Several Problems with 2.3.5, posted by Thomas Salein on Tue Apr 22 11:18:00 2003
We use ELOG 2.3.5 for Windows with a German language file and have found
some new problems:
. Certain strings are not translated.
Language error: string "Plese log on by clicking on following link and
change your password" not found for language "de"
Language error: string "A new password for user <i>"%s"</i> has been sent
to %s" not found for language "de"
While the first string is obviously written wrong, the second one misses a
quotation mark.
. If a user uses the new "password forgotten" function, he receives an
email, but after having clicked the URL in the mail, he gets the following
error message as simple text, i.e. not formatted by use of the CSS file:
Invalid URL: Notizen/?redir=%3Fcmd%3DChange%20password%26old_pwd%
Bitte benutzen Sie die Zurück-Taste Ihres Browsers ...
Nevertheless the new password was written into the specified password file.
(This behaviour as far as we know was also with earlier versions of ELOG.)
. If one could not log in through the button "Login", one does not receive
an error message, but will be pushed simply back to the main page,
status "Not logged in". (This was as far as we know was also with earlier
versions of ELOG.)
. If you want to change as an admin the passwords of several users, it
would be convenient, to get always back to the page, where you may choose
the next user ... but you will be pushed back to the main page with the
messages. (This was as far as we know was also with earlier versions of
. But the simple change of passwords for users does not always succeed: I
have changed the password for a user A to "anuvis", the next user B should
have gotten the same new password, but this time it was not accepted.
Message "Wrong password". Might it be, that this goes only once because of
an initialisation problem ? I had to edit the password file manually.
. Opera browser 7.03 simply crashes, when choosing the direct URL to our
logbook, i.e. http://localhost:8080/logbook2. We have set a general
password file and a different read password for each of our logbooks.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook1 everything is fine. We get a
window "Authentication required" and type in simply the read password, no
user name.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook2 the behaviour is different. We
see the window "Authentication required" appear, then Opera crashes.
Change of the read passwords did not change this erroneous behaviour. This
problem was not with version ELOG 2.3.4.
In Internet Explorer 6 all is okay.
. NOWRAP tag in Date column
The date column takes quite a lot of space in the logs overview. As the
information is only of secondary importance I would prefer date and time
being wrapped like e.g. the contributors name. Of course, I could help
myself with a in my language file, but this would force a break also
the single message view. |
Re: Several Problems with 2.3.5, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 22 20:17:34 2003
> We use ELOG 2.3.5 for Windows with a German language file and have found
> some new problems:
> . Certain strings are not translated.
That has been fixed in meantime.
> . If a user uses the new "password forgotten" function, he receives an
> email, but after having clicked the URL in the mail, he gets the following
> error message as simple text, i.e. not formatted by use of the CSS file:
> Invalid URL: Notizen/?redir=%3Fcmd%3DChange%20password%26old_pwd%
> 3DE3ARcjI/&uname=sal&upassword=E3ARcjI/
Have you tried the elogd.cfg setting:
it might help there.
> . If one could not log in through the button "Login", one does not receive
> an error message, but will be pushed simply back to the main page,
> status "Not logged in". (This was as far as we know was also with earlier
> versions of ELOG.)
You should at least receive a login page. So does this push back occur on a
wrong username there or how does it happen?
> . If you want to change as an admin the passwords of several users, it
> would be convenient, to get always back to the page, where you may choose
> the next user ... but you will be pushed back to the main page with the
> messages. (This was as far as we know was also with earlier versions of
> ELOG.)
Agree. Will work on that.
> . But the simple change of passwords for users does not always succeed: I
> have changed the password for a user A to "anuvis", the next user B should
> have gotten the same new password, but this time it was not accepted.
> Message "Wrong password". Might it be, that this goes only once because of
> an initialisation problem ? I had to edit the password file manually.
Can you reproduce the problem? If so, tell me the exact sequence of thing
you do and I can try to reproduce it as well, then fix it.
> . Opera browser 7.03 simply crashes, when choosing the direct URL to our
> logbook, i.e. http://localhost:8080/logbook2. We have set a general
> password file and a different read password for each of our logbooks.
> If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook1 everything is fine. We get a
> window "Authentication required" and type in simply the read password, no
> user name.
Wow, your browser crashes? Funny, I never had that. So what does the browser
> If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook2 the behaviour is different. We
> see the window "Authentication required" appear, then Opera crashes.
> Change of the read passwords did not change this erroneous behaviour. This
> problem was not with version ELOG 2.3.4.
I will try to install 7.03 and reproduce this, might take some while...
> . NOWRAP tag in Date column
> The date column takes quite a lot of space in the logs overview. As the
> information is only of secondary importance I would prefer date and time
> being wrapped like e.g. the contributors name. Of course, I could help
> myself with a in my language file, but this would force a break also
> the single message view.
Something like
Date format = %B %d, %Y
in your configuration file reduces the date string length considerably. |
Converting logs, posted by Kutlay Topatan on Fri Apr 18 21:32:59 2003
I would like to dump mylog files into comma/tab seperated files. Is there
an easy way to do it?
I tried to run elconv, but had no success. Always returns an error.
k. |
Re: Converting logs, posted by Marcus Meyer on Tue Apr 22 19:27:28 2003
> I would like to dump mylog files into comma/tab seperated files. Is there
> an easy way to do it?
> I tried to run elconv, but had no success. Always returns an error.
> Thanks,
> k.
Same for me.
Here is the error:
Cannot find any ??????.log file in this directory.
mm |
Re: Converting logs, posted by Recai Oktas on Tue Apr 22 19:58:13 2003
> Here is the error:
> Cannot find any ??????.log file in this directory.
`elconv' is just a simple tool to convert pre 2.0 log files to the current
format. (Well, after all these confusions, dropping it from the future
releases won't be surprising -at least for me- ;) You might try some
well-known text-processing tools ie. preferably awk or perl to make the
required conversions. But I think using comma or tab as the delimiter is not
suitable due to the content of logs. If all you want is importing them to
excel/word, you should play with the delimiter options of mentioned programs
before trying a solution. |
Re: Converting logs, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 22 20:06:51 2003
> `elconv' is just a simple tool to convert pre 2.0 log files to the current
> format. (Well, after all these confusions, dropping it from the future
> releases won't be surprising -at least for me- ;) You might try some
> well-known text-processing tools ie. preferably awk or perl to make the
> required conversions. But I think using comma or tab as the delimiter is
> suitable due to the content of logs. If all you want is importing them to
> excel/word, you should play with the delimiter options of mentioned
> before trying a solution.
Hi Recai. I have several requests of this kind. "Want to import/export to
comma separated text" or "XML". So one option is to extend elconv to handle
all kind of conversions 1.x -> 2.x, 2.x -> CSV, 2.x -> XML. An alternative
would be to write some awk/perl scripts as you noted. The disadvantage of
this solution would be that they rely on the installation of awk/perl which
is not given on windows systems. But nevertheless, if anyone volunteers to
write a conversion tool, I would be happy to include it in the distribution.
If not, I can put it into elconv.c, but that could take until June, given my
current work load. |
'Reply' removes attachments from the original message, posted by Alexander ZVYAGIN on Tue Apr 22 17:13:08 2003
It seems when I use "reply" with an attachments, the original attachments of
the message are removed.
I use elog-2.3.5
Alexander. |
Re: 'Reply' removes attachments from the original message, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 22 17:16:31 2003
> It seems when I use "reply" with an attachments, the original attachments of
> the message are removed.
> I use elog-2.3.5
> Alexander.
Please see elog:280 . I will releae 2.3.6 with this bugfix somewhen during
this week.
- Stefan |
Re: 'Reply' removes attachments from the original message, posted by Alexander ZVYAGIN on Tue Apr 22 17:20:19 2003
> > It seems when I use "reply" with an attachments, the original attachments of
> > the message are removed.
> >
> > I use elog-2.3.5
> >
> > Alexander.
> Please see elog:280 . I will releae 2.3.6 with this bugfix somewhen during
> this week.
> - Stefan
Wow! Fast reply!!! Thanks a lot! |
Opera and IE behave different, posted by Thomas Salein on Tue Apr 22 11:29:44 2003
I repeat ...
. Opera browser 7.03 simply crashes, when choosing the direct URL to our
logbook, i.e. http://localhost:8080/logbook2. We have set a general
password file and a different read password for each of our logbooks.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook1 everything is fine. We get a
window "Authentication required" and type in simply the read password, no
user name.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook2 the behaviour is different. We
see the window "Authentication required" appear, then Opera crashes.
Change of the read passwords did not change this erroneous behaviour. This
problem was not with version ELOG 2.3.4.
In Internet Explorer 6 all is okay.
... and add
The behaviour is different in those browsers even with the start page at
Internet Explorer 6 demands a login. But as we have no password we cannot
Opera 7.03 demands no login and simply offers the list of logbooks to
choose one. |
Question, posted by nickc1 on Mon Apr 14 15:07:02 2003
Is there a way to hide logbooks from all views.
Basically i want to use the move function to move old entries to another
logbook but only want administrators to be able to see the logbooks in the
view, everyone will just see the primary ones.
At the min im having to put Archive logbook, everyone is complaining at me
that there is too many to choose from :)
Any suggestions ? |
Re: Question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 14 16:28:57 2003
> Is there a way to hide logbooks from all views.
> Basically i want to use the move function to move old entries to another
> logbook but only want administrators to be able to see the logbooks in the
> view, everyone will just see the primary ones.
> At the min im having to put Archive logbook, everyone is complaining at me
> that there is too many to choose from :)
> Any suggestions ?
What about grouping the archive logbooks into a logbook group? Like:
Group Pubilc = Logook1, Logbook2, ...
Group Archive = Archive1, Archive2, ...
So if a "normal" user is in the public group, it only sees Logoook1, ... and
a single tab "archive", which is then (I hope) not too much to choose from. |
Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Tue Apr 15 12:17:12 2003
> > Is there a way to hide logbooks from all views.
> >
> > Basically i want to use the move function to move old entries to another
> > logbook but only want administrators to be able to see the logbooks in
> > view, everyone will just see the primary ones.
> >
> > At the min im having to put Archive logbook, everyone is complaining at
> > that there is too many to choose from :)
> >
> > Any suggestions ?
> What about grouping the archive logbooks into a logbook group? Like:
> Group Pubilc = Logook1, Logbook2, ...
> Group Archive = Archive1, Archive2, ...
> So if a "normal" user is in the public group, it only sees Logoook1, ...
> a single tab "archive", which is then (I hope) not too much to choose from.
I tried that but on the summary screen it displays a list of all the logbook
regardless of group, also im not using public groups im using a seperate
password file. |
Re: Question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 15 13:00:40 2003
> I tried that but on the summary screen it displays a list of all the
> regardless of group, also im not using public groups im using a seperate
> password file.
Ah, you mean by "summary screen" the initial logbook selection screen where
each logbook is displayed in one line. For that case, I just added a
flag "Hide from selection". If set to "1", this logbook is not dispalyed
among the list of logbooks. Is this what you want? New version under CVS. |
Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Wed Apr 16 13:28:38 2003
> > I tried that but on the summary screen it displays a list of all the
> logbook
> > regardless of group, also im not using public groups im using a seperate
> > password file.
> Ah, you mean by "summary screen" the initial logbook selection screen where
> each logbook is displayed in one line. For that case, I just added a
> flag "Hide from selection". If set to "1", this logbook is not dispalyed
> among the list of logbooks. Is this what you want? New version under CVS.
Yes thats wicked perfect, now im prob being thick but is there a way to hide
logbook tabs in the same way, as i dont really want to use groups as the
people that use the system arent really techie and the titles will confuse
them :)
Im trying to make it idiot proof for them
Cheers |
Re: Question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 17 09:29:14 2003
> Yes thats wicked perfect, now im prob being thick but is there a way to
> logbook tabs in the same way, as i dont really want to use groups as the
> people that use the system arent really techie and the titles will confuse
> them :)
Well, I changed the flag from "hide from selection = 1" to "hidden = 1",
which hides it now also from the logbook selection tabs on the top row. But
this means that the only way to access the hidden logbooks is by entering
their URL directly (or from a bookmark). I'm not sure how useful this is...
New version under CVS. |
Re: Question, posted by nickc1 on Sat Apr 19 11:09:33 2003
> > Yes thats wicked perfect, now im prob being thick but is there a way to
> hide
> > logbook tabs in the same way, as i dont really want to use groups as the
> > people that use the system arent really techie and the titles will
> > them :)
> Well, I changed the flag from "hide from selection = 1" to "hidden = 1",
> which hides it now also from the logbook selection tabs on the top row. But
> this means that the only way to access the hidden logbooks is by entering
> their URL directly (or from a bookmark). I'm not sure how useful this is...
> New version under CVS.
Thats perfect, administrator such as myself can access those books directly
from the URL, and can be used as an archive logbook running in sync with the
live one, so hold records such as completed tickets in a request system once
completed can be moved to the archive logbook.
Cheers fella that is gonna help me a great deal. |
Disappearing attachments, posted by Greg Siems on Wed Apr 2 05:39:45 2003
Let me start by saying that I really like ELOG-- it's a nice tool.
I'm trying out version 2.3.3. The problem that I'm having is with
attachments disappearing when I do the following:
1. create a new entry that contains one or more attachments.
2. verify that the new entry from step 1 saved correctly.
3. reply to the entry from step 1.
4. return to the entry from step 1 only to find the attachments gone.
The attachement files are still in the logbook directory, it's just that
they are no longer attached to the entry.
FWIW, I've attached the elog.config that I'm using...
Greg |
Re: Disappearing attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 2 10:15:22 2003
> Let me start by saying that I really like ELOG-- it's a nice tool.
> I'm trying out version 2.3.3. The problem that I'm having is with
> attachments disappearing when I do the following:
> 1. create a new entry that contains one or more attachments.
> 2. verify that the new entry from step 1 saved correctly.
> 3. reply to the entry from step 1.
> 4. return to the entry from step 1 only to find the attachments gone.
> The attachement files are still in the logbook directory, it's just that
> they are no longer attached to the entry.
This is a known problem and has been fixed in version 2.3.4, which has been
released today. To prove that it's working, I attached the current
elogd.cfg from this forum. |
Re: Disappearing attachments, posted by Justin Dieters on Sun Apr 13 14:32:52 2003
I am using 2.3.4 and I am still having this problem. If someone posts a
message with an attachment, and I then reply to that message, the attachment
gets 'deattached' from that message. However, the file is still in the
logbook directory, so it is possible to recover it, but it did cause a slight
panic the first time it happened :)
I see there is a 2.3.5 version now, but the changelog doesn't say anything
about this problem, so I have not tried it yet.
Is there a 'trick' to fix this problem?
EDIT: I noticed when I replyed to your message, your elog.cfg attachment is
no longer there. So it appears it's not fixed in 2.3.5 either..
> This is a known problem and has been fixed in version 2.3.4, which has been
> released today. To prove that it's working, I attached the current
> elogd.cfg from this forum. |
Re: Disappearing attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 14 11:04:52 2003
> I am using 2.3.4 and I am still having this problem. If someone posts a
> message with an attachment, and I then reply to that message, the attachment
> gets 'deattached' from that message. However, the file is still in the
> logbook directory, so it is possible to recover it, but it did cause a
> panic the first time it happened :)
Uups, that is indeed a problem. I found that it was unrelated to the first
one, so it was there since quite some time now. I fixed it. It will come out
in 2.3.6 or can be obtained already now from CVS. It is trongly recommended
to upgrade all installations to avoid this problem. |
Re: Disappearing attachments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 14 11:05:17 2003
> > I am using 2.3.4 and I am still having this problem. If someone posts a
> > message with an attachment, and I then reply to that message, the
> > gets 'deattached' from that message. However, the file is still in the
> > logbook directory, so it is possible to recover it, but it did cause a
> slight
> > panic the first time it happened :)
> Uups, that is indeed a problem. I found that it was unrelated to the first
> one, so it was there since quite some time now. I fixed it. It will come
> in 2.3.6 or can be obtained already now from CVS. It is trongly recommended
> to upgrade all installations to avoid this problem.
Just as a test, I reply to my previous message... looks like it works. |
Re: Disappearing attachments, posted by Justin Dieters on Mon Apr 14 18:24:18 2003
EDIT: I downloaded the latest elogd.c from CVS, replaced the one from the
latest tar, and recompiled. Worked great!
Thanks for the prompt response, Stefan!
> > I am using 2.3.4 and I am still having this problem. If someone posts a
> > message with an attachment, and I then reply to that message, the attachment
> > gets 'deattached' from that message. However, the file is still in the
> > logbook directory, so it is possible to recover it, but it did cause a
> slight
> > panic the first time it happened :)
> Uups, that is indeed a problem. I found that it was unrelated to the first
> one, so it was there since quite some time now. I fixed it. It will come out
> in 2.3.6 or can be obtained already now from CVS. It is trongly recommended
> to upgrade all installations to avoid this problem. |
Bugs with 2.3.5, posted by nickc1 on Wed Apr 9 13:49:32 2003
Forgot password option generates an error message
Password file hashes are different causing migrated password files to fail
but only for certain users, try password 516135 hashed in 2.3.4 and compare
to version 2.3.5 they are different.
Summary page title = string doesnt work also it results in the default ELOG
DB Name
Re: Bugs with 2.3.5, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 9 13:58:59 2003
> Forgot password option generates an error message
Which error? Can you be more specific. I tried it myself with this forum and
it worked for me.
> Password file hashes are different causing migrated password files to fail
> but only for certain users, try password 516135 hashed in 2.3.4 and compare
> to version 2.3.5 they are different.
Yes indeed. Please see elog:273 for more details
> Summary page title = string doesnt work also it results in the default ELOG
> DB Name
Thanks, has just been fixed, new version under CVS.
- Stefan |
Re: Bugs with 2.3.5, posted by nickc1 on Wed Apr 9 15:50:38 2003
> > Forgot password option generates an error message
> Which error? Can you be more specific. I tried it myself with this forum
> it worked for me.
Error sending Email
Please use your browser's back button to go back
HTTP/1.1 200 Document follows Server: ELOG HTTP 2.3.5 Content-Type:
text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 Connection: Keep-Alive Keep-Alive: timeout=60,
User name "nickc" not registered
Please use your browser's back button to go back
Yet nickc is in the password file, it generates the same message for any
other users in there too.
> > Password file hashes are different causing migrated password files to
> > but only for certain users, try password 516135 hashed in 2.3.4 and
> > to version 2.3.5 they are different.
> Yes indeed. Please see elog:273 for more details
Is there a way to convert all the hashes from one system to another, the
problem ive got is my password files are quiet large and want upgrades of
this nature to go seemlessly without people complaining about it.
> > Summary page title = string doesnt work also it results in the default
> > DB Name
> Thanks, has just been fixed, new version under CVS.
> - Stefan
Ta |
Re: Bugs with 2.3.5, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Apr 9 16:06:31 2003
> Error sending Email
> Please use your browser's back button to go back
This error is caused if elogd cannot contact your SMTP server for sending
email. Can you please check the "SMTP host" entry in the configuration file?
> Is there a way to convert all the hashes from one system to another, the
> problem ive got is my password files are quiet large and want upgrades of
> this nature to go seemlessly without people complaining about it.
Unfortunately not. The old system had a bug which deleted the last one or two
characters, if the password length was dividable by three. Since the
characters were deleted, there is no way to reconstruct the full password. I
apoligize for the inconveniences, I know that this can cause lot of trouble,
but therefore I implemented the "Forgot password?" functionality, so that
users can log in again. Alternatively, one can edit the password file, delete
all passwords, and ask the users to log in without password and change it
afterwards immediately. |
elogd under Apache, login screen always reappears, posted by Michael Doerner on Sat Apr 5 00:33:36 2003
I am new to elog so please bear with me if this sounds like a stupid
I would like to run elogd under Apache because I don't want to open another
port (eg. 8080) on the firewall for incoming http traffic. I followed the
special instructions for that sort of setup but the user logon screen always
comes up again, even after using a valid username/password.
I am testing on a Redhat 7.2 based distribution (called SME server) in a
test domain (
"Apache modules mod_proxy.c and mod_alias.c are activated", Yes.
There seems to be a problem here with the Apache Redirect statement. When I
try with
Redirect permanent /elog
ProxyPass /elog/
Mozilla responds "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded" and IE6 says
"cannot find server or DNS error" so I have commented out the redirect
statement for now.
I might misunderstand the required URL statement in elogd.cfg
"URL =" ?
which I understand it would have to be
URL = for my above example?
Maybe someone could help me with an example that includes all 3 of the
statements together, the redirect + proxypass from httpd.conf plus the URL
from elogd.conf?
Thanks for any help.
Michael |
Re: elogd under Apache, login screen always reappears, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 8 08:57:20 2003
> I would like to run elogd under Apache because I don't want to open another
> port (eg. 8080) on the firewall for incoming http traffic. I followed the
> special instructions for that sort of setup but the user logon screen always
> comes up again, even after using a valid username/password.
> I am testing on a Redhat 7.2 based distribution (called SME server) in a
> test domain (
> "Apache modules mod_proxy.c and mod_alias.c are activated", Yes.
> There seems to be a problem here with the Apache Redirect statement. When I
> try with
> Redirect permanent /elog
> ProxyPass /elog/
> Mozilla responds "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded" and IE6 says
> "cannot find server or DNS error" so I have commented out the redirect
> statement for now.
> I might misunderstand the required URL statement in elogd.cfg
> "URL =" ?
> which I understand it would have to be
> URL = for my above example?
> Maybe someone could help me with an example that includes all 3 of the
> statements together, the redirect + proxypass from httpd.conf plus the URL
> from elogd.conf?
> Thanks for any help.
This Forum runs on "" under RH 7.1, Apache 1.3.22, port 8000, and
it contains in httpd.conf:
Redirect permanent /elogdemo
ProxyPass /elogdemo/
elogd.cfg contains:
As you can see, it works fine with all browsers, so I have no clue what is
wrong in your case. You might want to look at your /var/log/httpd/access_log
and /var/log/httpd/error_log to see what's going on. If you run elogd
interactively with the "-v" flag, you see directly the communication between
elogd and the browser which also might help.
- Stefan |