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    Reply  Wed May 13 09:45:51 2015, Stefan Ritt, transparent-mode voltage 

The ROFS signal has no effect in the transparent mode, so you have to adjust O_OFS between sampling and transparent mode accordingly. Either use a DAC or two voltages with an analog switch.

Chenfei Yang wrote:

Hello Mr. Stefan Ritt

  For DRS4 differential inputs ranges form 500mV to 1100mV, with ROFS set to 1.55V, O_OFS set to 1.3V, the outputs of DRS4 is shown in the attachment.

  The left part of the waveform,DRS4 works in transparent mode, and then the readout take place. The DMV of transparent mode is bigger then the readout mode, and that makes ADC sampling harder.How may I solve this problem?

  Best wishes!

                                 Chenfei Yang


    Reply  Wed May 13 10:16:40 2015, Stefan Ritt, transparent-mode voltage 

I see your point. Actually I will soon have the same issue since we design right now a board with an AD9637 using the transparent mode. Which one are you using? The common mode range given in the datasheet is limited to guarantee optimal performance. But some ADCs allow a slightly bigger common mode range with reduced performance, but which might still be ok for some application. A "real" solution would be to put switchable level shifters between the DRS and the ADC, but that requires 8 additional chips which is bad. Alternative the ADC could pick up the signal not at the DRS output but at the DRS input, but that would aslo require additional chips for multiplexing. So unfortunately no perfect solution for that...

Chenfei Yang wrote:

Here's the problem. My external ADC has 2Vpp differtial input voltage range. And the common-mode voltage of the inputs need to be 1.3V. I cannot make both the transparent-output and the readout-output meet the ADC input requirement.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The ROFS signal has no effect in the transparent mode, so you have to adjust O_OFS between sampling and transparent mode accordingly. Either use a DAC or two voltages with an analog switch.

Chenfei Yang wrote:

Hello Mr. Stefan Ritt

  For DRS4 differential inputs ranges form 500mV to 1100mV, with ROFS set to 1.55V, O_OFS set to 1.3V, the outputs of DRS4 is shown in the attachment.

  The left part of the waveform,DRS4 works in transparent mode, and then the readout take place. The DMV of transparent mode is bigger then the readout mode, and that makes ADC sampling harder.How may I solve this problem?

  Best wishes!

                                 Chenfei Yang




    Reply  Wed May 13 12:34:49 2015, Stefan Ritt, transparent-mode voltage 

There might be a solution. How do you bias th input of the DRS4 chip? If you use a scheme as described in elog:84, you can bias DRS_IN+ and DRS_IN- as desired. Take for example a board input range of 0-1V. For a 0V input, you bias DRS_IN+ and DRS_IN- both with 0.9V. A 1V input signal then puts DRS_IN+ to 1.4V and DRS_IN-to 0.4 V. In the transparent mode, DRS_OUT+ = DRS_IN+ and DRS_OUT- = O-OFS - DRS_OUT+. So if you put O-OFS to 0.9V, you get for a 0V board input signal DRS_OUT- = 2*0.9V - DRS_OUT+ = 0.9V. So DRS_OUT+   = DRS_OUT- = 0.9 V which is in the middle of your ADC range. 

If you do now a DRS readout, you need a ROFS of roughly 0.9V. For a 0V input, the storage capacitors have a zero differential voltage (DRS_IN+ = DRS_IN- = 0.8V), so DRS_OUT+ = (0.8V - 0.8V) + ROFS  = 0.9V, and since you have O-OFS=0.9V, you will also get DRS_OUT- = 2*0.9V - DRS_OUT+ = 0.9V. So you ranges for transparent mode nad DRS readout mode will be roughly the same.

    Reply  Wed May 13 16:25:24 2015, Stefan Ritt, transparent-mode voltage 

To get the good linearity, you need indeed ROFS = 1.05V. With a O-OFS of 0.9V, a zero input signal would give you DRS_OUT+=1.05V and DRS_OUT-=0.75V. I think this is till in the range of your ADC, right? So it's a tradeoff between linearity and available range. I do not know how nonlinear the DRS4 will be for ROFS < 1.05V, you have to try. If it's getting too bad, you still can correct for this off-line. 

Chenfei Yang wrote:

If using a ROFS of 0.9V, the input would not between 1.05V~2.05V better non-linearity area. Is that appropriate?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

There might be a solution. How do you bias th input of the DRS4 chip? If you use a scheme as described in elog:84, you can bias DRS_IN+ and DRS_IN- as desired. Take for example a board input range of 0-1V. For a 0V input, you bias DRS_IN+ and DRS_IN- both with 0.9V. A 1V input signal then puts DRS_IN+ to 1.4V and DRS_IN-to 0.4 V. In the transparent mode, DRS_OUT+ = DRS_IN+ and DRS_OUT- = O-OFS - DRS_OUT+. So if you put O-OFS to 0.9V, you get for a 0V board input signal DRS_OUT- = 2*0.9V - DRS_OUT+ = 0.9V. So DRS_OUT+   = DRS_OUT- = 0.9 V which is in the middle of your ADC range. 

If you do now a DRS readout, you need a ROFS of roughly 0.9V. For a 0V input, the storage capacitors have a zero differential voltage (DRS_IN+ = DRS_IN- = 0.8V), so DRS_OUT+ = (0.8V - 0.8V) + ROFS  = 0.9V, and since you have O-OFS=0.9V, you will also get DRS_OUT- = 2*0.9V - DRS_OUT+ = 0.9V. So you ranges for transparent mode nad DRS readout mode will be roughly the same.



    Reply  Fri May 22 14:25:45 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  firmware.zip
> Hello, I'm using two DRS4 rev.5 boards for 8ch readout and triggering.
> I needed to modify the trigger logic and implement some tweaks in the firmware, and noticed that 
> the firmware source in drs-5.0.2 (and 5.0.3, SVN:5339) while still compiling fine with Xilinx ISE 10, stops
> doing so in the ISE 14.7 (also already in 13.2)
> While the Synthesis is running through (in the new ISE it complains about using more than 100% of resources.)
> The Mapping fails due to constraints (firmware/ucf/drs4_eval5.ucf) complaining about an illegal IOSTANDARD
> for P_IO_PMC_USR<55> (LVDS_25).
> In the newer version the wild-cards (lines 67..69 ) are not properly dealt with, it seems, and if I move the
> property by hand to all the wild-carded NETs it start to recognise the LVDS_25.
> But after that Place&Route fails with messages about locked Banks due to incompatible VCCO.
> I'm trying to adapt the ucf file and am reading about the changes in the ISE software and constraints files, but
> want to ask if some of you guys have seen the same issue and resolved it out "officially".

The current firmware compiles nicely under 14.7. I attached it. It also has one modification which you probably need:

When the board triggers, the TRG OUT goes high and stays high until the board has been read out and restarted. So it can be used as a "busy" signal for an external trigger logic.

Best regards,
    Reply  Wed Jun 3 09:07:38 2015, Stefan Ritt, Peculiar behavior of time values for Rev5 DRS4 EB 

First of all, you should not use new boards with old software. I try to keep the current software compatible with old boards, but not vice versa. Please use the DRS.cpp library from the current V5 software, otherwise your time calibration will not work.

If you then do the calibration with the V5 software and the V5 board, you will see that the bin widhts of the DRS chips are not the same. Actually they are "oscillating" between ~130 ps and ~270 ps if you run at 5 GSPS. Some bins are even negative, this means that the next bin sees the signal before the previous bin. This is correct and due to the specific layout of the chip which is not perfect. Using the new time calibration with the current software, you should be able to make time measurements with a few ps accuracy.



Peter Steinberg wrote:

Hi -

I am setting up a new DRS4 rev5 but using drivers and software we were recently using with a Rev4 (with a recent release of the drs4 code, from mid-2014). 

I am writing since I see peculiar behavior of the calibrated times when I read them back from the Rev 5.  I get events where the first time returns 0 (which was always the case on my Rev 4), but the following time is negative -- this seems to be wrong since the times should always increase.

Is it a problem with my running the time calibration or a problem with the board itself?  For the record, the integral nonlinearity displayed during time calibration "looks" very different when running with the same (recent) drsosc on the two boards.  The rev5 has apparently a much larger amplitude.

- peter


    Reply  Fri Jun 5 12:07:38 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
I presume you have several evaluation boards and want to run them in sync, right?

This can be either made in daisy-chain mode (see manual page 25). In this case only the master board can trigger the slave boards. If you need to trigger on SEVERAL boards (like a coincidence between two boards), you have to do this with an external trigger and busy logic. This is rather 
complicated and needs detailed explanations. So come to my office and I will teach you.

    Reply  Fri Jun 5 13:29:55 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
Do the following: 

Use the TRG OUT of the evaluation board as a "busy". Only if this signal goes low (meaning that the readout of the board is complete and the board has been restarted), then re-enable triggers in your trigger logic.


> Hi Stefan,
> No we only use one evaluation board. We use the evaluation board as a part of our beam test setup. It includes a telescope based on the current PSI46V2.1 CMS Pixel chip and a trigger logic board for triggering the telescope and the evaluation board. This includes a 
> handshake between every device and the tlu
> e.g. the tlu expects an answer for each trigger.
> If the trigger comes within this first 200 mus it seems that not every trigger is accepted.
> In this moment our readout would 'die' since the tlu is waiting for the handshake.
    Reply  Fri Jun 5 13:32:03 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 firmware UCF constraints  
Actually we should take this offline not to pester other DRS users which are not interested in this topic. Please call me directly (3728) at PSI.

    Reply  Tue Jun 16 22:26:41 2015, Stefan Ritt, DRS4 Evaluation Board Osc Application 

There is a horizontal position slider in the "Horizontal" box on the right side below the trigger delay. Use it.

Michael Buadelk wrote:

Hi, I have a DRS4 v5 evaluation board and I have a novice question about the oscilliscop application. When I connect it to a photo-detector (silicon photo-multiplier to be exact), the signal appears only on one half of the screen, and I cannot change it to be full screen, and pulse to be centered. I tried changing delay time and played around with the settings of the applicaton but no success. I'd apprecite if someone help me on this, probably very simple, problem.


    Reply  Fri Jul 3 17:13:27 2015, Stefan Ritt, Creation of Object files 

Hi Felix,

the distribution does not contain any binaries, since there are too many Linux distributions around, so everybody compiles from the sources under Linux. Do you want me to just add libDRS.so to the official Makefile? Actually you are the first one asking for this. Would it be beneficial to have this in the distribution, or can you just maintain your own Makefile in the github repository?


Felix Bachmair wrote:


We are using the DRS4 Board in the EUDAQ framework [1]. We wrote a a Producer based on the software of the evaluation board, which is using the DRS class/header/src files.

In order to make it work we needed to compile it with a shared object file. [2]

Would it be possbile to include a shared object in the 'official' release? 








    Reply  Mon Jul 6 19:25:27 2015, Stefan Ritt, Creation of Object files 

Anyhow it would be nice if you just post your Makefile here, which runs with the standard distribution, so people can use it if needed.


Felix Bachmair wrote:

Hi Stefan,

That's fine for me. I thought it might be interesting for others as well..



Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hi Felix,

the distribution does not contain any binaries, since there are too many Linux distributions around, so everybody compiles from the sources under Linux. Do you want me to just add libDRS.so to the official Makefile? Actually you are the first one asking for this. Would it be beneficial to have this in the distribution, or can you just maintain your own Makefile in the github repository?


Felix Bachmair wrote:


We are using the DRS4 Board in the EUDAQ framework [1]. We wrote a a Producer based on the software of the evaluation board, which is using the DRS class/header/src files.

In order to make it work we needed to compile it with a shared object file. [2]

Would it be possbile to include a shared object in the 'official' release? 










    Reply  Thu Jul 23 13:46:12 2015, Stefan Ritt, Measure the time between different samples 
> Hi,
>   I have a question using a data acquisition card base on DRS4 chip. How can I measure the time between several samples of one channel&#65292;with the accuracy of like nanoseconds , for I am using the internal trigger. Is there any complete work about this problem&#65311;
>   One conceivable way is using an global counter in FPGA, but I'm wondering how to synch the counter with the DRS4 sampling.
>   Thanks.
> Chenfei Yang

I do not know exactly what you do, so it's hard to give an advice. All I can say that the DRS4 Evaluation Board from PSI allows time measurements between two channels in the order of a few pico seconds. You can download the software for this board from the DRS4 web site and 
have a look how things are done.

The trigger position is not a good time reference, since the trigger position jitters by a few samples. So if you want to measure the time of a signal versus a trigger, you have to put this trigger in a free channel of the DRS4 and use that as a time reference.

Best regards,
    Reply  Wed Nov 4 15:40:10 2015, Stefan Ritt, Latest macro for DRS4 V5 

Have a look here: elog:361


Will Flanagan wrote:

Hi DRS4 Experts,

I have an extremely naive question: Is there any official macro to unpack the DRS4 binary files? All I am looking to do is to plot a few of my waveforms and manipulate them in root. I am using OSX 10.10 and ROOT 5.34.

Thanks in advance,



    Reply  Wed Nov 25 08:20:47 2015, Stefan Ritt, PC software beyond Windows 7 

Have a look here elog:434

Chris Thompson wrote:

I am new to this forum. I have ordered a DRS4 evaluation board for doing experiments with very fast PET detectors. It has not arrived yet. The version of the manual I downloaded today shows software  installation instructions for Windows 7 and earlier versions. I intend to use it on a 64bit PC running Windows 8.1. Will the Windows 7 driver work, or is there an updated version for Windows 8 or 10?


    Reply  Wed Dec 23 15:48:42 2015, Stefan Ritt, Dtap stops toggling after 40msec 

No idea what you do wrong. I need to see oscilloscope traces for all your inputs and voltages. What is your REFCLK input?

mony orbach wrote:


the drs4 start to generate Dtap signal after reset and standard configuration.

while in reset Denable and  Dwrite are low

after reset we put Denable in high

the Dtap starts to toggle, and the plllck stabilizes on about 1V.  

After 40Msec the Dtap stops to toggle and the plllck go to 2.5V

Why do the Domino stop working?


Thanks, Mony


    Reply  Thu Dec 24 12:45:41 2015, Stefan Ritt, Dtap stops toggling after 40msec 

I want to see the trace on the scope for the DTAP, the REFCLK, the DENABLE and the DWRITE.

Probably (but it's just a guess), you have a problem with the soldering of the DRS chip, maybe to the PLL loop filter. Or you chose the wrong capacitor/resistor combination for the loop filter. There are ~10 other groupsl who did the same and it works for all of them, so there must be a problem on your side.




mony orbach wrote:

my refclk is 1.25Mhz

what are the inputs and voltage you need to see?

Avdd and Dvdd are 2.5v

Denable is "1" Dwrite "0"

currently i am doing an external reset cycle, after that i am doing the configuration cycle.

should i relay on the internal reset?

the Dtap is toggling for 33.8msec and then just stops.


Thanks, Mony 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

No idea what you do wrong. I need to see oscilloscope traces for all your inputs and voltages. What is your REFCLK input?

mony orbach wrote:


the drs4 start to generate Dtap signal after reset and standard configuration.

while in reset Denable and  Dwrite are low

after reset we put Denable in high

the Dtap starts to toggle, and the plllck stabilizes on about 1V.  

After 40Msec the Dtap stops to toggle and the plllck go to 2.5V

Why do the Domino stop working?


Thanks, Mony




    Reply  Mon Dec 28 11:05:15 2015, Stefan Ritt, Dtap stops toggling after 40msec 

Thanks for posting the plots. It really looks like the PLL is not working. I see two possible reasons: 1) The PLLEN bit in the configuration register is not set and 2) The REFCLK signal does not reach the chip. We had cases whrere people had a hard time to solder the DRS4 correctly due to the small pins. So if the REFCLK+ and REFCLK- signals have a poor connection, then the PLL of course won't work. Putting some more tin at the pins manually usually helps. Or remove the chip completely and try with another chip. In theory there is the possibility that the internal bond wire of the REFCLK signal has a bad connection, but we tested all chips we send out so we should have seen that. But trying with another chip cannot hurt in general. Next month I'm coming to the Weizman Institute for the ISOTDAQ shool. If you want we can meet there if you don't mind the 120 km drive from Haifa.


mony orbach wrote:


We have some measures to show (attached)

  1. Dtap and Denable
  2. Dtap+Denable in zoom
  3. Dtap + Refck+
  4. Dtap + Dspeed

From the screen shots it can be seen that refck+ is not synchronized with Dtap (PLL not working correctly)

And Dspeed is going done to zero after some time.

In our system Dspeed is shorted to pllout.

So it looks like pllout do not pump the RC filter capacitors.

We tested various value of R and C's.

Also we checked that pllout is sorted to Dspeed.


Thanks, mony


    Reply  Wed Dec 30 17:00:00 2015, Stefan Ritt, Dtap stops toggling after 40msec 

While I can understand 1., I'm puzzeled by 2.

If you put the chip in standby mode, the internal current sources are switched off, which of course make the domino wave non-functional. This is clearly stated in the data sheet.

Concerning the DMODE bit, we operate all (!) our chips with DMODE=1. Actually this is the default value. After a reset, all register bits are "1", which enables the PLL and causes DTAP to oscillate. If DMODE=1, the DTAP signal should toggle only once (!) since the domino loop is not closed. So the scope traces you showed previously are consistent with the standby mode, but not possible with ANY setting of DMODE.


mony orbach wrote:


We have resolve the problem, the Dtap is now working correctly.

There were two problems:

  1. After configuration we put the all address bits to one (standby mode)

We are now setting the address bits to all zero. Failure

to do so result in Dtap  stop toggling after several hundred milliseconds.

  1. The DMODE bit in contradiction to the data sheet should be set to 0

And not to 1.


Is this a known bug in the chip?

Only bay setting DMODE to zero we got the Dtap to work correctly.

The PLL locks after 1 milisec.

If we set it to one we get Dtap that stop toggling after several hundred milliseconds.

We have test it on two boards, they both worked in the same.

Never did we get a One shot  Dtap.


Did you published a errata page to the drs4?


Thanks, Mony


    Reply  Tue Jan 12 12:57:46 2016, Stefan Ritt, PC software beyond Windows 7 

The 5.0.4 version was corrupt on our server. I fixed it, so now it shoudl also work fine (although there are only very minor changes between 5.0.3 and 5.0.4).


Chris Thompson wrote:

On a hunch, I tried downloading V 5.0.3 instead. This works, and I now have the oscilloscope mode displaying signals! (just to make sure, I re-tire version 5.0.4 and still get the same error. So, in summary V 5.0.3 seems to install successfully and work with Windows 10, but the newer V5.0.4 does not install... I assmume that I am missing something though, as the newer version is 10 Mbytes bigger!

Chris Thompson wrote:

I tried restarting Windows 10 in a way the allowed me to use "advanced startup options" Option 7 suggested it was to restart without mandatory driver signing. However, the error persists. Has anyone tested this latest version 5.0.4 on Windows 10? My hardware arrived today, and I am anxious to test it.!!!!

Chris Thompson wrote:

I tried this suggestion of changing the startup settings to ingore driver license signing (as suggested in the post # 434), but when I tried to install the software I got a error message which I captured from the screen and I have attached. Perhaps I have the wrong version, or, as suggested, the file I downloaded from your site is incomplete?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have a look here elog:434

Chris Thompson wrote:

I am new to this forum. I have ordered a DRS4 evaluation board for doing experiments with very fast PET detectors. It has not arrived yet. The version of the manual I downloaded today shows software  installation instructions for Windows 7 and earlier versions. I intend to use it on a 64bit PC running Windows 8.1. Will the Windows 7 driver work, or is there an updated version for Windows 8 or 10?






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