency: 5.120 GHz
Status reg.:          0000001A
Control reg.:         00000010
  DMODE circular
Trigger bus:          00000000
Frequency:            5.120 GHz


What I've tried thus far:

In Osci.cpp, in the method/function  SelectSource(int board, int firstChannel, int chnSection), I added a line.. (in bold)


 if (b->GetBoardType() == 5 || b->GetBoardType() == 7 || b->GetBoardType() == 8) {
             if (chnSection == 2)
                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 4);
             else if(chnSection == 1)
                 b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2);

                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 8);


I've also tried doing settings such as SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1);   , SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2); , SetChannelConfig(0, 1, 2); , etc..

Which always ends up making the run fail.. and sometimes I get index errors..

As far as I understanding the program now, this is what I know:

fChannelCascading determines getChannelCascading,
this determines the  if (casc == 2) line in configDialogue.cpp, which sets:
 b->SetChannelConfig(config, 8, 4);

fChannelCascading is being set by:
 switch (nConfigChannels) {
      case 1:
         fChannelConfig = 0x01;
         fChannelCascading = 8;
      case 2:
         fChannelConfig = 0x11;
         fChannelCascading = 4;
      case 4:
         fChannelConfig = 0x55;
         fChannelCascading = 2;
      case 8:
         fChannelConfig = 0xFF;
         fChannelCascading = 1;
         printf("Invalid channel configuration\n");
         return 0;

which is being set by nConfigChannels in DRS.cpp, in the method:
SetChannelConfig(int firstChannel, int lastChannel, int nConfigChannels)

SetChannelConfig is being called in the ConfigDialogue.cpp,  but the default Osci program is such that you can't do a configuration for a cascade of one signal using all the channels. At least, not that I am aware of. 

So what buttons do I need to enable, or what do I need to call, or write, so that I can cascade a signal to end up with 8*1024 bins per event?

This has had me going in circles for weeks, so thank you for your help!!!! 

Sorry for my late reply, I was away for some days.

To use channel cascading, you have to physically connect one input to all eight channels. This is not possible with the evaluation board, you have to make your own board. What you could do however is to split a signal externally and feed it to all four inputs, given that the signal delay is the same for every channel. But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp. This code was never foreseen to cover 8*1024 bins (since it does not make much sense with the evaluation board). Some arrays are only 2*1024 bins wide, so you would have to rewrite code at many places.

The easiest way to get what you want is to modify drs_exam.cpp. You need SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as you realised correctly, and then you have to retrieve all 8 channels via b->GetWave() and concatenate them correctly.


  232   Fri Apr 5 02:21:33 2013 Jill Russekcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:


All I'm trying to do is cascade one input signal, though all available channels, so that I end up with 8*1024 bins per event.

Here is the read out on my board/chip:

Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           8
Serial number:        2249
Firmware revision:    17662
Temperature:          35.2 C
Input range:          -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated range:     -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated frequency: 5.120 GHz
Status reg.:          0000001A
Control reg.:         00000010
  DMODE circular
Trigger bus:          00000000
Frequency:            5.120 GHz


What I've tried thus far:

In Osci.cpp, in the method/function  SelectSource(int board, int firstChannel, int chnSection), I added a line.. (in bold)


 if (b->GetBoardType() == 5 || b->GetBoardType() == 7 || b->GetBoardType() == 8) {
             if (chnSection == 2)
                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 4);
             else if(chnSection == 1)
                 b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2);

                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 8);


I've also tried doing settings such as SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1);   , SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2); , SetChannelConfig(0, 1, 2); , etc..

Which always ends up making the run fail.. and sometimes I get index errors..

As far as I understanding the program now, this is what I know:

fChannelCascading determines getChannelCascading,
this determines the  if (casc == 2) line in configDialogue.cpp, which sets:
 b->SetChannelConfig(config, 8, 4);

fChannelCascading is being set by:
 switch (nConfigChannels) {
      case 1:
         fChannelConfig = 0x01;
         fChannelCascading = 8;
      case 2:
         fChannelConfig = 0x11;
         fChannelCascading = 4;
      case 4:
         fChannelConfig = 0x55;
         fChannelCascading = 2;
      case 8:
         fChannelConfig = 0xFF;
         fChannelCascading = 1;
         printf("Invalid channel configuration\n");
         return 0;

which is being set by nConfigChannels in DRS.cpp, in the method:
SetChannelConfig(int firstChannel, int lastChannel, int nConfigChannels)

SetChannelConfig is being called in the ConfigDialogue.cpp,  but the default Osci program is such that you can't do a configuration for a cascade of one signal using all the channels. At least, not that I am aware of. 

So what buttons do I need to enable, or what do I need to call, or write, so that I can cascade a signal to end up with 8*1024 bins per event?

This has had me going in circles for weeks, so thank you for your help!!!! 

Sorry for my late reply, I was away for some days.

To use channel cascading, you have to physically connect one input to all eight channels. This is not possible with the evaluation board, you have to make your own board. What you could do however is to split a signal externally and feed it to all four inputs, given that the signal delay is the same for every channel. But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp. This code was never foreseen to cover 8*1024 bins (since it does not make much sense with the evaluation board). Some arrays are only 2*1024 bins wide, so you would have to rewrite code at many places.

The easiest way to get what you want is to modify drs_exam.cpp. You need SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as you realised correctly, and then you have to retrieve all 8 channels via b->GetWave() and concatenate them correctly.


 Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:

     fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
      d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);

      Write(T_CTRL, REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG, &d, 2);
      fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins


then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to  "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {"  but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?


By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean  hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins"  with '8*kNumberBins' ?


I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.





  233   Fri Apr 5 08:54:37 2013 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Jill Russek wrote:

Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:

     fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
      d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);

      Write(T_CTRL, REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG, &d, 2);
      fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins


then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to  "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {"  but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?


By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean  hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins"  with '8*kNumberBins' ?


I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.



Sure it would be possible to code it, but it's not just a few lines. Besides Osci.cpp you have to massage DOScreen.cpp, Measurement.cpp and probably more since they all rely on the array size of the waveform. So if I would do it it would take me probably a couple of days including the debugging, which I don't have right now. Furthermore, as I said you have to combine all eight channels properly. For two channels, it's already pretty complicated (see lines 3537+ in DRS.cpp). I had to make myself a visual scheme in order to understand it correctly, which I attached. For eight channels, the write shift register (WSR) can have values 0-7, depending in which channel you got a trigger. Then you have to sort it out again to get one linear array with the proper order of the fragments. So you see, it's not just changing a few lines of code. In principle it's possible, but it's lots of work.

Best regards,


  235   Wed Apr 10 22:41:21 2013 Jill Russekcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:

Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:

     fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
      d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);

      Write(T_CTRL, REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG, &d, 2);
      fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins


then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to  "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {"  but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?


By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean  hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins"  with '8*kNumberBins' ?


I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.



Sure it would be possible to code it, but it's not just a few lines. Besides Osci.cpp you have to massage DOScreen.cpp, Measurement.cpp and probably more since they all rely on the array size of the waveform. So if I would do it it would take me probably a couple of days including the debugging, which I don't have right now. Furthermore, as I said you have to combine all eight channels properly. For two channels, it's already pretty complicated (see lines 3537+ in DRS.cpp). I had to make myself a visual scheme in order to understand it correctly, which I attached. For eight channels, the write shift register (WSR) can have values 0-7, depending in which channel you got a trigger. Then you have to sort it out again to get one linear array with the proper order of the fragments. So you see, it's not just changing a few lines of code. In principle it's possible, but it's lots of work.

Best regards,


 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


  236   Thu Apr 11 08:39:12 2013 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Jill Russek wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:

Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:

     fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
      d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);

      Write(T_CTRL, REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG, &d, 2);
      fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins


then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to  "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {"  but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?


By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean  hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins"  with '8*kNumberBins' ?


I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.



Sure it would be possible to code it, but it's not just a few lines. Besides Osci.cpp you have to massage DOScreen.cpp, Measurement.cpp and probably more since they all rely on the array size of the waveform. So if I would do it it would take me probably a couple of days including the debugging, which I don't have right now. Furthermore, as I said you have to combine all eight channels properly. For two channels, it's already pretty complicated (see lines 3537+ in DRS.cpp). I had to make myself a visual scheme in order to understand it correctly, which I attached. For eight channels, the write shift register (WSR) can have values 0-7, depending in which channel you got a trigger. Then you have to sort it out again to get one linear array with the proper order of the fragments. So you see, it's not just changing a few lines of code. In principle it's possible, but it's lots of work.

Best regards,


 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


  238   Thu Apr 11 23:32:57 2013 Jill Russekcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:

Would it be possible to just hardcode a few lines in the SetChannelConfig in DRS.cpp method as such:

     fChannelConfig = 0x01; //gives me eight
      d = fChannelConfig | (fDominoMode << 8) | (1 << 9) | (fWSRLoop << 10) | (0xF8 << 8);

      Write(T_CTRL, REG_CHANNEL_CONFIG, &d, 2);
      fChannelDepth = 8 * (fDecimation ? kNumberOfBins/2 : kNumberOfBins);// gives eight times the bins


then modify the GetWave method/function to include another else if statement similar to  "else if (fChannelCascading == 2) {"  but would be modifidied for fChannelCascading == 8?


By, "But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp" do you mean  hard-coded? Would changing the hard code just amount to resizing all of the arrays, and replacing all the '2*kNumberBins"  with '8*kNumberBins' ?


I'm afraid of drs_exam.cpp because it doesn't come with all the perks of Osci.cpp. It seems less daunting to just modify Osci.cpp then to try understanding everything I need to include in drs_exam.cpp because I'm also using an external trigger, and saving the waveform to an external text file.



Sure it would be possible to code it, but it's not just a few lines. Besides Osci.cpp you have to massage DOScreen.cpp, Measurement.cpp and probably more since they all rely on the array size of the waveform. So if I would do it it would take me probably a couple of days including the debugging, which I don't have right now. Furthermore, as I said you have to combine all eight channels properly. For two channels, it's already pretty complicated (see lines 3537+ in DRS.cpp). I had to make myself a visual scheme in order to understand it correctly, which I attached. For eight channels, the write shift register (WSR) can have values 0-7, depending in which channel you got a trigger. Then you have to sort it out again to get one linear array with the proper order of the fragments. So you see, it's not just changing a few lines of code. In principle it's possible, but it's lots of work.

Best regards,


 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


 Ha! So then the answer is no, there isn't a ready made function/method to pull out the timing and voltage,  like how it was done in osci.cpp. That's all I wanted to know. (Not whether you would write it for me! Only trying to save time!) Thanks!


  239   Fri Apr 12 08:25:05 2013 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Jill Russek wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Jill Russek wrote:

 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


 Ha! So then the answer is no, there isn't a ready made function/method to pull out the timing and voltage,  like how it was done in osci.cpp. That's all I wanted to know. (Not whether you would write it for me! Only trying to save time!) Thanks!


You misunderstood. The answer is yes. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to an ASCII file. If you actually look into the file, you see:

   f = fopen("data.txt", "w");
   b->GetTime(0, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array);
   b->GetWave(0, 0, wave_array[0]);
   fprintf(f, "%5.2f %6.2f\n", time_array[i], wave_array[0][i]);

which actually pulls out the timing and voltage and writes it to the file.

  647   Wed Dec 20 15:30:38 2017 Yoni Shercascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp


I'm trying to do the same thing (get 1 channel with 8192 bins), but I'm having some trouble with it. When I call SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as suggeted, I get output that looks like noise on all readouts. Could you please explain what is supposed to happen in this case? 

I will happily write the code to combine the channels correctly (and debug it) if I can understand what needs to be done. 

(I should mention that my primary concern is a MATLAB interface which I have already written and don't mind sharing when it's complete). 


Yoni Sher

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:

 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


 Ha! So then the answer is no, there isn't a ready made function/method to pull out the timing and voltage,  like how it was done in osci.cpp. That's all I wanted to know. (Not whether you would write it for me! Only trying to save time!) Thanks!


You misunderstood. The answer is yes. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to an ASCII file. If you actually look into the file, you see:

   f = fopen("data.txt", "w");
   b->GetTime(0, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array);
   b->GetWave(0, 0, wave_array[0]);
   fprintf(f, "%5.2f %6.2f\n", time_array[i], wave_array[0][i]);

which actually pulls out the timing and voltage and writes it to the file.


  648   Wed Dec 20 16:21:42 2017 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

First you need a board which is modified in hardware to support channel cascading. Basically there are internal resistors which connect each input connector to two channels. You have to specify this when you order the board. Then you can use the new drs_exam_2048.cpp file contains in the git repository which correctly configures and reads out the board in two-channel cascading mode. Putting all 8 channels together is not supported by the evaluation boards.


Yoni Sher wrote:


I'm trying to do the same thing (get 1 channel with 8192 bins), but I'm having some trouble with it. When I call SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as suggeted, I get output that looks like noise on all readouts. Could you please explain what is supposed to happen in this case? 

I will happily write the code to combine the channels correctly (and debug it) if I can understand what needs to be done. 

(I should mention that my primary concern is a MATLAB interface which I have already written and don't mind sharing when it's complete). 


Yoni Sher

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:

 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


 Ha! So then the answer is no, there isn't a ready made function/method to pull out the timing and voltage,  like how it was done in osci.cpp. That's all I wanted to know. (Not whether you would write it for me! Only trying to save time!) Thanks!


You misunderstood. The answer is yes. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to an ASCII file. If you actually look into the file, you see:

   f = fopen("data.txt", "w");
   b->GetTime(0, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array);
   b->GetWave(0, 0, wave_array[0]);
   fprintf(f, "%5.2f %6.2f\n", time_array[i], wave_array[0][i]);

which actually pulls out the timing and voltage and writes it to the file.



  649   Wed Dec 20 16:30:45 2017 Yoni Shercascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp


The board is modified (and checks out with the DRSScope program). Could you please point me to the drs_exam_2048.cpp file? I can't seem to fine the most up-to-date git repository....




Stefan Ritt wrote:

First you need a board which is modified in hardware to support channel cascading. Basically there are internal resistors which connect each input connector to two channels. You have to specify this when you order the board. Then you can use the new drs_exam_2048.cpp file contains in the git repository which correctly configures and reads out the board in two-channel cascading mode. Putting all 8 channels together is not supported by the evaluation boards.


Yoni Sher wrote:


I'm trying to do the same thing (get 1 channel with 8192 bins), but I'm having some trouble with it. When I call SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as suggeted, I get output that looks like noise on all readouts. Could you please explain what is supposed to happen in this case? 

I will happily write the code to combine the channels correctly (and debug it) if I can understand what needs to be done. 

(I should mention that my primary concern is a MATLAB interface which I have already written and don't mind sharing when it's complete). 


Yoni Sher

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Jill Russek wrote:

 Stefan, thanks for your help so far. If I go with your plan A of just modifying drs_exam.cpp, is there a quick way to get it to save the data from the wave, like how osci.cpp spits out an xml file? (Ignoring the cascading aspect for now)

Thanks again :)


Well, you have to learn C programming, I won't do it for you. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to the ASCII file data.txt, so you just can use that or modify it to your needs.


 Ha! So then the answer is no, there isn't a ready made function/method to pull out the timing and voltage,  like how it was done in osci.cpp. That's all I wanted to know. (Not whether you would write it for me! Only trying to save time!) Thanks!


You misunderstood. The answer is yes. drs_exam.cpp contains already code to write to an ASCII file. If you actually look into the file, you see:

   f = fopen("data.txt", "w");
   b->GetTime(0, b->GetTriggerCell(0), time_array);
   b->GetWave(0, 0, wave_array[0]);
   fprintf(f, "%5.2f %6.2f\n", time_array[i], wave_array[0][i]);

which actually pulls out the timing and voltage and writes it to the file.




  650   Wed Dec 20 22:14:35 2017 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp



  358   Mon Jul 14 19:03:05 2014 Yves Biangachange cascading from 1024 to 2048 bins for each input channel


I want to ask whether it is possible to modify a Evaluation Board 5.0 from 1024 to 2048 cells for each of the 4 input channels.
On the rev50 manual at page 31 I found an option to connect the 4 unused channels by setting 8 solder bridges.
The source code for controlling the board seems already prepared for 2048 bins, since version 5.0.2.
So my first question: Are there any implementations in the VHDL Code to control the write shift register in 2048 mode? / Is there a necessity for a newer/other VHDL Code or is it already implemented?
And the second: Are there any other modifications except the eight zero Ohm resistors and maybe changes in the FPGA code?
My board info output:
Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           9
Serial number:        2451
Firmware revision:    21260
Thanks a lot!
Yves Bianga
  359   Wed Jul 16 12:10:19 2014 Stefan Rittchange cascading from 1024 to 2048 bins for each input channel

Yves Bianga wrote:


I want to ask whether it is possible to modify a Evaluation Board 5.0 from 1024 to 2048 cells for each of the 4 input channels.
On the rev50 manual at page 31 I found an option to connect the 4 unused channels by setting 8 solder bridges.
The source code for controlling the board seems already prepared for 2048 bins, since version 5.0.2.
So my first question: Are there any implementations in the VHDL Code to control the write shift register in 2048 mode? / Is there a necessity for a newer/other VHDL Code or is it already implemented?
And the second: Are there any other modifications except the eight zero Ohm resistors and maybe changes in the FPGA code?
My board info output:
Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           9
Serial number:        2451
Firmware revision:    21260
Thanks a lot!
Yves Bianga

Indeed you only need R99-R106 to be installed. Unfortunately the firm/software cannot know if the resistors are there, that's why we introduced R142/R143, which connect J44 of the FPGA optionally to low. So if J44 is low (R143 installed), this tells the system that we are in 2048 bin mode. Unfortunately you need firmware revision 21305 or later to support this bit, which you apparently do not have. So you can either upgrade the firmware (if you have a download cable) or "fake" the 2048 bin mode in software. Go to line 4345 of DRS.cpp and look for DRSBoard::Is2048ModeCapable(). This function just returns the status of this bit. If you installed R99-R106, you could modify this function to always return "1" instead of "0". Then the DRSOsc program will display 2048 bins for each of the four channels.

Best regards,


  223   Thu Feb 28 10:47:14 2013 Dmitry Hitsclock and trigger outs
I am considering using the DRS4 evaluation board as an ADC card for the wire chamber in the physics lab (VP) experiment at ETH. However, the wire 
chamber has 8 outputs, so I would need to have two of such boards. Is it possible to synchronise them, online or offline? From the website, it looks 
like yes, but the documentation says that these features (trigger and clock out) may not have been implemented in firmware yet. Could you tell me 
the status?

Thank you very much,

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