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  643   Wed Nov 22 09:19:11 2017 chen wenjun using of the DRS Command Line Interface

Thank you very much !! All my fault for I thought it too comlicated. Thank you sincerely!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Remove the check mark from the "Lock" box and enter a different value in the sampling speed box and hit return.

chen wenjun wrote:

OK!Thank you! One more question,when I use the Oscillocope ,I found that the actual speed is a constant value of 1.007G,how can change this speed.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The command line interface is more a debugging tool for experts, and you are not supposed to use it except to test the connection to the evaluation board. The programs for the user are the DRS Oscilloscope and the drs_exam.cpp example program to read out the board with your own program.


chen wenjun wrote:

Hello! I'm using DRS4 evaluation board V5 with the drs command line interface,but the mannal only explained the meaning of the command--"info".And I can't get the hang of the use of other commands through "help",so is there anywhere can I learn more about other commands?Or I can only learn it through the datasheet of DRS4 chip.








  642   Wed Nov 22 09:14:18 2017 Stefan Rittusing of the DRS Command Line Interface

Remove the check mark from the "Lock" box and enter a different value in the sampling speed box and hit return.

chen wenjun wrote:

OK!Thank you! One more question,when I use the Oscillocope ,I found that the actual speed is a constant value of 1.007G,how can change this speed.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The command line interface is more a debugging tool for experts, and you are not supposed to use it except to test the connection to the evaluation board. The programs for the user are the DRS Oscilloscope and the drs_exam.cpp example program to read out the board with your own program.


chen wenjun wrote:

Hello! I'm using DRS4 evaluation board V5 with the drs command line interface,but the mannal only explained the meaning of the command--"info".And I can't get the hang of the use of other commands through "help",so is there anywhere can I learn more about other commands?Or I can only learn it through the datasheet of DRS4 chip.







  641   Wed Nov 22 08:58:33 2017 chen wenjun using of the DRS Command Line Interface

OK!Thank you! One more question,when I use the Oscillocope ,I found that the actual speed is a constant value of 1.007G,how can change this speed.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The command line interface is more a debugging tool for experts, and you are not supposed to use it except to test the connection to the evaluation board. The programs for the user are the DRS Oscilloscope and the drs_exam.cpp example program to read out the board with your own program.


chen wenjun wrote:

Hello! I'm using DRS4 evaluation board V5 with the drs command line interface,but the mannal only explained the meaning of the command--"info".And I can't get the hang of the use of other commands through "help",so is there anywhere can I learn more about other commands?Or I can only learn it through the datasheet of DRS4 chip.






Attachment 1: ΢ÐÅͼƬ_20171122160245.png
  640   Wed Nov 22 08:48:36 2017 Stefan Rittusing of the DRS Command Line Interface

The command line interface is more a debugging tool for experts, and you are not supposed to use it except to test the connection to the evaluation board. The programs for the user are the DRS Oscilloscope and the drs_exam.cpp example program to read out the board with your own program.


chen wenjun wrote:

Hello! I'm using DRS4 evaluation board V5 with the drs command line interface,but the mannal only explained the meaning of the command--"info".And I can't get the hang of the use of other commands through "help",so is there anywhere can I learn more about other commands?Or I can only learn it through the datasheet of DRS4 chip.





  639   Wed Nov 22 08:31:03 2017 chen wenjun using of the DRS Command Line Interface

Hello! I'm using DRS4 evaluation board V5 with the drs command line interface,but the mannal only explained the meaning of the command--"info".And I can't get the hang of the use of other commands through "help",so is there anywhere can I learn more about other commands?Or I can only learn it through the datasheet of DRS4 chip.




Attachment 1: ΢ÐÅͼƬ_20171122153834.png
  638   Thu Nov 16 02:55:44 2017 Diego YankelevichAveraging capabilities

The Display window in the Oscilloscope software shows averaging capabilites but I have not been able to activate these. Is it possible to activate averaging with the existing oscilloscope software? Thanks

  637   Fri Nov 3 13:28:04 2017 Stefan RittTriggering using AND

Think about: How would you make a coincidence (AND) between two edges? Since an edge is infinitesimally small, there is no way to make a meaningful coincidence between edges. Therefore, the DRS4 EB firmware makes a simple AND of levels. If you trigger on rising signals and do an AND, then you get a trigger if both values are above their threshold. For falling edge trigger (arrow goes down in the trigger configuration) the board triggers when both signals are BELOW the trigger threshold. So actually the singnal which crosses the threshold last determines the timing of the trigger. I see no other way how to implement an AND.


Håkan Wennlöf wrote:


I'm using the DRSOsc program, and I have a question that I need a bit clarified;

When triggering using AND between two channels, am I then triggering on rising/falling edge of both channels, or on the actual values?

That is, is it the change in value that it triggers on, or when the actual value goes above a certain threshold?

Using AND, it seems like I get a trigger when one (CH2) is above its trigger value (sometimes quite far above), and the other (CH1) changes to go above its trigger value. This works for my purposes, which is nice, but I just want to be sure I understand why it works. Ideally, I'd like to trigger when one of my channels is above a certain value, and the other has a rising edge above a certain value.

I'm sorry if it's a silly question! I've just noticed that the Keysight oscilloscopes I've used can only do one channel with a rising edge at a time when doing a logic trigger, and I thought the same thing might be going on in the background here (which would be ideal for my purposes).


Kind regards,

Håkan Wennlöf


  636   Fri Nov 3 12:11:14 2017 Håkan WennlöfTriggering using AND


I'm using the DRSOsc program, and I have a question that I need a bit clarified;

When triggering using AND between two channels, am I then triggering on rising/falling edge of both channels, or on the actual values?

That is, is it the change in value that it triggers on, or when the actual value goes above a certain threshold?

Using AND, it seems like I get a trigger when one (CH2) is above its trigger value (sometimes quite far above), and the other (CH1) changes to go above its trigger value. This works for my purposes, which is nice, but I just want to be sure I understand why it works. Ideally, I'd like to trigger when one of my channels is above a certain value, and the other has a rising edge above a certain value.

I'm sorry if it's a silly question! I've just noticed that the Keysight oscilloscopes I've used can only do one channel with a rising edge at a time when doing a logic trigger, and I thought the same thing might be going on in the background here (which would be ideal for my purposes).


Kind regards,

Håkan Wennlöf

  635   Wed Oct 18 11:48:14 2017 Vadym DenysenkoTime offset

Thank you for your reply!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

No this is not possible. But you can delay your signal externally (like with a delay cable or electronically) and then send the dealyed signal to the evaluation board for triggering.


Vadym Denysenko wrote:



I have a simple question, can I set SetTriggerDelayNs() more than 1631 ns?

I need to set this delay to about 5 us... Can I do this? 


Thank you in advance! 


With best regards, 




  634   Wed Oct 18 09:12:26 2017 Stefan RittTime offset

No this is not possible. But you can delay your signal externally (like with a delay cable or electronically) and then send the dealyed signal to the evaluation board for triggering.


Vadym Denysenko wrote:



I have a simple question, can I set SetTriggerDelayNs() more than 1631 ns?

I need to set this delay to about 5 us... Can I do this? 


Thank you in advance! 


With best regards, 



  633   Tue Oct 17 14:58:58 2017 Vadym DenysenkoTime offset



I have a simple question, can I set SetTriggerDelayNs() more than 1631 ns?

I need to set this delay to about 5 us... Can I do this? 


Thank you in advance! 


With best regards, 


  632   Mon Oct 16 15:35:22 2017 Stefan RittRaspberry Pi Connection Failure

Have you tried as root? Maybe you miss some permissions.


Jonathan Wapman wrote:

I am currently attempting to use a raspberry pi to connect to the DRS 4 board. I whenever I try to use the DRS Command Line TOol, Revision 21435 to connect to the drs board, I get the error

"musb_open: libusb_open() error -3"

"USB successfully scanned, but no boards found"

"No DRS Boards Found".

I successfully compiled the libusb driver before compiling the drs software 5.0.6, and installed all other listed packages in the install instructions.


  631   Fri Oct 13 03:39:01 2017 Jonathan WapmanRaspberry Pi Connection Failure

I am currently attempting to use a raspberry pi to connect to the DRS 4 board. I whenever I try to use the DRS Command Line TOol, Revision 21435 to connect to the drs board, I get the error

"musb_open: libusb_open() error -3"

"USB successfully scanned, but no boards found"

"No DRS Boards Found".

I successfully compiled the libusb driver before compiling the drs software 5.0.6, and installed all other listed packages in the install instructions.

  630   Mon Oct 2 16:08:05 2017 Stefan RittEvent acquisition pace for irregular timing

As written in the documentation, the DRS evaluaiton board has a maximum trigger capability of ~500 Hz. This is limited by the USB bus which has a finite data transfer rate. If you build your own electronics around the chip (like many other groups are doing), you can squeeze this to a few kHz, but it is some development effort.


Yoni Sher wrote:


I'm running a LIDAR application that requires that every outgoing pulse be captured. My current setup firess sets of 20-50 pulses at 1 ms intervals, about 10 times a second, but only 10-20 pulses a second are captured. 

When I fire at full speed (1KHz - one pulse every ms), about 500-600 pulses a second are captured. 

At the moment, I'm triggering on channel 1 and captureing the data on channel 2. Would it help if I used the external trigger? Is there anything else I can do?




  629   Wed Sep 27 16:11:03 2017 Yoni SherEvent acquisition pace for irregular timing


I'm running a LIDAR application that requires that every outgoing pulse be captured. My current setup firess sets of 20-50 pulses at 1 ms intervals, about 10 times a second, but only 10-20 pulses a second are captured. 

When I fire at full speed (1KHz - one pulse every ms), about 500-600 pulses a second are captured. 

At the moment, I'm triggering on channel 1 and captureing the data on channel 2. Would it help if I used the external trigger? Is there anything else I can do?



  628   Sun Aug 27 12:44:16 2017 Yuvaraj ElangovanDRS4 version Support

Hi i am using DRS4 Eval Board V2, How to acquire data to a bin file using it.    

  627   Tue Jul 25 14:47:05 2017 Volodymyr RodinTime output

Hi again.

Okay, it works with 5.05 version very good and it is enough for me.


What do I need to fix in this code for 2048 board?

Best wishes,


Volodymyr Rodin wrote:

Hello Stefan

I tried to convert binary to a simple txt file and found next problem - strange time output.

Here is output from little modification for read_binary.cpp (Its last output line also is strange: dT = -1.#IOns +- -1.$ps)

Found data for board #0
Found timing calibration for channel #1
Found boards#  1
     event    channel   waveform       time      point
         1          0  -0.000092   0.000000          0
         1          0   0.030548   0.000000          1
         1          0   0.059418   0.000000          2
         1          0   0.080200   0.000000          3
         1          0   0.094223   0.000000          4
         1          0   0.097702   0.000000          5
         1          0   0.094055   0.000000          6
         1          0   0.079117   0.000000          7
         1          0   0.060364   0.000000          8
         1          0   0.030960   0.000000          9
         1          0   0.000504   0.000000         10
         1          0  -0.031555   0.000000         11
         1          0  -0.057465   0.000000         12
         1          0  -0.080536   0.000000         13
         1          0  -0.095413   0.000000         14
         1          0  -0.099365   0.000000         15

I used output string in the following places, but it didn't help:

// reach channel data

:for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
               // convert data to volts
               waveform[0][chn_index][i] = (voltage[i] / 65536. + eh.range/1000.0 - 0.5);
               // calculate time for this cell
               for (j=0,time[b][chn_index][i]=0 ; j<i ; j++)
                  time[b][chn_index][i] += bin_width[b][chn_index][(j+tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];

printf("%10d %10d %10f %10f %10d\n", eh.event_serial_number , chn_index , waveform[0][chn_index][i]  ,  time[0][chn_index][i]  , i);

And after alignment procedure:

t1 = time[b][0][(1024-tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];
         for (chn=1 ; chn<4 ; chn++) {
            t2 = time[b][chn][(1024-tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];
            dt = t1 - t2;
            for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++)
               time[b][chn][i] += dt;

printf("%10d %10d %10f %10f %10d\n", eh.event_serial_number , chn_index , waveform[0][chn_index][i]  ,  time[0][chn][i]  , i);

Does it caused by some software or drivers changes?

Best regards,







  626   Fri Jul 21 09:16:02 2017 Volodymyr RodinTime output

Hello Stefan

I tried to convert binary to a simple txt file and found next problem - strange time output.

Here is output from little modification for read_binary.cpp (Its last output line also is strange: dT = -1.#IOns +- -1.$ps)

Found data for board #0
Found timing calibration for channel #1
Found boards#  1
     event    channel   waveform       time      point
         1          0  -0.000092   0.000000          0
         1          0   0.030548   0.000000          1
         1          0   0.059418   0.000000          2
         1          0   0.080200   0.000000          3
         1          0   0.094223   0.000000          4
         1          0   0.097702   0.000000          5
         1          0   0.094055   0.000000          6
         1          0   0.079117   0.000000          7
         1          0   0.060364   0.000000          8
         1          0   0.030960   0.000000          9
         1          0   0.000504   0.000000         10
         1          0  -0.031555   0.000000         11
         1          0  -0.057465   0.000000         12
         1          0  -0.080536   0.000000         13
         1          0  -0.095413   0.000000         14
         1          0  -0.099365   0.000000         15

I used output string in the following places, but it didn't help:

// reach channel data

:for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
               // convert data to volts
               waveform[0][chn_index][i] = (voltage[i] / 65536. + eh.range/1000.0 - 0.5);
               // calculate time for this cell
               for (j=0,time[b][chn_index][i]=0 ; j<i ; j++)
                  time[b][chn_index][i] += bin_width[b][chn_index][(j+tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];

printf("%10d %10d %10f %10f %10d\n", eh.event_serial_number , chn_index , waveform[0][chn_index][i]  ,  time[0][chn_index][i]  , i);

And after alignment procedure:

t1 = time[b][0][(1024-tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];
         for (chn=1 ; chn<4 ; chn++) {
            t2 = time[b][chn][(1024-tch.trigger_cell) % 1024];
            dt = t1 - t2;
            for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++)
               time[b][chn][i] += dt;

printf("%10d %10d %10f %10f %10d\n", eh.event_serial_number , chn_index , waveform[0][chn_index][i]  ,  time[0][chn][i]  , i);

Does it caused by some software or drivers changes?

Best regards,






  625   Thu Jul 20 13:00:44 2017 Volodymyr RodinDriver installation on Windows 10

Dear Laura

You need to disable driver signature enforcement.  Then try again with path option.

 It helped me.


Best regards,


Laura Gonella wrote:


I am trying to get a DRS4 board to run on Windows 10. I am having problems with the driver installation. I am getting the follwoing message

"There is no driver selected for the device information set or element"

I had specified the path to look for the driver as C:\ProgramFilesx86\DRS\driver\. I also tried the option to look online for the driver. None works. Can anyone help?




  624   Wed Jul 12 20:16:05 2017 Stefan RittTime resolution between boards

Yes this should  be possible.


Toshihiro Nonaka wrote:


I 'm using four evaluation boards v.3 to construct the multi-board DAQ system. One channel for each board is used as reference clock, then calibrate timing offline, which allow below 10ps resolution between boards.

Is it possible to keep the time resolution between boards below 10ps in daisy-chain mode with v.5 boards?

Thank you in adcance.

Best regards,

Toshihiro Nonaka


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