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  187   Thu Nov 1 20:17:42 2012 Stefan RittDRS4 firmware

hongwei yang wrote:


    We are using drs4 board, but oscilloscope app will somehow stop to work if we config trigger into "or and", When I look into the drs4 firmware file drs4_eval3_app.vhd, I couldn't find the trigger_config value assignment which is mentioned at(#7 offset 0x1E from 31 downto 16) in manual_version 4.

could you help me find this trigger_config access point?





The "and" in the trigger section means now "coincidence". So the V4 board can trigger on a coincidence between two or more channels. If there is no pulse at the same time on the coincidence channels, the board will of course not trigger. The according firmware was introduced in V4, so please look at drs4_eval4_app.vhd (not eval3).

I just realized that the V4 firmware might be missing in the distribution, so I have attached it here. Look for drs_ctl_trigger_config.


Best regards,


Attachment 1: drs4_eval4_app.vhd
-- Author   : Boris Keil, Stefan Ritt
-- Contents : Main file for DRS4 control and readout
-- $Id: drs4_eval4_app.vhd 15159 2010-04-29 10:12:25Z ritt $
-- $Revision: 15159 $

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- synopsys translate_off
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_on
use work.drs4_pack.all;

entity drs4_eval4_app is
  port (
    -- clocks
    I_CLK33                 : in std_logic;
    I_CLK66                 : in std_logic;
    I_CLK132                : in std_logic;
    I_CLK264                : in std_logic;
    O_CLK_PS_VALUE          : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    I_CLK_PS                : in std_logic;
    I_RESET                 : in std_logic; -- active high power-up reset

    -- analog triggers
    I_ANA_TRG               : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    -- external trigger
    IO_ETRG_IN              : inout std_logic;
    O_ETRG_IND              : out std_logic;

    IO_ETRG_OUT             : inout std_logic;
    O_ETRG_OUTD             : out std_logic;

    -- external (MMCX clock) clock
    IO_ECLK_OUT             : inout std_logic;
    IO_ECLK_IN              : inout std_logic;

    -- PMC
    P_IO_PMC_USR            : inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);

    -- Simple bus interface to DPRAM
    O_DPRAM_CLK             : out std_logic;
    O_DPRAM_ADDR            : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    O_DPRAM_D_WR            : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    O_DPRAM_WE              : out std_logic;
    I_DPRAM_D_RD            : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    -- Control & status registers from system FPGA interface
    I_CONTROL_REG_ARR       : in  type_control_reg_arr;
    O_STATUS_REG_ARR        : out type_status_reg_arr;
    I_CONTROL_TRIG_ARR      : in  type_control_trig_arr;
    I_CONTROL0_BIT_TRIG_ARR : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    -- LEDs signals
    O_LED_RED               : out std_logic;
    O_LED_YELLOW            : out std_logic;
    -- Debug signals
    O_DEBUG1                : out std_logic;
    O_DEBUG2                : out std_logic
end drs4_eval4_app;


architecture arch of drs4_eval4_app is

  attribute BOX_TYPE : string;

  component USR_LIB_VEC_FDC
    generic (
      width :     integer := 1
    port (
      I_CLK  : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I_CLR  : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I      : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      O      : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0)
  end component;

    generic (
      width             :     integer := 1;
      init_val_to_pad   :     string  := "0";
      init_val_from_pad :     string  := "0"
    port (
      O_C   : in  std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      O_CE  : in  std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      O_CLR : in  std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      O_PRE : in  std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      O     : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);

      I_C   : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I_CE  : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I_CLR : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I_PRE : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      I     : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);

      IO : inout std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0);
      T  : in    std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0)
  end component;

  component OFDDRTCPE
    port (
      O : out STD_ULOGIC;
      C0 : in STD_ULOGIC;
      C1 : in STD_ULOGIC;
      CE : in STD_ULOGIC;
      CLR : in STD_ULOGIC;
      D0 : in STD_ULOGIC;
      D1 : in STD_ULOGIC;
      PRE : in STD_ULOGIC;
      T : in STD_ULOGIC
  end component;
  attribute BOX_TYPE of OFDDRTCPE : component is "PRIMITIVE";

  component IOBUFDS
    port (
      O : out STD_ULOGIC;
      IO : inout STD_ULOGIC;
      IOB : inout STD_ULOGIC;
      I : in STD_ULOGIC;
      T : in STD_ULOGIC
  end component;
  component LUT1
    generic (
      INIT : bit_vector
      O : out STD_ULOGIC;
      I0 : in STD_ULOGIC
  end component;  
  signal GND  : std_logic;
  signal VCC  : std_logic;

  -- ADC
  signal i_drs_adc               : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
  signal o_drs_adc_clk           : std_logic;
  signal adc_clk_sr              : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  -- Serial interface for DAC, EEPROM and Temp. Sensor
  signal o_drs_serial_data       : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_serial_clk        : std_logic;
  signal i_drs_serial_data       : std_logic;
  signal i_drs_eeprom_data       : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_dac_cs_n          : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_eeprom_cs_n       : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_tempsens_cs_n     : std_logic;
  -- Status LED
  signal drs_led_yellow          : std_logic;
  signal drs_led_trigger         : std_logic;
  signal drs_led_counter         : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
  type type_drs_led_state is (led_idle, led_on, led_off);
  signal drs_led_state           : type_drs_led_state;
  -- DRS Start/enable
  signal o_drs_enable            : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_write             : std_logic;
  -- Internal DRS shift registers
  signal o_drs_srin              : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_srclk             : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_rsrload           : std_logic;
  signal i_drs_srout             : std_logic;
  signal i_drs_wsrout            : std_logic;
  subtype type_sr_count is integer range 0 to 1024;
  signal drs_sr_count            : type_sr_count;
  signal drs_sr_reg              : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  -- DRS address
  signal o_drs_addr              : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  -- PLL refence clock signal
  signal drs_refclk              : std_logic;
  signal o_drs_refclk            : std_logic;
  signal drs_refclk_counter      : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
  signal i_drs_plllck            : std_logic;
  signal i_drs_dtap              : std_logic;
  -- 132/264 MHz calibration signal output
  signal o_drs_tcalib_sig        : std_logic;
  -- internal amplitude calibration via input multiplexers
  signal o_drs_aswitches         : std_logic;
  -- power signal for chip test board
  signal o_drs_on                : std_logic;
  -- Control registers
  signal drs_ctl_start_trig      : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_reinit_trig     : std_logic;  -- 1 sets drs_reinit_reqest to '1'
  signal drs_ctl_soft_trig       : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_eeprom_write_trig: std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_eeprom_read_trig: std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_autostart       : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_dmode           : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_dactive         : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_adc_active      : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_acalib          : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_led_red         : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_tcal_en         : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_tcal_source     : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_refclk_source   : std_logic;
  type type_drs_dac_val_arr is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_dac_arr         : type_drs_dac_val_arr;
  signal drs_ctl_first_chn       : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_last_chn        : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_config          : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_chn_config      : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_sampling_freq   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_transp_mode     : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_standby_mode    : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_enable_trigger  : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_trigger_config  : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_ctl_neg_trigger     : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_readout_mode    : std_logic;
  signal drs_ctl_delay_sel       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  -- Status registers
  signal drs_stat_busy           : std_logic;
  signal drs_eeprom_busy         : std_logic;
  signal drs_stat_stop_cell      : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
  signal drs_stat_stop_wsr       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal drs_temperature         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_trigger_bus         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_serial_number       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal svn_revision            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

  -- Misc. internal signals
  signal drs_reinit_request      : std_logic;
  signal drs_old_readout_mode    : std_logic;

  -- Trigger signals
  signal drs_trigger             : std_logic;
  signal drs_soft_trig           : std_logic;
  signal drs_trigger_syn         : std_logic;
  signal drs_write_set           : std_logic;
  signal drs_trig_ff             : std_logic;
  signal drs_write_ff            : std_logic;
  signal drs_hard_inp            : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
  signal drs_hard_or             : std_logic;
  signal drs_hard_and            : std_logic;
  signal drs_hard_trig           : std_logic;
  signal drs_arm_trig            : std_logic;
  signal drs_trg_delay           : std_logic_vector(2047 downto 0);
  -- Tell P&R to not optimize away the drs_trg_delay array
  attribute keep : string;
  attribute keep of drs_trg_delay : signal is "true";

  -- Serial bus internal signals
  type type_serial_bus_state is (idle, wait_serdes, eeprom_read, eeprom_write, done);
  signal serial_bus_state        : type_serial_bus_state;
  subtype type_serial_count is integer range 0 to 200;
  signal serial_count            : type_serial_count;
  signal serial_ret_addr         : type_serial_count;
  signal serial_start_flag1      : std_logic;
  signal serial_start_flag2      : std_logic;

  type type_serdes_state is (idle, busy, busy_temp);
  signal serdes_state            : type_serdes_state;
  subtype type_serdes_clk is integer range 0 to 10;
  signal serdes_clk              : type_serdes_clk;
  signal serdes_speed            : type_serdes_clk;
  subtype type_serdes_count is integer range 0 to 100;
  signal serdes_count            : type_serdes_count;
  subtype type_serdes_bit_count_m1 is integer range 0 to 32;
  signal serdes_bit_count_m1        : type_serdes_bit_count_m1;
  signal serdes_bit_no           : type_serdes_bit_count_m1;
  signal serdes_trig             : std_logic;
  signal serdes_trig_temp        : std_logic;
  signal serdes_wdata            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal serdes_rdata            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

  type   type_drs_dac_reg is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_dac_reg             : type_drs_dac_reg;
  signal drs_dac_newval_flag     : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  subtype type_dac_bit_count is integer range 0 to 31;

  signal temp                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal temp_timer              : std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); -- once per second
  signal temp_cmd                : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

  subtype type_eeprom_count is integer range 0 to 100;
  signal drs_eeprom_write_trig   : std_logic;
  signal drs_eeprom_read_trig    : std_logic;
  signal drs_eeprom_sector       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal drs_eeprom_page         : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  
  signal drs_eeprom_byte         : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  
  signal drs_eeprom_cmd          : std_logic_vector(59 downto 0);

  -- PMC IO pin control signals
  signal pmc_clk_i : std_logic_vector(P_IO_PMC_USR'range);  -- input FF clock
  signal pmc_ce_i  : std_logic_vector(P_IO_PMC_USR'range);  -- input FF clock enable
  signal pmc_clr_i : std_logic_vector(P_IO_PMC_USR'range);  -- input FF async clear
... 1459 more lines ...
  190   Thu Nov 1 20:32:03 2012 Stefan RittDRS4 firmware

hongwei yang wrote:

hongwei yang wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

hongwei yang wrote:


    We are using drs4 board, but oscilloscope app will somehow stop to work if we config trigger into "or and", When I look into the drs4 firmware file drs4_eval3_app.vhd, I couldn't find the trigger_config value assignment which is mentioned at(#7 offset 0x1E from 31 downto 16) in manual_version 4.

could you help me find this trigger_config access point?





The "and" in the trigger section means now "coincidence". So the V4 board can trigger on a coincidence between two or more channels. If there is no pulse at the same time on the coincidence channels, the board will of course not trigger. The according firmware was introduced in V4, so please look at drs4_eval4_app.vhd (not eval3).

I just realized that the V4 firmware might be missing in the distribution, so I have attached it here. Look for drs_ctl_trigger_config.


Best regards,


 Ah, great, that helps, Thank you!



 By the way, will there be a drs4_eval4.vhd as well?

 Here it is.

Attachment 1: drs4_eval4.vhd
-- Author   : Stefan Ritt
-- Contents : DRS4 Evaluation Board FPGA top level entity
-- $Id: drs4_eval4.vhd 13988 2009-08-03 15:28:19Z ritt $

library IEEE;
use work.drs4_pack.all;

entity drs4_eval4 is
  port (
    -- Quartz
    P_I_CLK33                  : in  std_logic;
    P_I_CLK66                  : in  std_logic;
    -- Test points
    P_IO_J45                   : inout std_logic; 
    P_IO_J46                   : inout std_logic; 
    P_I_J47                    : in std_logic; 
    P_IO_J48                   : inout std_logic; 
    P_IO_J49                   : inout std_logic; 
    -- analog triggers
    P_I_ATRG1                  : in std_logic;
    P_I_ATRG2                  : in std_logic;
    P_I_ATRG3                  : in std_logic;
    P_I_ATRG4                  : in std_logic;
    -- external trigger
    P_IO_ETRG_IN               : inout std_logic;
    P_O_ETRG_IND               : out std_logic;

    P_IO_ETRG_OUT              : inout std_logic;
    P_O_ETRG_OUTD              : out std_logic;

    -- external (MMCX clock) clock
    P_IO_ECLK_IN               : inout std_logic;
    P_O_ECLK_IND               : out std_logic;
    P_IO_ECLK_OUT              : inout std_logic;
    P_O_ECLK_OUTD              : out std_logic;

    -- LEDs
    P_O_LED0                   : out std_logic; 
    P_O_LED1                   : out std_logic; 

    -- Lines to/from Cy7C68013A microcontroller
    P_IO_UC_SLOE               : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_SLRD               : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_SLWR               : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_SLCS               : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_PKTEND             : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FIFOADR0           : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FIFOADR1           : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FLAGA              : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FLAGB              : inout std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FLAGC              : inout std_logic;
    P_I_UC_PA0                 : in    std_logic;
    P_IO_UC_FD                 : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    -- PMC connector
    P_IO_PMC_USR               : inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end drs4_eval4;

architecture arch of drs4_eval4 is

  component usr_clocks
    port (
      P_I_CLK33                : in  std_logic; 
      P_I_CLK66                : in  std_logic; 
      O_CLK33                  : out std_logic; 
      O_CLK33_NODLL            : out std_logic; 
      O_CLK66                  : out std_logic; 
      O_CLK132                 : out std_logic; 
      O_CLK264                 : out std_logic; 
      I_PS_VALUE               : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      O_CLK_PS                 : out std_logic; 
      O_LOCKED                 : out std_logic;
      O_DEBUG1                 : out std_logic;
      O_DEBUG2                 : out std_logic
  end component;

  component usb2_racc is
    port (
      -- Clock signals
      -- ------------------------
      I_RESET                  : in std_logic;
      I_CLK33                  : in std_logic;
      -- Lines to/from Cy7C68013A microcontroller
      -- -----------------------------------
      P_IO_UC_SLOE             : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_SLRD             : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_SLWR             : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_SLCS             : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_PKTEND           : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FIFOADR0         : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FIFOADR1         : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FLAGA            : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FLAGB            : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FLAGC            : inout std_logic;
      P_IO_UC_FD               : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

      -- Simple bus interface to on-chip RAM
      -- --------------------------------------------------
      O_LOCBUS_ADDR            : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      I_LOCBUS_D_RD            : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      O_LOCBUS_D_WR            : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      O_LOCBUS_WE              : out std_logic;

      -- Status & control registers
      O_CONTROL_REG_ARR        : out type_control_reg_arr;
      I_STATUS_REG_ARR         : in type_status_reg_arr;

      O_CONTROL_TRIG_ARR       : out type_control_trig_arr;
      O_CONTROL0_BIT_TRIG_ARR  : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

      -- Debug signals
      -- -------------
      O_DEBUG                  : out std_logic
  end component;

  component usb_dpram is
    port (
      I_RESET                  : in  std_logic;                       
      I_CLK_A                  : in  std_logic;                       
      I_ADDR_A                 : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
      I_WE_A                   : in  std_logic;                      
      O_D_RD_A                 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
      I_D_WR_A                 : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);   
      I_CLK_B                  : in  std_logic;                       
      I_ADDR_B                 : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
      I_WE_B                   : in  std_logic;                      
      O_D_RD_B                 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
      I_D_WR_B                 : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)    

  end component;

  component drs4_eval4_app is
    port (
      I_CLK33                  : in std_logic; -- 33 MHz, sychronised to clk33_nodll
      I_CLK66                  : in std_logic; -- 66 MHz, same phase as clk33
      I_CLK132                 : in std_logic; -- 132 MHz, random phase in respect to clk33
      I_CLK264                 : in std_logic; -- 264 MHz, random phase in respect to clk33
      O_CLK_PS_VALUE           : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- value for phase shift
      I_CLK_PS                 : in std_logic; -- phase shifted in respect to clk33
      I_RESET                  : in std_logic; -- active high power-up reset
      -- analog triggers
      I_ANA_TRG                : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      -- external trigger
      IO_ETRG_IN               : inout std_logic;
      O_ETRG_IND               : out std_logic;

      IO_ETRG_OUT              : inout std_logic;
      O_ETRG_OUTD              : out std_logic;

      -- external (MMCX clock) clock
      IO_ECLK_OUT              : inout std_logic;
      IO_ECLK_IN               : inout std_logic;
      -- PMC
      P_IO_PMC_USR             : inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);

      -- Simple bus interface to DPRAM
      O_DPRAM_CLK              : out std_logic;
      O_DPRAM_ADDR             : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      O_DPRAM_D_WR             : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      O_DPRAM_WE               : out std_logic;
      I_DPRAM_D_RD             : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

      -- Control & status registers from system FPGA interface
      I_CONTROL_REG_ARR        : in  type_control_reg_arr;
      O_STATUS_REG_ARR         : out type_status_reg_arr;
      I_CONTROL_TRIG_ARR       : in  type_control_trig_arr;
      I_CONTROL0_BIT_TRIG_ARR  : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

      -- LEDs signals
      O_LED_RED                : out std_logic;
      O_LED_YELLOW             : out std_logic;
      -- Debug signals
      O_DEBUG1                 : out std_logic;
      O_DEBUG2                 : out std_logic
  end component;

  signal VCC: std_logic;
  signal GND: std_logic;

  -- reset signal
  -- -------------
  signal global_reset          : std_logic;  -- active high power-up reset
  -- clocks & related signals
  -- ------------------------
  signal clk33_nodll           : std_logic; -- external 33 MHz clock (global clock net)
  signal clk33                 : std_logic; -- 33 MHz DLL output
  signal clk66                 : std_logic;
  signal clk132                : std_logic;
  signal clk264                : std_logic;
  signal clk_ps_value          : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal clk_ps                : std_logic; -- special phase shifted clock
  signal usr_clks_dlls_locked  : std_logic; -- high if clock DLLs for clkxx have locked

  -- user application signals for Locbus interface
  -- ---------------------------------------------
  signal locbus_addr           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal locbus_d_rd           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal locbus_d_wr           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal locbus_we             : std_logic;

  -- user application signals for DPRAM interface
  -- --------------------------------------------
  signal dpram_clk             : std_logic;
  signal dpram_addr            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal dpram_we              : std_logic;
  signal dpram_d_wr            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal dpram_d_rd            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

  -- register signals for data exchange with microcontroller
  -- -------------------------------------------------------
  signal control_reg_arr       : type_control_reg_arr;
  signal status_reg_arr        : type_status_reg_arr;

  signal control_trig_arr: type_control_trig_arr;
  signal control0_bit_trig_arr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

  -- LEDs
  -- ----
  signal o_led_red             : std_logic;
  signal o_led_yellow          : std_logic;

  -- Trigger
  -- -------
  signal io_etrg_in            : std_logic;
  signal o_etrg_ind            : std_logic;
  signal io_etrg_out           : std_logic;
  signal o_etrg_outd           : std_logic;
  signal i_ana_trg             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal io_eclk_out           : std_logic;
  signal io_eclk_in            : std_logic;
  -- Debugging signals
  -- -----------------
  signal o_racc_debug          : std_logic;
  signal o_debug1              : std_logic;
  signal o_debug2              : std_logic;

  VCC <= '1';
  GND <= '0';

  -- map LEDs
  P_O_LED0       <= o_led_yellow;
  P_O_LED1       <= o_led_red;
  -- debug outputs
  P_IO_J45       <= GND;
  P_IO_J46       <= GND;
  P_IO_J48       <= o_debug1;
  P_IO_J49       <= o_debug2;

  -- triggers
  i_ana_trg(0)   <= P_I_ATRG1;
  i_ana_trg(1)   <= P_I_ATRG2;
  i_ana_trg(2)   <= P_I_ATRG3;
  i_ana_trg(3)   <= P_I_ATRG4;

  io_etrg_in     <= P_IO_ETRG_IN;
  P_O_ETRG_IND   <= o_etrg_ind;
  P_IO_ETRG_OUT  <= io_etrg_out;
  P_O_ETRG_OUTD  <= o_etrg_outd;

  -- external clock
  P_IO_ECLK_OUT  <= io_eclk_out;
  P_O_ECLK_OUTD  <= '1';
  io_eclk_in     <= P_IO_ECLK_IN;
  P_O_ECLK_IND   <= '0';

  clocks : usr_clocks port map (
    P_I_CLK33                  => P_I_CLK33,
    P_I_CLK66                  => P_I_CLK66,
    O_CLK33                    => clk33,              
    O_CLK33_NODLL              => clk33_nodll,        
    O_CLK66                    => clk66,              
    O_CLK132                   => clk132,             
... 121 more lines ...
  192   Tue Nov 13 11:26:32 2012 Stefan RittGetWave

Martin Petriska wrote:

 I have some question according to GetWave function. In drs_exam.cpp simple GetWave(0,0,wave_array[]) etc...is used. Is there primary (cell) calibration, secondary calibration (Readout) and remove Spikes used, as in DRS Oscilloscope application?

 Yes, yes, no. To get spike removals, you need the function RemoveSpikes from Osci.cpp in the DRSOsc project.

  194   Wed Nov 21 08:38:26 2012 Stefan RittQuestion for using Multi board

Gyuhee Kim wrote:



I have 2 DRS4 evaluation V4 boards, and I want to use these 2 board to multi board DAQ system for 4 ch vs 4 ch DAQ.

But there is no option for multi board use. I just only find the multi board trigger mode check button on DRS4 Oscilloscope program, but I couldn`t check. 

Is there any method to use multi board?


Best regards.


This mode is not yet implemented in firmware. Maybe I find some time towards the end of this year to add this. At the moment, you have to build and external trigger to synchronize the two boards. There are also 16-channel boards on the market where you would not need a multi-board mode. Just Google for "DT5742".


  196   Wed Nov 28 16:54:46 2012 Stefan RittDRS Oscilloscope for Raspberry Pi and Mac OSX 10.8

I made a pre-compiled package for Mac OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion), so one should be able to install the DRS Oscilloscope software with one mouse click on a recent Mac.

The Makefile in the tar ball now also supports OSX 10.8, so one could even compile it from the sources on a Mac, after libusb-1.0 and wxWidgets have been installed. That might then also work on older versions of OSX.

In addition, the software has been adaptes so that it compiles nicely on a Raspberry Pi (http://www.raspberrypi.org), a screenshot has been attached. Together with a Raspberry Pi and an old screen, the evaluation board is one of the cheapest available oscilloscopes.



Attachment 1: screenshot_pi.png
  198   Mon Dec 3 09:18:09 2012 Stefan RittAnother question about using multi boards.

Gyuhee Kim wrote:



I asked about using multi boards some days ago, and I got answer to use external trigger. (Thanks Stefan!)

And here is another question. I made two external triggers and try to acquire coincidence data using two boards. but DRS Oscilloscope program can connect only one board and don`t acquire both of them simultaneously.

So I tried to use two computer for each board separately, but, well, you already know, I failed to acquire because two computers don`t promise to synchronize the two boards acquisition.

Is there any method to solve this problem?


1. I want to acquire coincidence data from the two DRS 4 Evaluation board V4 simultaneosly.

2. I have external trigger to provide the two boards at the same time.

3. How can I get data from the two boards?


Best regards.


You have to write your own program. DRS Oscilloscope does not (yet) support this. Take drs_exam.cpp as a starting point and try to extend it to two boards. One tricky point is that the external trigger may only fire AFTER the two boards have been read out. So you need some means of re-enabling the external trigger after you read out both boards.


  201   Tue Dec 4 09:39:44 2012 Stefan RittQuestion of drs4 using

Zhongwei Du wrote:

When Denable and Dwrite is high , the voltage of PLLOUT is 0 V.  And  the Dtap is turn high with no delay when the Denable turns high.

After power up and configuration(the WSR,WCR,CR are all set to 11111111), the readout data is no change whenever the input analog signal and rofs,bias,oofs changes. I have test useing the DAC to supply the Dspeed voltage, and change a new DRS4 chip, but all is the same. The readout data is strange : the first about 100 cells is rise or fall  and the last 900 cells is out of the range of ADC.

So how should I do for debugging the drs4 now.

The first thing to make work is to have DTAP oscillating with fsamp/2048. Keep Denable and Dwrite low (required during power-on, see elog:10), set Dspeed to 2.5V, then rise Denable and Dwrite. You should see Dtap toggling at about 2.4 MHz. If not, double check all supply voltages, and especially all soldering points. The QFN package is a bit hard to solder.


  203   Tue Dec 4 09:55:43 2012 Stefan RittQuestion of drs4 using

Zhongwei Du wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Zhongwei Du wrote:

When Denable and Dwrite is high , the voltage of PLLOUT is 0 V.  And  the Dtap is turn high with no delay when the Denable turns high.

After power up and configuration(the WSR,WCR,CR are all set to 11111111), the readout data is no change whenever the input analog signal and rofs,bias,oofs changes. I have test useing the DAC to supply the Dspeed voltage, and change a new DRS4 chip, but all is the same. The readout data is strange : the first about 100 cells is rise or fall  and the last 900 cells is out of the range of ADC.

So how should I do for debugging the drs4 now.

The first thing to make work is to have DTAP oscillating with fsamp/2048. Keep Denable and Dwrite low (required during power-on, see elog:10), set Dspeed to 2.5V, then rise Denable and Dwrite. You should see Dtap toggling at about 2.4 MHz. If not, double check all supply voltages, and especially all soldering points. The QFN package is a bit hard to solder.


 "Keep Denable and Dwrite low (required during power-on, see elog:10), set Dspeed to 2.5V, then rise Denable and Dwrite. You should see Dtap toggling at about 2.4 MHz. "

In this process ,  should i config any registers( WSR,WCR,CR  ) ?

After power-up reset, these registers are all set to "1", which should be ok to start.

BTW, Jinhong Wang <wangjinh@mail.ustc.edu.cn> from your institute hast the chip correctly working. Maybe he can help you in a more direct way than I can.


  206   Thu Dec 13 12:14:35 2012 Stefan RittDRS-4 trigger

Evgeni wrote:

How to configure DRS oscilloscope for the oscillations with an amplitude greater than the value of the exposed
in the trigger (internal). 

Sorry, I don't understand that question. The DRS4 Evaluation board input signal range is 1V. If you have larger signals, you have to attenuante them externally.


  208   Fri Dec 14 08:42:53 2012 Stefan RittDRS-4 trigger

Evgeni wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Evgeni wrote:

How to configure DRS oscilloscope for the oscillations with an amplitude greater than the value of the exposed
in the trigger (internal). 


Sorry, I don't understand that question. The DRS4 Evaluation board input signal range is 1V. If you have larger signals, you have to attenuante them externally.




Can I adjust the internal trigger DRS oscilloscope for signal extraction 0.5 volts (for example) from any of the four channels. In our case, there is a lot of noise with low amplitude, which must be removed during the registration. We need to record the individual pulses of higher amplitude than the noise. So we want to use the internal trigger DRS oscilloscope to cut this noise by setting up its threshold amplitude noise.


 Sure, you can set the trigger level with the vertical slider (see attached figure). The trigger level works form -0.5V to +0.5V. Just like with a normal oscilloscope. I thought this would be obvious...

Attachment 1: DRSOsc.png
  211   Fri Dec 14 21:49:29 2012 Stefan RittEVM rev4 board trigger change and drs_example

Martin Petriska wrote:

 I switched from rev 3 to rev 4 board, but have some problems with triggering, board is now waiting for trigger (rev.3 is working). How to do in drs_exam.cpp for example triggering on Ch0 && CH1 ?

Software 4.0.0, windows version.

Here is old trigger initialisation: 



b->SetTriggerLevel(0.25, false);



Btw. Is it possible to set up different trigger Levels for each channel ?


(If there is some interest here is my code in Qt, still aplha) http://sourceforge.net/p/qtpals/code

Sorry the late reply.

In V4, triggering has changed. You can trigger now on an OR or AND of channels. Therefore you have to supply a bitmask, where the 1st bit = CH1, 2nd bit = CH2 and so on. Have a look at the most recent drs_exam. It contains code:


   /* use following lines to enable hardware trigger on CH1 at 50 mV positive edge */
   if (b->GetBoardType() == 8) {     // Evaluaiton Board V4 
      b->EnableTrigger(1, 0);           // enable hardware trigger
      b->SetTriggerSource(1<<0);        // set CH1 as source
   } else {                          // Evaluation Board V3
      b->EnableTrigger(0, 1);           // lemo off, analog trigger on
      b->SetTriggerSource(0);           // use CH1 as source

So if you want CH1 && CH2, you look at the source code of SetTriggerSource. It contains


      // Set trigger configuration
   // OR  0=CH1, 1=CH2, 2=CH3, 3=CH4, 4=EXT
   // AND 8=CH1, 9=CH2, 10=CH3, 11=CH4, 12=EXT


So an AND between CH1 and CH2 needs a

    b->SetTriggerSource(1<<8 | 1<<9);

Your code looks interesting. Do you have a screenshot or can you explain what it does? 

  213   Thu Dec 27 09:49:17 2012 Stefan Rittvariation of sampling capacitors

Jinhong Wang wrote:

Hi Stefan,

A quick question, what is the typical variation of the sampling capacitors in DRS4?  Will this variation be significant to affect your sampling result?



The capacitors sample the input voltage, not the charge, so the actual size of the capacitors does not matter on first order (the variations might be in the order of 5%). A bigger effect is the variation of the analog switches in the front of the capacitors, which is about 15%. So the actual bandwidth each cell sees varies by maybe 20% (given by the R and the C), but this comes only into play when sampling steep edges.


  216   Tue Feb 5 14:38:35 2013 Stefan Rittvariation of sampling capacitors

Jinhong Wang wrote:

Hi Dr. Stefan,

So the sampling capacitors store the input voltage instead of the charge. What about the readout circuits? I saw there is a buffer followed each sampling capacitor. Do you buffer the charge (like a charge sensitive amplifier)  or the voltage? From Fig.12, 14 in datasheet, it seems most probably the readout is a charging or discharging of a capacitor. Could you please add some comments on this? 



The buffer buffers the voltage, not the charge. The curves in Fig. 12, 14 indicate that the voltage followers take some time until they settle. 


  218   Wed Feb 13 17:03:53 2013 Stefan RittNonuniform sampling

Martin Petriska wrote:

 Are there any plans to include reconstruction of nonuniform sampling  in DRS4 to get uniformly sampled data?

Im now reading article IEEE Trans on Circ. ans Systems I, Vol.55 No.8 sept. 2008 Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Bandlimited Signals Usinga Differentiator–Multiplier Cascade by Stefan Tertinek and Christian Vogel

and plan to implement it, but may be somebody has it done before me.


Interesting paper. I was not aware of this method. Sounds interesting. AFAIK, nobody has implemented it so far.

My (old) plan was to linearly interpolate samples (something you could do in an FPGA as well), but this will introduce (small) errors. The next best thing would be to do some spline interpolation, but this is time consuming and not suited for an FPGA.

If you get good results with the method above, please let others know about it.


  220   Fri Feb 22 11:56:57 2013 Stefan RittDRS4 trigger, different polarity

Yury Golod wrote:

I need to synchronize two signals. These signals have a different polarity.

I can set triggers on different levels. But I can't set different polarity of triggers.

Now I can set (T1 and T2), I need to set (T1 and (not T2))

Is it possible?





d->EnableTrigger(1, 0);  // Enable trigger

d->SetTriggerSource(1<<8 | 1<<9);  // T1 and T2


file DRS.cpp:

int DRSBoard::SetTriggerLevel(double voltage1,double voltage2, double voltage3,double voltage4,bool negative)


      SetDAC(fDAC_TLEVEL1, voltage1/2 + 0.8);

      SetDAC(fDAC_TLEVEL2, voltage2/2 + 0.8);


There is no way to select different polarities, it is not implemented in the firmware. Like your digital oscilloscope has also only one polarity switch.

The only way to do it is to use a (passive) inverter, so that you have two signals of the same polarity. Something like this:



  224   Thu Feb 28 12:58:44 2013 Stefan Rittclock and trigger outs
> Hi,
> I am considering using the DRS4 evaluation board as an ADC card for the wire chamber in the physics lab (VP) experiment at ETH. However, the wire 
> chamber has 8 outputs, so I would need to have two of such boards. Is it possible to synchronise them, online or offline? From the website, it looks 
> like yes, but the documentation says that these features (trigger and clock out) may not have been implemented in firmware yet. Could you tell me 
> the status?
> Thank you very much,
> Dmitry.

I'm right now working on it. If you only need 2-3 ns accuracy  between the two boards then you can do this already now without firmware upgrade. The software for this is in principle ready, but I have to 
finish the documentation. Since I'm on a business travel right now this might take me some time (weeks?). 

If you want better timing (O(100ps)) between the boards, then you will need a firmware update. Or you wait until we ship boards with the new firmware. I will announce this through this forum.

  226   Wed Mar 6 12:37:14 2013 Stefan RittDRS4- analog pulse counting

Osip Lishilin wrote:

Hello, Stefan. Have you implemented pulse counting yet?

Best, Osip.


  227   Wed Mar 6 13:08:03 2013 Stefan RittChip Test - Cell Error

Georg Winner wrote:

When starting Chip Test in DRS Command Line Interface, I receive the following message:

Cell error on channel 1, cell 5: -154.4 mV instead 0 mV

Chip Error!

What does this mean? The maximal peak-to-peak Amplitude given to channel was for a short time 10V.

The graphical interface shows no artefacts when using channel 1.


The "Chip Test" command is made for a special test board we use for chip testing. This command will not work with the evaluation board, since only four of the 8 DRS channels are connected there. So just ignore it and verify the board functionality by looking at the graphical interface.


  230   Thu Apr 4 11:21:04 2013 Stefan RittDifferences in Source Code

Georg Winner wrote:

I have noticed some differences in the source code between Windows (4.0.0) and Linux (4.0.1) Version.

drs_exam.cpp: In the windows version when setting the trigger there is no part "if (b->GetBoardType() == 8) {...} else {...}" like in Linux version. So under Windows drs_exam does not start readout of DRS 4 Evalutation Board V4, because it does not get the trigger, under linux the board can be read out succesfull. I have found out, that adding the missing part solves the problem for the windows version.

drs.cpp (Windows Version), line 2101, function "int DRSBoard::SetTriggerDelayNs(int delay)":

There is no operation which  calculates the variable "fTriggerDelayNs" out of variable "ticks" like in function "int DRSBoard::SetTriggerDelayPercent(int delay)" (Line 2073). So "fTriggerDelayNs" can get diverse values when using one of the Trigger Setting Functions. Was this intended?


Thanks for reporting the problem in drs_exam.cpp. The windows and linux versions sometimes differ a bit. I'm working right now on a complete new version, wich will bring both together again.

Concerning fTriggerDelayNs and ticks, they are correlated. One tick is a single delay unit in the FPGA. On the newest boards the unit is 4.8ns long. So

ticks = fTriggerDelayNs / 4.8

fTriggerDelayNs = ticks * 4.8

fTriggerDelayNs gets set at the first line of SetTriggerDelayNs:

int DRSBoard::SetTriggerDelayNs(int delay)
/* set trigger delay in nanoseconds */
   short ticks, reg;
   fTriggerDelayNs = delay;

So I cannot see how fTriggerDelayNS should get diverse values?


  231   Thu Apr 4 11:32:21 2013 Stefan Rittcascading -- DRS4 Osci.cpp & DRS.cpp

Jill Russek wrote:


All I'm trying to do is cascade one input signal, though all available channels, so that I end up with 8*1024 bins per event.

Here is the read out on my board/chip:

Mezz. Board index:    0
DRS type:             DRS4
Board type:           8
Serial number:        2249
Firmware revision:    17662
Temperature:          35.2 C
Input range:          -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated range:     -0.5V...0.5V
Calibrated frequency: 5.120 GHz
Status reg.:          0000001A
Control reg.:         00000010
  DMODE circular
Trigger bus:          00000000
Frequency:            5.120 GHz


What I've tried thus far:

In Osci.cpp, in the method/function  SelectSource(int board, int firstChannel, int chnSection), I added a line.. (in bold)


 if (b->GetBoardType() == 5 || b->GetBoardType() == 7 || b->GetBoardType() == 8) {
             if (chnSection == 2)
                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 4);
             else if(chnSection == 1)
                 b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2);

                b->SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 8);


I've also tried doing settings such as SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1);   , SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 2); , SetChannelConfig(0, 1, 2); , etc..

Which always ends up making the run fail.. and sometimes I get index errors..

As far as I understanding the program now, this is what I know:

fChannelCascading determines getChannelCascading,
this determines the  if (casc == 2) line in configDialogue.cpp, which sets:
 b->SetChannelConfig(config, 8, 4);

fChannelCascading is being set by:
 switch (nConfigChannels) {
      case 1:
         fChannelConfig = 0x01;
         fChannelCascading = 8;
      case 2:
         fChannelConfig = 0x11;
         fChannelCascading = 4;
      case 4:
         fChannelConfig = 0x55;
         fChannelCascading = 2;
      case 8:
         fChannelConfig = 0xFF;
         fChannelCascading = 1;
         printf("Invalid channel configuration\n");
         return 0;

which is being set by nConfigChannels in DRS.cpp, in the method:
SetChannelConfig(int firstChannel, int lastChannel, int nConfigChannels)

SetChannelConfig is being called in the ConfigDialogue.cpp,  but the default Osci program is such that you can't do a configuration for a cascade of one signal using all the channels. At least, not that I am aware of. 

So what buttons do I need to enable, or what do I need to call, or write, so that I can cascade a signal to end up with 8*1024 bins per event?

This has had me going in circles for weeks, so thank you for your help!!!! 

Sorry for my late reply, I was away for some days.

To use channel cascading, you have to physically connect one input to all eight channels. This is not possible with the evaluation board, you have to make your own board. What you could do however is to split a signal externally and feed it to all four inputs, given that the signal delay is the same for every channel. But then you will hit the hard-wired limit in Osci.cpp. This code was never foreseen to cover 8*1024 bins (since it does not make much sense with the evaluation board). Some arrays are only 2*1024 bins wide, so you would have to rewrite code at many places.

The easiest way to get what you want is to modify drs_exam.cpp. You need SetChannelConfig(0, 8, 1) as you realised correctly, and then you have to retrieve all 8 channels via b->GetWave() and concatenate them correctly.


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