DRS4 Forum
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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subjectup Text Attachments
  409   Wed May 13 00:52:51 2015 Cosmin DeaconuGetting Trigger SourceI'd like to be able to know which channel
(0,1,2,3 or external) was responsible for
the trigger.  DRSBoard::GetTriggerSource()
  411   Wed May 13 08:19:53 2015 Stefan RittGetting Trigger SourceDRSBoard::GetTriggerSource() simply returns
what has been enabled via DRSBoard::SetTriggerSource().
The actual source which causes the trigger
  33   Wed Feb 10 02:57:55 2010 pepe sanchez lopezHellohello i am an student and i want to do
my final project with drs4 board and i really
can´t find how to open waveform file
  34   Wed Feb 10 15:35:09 2010 Stefan RittHello


  87   Wed May 26 19:18:09 2010 Hao HuanHigh Frequency Input for DRSHi Stefan,
    I read in the
DRS datasheet that the bandwidth for the
  88   Tue Jun 1 13:36:18 2010 Stefan RittHigh Frequency Input for DRS


  748   Thu Mar 14 03:43:49 2019 Deepak SamuelHow to buy DRS evaluation kitDear Stefan,

I have emailed drs4@psi.ch a couple
of times regarding the pricing of the evaluation
  867   Wed Mar 2 17:25:10 2022 Matias SengerHow to convert samples to volt?I am using the `drscl` app. My prior experience
is practically zero, sorry if this is a very
naive question. When I read using `read 0
  868   Thu Mar 3 13:47:26 2022 Stefan RittHow to convert samples to volt?The 'drscl' tool is more for experts,
normal users are advised to use the DRSOsc
  136   Mon Oct 31 09:15:02 2011 Zhongwei DuHow to link PMTI want to measure the signal from PMT .
But it is a current signal, should i just
put a series resistance, or use a amplifier
  137   Tue Nov 1 11:07:02 2011 Stefan RittHow to link PMT


  856   Sat Jan 15 09:13:42 2022 student_rikuI want to know about the readoutHello, everyone.
I'm a student in Japan.
Please forgive me if this is a very
  857   Sat Jan 15 10:50:47 2022 Stefan RittI want to know about the readout

  861   Wed Jan 26 06:44:11 2022 student_rikuI want to know about the readoutDear Stefan

Thanks a lot.

I solved it.
  150   Tue Jan 31 08:10:37 2012 Stefan RittIEEE Real Time 2012 Call for AbstractsHello,
I'm co-organizing the upcoming Real
Time Conference, which covers also fields
  886   Tue Jul 19 02:35:04 2022 Jingyu ZhangIncrease event rate, use ROI mode, and install sw from source in MacDear

  887   Fri Jul 29 14:09:35 2022 Stefan RittIncrease event rate, use ROI mode, and install sw from source in MacThe firmware from the website always reads
1024 bins. You have to modify it to stop
before that, like reading only 128 samples
  46   Wed Mar 3 17:36:31 2010 Hao HuanInitialization of the Domino CircuitHi Stefan,
    I read in the
datasheet that every time after power up
  47   Wed Mar 3 17:49:30 2010 Stefan RittInitialization of the Domino Circuit


  53   Thu Mar 11 21:37:32 2010 Hao HuanInput Bandwidth of the DRS ChipHi Stefan,
    I read in the
DRS datasheet that the input bandwidth if
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