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icon1.gif   Bug Found, posted by nickc1 on Mon Jun 16 17:44:49 2003 
Ive just been alerted to a bug with email notifications in Elog.

Basically if your log book contains a space then the URL that is sent in 
emails when creating tickets or updating old entries doesnt put %20 (IEs 
space) inthe URL it leaves a space hense breaking the link.

for example

Correct Way prior to 2.3.8

Broken way with new version Request/35
Link is broken at this point

My config looks like this

Email Status Assigned = $
Email Status Re-Assigned = $
Email Status Completed = $
Email "Send Update Email" Yes = $
Use Email Subject = A Provisioning Ticket has been assigned to you or 
Use Email From =
    icon2.gif   Re: Bug Found, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 17 12:52:34 2003 
> Correct Way prior to 2.3.8
> Broken way with new version
> Request/35

Exactly this problem has been fixed between 2.3.7 and 2.3.8, so can it be 
that you mixed up these two versions? To be precise, the fix happend in 
Revision 1.113 from 2003/06/04 08:17:35. So are you sure that you use a 
version of elogd after that modification? I tried to reproduce your problem 
with the official 2.3.8 version, but I got the correct result.
       icon2.gif   Re: Bug Found, posted by nickc1 on Fri Jun 20 10:40:43 2003 
> > Correct Way prior to 2.3.8
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Broken way with new version
> > 
> > Request/35
> Exactly this problem has been fixed between 2.3.7 and 2.3.8, so can it be 
> that you mixed up these two versions? To be precise, the fix happend in 
> Revision 1.113 from 2003/06/04 08:17:35. So are you sure that you use a 
> version of elogd after that modification? I tried to reproduce your 
> with the official 2.3.8 version, but I got the correct result.

Im using the plain RPM from 2.3.8, i uninstalled the 2.3.7 RPM before this 
upgrade, the only thing I kept was my own stylesheets and the config file.

One thing I just noticed is that if you dont have the URL statement set 
under global properties, some machines quote the hostname of the machine at 
which point this breaks the link. if you define the URL to the IP address 
the problem goes away.

However even without the URL setting undefined, it works for some people 
but not for others, I tried from 2 seperate machines and got 2 lots of 
results, so I suspect it might be DNS related somewhere along the lines.
          icon2.gif   Re: Bug Found, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 23 10:53:55 2003 
> Im using the plain RPM from 2.3.8, i uninstalled the 2.3.7 RPM before this 
> upgrade, the only thing I kept was my own stylesheets and the config file.
> One thing I just noticed is that if you dont have the URL statement set 
> under global properties, some machines quote the hostname of the machine at 
> which point this breaks the link. if you define the URL to the IP address 
> the problem goes away.
> However even without the URL setting undefined, it works for some people 
> but not for others, I tried from 2 seperate machines and got 2 lots of 
> results, so I suspect it might be DNS related somewhere along the lines.

The only place I can see this problem could arise from is the "Referer:" 
statement in the HTTP header. This is sent by the browser to elogd, so if the 
included URL contains a blank, this could cause the problem in case no "URL" 
statement is present in elogd.cfg. Can you please run "elogd -v" to see the 
communication betwen elogd and your browser and check this? Maybe it depends 
from the browser, or even from the history of previous accesses. If you 
confirm that the "Referer:" statement contains blanks, I can put in a fix.
icon1.gif   logboog for new project, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 18 14:50:23 2003 
we develop some improvement to elog and modify the C source
to adapt some internal improvement.

1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external program
from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)

2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.

3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
shellonsubmit command
this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a full 
historic off all transaction in ELOG

4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
gateway (perl routine)

If somebody has good experience in C and Perl I suggest to contact me to 
improve this wonderfull product
Thank Stephan

other projet : 
we use a logbook from our external phone call

from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
name/contact/last phone call....

I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
his standard source ?

could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
project ? 

SQL : 
for our sql link we have a probleme as elog re use id when deleted
we must generate an unique ID for each elog CREATE 
and a version# field automaticly incremented after each update.
This must be implemented in ELOG source.
    icon2.gif   Re: logboog for new project, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 18 16:11:21 2003 
> 1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external 
> program from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)
> 2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
> users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.

I'm happy to include these functions in the source code, please send them 
to me.

> 3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
> shellonsubmit command
> this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a 
> full historic off all transaction in ELOG

Can you please put this perl routine into the "Contributions" section

> 4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
> gateway (perl routine)

Same as above.

> other projet : 
> we use a logbook from our external phone call
> from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
> phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
> we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
> name/contact/last phone call....
> I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
> his standard source ?

As I said, put the perl programs into the "Contributions" logbook, send the 
C source code modifications to me.

> could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
> in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
> project ? 

Good idea, will do so.
       icon2.gif   Re: logboog for new project, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Thu Jun 19 13:45:09 2003 
Tomas send you by mail the source files and documentation in English

> > 1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external 
> > program from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)
> > 
> > 2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
> > users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.
> I'm happy to include these functions in the source code, please send them 
> to me.
> > 3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
> > shellonsubmit command
> > this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a 
> > full historic off all transaction in ELOG
> Can you please put this perl routine into the "Contributions" section
> > 4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
> > gateway (perl routine)
> Same as above.
> > other projet : 
> > we use a logbook from our external phone call
> > 
> > from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
> > phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
> > we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
> > name/contact/last phone call....
> > 
> > I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
> > his standard source ?
> As I said, put the perl programs into the "Contributions" logbook, send 
> C source code modifications to me.
> > could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
> > in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
> > project ? 
> Good idea, will do so.
icon3.gif   syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed May 21 10:15:17 2003 
UltraEdit Syntax coloring
add this file in ultraedit
I hope this will help you...

it gives different color according to elog commands
some attributes are use internaly like


if somebody has other suggestion to improve the display ask me
    icon2.gif   Re: syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 22 23:44:01 2003 
> add this file in ultraedit
> I hope this will help you...

Have you maybe forgotten the attachment to this message?
       icon2.gif   Re: syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Fri May 23 09:04:51 2003 ELOG_on ultraedit.GIF
> > add this file in ultraedit
> > I hope this will help you...
> Have you maybe forgotten the attachment to this message?

yes :s

i put the last version on this link
          icon2.gif   Re: syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:24:42 2003 u-edit-elog-syntax.txt
> i put the last version on this link

If you don't mind I added the file to this message.
             icon2.gif   Re: syntax highligting for elog.cfg with ULTRAEDIT, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 4 17:44:40 2003 
> > i put the last version on this link
> >
> If you don't mind I added the file to this message.

surely not but as I put some new command each time you update elog :)
it's easy for us to put on on webserver
but for each update I ll send the new version
icon5.gif   Loging user's activity, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Tue Jun 3 17:51:39 2003 
I was wondering if there is a way to have a more detailed log of users' 
Current Logfile = <file> gives a good base for information about 
logins/access to 'protected' logbooks. 

What we would like to have is information about when a user reads an ELOG 
entry (to be able to determine the reaction/response time). 

For instance the LOG could look sg like this: 
%%user %%datetime %%logbook %%record read/edit/new/delete 
    icon2.gif   Re: Loging user's activity, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:30:12 2003 
> I was wondering if there is a way to have a more detailed log of users' 
> activities?
> Current Logfile = <file> gives a good base for information about 
> logins/access to 'protected' logbooks. 
> What we would like to have is information about when a user reads an ELOG 
> entry (to be able to determine the reaction/response time). 
> For instance the LOG could look sg like this: 
> %%user %%datetime %%logbook %%record read/edit/new/delete 

Very nice idea, I put it on the wishlist.
    icon14.gif   Re: Display last page by default, posted by Yoshio Imai on Mon Oct 31 01:39:52 2005 
I have installed the new version, and it works just fine. It is also MUCH faster than my intermediate solution.


For the moment, I could satisfy the users by setting the start page to the "All" view

Thanks for the work!
icon4.gif   bug in cfg file, posted by Roberto Morelli on Thu May 22 21:36:54 2003 
Hello Folks,

Found an interesting problem with 2.3.7 under redhat 9.0 linux.

When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 
working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file and 
the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
without errors, yet the menus do not match default.

Also, the self registration function equal to 3 does not always send email.

    icon2.gif   Re: bug in cfg file, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Fri May 23 09:12:16 2003 
> Hello Folks,
> Found an interesting problem with 2.3.7 under redhat 9.0 linux.
> When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
> menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 

are you logged
if you have a guest menu there is no access in the admin
access is restricted with 
Admin user = 'your login name' 
in Global section

> working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file 
> the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
> without errors, yet the menus do not match default.
> Also, the self registration function equal to 3 does not always send 

it is send to the admin user list
be sure that smtp parameter is ok

> Cheers,
> Roberto
    icon2.gif   Re: bug in cfg file, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 3 20:49:27 2003 
> When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
> menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 
> working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file and 
> the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
> without errors, yet the menus do not match default.

There was a recent bug which made "Edit elog.cfg" stop working if the 
language is not English. This has been fixed and the update is in CVS. If 
you use English, this might be another problem. Can you send me your 
complete elogd.cfg so I can try to reproduce your problem?

> Also, the self registration function equal to 3 does not always send email.

"Not always" is hard to understand. Either it works or it does not for a 
certain configuration. What you can do is start elogd with the "-v" flag, 
which outputs all communication to the console window. Among this 
information, you have the communication with the SMTP server when sending an 
email. Maybe you see some problem there which only sometimes occurs (like 
wrong email addresses or so...)
    icon2.gif   Re: bug in cfg file, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:26:15 2003 
> When you take the elogd.cfg file and the menu commands = <list> and guest 
> menu commands = <list>, the config menu for edit the elogd.cfg stops 
> working, yet if I change the URL manually, I can still get to the file and 
> the menus do not change.  If I delete all menu commands, then all works 
> without errors, yet the menus do not match default.

Has just been fixed. Available under CVS and soon in 2.3.8.
icon1.gif   Question, posted by nickc1 on Thu May 8 15:12:11 2003 
Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers

Revision 1.99 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Fri May 2 
10:00:31 2003 UTC (6 days, 2 hours ago) by midas 
Changes since 1.98: +10 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.98 
Added lock icon for protected logbooks

Does this relate to the request in article 309

and if so is there any flags set to enable it.

    icon2.gif   Re: Question, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu May 8 15:28:10 2003 
> Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers
> Added lock icon for protected logbooks
> Does this relate to the request in article 309

No, unfortunately not (yet). I'm still working on the problem described in 
elog:309. This "lock" icon only shows you in the logbook selection page which 
logbooks are public and which are protected by passwords (was another 
       icon5.gif   Re: Question protection selection page command, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Mon May 19 12:21:31 2003 
> > Can you tell me what the following change in CVS offers
> > 
> > Added lock icon for protected logbooks
> > 
> > Does this relate to the request in article 309
> No, unfortunately not (yet). I'm still working on the problem described 
> elog:309. This "lock" icon only shows you in the logbook selection page 
> logbooks are public and which are protected by passwords (was another 
> request).

could you add command for main menu guest user
Selection Page guest = ....
          icon2.gif   Re: Question protection selection page command, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 15:00:33 2003 
> could you add command for main menu guest user
> Selection Page guest = ....

I added "Guest Selection Page" coming in version 2.3.8
icon3.gif   rhis logbook, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 4 10:47:36 2003 
I suggest to add an attributes  like  OS

MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003

to indicate on which version we are speaking
    icon2.gif   Re: rhis logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 11:14:32 2003 
> I suggest to add an attributes  like  OS
> MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003
> to indicate on which version we are speaking

Good idea, I added a "ELOG Version" as well.
       icon12.gif   Re: rhis logbook, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 4 12:57:11 2003
> > I suggest to add an attributes  like  OS
> > 
> > MOptions OS = linux, windows2000, windowsXP¨, windows2003
> > 
> > to indicate on which version we are speaking
> Good idea, I added a "ELOG Version" as well.

I suggest MOptions - people are lazy .... :)
by the way any possibilities to have 'multiple icons' ?
          icon2.gif   Re: rhis logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 4 13:11:51 2003 
> I suggest MOptions - people are lazy .... :)

Not for the Version! I don't want to update this list on every release (:-(
Plus the list would get too long over time!

> by the way any possibilities to have 'multiple icons' ?

No, you have to use MOptions instead.
icon5.gif   Hosts deny, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Fri May 30 08:04:23 2003 
Used to deny a certain command to a list of users. This can be used to 
deny a guest user to enter new messages or modify a message. 

Hosts allow = <list> 
Hosts deny = <list> 

could you deny guest user like this 

guest is not loggeg ?
hubert is logged

Hosts deny = guest,hubert
does anybody has experience with deny based on IP adresse ?
    icon2.gif   Re: Hosts deny, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 3 20:08:27 2003 
> Used to deny a certain command to a list of users. This can be used to 
> deny a guest user to enter new messages or modify a message. 
> Hosts allow = <list> 
> Hosts deny = <list> 
> could you deny guest user like this 
> guest is not loggeg ?
> hubert is logged
> Hosts deny = guest,hubert
> does anybody has experience with deny based on IP adresse ?

You probably mixed up deny of a command to a certain user and deny of hosts 
based on their IP. This has nothing to do with each other except the 
word "deny". Please read the documentation about how to set up IP 
based "hosts deny". This works only for certain IPs, but not for certain 

If you want guests not to be able to enter messages, but allow this to 
registered users, you should set up a password file, and a guest menu. 
Please refer to the elogd.cfg file for this forum which is done in this way. 
Have a look at elog:Config%20Examples/4 .
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6