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  568   Thu Nov 24 08:13:23 2016 Stefan RittPLL did not lock

Which serial number has the board? Has it been in use before or is it a new board?


Alexey Lubinets wrote:

Hello, everybody!

I installed DRSosc and DRScl. Command line works normally (at least, it can "see" the board). But when I start the oscilloscope, I have an error: "PLLs did not lock on USB board #0, serial number #...". In Info section I can see the board type = 9 (and in the error message I have "USB board #0").

After that I have a warning: "Board on USB0 has invalid voltge calibration. Only raw data will be displayed". I tried to execute voltage calibration using DRSosc and DRScl, but it did not help.

Did anybody face such broblems? Does anybody know, how to fix them?

Thank you. Alexey.


  569   Thu Nov 24 13:24:26 2016 Stefan RittPotential Incorrect Timing Calibration for DRS4 Data

The code in the macro is correct. The misconception lies in the definition what "sample 0" means. Please view the attached picture. This is simplified case with a DRS chip with only 8 cells (instead of 1024). There are two events (blue and red). In the first event, the chip is stopped at trigger cell (tc) 2, in the second case at 5. Since the readout starts with the trigger cell, the first readout sample in the first event belongs to cell #2, the next one to cell #3 and so on. In the second (red) case, the first sample belongs to cell #5, the second to cell #6 and so on. "Aligning cells 0" now means that the physical cell 0 (not the readout sample) is aligned for each channel. In the first event, the 7th readout sample will have the same time in all channels, in the second event the fourth readout cells will have the same time. This is because physical cell #0 is always at different places inside the readout array.


Abhishek Rajput wrote:


I was running through a particular binary file containing data taken on all 4 channels of the DRS4 and printing out the value of the first time sample for each channel (per event). While doing so, I noticed that some of these times were negative. For this dataset, channel 1 was chosen as the reference channel (which is the default setup in Stefan's DRS4 macro).  From my understanding, the calibration procedure delineated in the DRS4 manual and shown in the code below is supposed to sync the timing of each channel relative to sample 0. However, this does not appear to be the case for when I print out the time value of the first sample, I notice that only channel 1's 0th sample is set to 0. The first sample for the other channels is nonzero (and most often negative). 

Even more strange is when I test another 4-channel dataset with the same code, this issue does not appear. More specifically, the first time sample on each waveform on all channels is set to 0, as should be the case.

My question is therefore whether or not the timing calibration varies from dataset to dataset. My initial thought was that this should not be the case, but I have two different data sets taken on the same set of channels which give different timing calibration results. Are there any circumstances under which this behavior can happen? 

for (ch=0 ; ch<5 ; ch++) {
         i = fread(hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, f);
         if (i < 1)
         if (hdr[0] != 'C') {
            // event header found
            fseek(f, -4, SEEK_CUR);
         chn_index = hdr[3] - '0' - 1;
         fread(voltage, sizeof(short), 1024, f);
         for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
            // convert data to volts
            waveform[chn_index][i] = (voltage[i] / 65536. - 0.5);
            // calculate time for this cell
            for (j=0,time[chn_index][i]=0 ; j<i ; j++)
              time[chn_index][i] += bin_width[chn_index][(j+eh.trigger_cell) % 1024];            
      // align cell #0 of all channels
      t1 = time[0][(1024-eh.trigger_cell) % 1024];
      for (ch=1 ; ch<4 ; ch++) {
         t2 = time[ch][(1024-eh.trigger_cell) % 1024];
         dt = t1 - t2;
         for (i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++)
            time[ch][i] += dt;


Attachment 1: drs.pdf
  571   Mon Nov 28 16:52:38 2016 Stefan RittPLL did not lock

Have you tried to unplug and re-plug the board a few times? According to our database, you should have three boards. Do all three show the same behavior or only this board? In case all three show this, it could be a hint of a software problem. If two boards are good and one is bad, this would be a hint of a hardware problem (broken board).


Alexey Lubinets wrote:

The serial number is 2586. This board is about two years old, and it might be in use (but I do not know exactly).

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Which serial number has the board? Has it been in use before or is it a new board?


Alexey Lubinets wrote:

Hello, everybody!

I installed DRSosc and DRScl. Command line works normally (at least, it can "see" the board). But when I start the oscilloscope, I have an error: "PLLs did not lock on USB board #0, serial number #...". In Info section I can see the board type = 9 (and in the error message I have "USB board #0").

After that I have a warning: "Board on USB0 has invalid voltge calibration. Only raw data will be displayed". I tried to execute voltage calibration using DRSosc and DRScl, but it did not help.

Did anybody face such broblems? Does anybody know, how to fix them?

Thank you. Alexey.




  574   Wed Nov 30 08:53:58 2016 Stefan RittPotential Incorrect Timing Calibration for DRS4 Data

The inverter chain in the DRS4 is continously running in a ring. Once you get a trigger, it is stopped. This happens in any of the 1024 cells. The last cell which sampled a signal plus ne is called "trigger cell". In the previous diagram in event #1, the last cell sampling was "1", so the trigger cell is "2". In event 2 (red case), the trigger cell is 5. If you would run like this, you see only the part of the waveform BEFORE your trigger (since the DRS4 is continously sampling and is stopped with the trigger). In order to see the full peak of your waveform, you can apply some external trigger to shift the trigger position to the right. This is done in the FPGA reading out the DRS4 chip. If your peak is let's say 20 ns wide, and you delay your trigger by 30 ns, you see the peak plus 10 ns right of the peak.


Abhishek Rajput wrote:

Hello Stefan,

Thank you for the excellent explanation and diagram. This part of the code is now much clearer to me.

My other questions pertain to the "trigger cell". Firstly, what precisely does this mean? Moreover, how does the "trigger cell" relate to the trigger time delay we can set in the DRS4 application? This is causing some confusion for me, because regardless of where you set the trigger time delay on the DRS4 application, there are still points on the waveform that are saved prior to the moment in time when a pulse exceeds some voltage threshold we set in the application. I get the impression that "trigger delay" and "trigger cell" are unrelated concepts, so any clarification you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


  575   Wed Nov 30 10:45:29 2016 Stefan RittLong timing between two channels

You cannot measure times longer than 1024/sampling rate.


Randall Gladen wrote:

I don't believe I fully understand how the timing works between multiple channels on DRS4 board, even after reading the manual, but I am hoping to measure a time difference between two channels longer than 1024/sampling rate. So far, I have written a program in Matlab to extract timing and voltage information from the binary file to find the time difference between two channels that are set with the AND trigger logic and appear within approximately 80 ns of each other at a sampling rate of 1 GSPS. This works as intended, but I would now like to try to measure time differences of anywhere between 50 ns and several ms within a single spectrum. Since this is out of the range of only 1024 channels above 1GSPS, is it possible for the board to keep track of the time between two trigger pulses that occur at time differences longer than 1024/sampling rate?

Thank you very much for your help, and if I am severely misunderstanding how the board works, please forgive my ignorance and feel free to correct me,


Edit: I forgot to mention that I am collecting the data using the provided DRS4 Oscilloscope software.


  577   Wed Nov 30 19:05:24 2016 Stefan RittDRS4 Initiation

Uhh, there are 1000 things which might be wrong. A bit like "my car is not working, it makes strange noise". Without having a look under the hood, there is just some wild guessing:

- Is your ROFS input at the right value? Your O-OFS?

- All VDD voltages there? Input voltage outside the rails?

- Your RSLOAD pulse long enough (>10ns)

- What happens if you put a really big sinal at the input, like 100 MHz sine wave with 2V p-p

The easiest is to have a look at the evaluation board and copy your new board like 1:1, also copy the VHDL readout code. Much easier that to start from scratch.




samridha kunwar wrote:

I am having a general problem getting read back using the ROI mode.  In the transparent mode everything looks good. These are the steps that I take:

1) configure register (b"11111111",addr = "1100")

2) configure write shift register (b"11111111", addr = "1101")

3)  assert DENABLE and DWRITE

4) wait for trigger

5) on trigger deassert DWRITE

6) Strobe RSRLOAD

7)Set drs4 address to enable all channels (address = "1001")

8)give n SRCLK pulses

9) goto 3 and repeat.


Am I missing something? Everything looks straight forward based on the manual yet in the readout mode I only get noise. I do get the stop position on SROUT and the refclk is at 475 KHz as desired and I get the desired behaviour  for DTAP toggling at the same frequency as refclk.


  579   Fri Dec 2 16:47:37 2016 Stefan RittDRS4 Initiation

No, I can't think of anything else. There is no intermediate addressing stage. The only thing which sometimes happens is that the QFN76 package is not soldered correctly. If you don't have this under control, some pins might have a bad contact. You can check this by touching with a oscilloscope probe not the PCB pads but really the pins from the side, which is a bit tricky.


samridha kunwar wrote:

Thanks for replying Stefan.

I was more so just concerned with the steps in the firmware when I had asked. However, yes the ROFS (1.05V) and O-OFS (0.9 V was 1.3 V earlier but, changed this becasue of ADC input requirements) are per spec, the VDD voltages are all there and input voltages are within the rails and finally the RSLOAD  (16 ns) too is ok. Looking at your eval board firmware , on appearance it looks exactly like what I am doing. I thought maybe I was/ still am missing some intermediate addressing stage. What I wrote earlier is what I still have.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Uhh, there are 1000 things which might be wrong. A bit like "my car is not working, it makes strange noise". Without having a look under the hood, there is just some wild guessing:

- Is your ROFS input at the right value? Your O-OFS?

- All VDD voltages there? Input voltage outside the rails?

- Your RSLOAD pulse long enough (>10ns)

- What happens if you put a really big sinal at the input, like 100 MHz sine wave with 2V p-p

The easiest is to have a look at the evaluation board and copy your new board like 1:1, also copy the VHDL readout code. Much easier that to start from scratch.




samridha kunwar wrote:

I am having a general problem getting read back using the ROI mode.  In the transparent mode everything looks good. These are the steps that I take:

1) configure register (b"11111111",addr = "1100")

2) configure write shift register (b"11111111", addr = "1101")

3)  assert DENABLE and DWRITE

4) wait for trigger

5) on trigger deassert DWRITE

6) Strobe RSRLOAD

7)Set drs4 address to enable all channels (address = "1001")

8)give n SRCLK pulses

9) goto 3 and repeat.


Am I missing something? Everything looks straight forward based on the manual yet in the readout mode I only get noise. I do get the stop position on SROUT and the refclk is at 475 KHz as desired and I get the desired behaviour  for DTAP toggling at the same frequency as refclk.




  582   Fri Jan 13 13:16:09 2017 Stefan RittDRS software doesn't work under Windows XP SP3

The error probably comes from the fact that the drsosc.exe application is a 64-bit application and cannot be executed under XP any more. Unfortunately XP is forbidden at our institute for security reasons, so I have no machine around where I could compile the executable fro XP. Another problem is the libusb library used by drsosc.exe. Not sure if there is a XP version available any more. Have a look yourself at http://www.libusb.org/wiki/windows_backend 

I only see two possibilities for you: 1) Try to compile the program under Windows XP yourself, either with MS Visual Studio or with MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/). 2) Set up a virtual machine on your PC (for example with Virtualbox), and install either a newer version of Windows or a Linux distribution. The Linux excutable can then be compiled directly from sources as written in the documentation.


Gregor Kramberger wrote:

Hi all

I have a problem with running the DRSOSC under windows XP SP3. We have some hardware which is not supported under newer versions of windows and we would like to use DRS boards along it, therefore we would higly appreciated any help in that direction. We have installed the software (V 5.03) to two different XP machines and got the same problem. The driver installs without any problem, but when the drsosc is run the system says " drsosc.exe is not a valid Win32 application". We have developed our own API for our software which also doesn't recognize the board. It says on the www page that it has been tested for windows XP, but I would appreciate if you can verify it? With best regards and thanks...


  583   Fri Jan 13 13:50:10 2017 Stefan RittDRS software doesn't work under Windows XP SP3

Can you try that executable under XP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j1n09afhbmh0zzu/drsosc.exe?dl=0

Gregor Kramberger wrote:

Hi all

I have a problem with running the DRSOSC under windows XP SP3. We have some hardware which is not supported under newer versions of windows and we would like to use DRS boards along it, therefore we would higly appreciated any help in that direction. We have installed the software (V 5.03) to two different XP machines and got the same problem. The driver installs without any problem, but when the drsosc is run the system says " drsosc.exe is not a valid Win32 application". We have developed our own API for our software which also doesn't recognize the board. It says on the www page that it has been tested for windows XP, but I would appreciate if you can verify it? With best regards and thanks...


  585   Mon Jan 30 16:37:33 2017 Stefan RittAND trigger problems

In the evaluation board we use an ADCMP601 comparator, which has a setup and hold time of 4.6 ns. So a pulse which exceeds the threshold for less than 4.6 ns will not trigger the board. If you AND two signals together, an additional constraint might apply on the coincidence pulse. This is processed in the FPGA, but once it becomes too short, it won't trigger the board as well. I never made a real measurement of that, but I would not be suprised if the coicidence signal (output of AND), needs to be at least 4-5 ns wide.

If you need more refined trigger conditions, make yourself an old-fashioned external trigger (with NIM modules for example), stretch the output to 10 ns and feed it into the external trigger input of the DRS4 board (5V CMOS logic, not NIM!).



Danny Petschke wrote:

 Dear Stefan,

I have 2 identical pulses as a splittet signal with an amplitude of 300mV. Range is -0.5-0.5V, 5.12GSamp using the Evaluation-Board. Both signals are triggered in AND logic. One of the signals is delayed by a fixed value of 1-50ns for testing. On increasing the trigger Level from 10% to 50% of amplitude (pulse rise time is 2.5ns) pulses cannot anymore triggered above 4-5ns delay. It means there is a proportionality between the trigger level and the available range where 2 signals can be triggered in AND logic (Time-difference between 2 pulses). Do I anything misunderstand or is the time the comparator needs by higher trigger Levels for comparation longer than the 200ns at 5.12GSamp?

Board was timing and voltage calibrated before.




  587   Tue Jan 31 08:40:04 2017 Stefan RittLLD and ULD discriminations,

Not inside the board. Each channel has a single discriminator. You can select to trigger on a rising or falling edge, but you don't have two levels. What you can do however is to make an external trigger, like using old NIM logic. You can make discrimaiton with different levels and use a coincidence unit to combine them. Then feed the trigger into the external trigger input of the evaluation board (5V TTL level, not NIM level!).


VO HONG HAI wrote:
Dear Stefan, Is there any way to develop LLD and ULD discrimination in DSR-4 evaluation board? Best regards, V.H.Hai


  589   Fri Feb 24 18:35:38 2017 Stefan RittPassing parameters to drscl

This is indeed currently not implemented. But there is a simple C program drs_exam.cpp, which connects to a board and safes some data. You could modify that program to your needs.


Tarik Zengin wrote:

Hi everyone,

I wonder if there is a way to pass parameters to drscl. What I specifically want to do is calling drscl from a shell script and read/save some data. I want to schedule a measurement. Therefore I need to call drscl from the command line using some parameters.

It would look something like this;


for i in {0..100}


    echo "Reading $i"

    ./drscl read 0 0 test.xml

    sleep 1


This doesn't work of course. drscl won't take arguments from the command line. Can you suggest a way to do this please?

Thank you.


  591   Wed Apr 5 12:28:28 2017 Stefan Rittdrscl doesn't find eval board but drsosc does (Windows 7)

Two people report now this problem, while this works fine at our lab. So I'm puzzled right now.

I attach two screenshots from the device manager and the Command Line interface. Can you compare it with what you see? Which is the firmware version of your evaluaiton board?


Jim Freeman wrote:

I cannot find the EVAL board using drscl version 5.06 while the drsosc works fine. I tried 2 different eval boards and 2 different computers and the same effect. I looked under device manager at the libusb and the drs4 was there, and checked the driver which was found to be up to date.


Attachment 1: Screen_Shot_2017-04-05_at_12.27.46_.png
Attachment 2: Screen_Shot_2017-04-05_at_11.45.07_.png
  594   Mon Apr 10 10:48:03 2017 Stefan RittDRS4 eval board v4 coincidence firmware changes for triger for short pulses

You have to download the package for your board, which then includes also the correct firmware for your board. If you have a V4 board, your firmware is in drs-4.0.2.tar.gz which you can download from Dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/clqo7ekr0ysbrip/AACoWJzrQAbf3WiBJHG89bGGa?dl=0

Martin Petriska wrote:

I would like to implement fpga firmware changes for DRS4 eval board v4 to put there posibility for standard coincidence (for example to get triger on two short (5ns pulses from Plastic scintilator) in 100ns coincidence window), Similar but more complex was done for eval v.5 boards ( https://forge.physik.rwth-aachen.de/projects/drs4-rwth ) Im beginner in state of FPGA design, but hope it will be not so dificult to implement same functionality in eval4 board. Is there any SVN server with firmware sources for evaluation board? Im litle bit confused with different firmware sources in linux and windows installation packages, For example whose are last eval4 board firmware souces ? (There are some eval4 sources in  5.0.6 files, but not sure if its workable)

May be didnt make same changes already?  


  595   Mon Apr 10 10:50:57 2017 Stefan Rittdrs4 registers behaviour

Using the RESET line to reset registers is not a good idea since it can have some bad side-effects. The READ SHIFT register is NOT affected by RESET, so you have to inititialize these registers differently. To set a "1"-value at a defined position, you have to follow figure 11 in the data sheet. Once you executed that, your "1" is always at the same posiiton (namely cell #0), so after 1024 clock cycles you arrive at the same state, and do not have to re-do fig. 11 again.



Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Hej everyone!
I have some questions regarding what happens to some DRS registers in some scenarios:
1. How are the registers affected by a RESET? According to the data sheet all the CONFIG REGISTER bits are initilialized to 1. But what about the WRITE SHIFT and the READ SHIFT registers? Are they affected somehow after a RESET has been applied?
2. Suppose the DRS is happily running and I have done some readouts in ROI mode, so that the only "1"-value bit in the READ SHIFT register is in a random position. If now I want to execute a FULL READOUT, should I use the procedure explained in the data sheet (figure 11) for the FULL READOUT mode? or is this procedure useless since my "1"-value bit is already set somewhere in the READ SHIFT register and therefore a ROI readout of 1024 cells would be the solution (and getting the initial position from the SROUT pin)?

Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day!



  597   Mon Apr 10 14:05:17 2017 Stefan Rittdrs4 registers behaviour

1. WRITE SHIFT register and CONFIG registers are initialized to "1" on power up, but if you want to change that, use A0-A3 etc. as you indicated.

2. If you address the READ SHIFT register by applyin "1011" to A0-A3, the input of the register is connected to SRIN. So in fig. 11, you apply 1023x"0" plus 1x"1", which effectively clears the register and keeps one "1" at the last position, so on the next rising clock this gets shifted into position #0. If you do the readout, and NOT addresing the READ SHIFT register, then the input of that register is connected to it's output internally. Therefore the single "1" keep rotating on every 1024 clock cycles.

Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Hej Stefan! Thank you for your answer!

Just to be sure to have understood properly:
1. Using the RESET line should be avoided. And in any case, the CONFIG register and the WRITE SHIFT register need to be initialized "by hand" using the A0-A3, SRCLK and SRIN pins. Is it correct?

2. Doing the procedure shown in Figure 11 will always inject a "1" in cell #0 of the READ SHIFT register, regardless if (before starting the procedure) there was a "1" in any other cell, right?

Thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Using the RESET line to reset registers is not a good idea since it can have some bad side-effects. The READ SHIFT register is NOT affected by RESET, so you have to inititialize these registers differently. To set a "1"-value at a defined position, you have to follow figure 11 in the data sheet. Once you executed that, your "1" is always at the same posiiton (namely cell #0), so after 1024 clock cycles you arrive at the same state, and do not have to re-do fig. 11 again.



Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Hej everyone!
I have some questions regarding what happens to some DRS registers in some scenarios:
1. How are the registers affected by a RESET? According to the data sheet all the CONFIG REGISTER bits are initilialized to 1. But what about the WRITE SHIFT and the READ SHIFT registers? Are they affected somehow after a RESET has been applied?
2. Suppose the DRS is happily running and I have done some readouts in ROI mode, so that the only "1"-value bit in the READ SHIFT register is in a random position. If now I want to execute a FULL READOUT, should I use the procedure explained in the data sheet (figure 11) for the FULL READOUT mode? or is this procedure useless since my "1"-value bit is already set somewhere in the READ SHIFT register and therefore a ROI readout of 1024 cells would be the solution (and getting the initial position from the SROUT pin)?

Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day!





  599   Tue Apr 11 09:41:44 2017 Stefan Rittdrs4 registers behaviour

What I do is the following: Have the RESET input unconnected. When you power up, this makes an internal reset during the power up, and that's all you need. Then configure your registers using the sequences described in the manual. Then do not touch the RESET any more.


Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Thank you Stefan for replying!
I have still the RESET issue in mind: how would you suggest to reset properly the DRS? Is there a particular procedure to follow instead of just sending a negative pulse to the RESET pin? Is it preferable to turn the DRS off and then restart?




Stefan Ritt wrote:

1. WRITE SHIFT register and CONFIG registers are initialized to "1" on power up, but if you want to change that, use A0-A3 etc. as you indicated.

2. If you address the READ SHIFT register by applyin "1011" to A0-A3, the input of the register is connected to SRIN. So in fig. 11, you apply 1023x"0" plus 1x"1", which effectively clears the register and keeps one "1" at the last position, so on the next rising clock this gets shifted into position #0. If you do the readout, and NOT addresing the READ SHIFT register, then the input of that register is connected to it's output internally. Therefore the single "1" keep rotating on every 1024 clock cycles.

Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Hej Stefan! Thank you for your answer!

Just to be sure to have understood properly:
1. Using the RESET line should be avoided. And in any case, the CONFIG register and the WRITE SHIFT register need to be initialized "by hand" using the A0-A3, SRCLK and SRIN pins. Is it correct?

2. Doing the procedure shown in Figure 11 will always inject a "1" in cell #0 of the READ SHIFT register, regardless if (before starting the procedure) there was a "1" in any other cell, right?

Thank you!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Using the RESET line to reset registers is not a good idea since it can have some bad side-effects. The READ SHIFT register is NOT affected by RESET, so you have to inititialize these registers differently. To set a "1"-value at a defined position, you have to follow figure 11 in the data sheet. Once you executed that, your "1" is always at the same posiiton (namely cell #0), so after 1024 clock cycles you arrive at the same state, and do not have to re-do fig. 11 again.



Giovanni Bruni wrote:

Hej everyone!
I have some questions regarding what happens to some DRS registers in some scenarios:
1. How are the registers affected by a RESET? According to the data sheet all the CONFIG REGISTER bits are initilialized to 1. But what about the WRITE SHIFT and the READ SHIFT registers? Are they affected somehow after a RESET has been applied?
2. Suppose the DRS is happily running and I have done some readouts in ROI mode, so that the only "1"-value bit in the READ SHIFT register is in a random position. If now I want to execute a FULL READOUT, should I use the procedure explained in the data sheet (figure 11) for the FULL READOUT mode? or is this procedure useless since my "1"-value bit is already set somewhere in the READ SHIFT register and therefore a ROI readout of 1024 cells would be the solution (and getting the initial position from the SROUT pin)?

Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day!







  601   Thu Apr 13 16:50:18 2017 Stefan RittStand-alone Time Calibration for PSI Board

Hard to say. Timing calibration is quite delicate. If you start from scratch, better read this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4975

If you try to extract the code from DRS.cpp, better read the paper, too. Probably it will not be possible to develop or extract the code without knowing how it works. 


Christian Farina wrote:

Hello everybody,

I was trying to create a stand-alone program that would perform a time calibration on the board. My goal would be the following.

- acquire  about 10k sinus waveforms

- write them to disk (also for later reanalysis)

- run the time calibration on the recorded data

- store the clibration results in a file / database

Being not an expert, my question here is the following. Would it be easier to try to isolate the time calibration part from the DRS.cpp source code or re-write entirely the code from scratch?



  603   Thu Apr 13 17:02:01 2017 Stefan RittStand-alone Time Calibration for PSI Board

Than you can try to isolate the code. Note that different SCAs might work differently. Like the DRS4 has a channel-to-channel jitter which others might not. But you will see.


Christian Farina wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your reply. I have read the paper already. I looked through the code and I understand that the LTC and GTC are performed by the AnalyzeSlope and AnalyzePeriod functions, respectively, correct? It seems to me to be a complicated business to re-write that part from scratch, at least for an inexperienced programmer like me. It made more sense to try to isolate that part from the original DRS.cpp. Ideally, I would like to have a stand-alone program that would work on any SCA without references to the drs hardware specifics.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hard to say. Timing calibration is quite delicate. If you start from scratch, better read this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4975

If you try to extract the code from DRS.cpp, better read the paper, too. Probably it will not be possible to develop or extract the code without knowing how it works. 


Christian Farina wrote:

Hello everybody,

I was trying to create a stand-alone program that would perform a time calibration on the board. My goal would be the following.

- acquire  about 10k sinus waveforms

- write them to disk (also for later reanalysis)

- run the time calibration on the recorded data

- store the clibration results in a file / database

Being not an expert, my question here is the following. Would it be easier to try to isolate the time calibration part from the DRS.cpp source code or re-write entirely the code from scratch?





  606   Wed Apr 19 12:17:25 2017 Stefan RittWave rotation during transfer from the board?

This is correct. Actually the amplitude array is rotated already inside the DRS4 chip. So the readout starts with the stop cell plus one. If you do not do anything, the waveform is already "rotated". If you want the waveform to start with physical cell #0, you have to "unrotate" it.


Strahinja Lukic wrote:

Is this correct, and does this mean that the amplitude array is "rotated" already during the transfer from the board?

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