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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  765   Fri Nov 5 17:45:47 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
> the "$message id" will not be replaced by the msg id, the string "$message
> id"  will be dispalyed and used. Other substitutions as $logbook etc. are
> working.
> Is this a bug or did i missunderstood the manual?

Well, the manual does not state that "$message id" should work for "Subst
<attribute>" option (;-)

The reason is that the message ID is available only *after* a new entry has been
written to the database, and the "Subst" command is evaluated *before* an entry
is submitted. "$message id" only works for "Thread display", "RSS Title", "Subst
on reply", "Subst on edit" and "Display". You should use

Display KlientIn/KundIn = $Vorname $Name; P: $Telefon Privat; G: $Telefon
Geschaft; N: $Telefon Mobil; $Landeskennung-$PLZ $Ortschaft [<a
href="http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id">$logbook:$message id</a>]

Please note that you wrote "mesage id", correct is however "message id" (two
"s"), so there is also a typo.

> Since Version 2.5.5: If ELOG is running under German, the "Zurück" Bottom is
> named "Back". Any Idee where I can change this back?  ;-)

The link "Back" has been replaced upon request by "List" which is more
appropriate. So if you changed your menu with "Menu commands = ...", please
replace "Back" by "List" there.
  766   Fri Nov 5 21:37:56 2004 Reply Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
1. thats now clear with the £message id and the work-around is ok for my 

2. the "bacl" link is clear and tranlated to "Liste". But I mean the back 
in the entry and the edit mode (see picture)...  ;-)

> > the "$message id" will not be replaced by the msg id, the 
string "$message
> > id"  will be dispalyed and used. Other substitutions as $logbook etc. 
> > working.
> > 
> > Is this a bug or did i missunderstood the manual?
> Well, the manual does not state that "$message id" should work for "Subst
> <attribute>" option (;-)
> The reason is that the message ID is available only *after* a new entry 
has been
> written to the database, and the "Subst" command is evaluated *before* 
an entry
> is submitted. "$message id" only works for "Thread display", "RSS 
Title", "Subst
> on reply", "Subst on edit" and "Display". You should use
> Display KlientIn/KundIn = $Vorname $Name; P: $Telefon Privat; G: $Telefon
> Geschaft; N: $Telefon Mobil; $Landeskennung-$PLZ $Ortschaft [<a
> href="http://localhost:8080/$logbook/$message id">$logbook:$message 
> Please note that you wrote "mesage id", correct is however "message id" 
> "s"), so there is also a typo.
> > Since Version 2.5.5: If ELOG is running under German, the "Zurück" 
Bottom is
> > named "Back". Any Idee where I can change this back?  ;-)
> The link "Back" has been replaced upon request by "List" which is more
> appropriate. So if you changed your menu with "Menu commands = ...", 
> replace "Back" by "List" there.
Attachment 1: Screen 255 Back.jpg
Screen 255 Back.jpg
  767   Sat Nov 6 11:29:52 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
> 2. the "bacl" link is clear and tranlated to "Liste". But I mean the back 
> button 
> in the entry and the edit mode (see picture)...  ;-)

Well, if you try with the demo logbook, the "Back" button is translated
correctly, so I don't know whats wong in your case. Can you check that your
eloglang.german file is intact?
Attachment 1: back.gif
  768   Sun Nov 7 09:49:13 2004 Smile Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back
installed elog 2.5.5 agin, same effekt with "back" / "zurück". checked the 
language file eloglang.german witch seem ok for me and the translations are 
well done. removed then in eloglang.germen the traslation for back and checked 
this: still back was viewed. reinserted the translation "Zurück" (just this 
word!)and checked again: everithing looks fine, no longer back, correctly 
Zurück on the button.
absolutly no idea why and whats the difference was! bus it works...
thank's stefan!  :-)

> > 2. the "back" link is clear and tranlated to "Liste". But I mean the back 
> > button 
> > in the entry and the edit mode (see picture)...  ;-)
> Well, if you try with the demo logbook, the "Back" button is translated
> correctly, so I don't know whats wong in your case. Can you check that your
> eloglang.german file is intact?
  821   Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004 Angy Ulrich Trüsselulrich.truessel@familienhund.chBug reportWindows2.5.5-1ELOG-Server crashes after date entry
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):

Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)

I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3. 

Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.

Clould you this fix please Stefan???  THANK'X!!!
  822   Sun Dec 5 13:09:12 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.5-1Re: ELOG-Server crashes after date entry
'Date' attributes can only be between 1970 and 2037, since I use internally the
unix time format. I added a test so future versions will complain and not crash
when the date is outside that range.

If you need dates before 1970, don't use the 'Date' format, simply use strings.
  830   Mon Dec 6 20:05:58 2004 Question PJ Meyerpjm@pjmeyer.orgBug reportWindows Login/Password request appears twice
Have set up 3 top level groups, each with their own password file.
Ever since users have to 'login' twice to get to the appropriate elog.
You click on top level group, get to log book and click on the one you want 
and get login/password dialog box, click ok and and you get it again and 
then you finally get into the elog book.

Anything I can check on this behavior?
  845   Sun Dec 12 17:46:39 2004 Question Neil Swartzjunkswartz@optonline.netBug reportWindows2.5.5-2Redirect to wrong hostname
I have a computer that has a different idea of its name from the DNS 
server. When I run ELOG and someone clicks "Search" I get a page not found.
I tried starting with "-n <hostname>", but elog still uses gethostname.
The example is that DNS says my machine is "" and netstat -
a says elog is listening on 8080

Here is the code from elogd.c:

   /* get host name for mail notification */
   gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name));
   phe = gethostbyname(host_name);
   if (phe != NULL)
      phe = gethostbyaddr(phe->h_addr, sizeof(int), AF_INET);
   /* if domain name is not in host name, hope to get it from phe */
   if (strchr(host_name, '.') == NULL && phe != NULL)
      strcpy(host_name, phe->h_name);

I think you should be using tcp_hostname instead of gethostname if it is 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6