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    Reply  Thu Nov 10 19:24:52 2016, Abhishek Rajput, Break Statements in DRS4 Binary to ROOT Macro 


I am wondering why the code should be changed to i < sizeof(eh), since doesn't fread(&eh,sizeof(eh),1,f) return 1 in this scenario? I've confirmed with a cout statement that this is the case, so this break condition will therefore always trigger as sizeof(eh) is 32 bytes. 

Either way, I believe I figured out my problem. In my revised version of your code, I had two nested loops, the outer one being a loop over the channels and the inner one being a loop over the events. However, I really should have been doing the reverse considering the binary structure of the file.  Otherwise, the end of the file will be reached for only a single iteration of the channel loop if I choose to loop through all the events in the data file.

Once I modified the code to have the outer loop be over all the events and the inner one be over all the channels, I no longer suffered from breaks in the loops. 

Many thanks for your assistance. 


Stefan Ritt wrote:


fread() returns the number of bytes read and zero (I believe) if there is an end of file. So this break statement is a simple end-of-file test. There might be other erros such as hard disk failures, but these are extremely rare. 

If course the file should not end in the middle of an event header. If it does, it means the file is corrupted and truncated, and we should not continue to read that file, that's why there is the break. The internal file is just a series of bytes, it does not know about the event header, so there will be no "error" if we have for example a missing event header but a voltage array. To be correct, the code should actually read

for (n=0 ; n<5 ; n++) {
      // read event header
      i = fread(&eh, sizeof(eh), 1, f);
      if (i < sizeof(eh))

Hope this helps,


Abhishek Rajput wrote:


I recently modified the binary to ROOT convertor written by Stefan (https://midas.psi.ch/elogs/DRS4+Forum/361) so it can decode data taken with any channel or set of channels  on the DRS4. In the process of testing this modifed version for data taken on all 4 channels, I encountered problems with decoding some of the event data. More specifically, upon hitting a certain event in some channel, the histograms for that channel would no longer be filled and the histograms for subsequent channels would not be filled with any event at all. 

After considerable bug hunting, I discovered the source of this problem was due to the break statement in the following code extract from the ROOT to binary macro:

 for (n=0 ; n<5 ; n++) {
      // read event header
      i = fread(&eh, sizeof(eh), 1, f);
      if (i < 1)

For some events apparently, the event header fails to be read properly (fread line returns 0 in this case). Moreover, when I used the feof and ferror functions on a particular file I was testing, the feof function returned a value of 1.

So my questions deal with two scenarios.

Firstly, in the event of an fread error, is a break statement is necessary? Is it not possible to skip the voltage data for those events whose event header fails to be read properly? Or is it the case that when some "corrupted" event header is encountered, all waveform data subsequent to that event is likewise corrupted? If the former is the case, is it advisable to replace the break condition with an fseek line that advances the position indicator of the stream by an additional 2052*n_channels + 32 bytes (in accordance with the binary file specifications of page 25 on the DRS4 manual) so that the next set of voltage data can be read? 

Secondly, in the case of an end of file error, does there exist any possible solution? Or is such an error an indication of a faulty drs4 channel or corrupted binary file? 

Any help with the aforementioned issues would be greatly appreciated.






    Reply  Thu Nov 10 22:07:40 2016, Stefan Ritt, Break Statements in DRS4 Binary to ROOT Macro 

You're right, fread() return the number of objects read, so indeed it should be one if successful.

Abhishek Rajput wrote:


I am wondering why the code should be changed to i < sizeof(eh), since doesn't fread(&eh,sizeof(eh),1,f) return 1 in this scenario? I've confirmed with a cout statement that this is the case, so this break condition will therefore always trigger as sizeof(eh) is 32 bytes. 

Either way, I believe I figured out my problem. In my revised version of your code, I had two nested loops, the outer one being a loop over the channels and the inner one being a loop over the events. However, I really should have been doing the reverse considering the binary structure of the file.  Otherwise, the end of the file will be reached for only a single iteration of the channel loop if I choose to loop through all the events in the data file.

Once I modified the code to have the outer loop be over all the events and the inner one be over all the channels, I no longer suffered from breaks in the loops. 

Many thanks for your assistance. 


Stefan Ritt wrote:


fread() returns the number of bytes read and zero (I believe) if there is an end of file. So this break statement is a simple end-of-file test. There might be other erros such as hard disk failures, but these are extremely rare. 

If course the file should not end in the middle of an event header. If it does, it means the file is corrupted and truncated, and we should not continue to read that file, that's why there is the break. The internal file is just a series of bytes, it does not know about the event header, so there will be no "error" if we have for example a missing event header but a voltage array. To be correct, the code should actually read

for (n=0 ; n<5 ; n++) {
      // read event header
      i = fread(&eh, sizeof(eh), 1, f);
      if (i < sizeof(eh))

Hope this helps,


Abhishek Rajput wrote:


I recently modified the binary to ROOT convertor written by Stefan (https://midas.psi.ch/elogs/DRS4+Forum/361) so it can decode data taken with any channel or set of channels  on the DRS4. In the process of testing this modifed version for data taken on all 4 channels, I encountered problems with decoding some of the event data. More specifically, upon hitting a certain event in some channel, the histograms for that channel would no longer be filled and the histograms for subsequent channels would not be filled with any event at all. 

After considerable bug hunting, I discovered the source of this problem was due to the break statement in the following code extract from the ROOT to binary macro:

 for (n=0 ; n<5 ; n++) {
      // read event header
      i = fread(&eh, sizeof(eh), 1, f);
      if (i < 1)

For some events apparently, the event header fails to be read properly (fread line returns 0 in this case). Moreover, when I used the feof and ferror functions on a particular file I was testing, the feof function returned a value of 1.

So my questions deal with two scenarios.

Firstly, in the event of an fread error, is a break statement is necessary? Is it not possible to skip the voltage data for those events whose event header fails to be read properly? Or is it the case that when some "corrupted" event header is encountered, all waveform data subsequent to that event is likewise corrupted? If the former is the case, is it advisable to replace the break condition with an fseek line that advances the position indicator of the stream by an additional 2052*n_channels + 32 bytes (in accordance with the binary file specifications of page 25 on the DRS4 manual) so that the next set of voltage data can be read? 

Secondly, in the case of an end of file error, does there exist any possible solution? Or is such an error an indication of a faulty drs4 channel or corrupted binary file? 

Any help with the aforementioned issues would be greatly appreciated.







Entry  Wed Apr 27 20:04:12 2016, Abaz Kryemadhi, Best settings for time measurements 

I am studing some pulses that are about 200-300 ns wide and a rise time of few ns,    which settings would be best for coincidence time measurements?

In some preliminary work I found for 700 MegaS the time measurement is better without time calibration (in -0.05 to 1V) rather than with time calibration in -0.5 to 0.5,  my pulses are about 60 mV.   Is it expected that always with time calibration time accuracy would be better or depends?   

Also I use this code snippet to find time for channel 1 and the same idea for chan. 2.

// find peak in channel 1 above threshold
      for (i=0 ; i<1022 ; i++)
         if (waveform[0][i] < threshold1 && waveform[0][i+1] >= threshold1) {
            tt1 = (threshold1-waveform[0][i])/(waveform[0][i+1]-waveform[0][i])*(time[0][i+1]-time[0][i])+time[0][i];




    Reply  Thu Apr 28 15:46:34 2016, Stefan Ritt, Best settings for time measurements 

The DRS4 chip has been designed to work best at high sampling speeds. At 700 MSPS, the chip is at it's limit and timing is very poorr (ns?). In order to get good timing, run it at least at 2 GSPS.


Abaz Kryemadhi wrote:

I am studing some pulses that are about 200-300 ns wide and a rise time of few ns,    which settings would be best for coincidence time measurements?

In some preliminary work I found for 700 MegaS the time measurement is better without time calibration (in -0.05 to 1V) rather than with time calibration in -0.5 to 0.5,  my pulses are about 60 mV.   Is it expected that always with time calibration time accuracy would be better or depends?   

Also I use this code snippet to find time for channel 1 and the same idea for chan. 2.

// find peak in channel 1 above threshold
      for (i=0 ; i<1022 ; i++)
         if (waveform[0][i] < threshold1 && waveform[0][i+1] >= threshold1) {
            tt1 = (threshold1-waveform[0][i])/(waveform[0][i+1]-waveform[0][i])*(time[0][i+1]-time[0][i])+time[0][i];





Entry  Fri Apr 9 17:14:45 2010, Hao Huan, Baseline Variation In Data 

Hi Stefan,

    when I sample a constant input with the DRS 4 chip, there was a baseline variation showing up as a saw-tooth pattern which grows with the absolute value of the differential input. Do you think this is the kind of baseline variation mentioned in the evaluation board manual, i.e. coming from clock jitter in ADC sampling?

    Thanks a lot!


    Reply  Tue Apr 13 13:56:07 2010, Stefan Ritt, Baseline Variation In Data 

Hao Huan wrote:

Hi Stefan,

    when I sample a constant input with the DRS 4 chip, there was a baseline variation showing up as a saw-tooth pattern which grows with the absolute value of the differential input. Do you think this is the kind of baseline variation mentioned in the evaluation board manual, i.e. coming from clock jitter in ADC sampling?

    Thanks a lot!


Please post an oscilloscope screenshot here and I can tell you. 

Entry  Mon Oct 19 09:06:43 2009, Jinhong Wang, BIAS Pin of DRS4 

Dear Mr. Stefan Ritt.

         Thank u for your timely response on "DSR4 Full Readout Mode", I received it from Professor Qi An, who is my PhD supervisor.

        I am currently going through the DRS4 datasheet. Well, can you give some specification on the usage of "BIAS" pin of DRS4? It is just metioned in the datasheet as bias of internal buffer. What is the internal buffer exactly reffered to here? The MUXOUT buffer of channel 8 or else? Does it have some relationship to O_OFS? I mean, if the reference voltage to BIAS is changed, how will the output be influenced?

       Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                                                                       Jinhong Wang

                                                                    Fast Electronics LAB. of University of Science and Technology of China.

    Reply  Mon Oct 19 09:13:00 2009, Stefan Ritt, BIAS Pin of DRS4 

Jinhong Wang wrote:

Dear Mr. Stefan Ritt.

         Thank u for your timely response on "DSR4 Full Readout Mode", I received it from Professor Qi An, who is my PhD supervisor.

        I am currently going through the DRS4 datasheet. Well, can you give some specification on the usage of "BIAS" pin of DRS4? It is just metioned in the datasheet as bias of internal buffer. What is the internal buffer exactly reffered to here? The MUXOUT buffer of channel 8 or else? Does it have some relationship to O_OFS? I mean, if the reference voltage to BIAS is changed, how will the output be influenced?

       Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                                                                       Jinhong Wang

                                                                    Fast Electronics LAB. of University of Science and Technology of China.

"internal buffers" are all internal operational amplifiers in the DRS4 chip. Every OPAMP needs a bias (just look it up in any electronics textbook), which determines the linearity and the speed of the OPAMP. When designing DRS4, I was not sure if the required BIAS voltage changes over time, or between chips, so I made it available at a pin, which is a common technique in chip design. But it turns out now that this voltage is not very critical, so just keeping the pin open will work in most cases. 

Entry  Thu Nov 16 02:55:44 2017, Diego Yankelevich, Averaging capabilities  

The Display window in the Oscilloscope software shows averaging capabilites but I have not been able to activate these. Is it possible to activate averaging with the existing oscilloscope software? Thanks

    Reply  Wed Nov 22 14:52:31 2017, Stefan Ritt, Averaging capabilities  

This feature is not yet implemented. The (disabled) software swtich is more like a kind of a reminder to myself to work on that one day...

Diego Yankelevich wrote:

The Display window in the Oscilloscope software shows averaging capabilites but I have not been able to activate these. Is it possible to activate averaging with the existing oscilloscope software? Thanks


Entry  Mon Dec 3 08:32:28 2012, Gyuhee Kim, Another question about using multi boards. 



I asked about using multi boards some days ago, and I got answer to use external trigger. (Thanks Stefan!)

And here is another question. I made two external triggers and try to acquire coincidence data using two boards. but DRS Oscilloscope program can connect only one board and don`t acquire both of them simultaneously.

So I tried to use two computer for each board separately, but, well, you already know, I failed to acquire because two computers don`t promise to synchronize the two boards acquisition.

Is there any method to solve this problem?


1. I want to acquire coincidence data from the two DRS 4 Evaluation board V4 simultaneosly.

2. I have external trigger to provide the two boards at the same time.

3. How can I get data from the two boards?


Best regards.


    Reply  Mon Dec 3 09:18:09 2012, Stefan Ritt, Another question about using multi boards. 

Gyuhee Kim wrote:



I asked about using multi boards some days ago, and I got answer to use external trigger. (Thanks Stefan!)

And here is another question. I made two external triggers and try to acquire coincidence data using two boards. but DRS Oscilloscope program can connect only one board and don`t acquire both of them simultaneously.

So I tried to use two computer for each board separately, but, well, you already know, I failed to acquire because two computers don`t promise to synchronize the two boards acquisition.

Is there any method to solve this problem?


1. I want to acquire coincidence data from the two DRS 4 Evaluation board V4 simultaneosly.

2. I have external trigger to provide the two boards at the same time.

3. How can I get data from the two boards?


Best regards.


You have to write your own program. DRS Oscilloscope does not (yet) support this. Take drs_exam.cpp as a starting point and try to extend it to two boards. One tricky point is that the external trigger may only fire AFTER the two boards have been read out. So you need some means of re-enabling the external trigger after you read out both boards.


    Reply  Mon Dec 3 11:40:35 2012, Gyuhee Kim, Another question about using multi boards. 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Gyuhee Kim wrote:



I asked about using multi boards some days ago, and I got answer to use external trigger. (Thanks Stefan!)

And here is another question. I made two external triggers and try to acquire coincidence data using two boards. but DRS Oscilloscope program can connect only one board and don`t acquire both of them simultaneously.

So I tried to use two computer for each board separately, but, well, you already know, I failed to acquire because two computers don`t promise to synchronize the two boards acquisition.

Is there any method to solve this problem?


1. I want to acquire coincidence data from the two DRS 4 Evaluation board V4 simultaneosly.

2. I have external trigger to provide the two boards at the same time.

3. How can I get data from the two boards?


Best regards.


You have to write your own program. DRS Oscilloscope does not (yet) support this. Take drs_exam.cpp as a starting point and try to extend it to two boards. One tricky point is that the external trigger may only fire AFTER the two boards have been read out. So you need some means of re-enabling the external trigger after you read out both boards.


That`s very bad news for me. I don`t have much time to study & write C programming...

Anyway, Thank you very much Stefan.


Best regards.


Entry  Wed Jan 15 14:20:51 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 drsosc.png

Dear DRS community,

starting from this year, we ship the new evaluation board V5. This board has an improved internal timing calibration, with which one can measure the time with a precision down to a few ps. Following picture shows the time between two pulses, obtained with a function generator, a passive split and a delay cable. The single threshold time estimator of the DRSOsc program obtains with such signal a resolution of 2.5 ps (RMS):



Using more sophisticated algorithms such as cross-correlation, resolutions below 1 ps were already achieved.

The new board can now be ordered at the same price than the V4 board, delivery will start in March 2014.

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt

    Reply  Tue Feb 18 14:12:37 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 scope.png

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dear DRS community,

starting from this year, we ship the new evaluation board V5. This board has an improved internal timing calibration, with which one can measure the time with a precision down to a few ps. Following picture shows the time between two pulses, obtained with a function generator, a passive split and a delay cable. The single threshold time estimator of the DRSOsc program obtains with such signal a resolution of 2.5 ps (RMS).

Using more sophisticated algorithms such as cross-correlation, resolutions below 1 ps were already achieved.

The new board can now be ordered at the same price than the V4 board, delivery will start in March 2014.

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt

The new software for the V5 evaluation board has been released today with following new features:

  • Hardware scalers for all four channels and the trigger working up to 200 MHz. With the trigger scaler one can measure for example coincidence rates between two channels.
  • New vertical and horizontal "slice" measurements. This allows to measure the amplitude of a signal at a certain time relative to the trigger point or the time when a signal crosses a certain level.
  • Gated charge measurement allowing to measure the charge of a signal between two time markers, like an old-fashioned charge integrating ADC.

The software is available at the the usual location http://www.psi.ch/drs/software-download for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. I'm working right now to get it also into the Apple App Store.


    Reply  Mon Jun 9 12:03:26 2014, Osip Lishilin, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hardware scalers for all four channels and the trigger working up to 200 MHz. With the trigger scaler one can measure for example coincidence rates between two channels.

 Does it give the ability to measure triggering rate? I'm talking again about possibility of use DRS4 as pulse counter for PMT's. If yes, do I need new v5 board or it is possible to use v4 board?

    Reply  Wed Jun 11 11:13:50 2014, Stefan Ritt, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 

Osip Lishilin wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hardware scalers for all four channels and the trigger working up to 200 MHz. With the trigger scaler one can measure for example coincidence rates between two channels.

 Does it give the ability to measure triggering rate? I'm talking again about possibility of use DRS4 as pulse counter for PMT's. If yes, do I need new v5 board or it is possible to use v4 board?

Yes it is possible to measure the raw trigger rate, with a resolution of 10 Hz. You need a new V5 board for that. 

    Reply  Mon Jun 16 15:35:59 2014, Osip Lishilin, Announcement of new Evaluation Board V5 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Osip Lishilin wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hardware scalers for all four channels and the trigger working up to 200 MHz. With the trigger scaler one can measure for example coincidence rates between two channels.

 Does it give the ability to measure triggering rate? I'm talking again about possibility of use DRS4 as pulse counter for PMT's. If yes, do I need new v5 board or it is possible to use v4 board?

Yes it is possible to measure the raw trigger rate, with a resolution of 10 Hz. You need a new V5 board for that. 

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. The trigger rate could be up to 200 MHz, and it's possible to measure it  with 10 Hz resolution. Is it right?

Does it possible to measure independent trigger rate for each channel?

Entry  Mon Jul 12 16:07:37 2010, Stefan Ritt, Announcement evaluation board V3 eval3.png

Dear DRS4 users,

a new version of the evaluation board has been designed and is in production now. The main difference is that it uses active input amplifiers, which result in an analog bandwidth of 700 MHz (as compared with the 220 MHz of the previous board) at moderate power consumption, so the board can still be powered by the USB port. New orders will receive boards V3, the old V2 boards are not available any more.

It is mandatory to use the software revision 3.0.0 or later with the new board. This software has also many new features in the oscilloscope application, and together with the new firmware it reduces the noise of the board below 0.5 mV RMS. Although the software can be used with old V2 boards, some limitations might apply due to the old firmware of the boards. People having a Xilinx download cable can flash the firmware contained in the 3.0.0 revision to their V2 board to get all features of the new software.

The evaluation board manual V3 contains the new schematics of the analog inputs using the THS4508 differential amplifier, so people doing their own design can use this schematics as and example.

Best regards,

   Stefan Ritt

Entry  Fri Feb 25 10:13:51 2011, Stefan Ritt, Announcement digital pulse processing workshop 

Dear colleague,

if you live not so far from Zurich, you might be interested in this workshop:


This is a combined PSI-CAEN presentation of digitizer hardware including the new V1742 board based on the DRS4 chip. The workshop will also show how digital pulse processing can be used to effectively extract time and energy from detector signals, and thus replace more and more traditional analog electronics. Please register at the above site if you are interested.

Best regards,

    Stefan Ritt

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