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    icon2.gif   Re: Problem with Email Notification, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Mar 1 15:08:07 2008 

mike cianci wrote:

Sorry to bother you with this, but I am not a programmer and this is probably a simple question but I need some help if someone has the time.

Under Global I have the command   -  SMTP host  =

ELOG responds with  -  Error sending Email via "": 5.1.0 sender rejected : invalid sender domain

Your SMTP server does not accept the email send request from ELOG. That can have many reasons. Most systems are set up so that they do not accept SPAM. To do that, they do various checking of the sender address etc. Maybe you need an "Email from =" in your config file to have a "real" sender address. Some more information you can get if you start elogd interactively in a DOS box with the "-v" flag, because then you will see all the debugging output of the communication between elogd and your SMTP server.

    icon2.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 6 14:03:17 2008 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Recently, one collaborator here noted that it would be helpful if the preview of attached files could be disabled on a file-by-file basis (via a checkbutton next to the "Upload" button maybe?). This applies e.g. to cases where someone performs a measurement outside of routine operations and attaches the ASCII data file (preview not wanted, in particular if it contains many lines) and the graph representing the evaluation (preview wanted). The disabling should apply to both single-entry view and list view with "Show attachments" option.

I made you something even better: I added a new option called Attachment lines. This number restricts the number of lines shown for any ASCII attachment. The default is 300, but you can set this to 10 maybe. This still shows you the first 10 lines of the attachment which might be handy. If you set this value to zero, no line at all is shown. The new feature is in SVN revision 2069.

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Another "fancy" idea of ours would be to allow #include-like statements in the ELOG config file. E.g. if the number of logbooks gets large, people might choose to put old logbooks to an archive disk which is then stored on some shelf. If a user then wants to access these, the disk could be mounted again (say, under /elog-archive). But since we don't know which archive disk has been mounted, and in order to keep the main config file small, the best would be to have the configurations for the logbooks of each disk on the disk itself (say, in a file called additional.config). We could then have a line like
#include /elog-archive/additional.config
in the main config file. When the elogd is (re)started, it would try to include that file. If it finds none (because no archive disk is mounted) it would silently ignore this. But if it finds such a file, it would include the logbook definitions found therein.

I will put this feature on the wishlist.
    icon2.gif   Re: German language, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 6 14:12:28 2008 

Salvatore wrote:

Wen es interessiert:

der Eintrag "eloglang = german" gehoert in das Verzeichnis "usr/lib/elog/resources". Dort wird er von elogd ausgelesen.


Wie bitte ist der dorhin gekommen? Normalerweise wird elogd.cfg unter /usr/local/elog gespeichert. Wenn man natuerlich diese Datei von Hand irgendwo andershin kopiert, muss man sie auch dort veraendern, sonst schiesst man sich selbst in's Bein.

    icon2.gif   Re: Quick filter by ID, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 6 15:06:35 2008 
> Hi,
> I've just upgraded from 2.6.2 to 2.7.3.
> In my config file, I have
> Quick filter: Date, ID.
> When starting 2.7.3, across the top I now get 
> "Error: Attribute "ID" for quick filter not found"
> followed by an entry box.
> If an ID is typed into that box, it sort of finds the right entry (+/- a few on occasion).
> I cannot see any documented change that would affect how the Quick filter works.  Any clues?  Thanks.

Actually it is nowhere written the 'ID' for a quick filter should work. After investigating, I realize that it
worked previously "by accident". I added in meantime some test so there is a warning for quick filter attributes
which do not exist, and that's what you got. I loosened this test for 'ID' now in the current SVN version, so it
can be used. It does however not display the single entry you want, but a page containing that entry (which then
is displayed in bold). If you want exactly one entry, just add it's ID to the URL, like

for your previous entry.
    icon2.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 7 08:01:44 2008 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
However, it does not seem to work in list mode (with attach=1 option): elog still shows all the lines of attached text files there.

I also noticed that the images referenced inline are also shown in the attachment list in list mode, although this post gave me the impression that in list mode, too, inline images should only be displayed inside the elog entry and not in addition as attachment.

I fixed both issues in revision #2072.
    icon2.gif   Re: email subject, posted by Bill Whiting on Fri Mar 7 14:09:40 2008 

Bill Whiting wrote:

Can I control the content of the Subject on an email notification?

i.e. Can I copy the subject from the elog entry into the email subject?




I found the answer in the docs.

In the config file add

Use Email Subject = Added Text: $subject

This results in the e-mail subject being set to "Added Text: elogentry subject line"

Thanks for a great tool!

    icon2.gif   Re: Message ID and trouble ticketing system, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 7 14:29:00 2008 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Richard Ecclestone wrote:


I tried the 'Preset ticket = TCK-#####' method to create unique numbers for our application. This worked very nicely until we replied to a earlier message, if we then create a new message the system creates a sequential number after the last message number we replied to. For example if we have 10 messages. If someone replies to message number #2 then when a new record is created it is then assigned number #3 not #11, thus making a duplicate entry for #3.

 Any ideas?

Yes. If you want this feature to work also for replies, you have to put following into your config file:

Preset ticket = TCK-#####
Preset on reply ticket = TCK-#####

When I was browsing this forum about my previous problem, I found 
this thread. A ticket number that applies to all entries in a 
thread, but is unique to that thread.

But I have the same problem as Richard Ecclestone reported, and the
"Preset on reply ticket" line from your reply has not had any effect.

It appears that on starting a new thread (which is to have that
ticket number), the ticket number is just incremented by one from
that of the previous (as in previous ID number) entry.  This is
fine if each thread is completed before a new one started, but if
there are more than one active thread, which can be progressed
further in any order, new threads are likely to be issued with a
ticket number which has already been issued (see Richards's example).

An alternative source of unique numbers would be the Entry number (as
in "696 Entries", top right of the page),
which would be the seed for the ticket number on new entry.  Not sure
of the syntax for that, or for the replies to have *that* number for
the config file.  I know there is a problem if you move a number of
threads away, but the only alternative (that I can think of) is to
store the seed number somewhere, and increment it every time a new
thread is started.

Or have I got something wrong here? 



    icon2.gif   Re: Message ID and trouble ticketing system, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 7 14:45:02 2008 

David wrote:

When I was browsing this forum about my previous problem, I found this thread. A ticket number that applies to all entries in a thread, but is unique to that thread. But I have the same problem as Richard Ecclestone reported, and the "Preset on reply ticket" line from your reply has not had any effect. It appears that on starting a new thread (which is to have that ticket number), the ticket number is just incremented by one from that of the previous (as in previous ID number) entry. This is fine if each thread is completed before a new one started, but if there are more than one active thread, which can be progressed further in any order, new threads are likely to be issued with a ticket number which has already been issued (see Richards's example).

An alternative source of unique numbers would be the Entry number (as in "696 Entries", top right of the page), which would be the seed for the ticket number on new entry. Not sure of the syntax for that, or for the replies to have *that* number for the config file. I know there is a problem if you move a number of threads away, but the only alternative (that I can think of) is to store the seed number somewhere, and increment it every time a new thread is started.

Or have I got something wrong here? Thanks. Regards, David.

I cannot reproduce your problem. Assume we have following config file:

Theme = default
Attributes = Ticket, Author, Subject
Preset Ticket = TCK-####

The the first entry gets TCK-0001. Any reply to that stays with TCK-0001. Then I do another "new" entry, which gets TCK-0002. Even if I then do another reply to the first thread, that will just stay with TCK-0001. So avoid using 'Preset on reply Ticket". The post from Richard was different, he wanted a new number also for replies (if I understand correctly).

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