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  288   Wed Aug 28 04:05:48 2013 lengchongyang 

lengchongyang wrote:

  Hello everyone!I'm a new user of DRS4 board,but it seems that some files are missing in my demo project.So I hope someone could help me by sending a correct VHDL hardware project to my Email:lcyiss900@gmail.com.Thanks in advance!



 I checked my project today and I think I need the file USR_LIB_VEC_IOFD_CPE_NALL.I don't know if is it a VHD files or a IP core.

I'll be extremely grateful.

  301   Wed Nov 6 16:35:42 2013 Stefan Ritt 

lengchongyang wrote:

lengchongyang wrote:

  Hello everyone!I'm a new user of DRS4 board,but it seems that some files are missing in my demo project.So I hope someone could help me by sending a correct VHDL hardware project to my Email:lcyiss900@gmail.com.Thanks in advance!



 I checked my project today and I think I need the file USR_LIB_VEC_IOFD_CPE_NALL.I don't know if is it a VHD files or a IP core.

I'll be extremely grateful.

 USR_LIB_VEC_IOFD_CPE_NALL is defined in firmware/srs/usr_lib.vhd which is part of the software package.

  484   Fri Mar 11 19:50:18 2016 Dominik Neise 

Hello Stefan,

I just stumbled again over a phrase in the DRS4 datasheet I never really understood, but didn't find the time to ask.

On page 8 it says: "An internal circuit ensures that the write signal is always 16 cells wide."

So when I look at a single channel, do I understand correctly, that at any given time during sampling, always 16 cells are open, i.e. 16 cells are connected to the analog inputs? So when the domino frequency is e.g. 5GHz then each cell sees the analog input not for 200ps but for 3.2ns correct?

  486   Tue Mar 22 12:54:41 2016 Stefan Ritt 

Yes this is correct. But it is a sample-and-hold circuit. So the sampling cell follows the input for 3.2 ns, then samples and holds the current value at the end of the period.

Dominik Neise wrote:

Hello Stefan,

I just stumbled again over a phrase in the DRS4 datasheet I never really understood, but didn't find the time to ask.

On page 8 it says: "An internal circuit ensures that the write signal is always 16 cells wide."

So when I look at a single channel, do I understand correctly, that at any given time during sampling, always 16 cells are open, i.e. 16 cells are connected to the analog inputs? So when the domino frequency is e.g. 5GHz then each cell sees the analog input not for 200ps but for 3.2ns correct?


  541   Thu Oct 6 15:23:18 2016 Will Flanagan 

Hi Stefan,

That is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks again!


  698   Thu Jun 7 16:27:21 2018 Phan Van Chuan 

Dear Stefan,

I am using an DRS4 board to test the signal from an scintillator detector; It has connected well to the computer on DRS Oscilloscope (Figure 1). Now, I am having a problem of developing from the code of the drs_exam program, because the DRS4 board has not connected to the computer when translation the drs_exam program (Figure 2). Before running the drs_exam program, I copied the libusb-1.0.lib file to the computer's "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v7.0A \ Lib" folder. Can you show me how to solve this problem?


Figure 1.


Figure 2.

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,


  699   Fri Jun 8 08:11:05 2018 Stefan Ritt 

Several people reported this problem, but we cannot reproduce it at our lab. Both the oscilloscope and the command line interface use exactly the same code to connect to the board. Have you tried the solution reported here: elog:657 ?



Phan Van Chuan wrote:

Dear Stefan,

I am using an DRS4 board to test the signal from an scintillator detector; It has connected well to the computer on DRS Oscilloscope (Figure 1). Now, I am having a problem of developing from the code of the drs_exam program, because the DRS4 board has not connected to the computer when translation the drs_exam program (Figure 2). Before running the drs_exam program, I copied the libusb-1.0.lib file to the computer's "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v7.0A \ Lib" folder. Can you show me how to solve this problem?


Figure 1.


Figure 2.

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,



  882   Tue Apr 12 10:40:36 2022 LynseyShun 

Hello, I am Lynsey. now I set A3-A0 to 1001 in ROI mode, but only OUT0 has output, and the other seven channels(OUT1-OUT7) do not output corresponding waveforms.

In ROI mode, can OUT0-OUT7 output sampled waveforms at the same time?

thank you very much

  883   Tue Apr 12 10:49:27 2022 Stefan Ritt 

A3-A0 = 1001 should be all you need to activate OUT0-OUT7. It works in our designs. Maybe double check the address lines with an oscilloscope.


LynseyShun wrote:

Hello, I am Lynsey. now I set A3-A0 to 1001 in ROI mode, but only OUT0 has output, and the other seven channels(OUT1-OUT7) do not output corresponding waveforms.

In ROI mode, can OUT0-OUT7 output sampled waveforms at the same time?

thank you very much


  884   Thu Jun 16 05:31:25 2022 LynseyShun 

Thank you very much for your help!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

A3-A0 = 1001 should be all you need to activate OUT0-OUT7. It works in our designs. Maybe double check the address lines with an oscilloscope.


LynseyShun wrote:

Hello, I am Lynsey. now I set A3-A0 to 1001 in ROI mode, but only OUT0 has output, and the other seven channels(OUT1-OUT7) do not output corresponding waveforms.

In ROI mode, can OUT0-OUT7 output sampled waveforms at the same time?

thank you very much



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